2,284 research outputs found

    Isolation and screening of alkaline protease producing bacteria and physio-chemical characterization of the enzyme

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    Soil samples from different habitats including tanneries, soap industries, garden soil and soil compost were screened for the presence of alkalophilic Bacillus isolates capable of producing alkaline protease in large quantities. One hundred and eighteen (118) isolates were found having proteolytic activity on skim milk agar plates. Isolates forming larger zones, as a result of casein hydrolysis were further studied for quantitative production of extracellular alkaline protease activity in the shake flask studies. Isolate CEMB10370 gave maximum activity. Time course studies indicated that strain CEMB10370 had the highest protease activity (380 APU/mL) after 48 h of fermentation. The wild type enzyme was biochemically characterized. The enzyme exhibits optimal activity at 50°C and pH 11.5. The protease enzyme was completely inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl (PMSF, serine protease inhibitor) and its isoelectric point was ~9.5. The enzyme was purified by ion-exchange chromatography using CMSepharose column as a ~29 Kilo Dalton (kDa) protein.Key words: Alkaline protease, alkalophilic ,Bacillus subtili

    Comparison of choroidal thickness measurements between spectral-domain OCT and swept-source OCT in normal and diseased eyes

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    Purpose: Sub-foveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) is affected in many ocular diseases. The aim of this study was to compare SFCT measurements between Topcon 3D 2000 spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and Topcon swept-source OCT (SS-OCT), with different laser wavelengths, in normal and diseased populations.MATERIALS AND Methods: This was a prospective, cross-sectional, noninterventional study including 27 normal volunteers and 27 participants with retinal disease. OCT scans were performed sequentially and under standardized conditions using both SD-OCT and SS-OCT. The OCT scans were evaluated by two independent graders. Paired t-tests and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to assess the statistically significant difference between SFCT measurements as measured by the two devices.Results: Mean SFCT measurements for all 54 participants were 264.9±103.1 mum using SD-OCT (range: 47-470 mum) and 278.5±110.5 mum using SS-OCT (range: 56-502 mum), with an inter-device ICC of 0.850. Greater variability was noted in the diseased eyes. Inter-device ICCs were 0.870 (95% CI; 0.760-0.924) and 0.840 (95% CI; 0.654-0.930) for normal and diseased eyes, respectively. However, the difference was not statistically significant (P=0.132).CONCLUSION: Both machines reliably measure SFCT. Larger studies are needed to confirm these findings

    Organic compound-mineral interactions: using flash pyrolysis to monitor the adsorption of fatty acids on calcite

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    Fatty acids are near ubiquitous organic compounds in living organisms in the Earth’s biosphere. Following death of an organism in the marine environment its fatty acids may survive descent to the sea bed where they can be juxtaposed with minerals. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction of fatty acids with the common marine mineral calcite. Adsorption of tetradecanoic acid (C14) on calcite results in a sigmoidal or “s” isotherm. Flash pyrolysis experiments were conducted on samples of fatty acid adsorbed onto calcite and were compared with similar experiments on pure fatty acid and on salts of a fatty acid. Flash pyrolysis of pure tetradecanoic acid generated unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons and a series of unsaturated and saturated low molecular weight fatty acids. Flash pyrolysis of free tetradecanoic acid salt produced saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, an aldehyde and a homologous series of saturated and unsaturated ketones, one of which was a symmetrical mid chain ketone (14-heptacosanone). Flash pyrolysis data from adsorbed tetradecanoic acid samples suggested that adsorption is analogous to the formation of the calcium salt of tetradecanoic acid. A key characteristic of the flash pyrolysis products of adsorbed fatty acids and fatty acid salts was the production of ketones with higher molecular weights than the starting fatty acids. Ketonisation was not observed from the flash pyrolysis of pure acid which implied the catalytic significance of the calcite mineral surface. The abundance of hydrocarbons relative to ketones in the pyrolysates negatively correlated with the proportion of fatty acids adsorbed to the surface of calcite. The ability to use flash pyrolysis to diagnose the nature of fatty acid interactions with mineral surfaces provides a valuable tool for monitoring the fate of these important lipids at the Earth’s surface as they pass into the geosphere and are subjected to diagenetic processes

    Indigenous uses of economically important flora of Margallah Hills National Park, Islamabad, Pakistan

