103 research outputs found

    A spiritual journey in Bill Viola's art

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    A critical and historical analysis of Bill Viola's exposition at the Grand Palais, Paris, in 201

    The Experimental Women: An Introduction

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    Experimental cinema, as well as experimental video practices, have always been art forms in which women have excelled. Yet, if cinema studies have devoted research – although only recently – to women involved in narrative and commercial films, as directors, actresses, screenwriters, as well in other roles of cinema industry, the history of women’s Western experimental audio-visual production is still little explored and would benefit from being retraced and framed in a wider historical and theoretical perspective. This special issue of Cinéma&Cie is therefore aimed at tracing experiences of women’s practices at the intersection of cinema and the arts by intertwining a theoretical and historical approach through the analysis of cases of studies from the mid-century up to the present time

    Interdisciplinary approach to evaluate environmental users’ perceived restoration in hospital public spaces

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    Objective – The study aims to: 1) assess the relationship between the quality of hospital's public spaces expressed in terms of accessibility and visibility of art and greenery and users' restorative experiences; 2) highlight how physical environment may promote health and wellbeing of patients and staff/user. Background – The issue of public spaces in hospitals is very debated today: the direction taken by a few decades is to implement these spaces giving them a humanization feature to promote the well-being of patients and staff. Architectural trends have developed around the creation of halls, mostly glazed, with more volumes appearing, and large dimensions. The importance of restorative spaces as a mediator factor for health outcomes among the users is increasingly recognized. Research questions – 1) Which public spaces are perceived to be more restorative? 2) Does familiarity with a place affect the users’ perception of restoration in hospital public spaces? 3) To what extent does the perception of restoration vary across settings that support similar functions but present varying levels of art and greenery? 4) How does the combined use of Technical Environmental Analysis (TEA) and Observed Based Environmental Assessments (OBEA) measures support our understanding of perceived restoration across different public spaces in hospital settings? Methods – A cross-sectional investigation was performed in seven public spaces of the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital (IT) by adopting TEA and OBEA tools. Technical Environmental Analysis: • Visits on site to evaluate the quality of the space, to assess the presence of artworks and/or greenery and to describe the historicity of the space • Spatial analysis: Space Syntax evaluation parameters (Hillier, 2007) to evaluate the integration of the space (e.g., visibility, accessibility) and to quantify the presence of artworks and green view (% isovist area from key points), performed by Visibility Graph Analysis (VGA) and Isovist Analysis. Observed Based Environmental Assessments: • This type of assessments implies an evaluation of public spaces done by the users (n = 327) (i.e., outpatient, staff, relative, volunteer and social services). Their recruitment was done in place. • Adapted version of the Perceived Restoration Scale (PRS) (1-5 Likert scale). Results – Overall the results seem to suggest that the public spaces had relatively high restorative qualities. However, significant higher perceived restoration was also found for the Medicherie cloister, suggesting that some architectural and natural features affected the result. In order to gain a better understanding of what aspects of the physical environment of hospital public spaces might have had an impact on users’ perception of restoration TEA and OBEA, data were merged together and their interaction was discussed. Conclusion – New insights about the concept of restoration and its interaction with physical characteristics of hospital’s public spaces is put forward. Furthermore, the methodology proposed by linking TEA and OBEA data contributes to a more reliable understanding of the influence that existing buildings might have on users’ well-being.publishedVersio

    Presenza assente: il corpo tra metamorfosi e memoria. Una conversazione con Eleonora Manca

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    Un'intervista di approfondimento con la visual artist Eleonora Manca, sul suo lavoro tra videoarte e fotografi

    La nuova Digital Guerrilla Television: per una post-produzione militante e d'autore

