756 research outputs found

    Studio della diffusione di Internet attraverso l\u27uso dei nomi a dominio sotto il ccTLD ".it", nelle aree del territorio regionale toscano che non sono raggiunte dal servizio di connettivit? a banda larga.

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    In italian onlyIl presente studio ha l\u27obiettivo di verificare l\u27uso di Internet al 31-12-2007 nelle aree (comuni) oggetto d\u27intervento da parte della regione Toscana nella fornitura dei servizi di banda larga. Tali aree non sono oggi raggiunte dal servizio di connettivit? a causa del fallimento del mercato. L\u27obiettivo ? quindi di verificare lo stato dell\u27uso di Internet nei comuni toscani in modo da riuscire a valutare se, in futuro, le politiche adottate dalla Regione potranno avere un impatto positivo nella diffusione della rete in tali aree. Per determinare lo stato attuale della diffusione di Internet nelle aree oggetto di intervento si ? utilizzato come indicatore il numero dei domini registrati sotto il ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain) ".it", gestito dall\u27Istituto di Informatica e Telematica del CNR

    Studio sulla diffusione di Internet nella regione Toscana

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    Available in ItalianPer analizzare la diffusione di Internet a livello toscano abbiamo utilizzato l\u27indicatore endogeno dei nomi di dominio contenuti nei database del Registro del ccTLD (acronimo di country code Top Level Domain) .it, gestito dallo IIT-CNR. L\u27analisi mostra la presenza del Digital Divide sia a livello regionale che provinciale

    Analysis of Internet Diffusion in Italy by means of domain names among firms, associations and individuals

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    This paper analyzes Internet diffusion among a number of organizations and individuals, based on daily observation of second-level domain names registrations under the ".it" ccTLD. In particular, we analyzed domain names registered by associations, firms and individuals. The penetration rate, calculated according to the population, was computed for various widely separated geographic levels (provinces and regions). Results show that a "digital divide" exists in terms of geographical distribution (i.e., in macro-areas - Northern, Central, and Southern Italy - at a regional level and at a provincial level) and that such geographical distribution is more concentrated compared to Italian population and total income, suggesting a diffusive effect

    A Framework to Evaluate Information Quality in Public Administration Website

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    This paper presents a framework aimed at assessing the capacity of Public Administration bodies (PA) to offer a good quality of information and service on their web portals. Our framework is based on the extraction of “.it” domain names registered by Italian public institutions and the subsequent analysis of their relative websites. The analysis foresees an automatic gathering of the web pages of PA portals by means of web crawling and an assessment of the quality of their online information services. This assessment is carried out by verifying their compliance with current legislation on the basis of the criteria established in government guidelines[1]. This approach provides an ongoing monitoring process of the PA websites that can contribute to the improvement of their overall quality. Moreover, our approach can also hopefully be of benefit to local governments in other countries. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol5/iss3/3

    Battery Electric Buses or Fuel Cell Electric Buses? A Decarbonization Case Study in the City of Brescia, Italy

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    Nowadays, designing and adopting sustainable and greener transport systems is of upmost interest. The European Commission and different EU countries are developing plans and programs—but also delivering resources—aimed at the decarbonization of cities and transport by 2030. In this paper, the case study of the city of Brescia, a city of about 200,000 inhabitants located in northern Italy, is addressed. Specifically, a preliminary operational and financial feasibility study is performed assuming the replacement of the entire compressed natural gas (CNG) powered bus fleet of a specific line; the two alternatives considered are battery electric buses (BEBs) and fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs). For the comparison and evaluation of the two alternatives, specific economic parameters of the three alternatives (BEB, FCEB and the current solution CNGB) were considered: CAPEX (CAPital EXpenditure) and OPEX (OPerational EXpenditure). This allowed us to determine the TCO (total cost of ownership) and TCRO (total cost and revenues of ownership) along three annuities (2022, 2025 and 2030). For the BEB alternative, the TCO and TCRO values are between EUR 0.58/km and EUR 0.91/km. In the case of the FCEB solution, the values of TCO and TCRO are between EUR 1.75/km and EUR 2.15/km. Considering the current CNGB solution, the TCO and TCRO values range between EUR 1.43/km and EUR 1.51/km