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    Informal interviews provided data about 245 useful plants of 77 families of 55 trees, 54 shrubs, 105 herbs, 15 climber, 10 grasses and 6 crops recorded from the Margallah Hills National Park, Islamabad.Two hundred and fifteen local/ vernacular names were noted of total plants. The inhabitants of the park have for a long time been dependent on surrounding plant resources for their food, health care, fodder,fuel wood and other cultural purposes. A list of plant species along with their local name, plant part/s used, popular uses (or troubles treated) are given. The pastoral nomads of the area make use of 159(64.89%) as native medicine, 79 (32.24%) as fodder for their livestock, 47(19.18%) as fuelwood, 33 (13.46%) as food (fruits), 18 (7.34%) as vegetables, 14 (5.71%) as timber, 6 (2.44%) as industrial, 4 (1.63%) as tannin, 3 (1.22%) as gum and 2 (0.81%) as fiber. Medicinal uses of the 126 plant species have also been described. This information will serve as reference for the benefit of pharmacists, researchers, Hakims (herbalist), veterinarians and public at large

    Observations on antifertility and abortifacient herbal drugs

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    This communication presents first hand information gathered on 36 medicinal plants belonging to 23 families traditionally used by the tribal and rural women of northern areas of North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan for birth control. Study provides information on local names, mode of administration and dosages as `practiced by rural and tribal women. Most effective plant species to induce abortion include: Artemisia maritime L., Boerhavaia diffusa Auct. Plur., Buddleja asiatica Lour, Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh, Justacia adhatod L., Ricinus communis L., Zingiber officinale Roscol., Daucus crota L., Momordica charantia L., Plumbago zeylanica L., Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn., Plantago ovata Forssk, Tanacetum vulgare and Arctium lappa L. The most widely used contraceptives are: Amaranthus viridis L., Achyranthes aspera L., Ricinus communis L., Mentha arvensis L., Nepeta cataria L., Cuscuta reflexa Roxb., Curcuma longa L., Foeniculum vulgare Miller., Butea monosperma (Lam.) O. Kze., Albizia lebbeck (L.) Bth., Ficus religosa L. and Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. The tribalpopulation of the region primarily depends upon these plants for family planning. They use herbal drugs to induce abortion and as contraceptives. Further studies on chemical and pharmacologicalactions are suggested to validate the claims

    Palynological studies in tribe Chlorideae (Poaceae) from salt range of Pakistan

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    Pollen morphology of five species belonging to three genera of tribe Chlorideae (Poaceae) was examined by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy. The studies showed that pollen in all species were circular in polar view, however, there are variations in equatorial view of pollen and other quantitative characters that is, polar and equatorial diameter, pore diameter and exine thickness, that are valuable in the identification and differentiation of species. Average pollen fertility in the tribe is 77.37%. Verrucate type of sculpturing is found in all species except Tetrapogon villosus, which showed the rugulate type of sculpturing and can be differentiated from Tetrapogon cenchriformis on the basis of its sculpturing pattern. The studies revealed that pollen characters are important in the taxonomy of grasses at the specific and generic level and can be useful in delimiting taxa of different tribes.Key words: Palynological studies, chlorideae, salt range

    Foliar epidermal anatomy and its systematic implication within the genus Sida L. (malvaceae)

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    Micro morphological investigations of the foliar epidermal anatomy, particularly the diversity and distribution of glandular and eglandular trichomes on leaves of Sida alba L., S. alii S. Abedin var. alii, S.cordata (Burm. F.) Brss, S. mysorensis Wight and Arn, S. ovata Forssk. S. spinosa L and S.yunnanensis S.Y.Hu have been carried out to assess the systematic relevance of epidermal features and trichome diversity within the genus Sida L. Configuration of epidermal cells is polygonal to irregular with smooth or undulating outline. Leaves are amphistomatic and amphitrichomic. Six diverse morphological types of glandular and eglandular foliar trichomes are described. Stellate and peltate types of trichomes are characteristically found in all taxa studied. S. alii and S.spinosa are distinct in having long-stalked and short-stalked capitate trichomes. S. mysorensis is characterized by multicellular uniseriate trichomes, but these are not observed in other taxa of genus Sida. The results of foliar epidermal anatomy, especially type, distribution and structure of foliar trichomes are of high systematic value in this genus of family Malvaceae