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    Abstract During the 1960’s, the invention of portable video technology was accepted as the most suitable medium to support the development of a cultural and political counter-information that was embodied by the various movements and protagonists of the so-called Guerrilla Television. With different approaches, today we are still facing a similar trend based on the appropriation and elaboration of contents proposed by the various mass media, in order to highlight the effect of media saturation and manipulation we are subjected to. The mixing and revision attitudes of digital technologies are currently helping the artists in productions often based on the dismantlement and re-editing of mass media contents. The aim is that of setting up observation points to create works swinging between questioning and denunciation. The analysis of works by authors such as Jean-Gabriel Périot, Canecavolto, Johan Söderberg and John Callaghan, with different languages and perspectives, let us think of a new Digital Guerrilla Television

    Il fantastico nell'arte elettronica. Riflessioni teoriche e studio di casi

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    L'elaborato ha per oggetto il fantastico nell'arte elettronica e vuole presentare una proposta di riflessione teorica rispetto all'ambito della sperimentazione audiovisiva attuale, supportata dall'analisi di opere che ben rispecchiano il senso della convergenza dei linguaggi in forme ibride e ambigue, che si collocano al di lĂ  del video e oltre il cinem

    Corpo e alteritĂ  nella produzione audiovisiva sperimentale di Alessandro Amaducci

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    A partire dagli anni Sessanta del secolo scorso, il tema del corpo ha assunto una posizione centrale nella produzione artistica contemporanea. In tale contesto e tra le diverse discipline anche le tecnologie audiovisive elettroniche hanno contribuito allo sviluppo della rappresentazione del corpo, inizialmente attraverso la documentazione di eventi performativi e incoraggiando pratiche di autoriflessività e, successivamente, grazie allo sviluppo di una grammatica di effetti analogici prima e di una sintassi digitale poi, elaborando una riformulazione genetico-strutturale della fisicità umana come risposta a una problematizzazione dello statuto del soggetto. L’uso creativo del linguaggio elettronico ha così consentito una ricerca basata sulle infrazioni della mimesi e della verosimiglianza, affermando autonomia e indipendenza nella rappresentazione di possibili mondi creativi, utopici. In ambito italiano, Alessandro Amaducci ha sviluppato una intensa ricerca sulla rappresentazione del corpo, in particolare quello femminile, delineando possibili forme de “l’altro” che di fatto popolano un universo “altrove”, fantastico. Adottando alcune prospettive teoriche che spaziano dalle teorie letterarie agli studi psicoanalitici, il saggio vuole evidenziare come l’opera di Amaducci dia vita a figure che mettono in discussione il concetto stesso di identità, attraverso processi di trasformazione che avvengono tra moltiplicazioni, anomalie e trasgressioni

    Seduzioni : INVIDEO. Mostra internazionale di video e cinema oltre = Seductions : INVIDEO. International exhibition of video and cinema beyond

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    Catalogo della 26a edizione di INVIDEO. Mostra internazionale di video e cinema oltre (Milano, 17-20 novembre 2016

    Le sperimentali. Cinema, videoarte e nuovi media nella prospettiva internazionale dagli anni Venti a oggi.

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    Cogliendo il termine “sperimentale” nella sua accezione più ampia, il libro rintraccia i contorni della produzione audiovisiva sperimentale delle donne dalle origini ad oggi, accettando la sfida di un’avventura complessa e sfuggente. Fuori dai confinamenti cronologici e aperti a una costellazione di pratiche dove la messa a rischio del canone e del medium attraversa una pluralità di contesti, i saggi qui raccolti permettono di ripercorrere la storia, ancora viva e pienamente attuale, della sperimentazione al femminile nella prospettiva internazionale: dal cinema narrativo al documentario, dal film d’arte a quello indipendente, dal video alle installazioni, fino alle espansioni del medium che seguono il digital turn. Tra sinergie e discontinuità emergono gesti, visioni e utopie delle pratiche delle donne, nel tentativo non certo di trovare uno specifico femminile, in un’ottica essenzialista che non ci appartiene, ma di tessere la trama di una mappa metamorfica di poetiche e linguaggi in divenire
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