    Methanol Steam Reforming: Na Doping of Pt/YSZ Provides Fine Tuning of Selectivity

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    In this work, we found that sodium doping can be used to improve CO2 selectivity for supported Pt catalyst during methanol steam reforming. These materials are usually very active in the low temperature range; however, they are characterized by high selectivity of CO, which is a poison in downstream polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEM-FC) application. With Na doping, we found that CO2 selectivity was higher than 90% when 2.5 wt.% of sodium was added to Pt/YSZ. We have speculated that the different product distribution is due to a different reaction pathway being opened for CH3OH decomposition. Methanol decarbonylation was favored when Na was absent or low, while a formate decarboxylation pathway was favored when Na content reached 2.5 wt.%. The proposal is rooted in the observed weakening of the C-H bond of formate, as demonstrated in in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and kinetic isotope effect (KIE) experiments for the water-gas shift reaction conducted at low temperature. When adsorbed methoxy, produced when methanol is dissociatively adsorbed, was converted in the presence of H2O in DRIFTS spectroscopy, formate species were prevalent for a 2% Pt–2.5% Na/YSZ catalyst, while only a minor contribution was observed for 2% Pt/YSZ. Moreover, the formate produced on Na-doped Pt/YSZ exhibited ν(CH) stretching bands at low wavenumber, consistent with C–H bond weakening, thus favoring dehydrogenation (and decarboxylation). It is proposed that when Na is present, formate is likely an intermediate, and because its dehydrogenation is favored, selectivity can be fine-tuned between decarbonylation and decarboxylation based on Na dopant level

    Annuario Registro dati 2005

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    New Mechanism Insight for the Hydrogenation of CO/CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Gas Mixtures to Hydrocarbons over Iron-Based Catalyst

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    Iron-based catalysts are the most suitable candidates for converting CO2 or CO2-rich syngas to hydrocarbons. However, several issues about the mechanism of CO2 hydrogenation are still unclear. In this work, we investigated the performance of an iron-based catalyst with H2/CO2, H2/CO/N2 and H2/CO/13CO2/N2 gas mixtures at the same process conditions (T = 270°C, P = 175 psi and SV = 3 NL/h/gcat). The CO2 hydrogenation rate was much lower than that observed for CO hydrogenation. 13CO2 tracer experiments indicated that CO2 is hydrogenated to hydrocarbons via the reverse water-gas shift even when present in small concentration (1.8 vol%). 13C enrichment was observed in both CO and C1-C4 hydrocarbons

    Life history traits and historical comparison of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) growth performance from the western Pomo/Jabuka Pits area (central Adriatic Sea)

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    Although fishing is considered the primary cause of the decline in fish populations, increasing evidence of the significant role of climate change has been provided recently in the Mediterranean Sea, which shows one of the highest warming trends in the world. In this area, the most important environmental driver is represented by the increase in seawater temperature. Though several studies have addressed the effects of sea warming on thermophilic species, little attention has been paid to cold-water species. Among these, blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) constitutes one of the most important traditional fisheries resources in the northern part of the basin, particularly in the central Adriatic Sea. This area has experienced intense fishing exploitation by the Italian and Croatian fishing fleets. Since 2015, the Pomo/Jabuka Pits area, the fleets' main fishing ground, has been subject to a series of fishing regulations over time and space. In the present study, we investigated the age structure and growth performance (by means of otoliths) of blue whiting, comparing samples collected during 1985-86 and 2020-21 in the Pomo/Jabuka Pits. Our results show that the 2020-21 blue whiting specimens had a lower length-at-age compared to 1985-86. The asymptotic length estimate decreased from 29 cm TL in 1985-86 to 25 cm TL in 2020-21. The pattern observed might be related to a modification in the cold and dense water formation dynamics in the northern Adriatic Sea, as a consequence of climate change, resulting in higher temperatures and lower nutrient and oxygen exchange, which may have hampered the optimal growth of the species. Moreover, data on the historical trend of landings from the Adriatic Sea reveals a clear decline in catches starting from 2000 onwards. Although the introduction of a fishing ban in the Pomo/Jabuka Pits was an important milestone, the abundance of this species in the area remains at low levels, highlighting a potentially alarming situation for the stock of blue whiting in the central Adriatic Sea
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