482 research outputs found


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    Revisitar a história do jornal O Diário é resgatar um pouco da história da imprensa no Espírito Santo. A referida publicação circulou em terras capixabas entre 1955 e 1980, e deixou como legado a formação de uma brilhante geração de profissionais, que, mais tarde, ocuparam as mais destacadas posições da imprensa local. Trata mais detidamente acerca da relação entre o jornal O Diário e a censura, sobretudo nos Anos de Chumbo (1968-1974). Em boa parte do período em que O Diário circulou, o Brasil estava imerso em uma ditadura militar (1964-1985), que impôs o cerceamento da liberdade de expressão aos veículos de comunicação. O controle sobre o que era noticiado era intenso. As sanções sobre quem ousasse enfrentar o regime eram imensas. Jornalistas foram pressionados, ameaçados, torturados e até presos. A censura se fez presente na atividade diária do profissional da imprensa. A maioria dos veículos de comunicação, em grande parte, dependente do Estado, seja na liberação de empréstimos ou no recebimento de anúncios publicitários, acabaram por acatar as determinações oficiais sob o risco de sofrer com retaliações. Estabelecia-se, assim, uma relação assimétrica de poder sobre aquilo que era publicado e divulgado pelos veículos de comunicação. Estratégias de resistência foram montadas por parte das publicações, a fim de fugir da censura, bem como buscar meios de noticiar as reportagens produzidas. Nesse ínterim, um novo elemento entra em destaque: publicidade. Por meio dela, o governo externou o seu humor e simpatia aos veículos. Àqueles que caminhassem de acordo com os ditames propostos pelos militares, o governo acenava com a possibilidade de recebimento de bons volumes de anúncios de propaganda. Já aos que intentassem enfrentar o regime vigente, havia não só a retirada dos anúncios oficiais, como também dos oriundos de empresas particulares, em função das pressões do Estado. O jornal O Diário vivenciou amplamente a censura em sua prática diária. Diretores foram chamados constantemente para prestar esclarecimentos, jornalistas foram detidos várias vezes, sendo que um deles até perdeu o emprego por causa de uma matéria em que divulgou o patrimônio de políticos capixabas. Apesar da constante atmosfera de medo, o jornal O Diário era considerado um jornal alinhado e simpático à proposta ideológica sugerida pelos militares no poder. Por conta própria, a publicação incluía em suas páginas matérias e anúncios em consonância aos ideais do regime autoritário. Em contrapartida, em várias ocasiões, O Diário foi beneficiado no recebimento de anúncios publicitários vindos de fontes oficiais, bem como por empresas particulares dependentes financeiramente do Estado. Os diretores do Diário enxergaram aí um filão a ser explorado e não mediram esforços a fim de potencializar a relação com os militares e obter, com isso, favorecimentos financeiros, além de trabalhar para que se evitasse que o jornal entrasse em choque direto com a pesada mão dos militares

    Experimental and numerical studies on the flow characteristics and separation properties of dispersed liquid-liquid flows

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    © 2019 Author(s). The local dynamics of spatially developing liquid-liquid dispersed flows at low superficial velocities, ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 m s-1, are investigated. The dispersions are generated with an in-line static mixer. Detailed measurements with laser-based diagnostic tools are conducted at two axial pipe locations downstream of the mixer, namely, at 15 and 135 equivalent pipe diameters. Different flow patterns are recorded, and their development along the streamwise direction is shown to depend on the initial size and concentration of the drops as well as the mixture velocity. The drop size is accurately predicted by an empirical formula. The variations in drop concentration over the pipe cross-section along the pipe result in local changes of the physical properties of the mixture and consequently in asymmetrical velocity profiles, with the maxima of the velocity located in the drop-free region. Computational fluid dynamics simulations based on a mixture approach predict the experimental results close to the experimental uncertainties for the majority of the cases. The simulation results reveal that gravity and lift forces, as well as shear-induced diffusion are the most important mechanisms affecting the drop migration. It is found that the drops behave as suspensions of rigid spheres for the conditions investigated, despite the deformation effects, which are found experimentally to be stronger at the densely packed region

    VEGAS: a VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey. IV. NGC 1533, IC 2038 and IC 2039: an interacting triplet in the Dorado group

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    This paper focuses on NGC 1533 and the pair IC 2038 and IC 2039 in Dorado a nearby, clumpy, still un-virialized group. We obtained their surface photometry from deep OmegaCAM@ESO-VST images in g and r bands. For NGC 1533, we map the surface brightness down to μg30.11\mu_g \simeq 30.11 mag/arcsec2^{2} and μr28.87\mu_r \simeq 28.87 mag/arcsec2^{2} and out to about 4Re4R_e. At such faint levels the structure of NGC 1533 appear amazingly disturbed with clear structural asymmetry between inner and outer isophotes in the North-East direction. We detect new spiral arm-like tails in the outskirts, which might likely be the signature of a past interaction/merging event. Similarly, IC 2038 and IC 2039 show tails and distortions indicative of their ongoing interaction. Taking advantages of deep images, we are able to detect the optical counterpart to the HI gas. The analysis of the new deep data suggests that NGC 1533 had a complex history made of several interactions with low-mass satellites that generated the star-forming spiral-like structure in the inner regions and are shaping the stellar envelope. In addition, the VST observations show that also the two less luminous galaxies, IC 2038 and IC 2039, are probably interacting each-other and, in the past, IC 2038 could have also interacted with NGC 1533, which stripped away gas and stars from its outskirts. The new picture emerging from this study is of an interacting triplet, where the brightest galaxy NGC 1533 has ongoing mass assembly in the outskirts.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. High-resolution version of paper is available at the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/preview/VEGAS_IV.pdf?role=persona

