10 research outputs found

    Sicurezza, restauro e musealizzazione nel sito archeologico ipogeo del Sepolcro degli Scipioni. Il sacrificio degli inserimenti dei primi restauratori: nuove proposte progettuali

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    Il contributo espone le problematiche di un progetto di consolidamento, messa in sicurezza e musealizzazione di un affascinante sito archeologico sotterraneo gestito dagli organi preposti del Comune di Roma. Ai pressanti aspetti strutturali si miscelano aspetti conoscitivi e interpretativi dell'attuale situazione che non possono certo considerarsi secondari in un sito di rilevante interesse storico. Nei contributi si evidenziano, con punti di vista particolari ma complementari, le caratteristiche di un progetto di intervento di prossima realizzazione, che si propone di rispettare le parti originali antiche, ma che deve necessariamente intervenire sulle opere di consolidamento e restauro attuate in occasione della liberazione e trasformazione del sito, condotte negli anni Trenta del XX secolo, con i primi restauri di Colini e Gismondi

    The impact of loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) for CIN 2,3 on spontaneous preterm delivery in twin pregnancies by assisted reproductive technique: preliminary data.

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    Abstract The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of spontaneous preterm delivery before 35 weeks in 7 dichorionic twin pregnancies obtained after loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2,3 with respect to 21 twin pregnancies without previous cervical treatment. All the pregnancies were obtained after assisted reproduction techniques (ART). Same age at delivery was observed between two groups (p = 0.81) and none of our twin pregnancies after LEEP had a threatened preterm labor while four controls (19%) underwent a spontaneous preterm delivery (p = 0.35). These preliminary data seem to indicate that LEEP may not be responsible of spontaneous preterm delivery in twin pregnancies subsequent to ART

    Gynecologic laparoscopy in patients aged 65 or more: feasibility and safety in the presence of increased comorbidity.

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    Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility, operative outcome and postoperative complications of laparoscopic gynaecologic surgery in patients aged 65 or more, with increased comorbidity and obesity. Study design: The medical records of patients aged 65 or more with uterine or ovarian disease admitted to minimally invasive gynecologic surgery units from January 2009 to December 2011 were retrospectively analyzed in an observational cohort study. Surgical outcomes of the laparoscopic cohort (n = 65) were compared with the outcomes of those who had laparotomy (n = 67) at general gynecologic surgery units, and evaluated with respect to indication for surgery, medical comorbidity and obesity. Laparoscopic surgery was attempted in women who accepted minimally invasive management and who had no absolute contraindications to laparoscopy. Surgical inclusion criteria were benign and malignant uterine and adnexal pathologies; benign uterine pathologies when uterine size was less than 18 weeks' gestation or myoma smaller than 10 cm; malignancies in apparent early-stage disease. There was no attempt to use laparoscopy for tumor debulking and cytoreductive surgery. Exclusion criteria were patients with emergency operations or a concomitant urogynecologic procedure. Data were analyzed using Student's t-test, the Mann-Whitney U test, χ2 testing and the Fisher exact test. Results: Patients undergoing laparoscopy had a significantly shorter hospital stay (p < 0.001), less intraoperative bleeding (p < 0.001), less postoperative hemoglobin decline (p < 0.001), less need for blood transfusions (p = 0.007) and a generally lower incidence of complications compared to women who had laparotomy, regardless of medical comorbidity. Obese patients who had laparoscopy had significantly less intraoperative bleeding and a smaller postoperative hemoglobin drop; no adjunctive complication was observed. In patients over 70 (80 cases) the laparoscopic group (39 cases) maintained significantly less intraoperative bleeding (p < 0.001) and a smaller hemoglobin drop (p < 0.001) with respect to laparotomy, with few postoperative complications. Conclusions: According to the results of the study, laparoscopic surgery appears feasible and safe in elderly patients, regardless of medical comorbidity and obesit

    Health care for older people in Italy: The U.L.I.S.S.E. Project (Un link informatico sui servizi sanitari esistenti per l'anziano - a computerized network on health care services for older people).

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    Objectives: The U.L.I.S.S.E. study is aimed at describing older patients who are cared for in hospitals, home care or nursing homes in Italy. Design: The U.L.I.S.S.E. study is an observational multicenter prospective 1-year study. Setting: Overall, 23 acute geriatric or internal medicine hospital units, 11 home care services and 31 nursing homes participated in the study. Measurements: The patient\u2019s evaluation was performed using comprehensive geriatric assessment instruments, i.e. the interRAI Minimum Data Set, while data on service characteristics were recorded using ad-hoc designed questionnaires. Results: The older subjects who are in need of acute and long term care in Italy have similar characteristics: their mean age is higher than 80 years, they have a high level of disability in ADL, an important multimorbidity, and are treated with several drugs. The prevalence of cognitive impairment is particularly high in nursing homes, where almost 70% of residents suffer from it and 40% have severe cognitive impairment. On the other hand, there is a shortage of health care services, which are heterogeneous and fragmented. Conclusions: Health care services for older people in Italy are currently inadequate to manage the complexity of the older patients. An important effort should be undertaken to create a more integrated health care system

    Health care for older people in Italy: The U.L.I.S.S.E. Project (Un link informatico sui servizi sanitari esistenti per l'anziano - a computerized network on health care services for older people)

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    Objectives: The U.L.I.S.S.E. study is aimed at describing older patients who are cared for in hospitals, home care or nursing homes in Italy. Design: The U.L.I.S.S.E. study is an observational multicenter prospective 1-year study. Setting: Overall, 23 acute geriatric or internal medicine hospital units, 11 home care services and 31 nursing homes participated in the study. Measurements: The patient\u2019s evaluation was performed using comprehensive geriatric assessment instruments, i.e. the interRAI Minimum Data Set, while data on service characteristics were recorded using ad-hoc designed questionnaires. Results: The older subjects who are in need of acute and long term care in Italy have similar characteristics: their mean age is higher than 80 years, they have a high level of disability in ADL, an important multimorbidity, and are treated with several drugs. The prevalence of cognitive impairment is particularly high in nursing homes, where almost 70% of residents suffer from it and 40% have severe cognitive impairment. On the other hand, there is a shortage of health care services, which are heterogeneous and fragmented. Conclusions: Health care services for older people in Italy are currently inadequate to manage the complexity of the older patients. An important effort should be undertaken to create a more integrated health care system