    Base catalyzed transesterification of sunflower oil biodiesel

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    In this study, sunflower oil was investigated for biodiesel production. Sunflower is one of the leading oil seed crop, cultivated for the production of oil in the world. It has also been considered as an important crop for biodiesel production. Seeds for biodiesel production were procured from local farmers of Attock and Rawalpidni divisions. Electric oil expeller was used for the extraction of crude oil. Base catalyzed transesterifiction process is applied for optimum yield (80%) of biodiesel. Fuel properties of sunflower oil biodiesel were compared with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Engine efficiency of biodiesel with reference to power, efficiency and consumption of biodiesel blends (B100, B20 and B5) were determined. It was concluded that sunflower oil is one of the option for biodiesel production at a large scale depending on its mass cultivation.Keywords: Sunflower oil, transesterification, biodiesel, energ

    Coeval calc-alkaline and alkaline Cadomian magmatism in the Bafq, central Iran: Insights into their petrogenesis

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    The Chah-Gaz and Mishdovan areas in the Bafq magmatic complex, central Iran, contain thick series of terrigenous sediments (the Rizu-Dezu complex), and arc-related calc-alkaline and alkaline igneous rocks. Geochemical analyses of igneous rocks from both areas indicate two distinct rock clans: (1) high-K, calc-alkaline-shoshonitic rocks with strong depletions in Nb, P, and Ti, and (2) an alkaline quartz gabbro-diorite, with trace element patterns resembling oceanic island basalts (OIB). New geochronological data reveal that magmatic rocks of both clans crystallized almost simultaneously, with zircon U[sbnd]Pb ages of 534 Ma and 537 Ma, respectively. The whole-rock Nd[sbnd]Sr isotopic data ((87Sr/86Sr)(I) = 0.7052 to 0.7064 and ɛNd(t) = +1.3 to +2.7) of alkaline quartz gabbro-diorite indicate an enriched OIB-like mantle source, while the high-K, calc-alkaline-shoshonitic rocks have εNd(t) = −5.5 to −7.6, clearly reflecting significant contributions from pre-existing Proterozoic basement. Apatite in both the Chah-Gaz and Mishdovan magmatic rocks is of magmatic origin, with light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment patterns. The low Sr/Y and Eu/Eu⁎ values in apatite demonstrate the non-adakitic character of the investigated rocks, while the moderately negative Eu anomaly and inverse correlation between δCe and δEu in the analyzed apatites may reflect reduced parental magmas. The geochemical and isotopic results presented here indicate that slab rollback and opening of an extensional basin could have initiated concurrent Cadomian arc-related calc-alkaline and rift-associated alkaline magmatism in the Chah-Gaz and Mishdovan areas

    Cost analysis of psoriasis treatment modalities in Malaysian public hospitals

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    Psoriasis imposes a great economic burden as a result of higher expenditures for different interventions, diagnostic procedures, pharmaceuticals and loss of productivity. Less is known about the economic impact of psoriasis treatment in Asean region. The aim of this research was to calculate the costs associated with four psoriasis treatment modalities. A prospective cohort study was conducted in five hospitals involving 91 moderate to severe psoriasis patients. Costs were calculated from the societal perspective using the principle of Step Down and Activity Based Costing (ABC) within a six (6) months follow-up duration. The components of the costs borne by the provider were inpatient cost, cost of medication, laboratory investigation and radiology. Patient’s cost included out of pocket expenses, travelling cost and loss of productivity. Cost per patient per day was RM1,105.24 (inpatient) (US315.94)andRM298.02(outpatient)(US315.94) and RM298.02 (outpatient) (US85.19). Medication accounted for almost 90% (RM457,014.00) (US130638.45)ofthetotalprovidercost.Meanwhile,lossofproductivityrepresented84130 638.45) of the total provider cost. Meanwhile, loss of productivity represented 84% (RM167,439.00) (US47,862.80) of the total patient’s cost. Biologic treatment exhibited the highest cost which was RM342,377.00 (US97,869.21),followedbysystemictreatment(RM105,607.00)(US97,869.21), followed by systemic treatment (RM105,607.00) (US30,187.99), topical treatment (RM38,280.00) (US10,942.42)andtopicalphototherapytreatment(RM21,824.00)(US10,942.42) and topical phototherapy treatment (RM21,824.00) (US6,238.44). Understanding the relationship between direct and indirect costs from both perspectives is important to accurately identify and evaluate effective treatment for psoriasis