    Natural language generation in dialogue systems for customer care

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    In this paper we discuss the role of natural language generation (NLG) in modern dialogue systems (DSs). In particular, we will study the role that a linguistically sound NLG architecture can have in a DS. Using real examples from a new corpus of dialogue in customer-care domain, we will study how the non-linguistic contextual data can be exploited by using NLG

    Controlled coupling of counterpropagating whispering-gallery modes by a single Rayleigh scatterer: a classical problem in a quantum optical light

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    We present experiments where a single subwavelength scatterer is used to examine and control the back-scattering induced coupling between counterpropagating high-Q modes of a microsphere resonator. Our measurements reveal the standing wave character of the resulting symmetric and antisymmetric eigenmodes, their unbalanced intensity distributions, and the coherent nature of their coupling. We discuss our findings and the underlying classical physics in the framework common to quantum optics and provide a particularly intuitive explanation of the central processes.Comment: accepted for publication in Pysical Review Letter

    Au@MNPs-based electrochemical immunosensor for vitamin D3 serum samples analysis

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    We report a new sensitive label-free electrochemical immunosensor to detect Vitamin D3 (25-OHD3) in untreated serum samples. To this aim, a graphite screen printed electrode (SPE) was modified using cysteamine (CYM) functionalized core-shell magnetic nanoparticles (Au@MNPs) then, the 25-OHD3 antibody (AbD) was immobilized via glutaraldehyde crosslinking. The several steps involved in the immunosensor development and 25-OHD3 analysis were monitored by using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The developed immunosensor showed a LOD of 2.4 ng mL−1 and a linear range between 7.4 and 70 ng mL−1. The effectiveness of the immunosensor in human serum analysis was assessed by comparing the results obtained with the chemiluminescence-immunoassay (CLIA) reference method. The high sensitivity and excellent agreement with the reference method suggest its potential use as a POCT to monitor hypovitaminosis 25-OHD levels

    Spectroscopic evolution of dusty starburst galaxies

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    By using a one-zone chemical and spectrophotometric evolution model of a disk galaxy undergoing a dusty starburst, we investigate, numerically, the optical spectroscopic properties in order to explore galaxy evolution in distant clusters. We adopt an assumption that the degree of dust extinction (represented by AVA_V) depends on the ages of starburst populations in such a way that younger stars have larger AVA_V (originally referred to as selective dust extinction by Poggianti & Wu 2000). In particular, we investigate how the time evolution of the equivalent widths of [OII]λ\lambda3727 and Hδ\delta is controlled by the adopted age dependence. This leads to three main results: (1) If a young stellar population (with the age of \sim 10610^6 yr) is more heavily obscured by dust than an old one (>> 10810^8 yr), the galaxy can show an ``e(a)'' spectrum characterized by strong Hδ\delta absorption and relatively modest [OII] emission. (2) A dusty starburst galaxy with an e(a) spectrum can evolve into a poststarburst galaxy with an a+k (or k+a) spectrum 0.2 Gyr after the starburst and then into a passive one with a k-type spectrum 1 Gyr after the starburst. This result clearly demonstrates an evolutionary link between galaxies with different spectral classes (i.e., e(b), e(a), a+k, k+a, and k). (3) A dusty starburst galaxy can show an a+k or k+a spectrum even in the dusty starburst phase if the age-dependence of dust extinction is rather weak, i.e., if young starburst populations with different ages (\le 10710^7 yr) are uniformly obscured by dust.Comment: 27 pages 12 figures,2001,ApJ,in pres

    4-hours resolution data to study PM10 in a “hot spot” area in Europe

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    Nowadays, high-time resolved aerosol studies are mandatory to better understand atmospheric processes, such as formation, removal, transport, deposition or chemical reactions. This work focuses on PM10 physical and chemical characterisation with high-time resolution: elements (from Na to Pb), ions and OC/EC fractions concentration were determined during two weeks in summer and two in winter 2006 with 4-hours resolution. Further measurements aimed at hourly elemental characterisation of fine and coarse fractions and at the determination of particles number concentration in the 0.25\u201332 \u3bcm size range in 31 bins. The chemical mass closure was carried out in both seasons, enhancing intra-day differences in PM10 composition. In Milan, the highest contribution came from organic matter (34% and 33% in summer and winter, respectively); other important contributors were secondary inorganic compounds (16% and 24% in summer and winter, respectively) and, in summer, crustal matter (14%). Temporal trends showed strong variations in PM10 composition during contiguous time-slots and diurnal variations in different components contribution were identified. Moreover, peculiar phenomena, which would have hardly been detected with 24-hours samplings, were evidenced. Particles removal due to precipitations, aerosol local production and long range transport were studied in detail

    Nuclear techniques and the particulate matter pollution in big harbours

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    The impact of big harbours on the air quality is an important issue both from the environmental and the economical point of view. The harbour of Genoa is the largest in Italy and one of the major ports of the Mediterranean. We have determined the fraction of Particulate Matter (PM) concentration in town due to the heavy oil combustion of the diesel engines of the vessels in the harbour. This turned out to be 12% in PM10 and 25% in PM2.5 and PM1, with about 85% of the PM from this source concentrated in particles with aerodynamic diameter, Dae < 1 μm. We could also point out a link between concentration peaks of the tracers of heavy oil combustion (V and Ni) and the ferryboats traffic. The key tool in this work was the coupling between particular sampling devices and some Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques, in particular Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE), which belong to the broader category of nuclear techniques in applied physics