15,584 research outputs found

    Collapse and revival oscillations as a probe for the tunneling amplitude in an ultra-cold Bose gas

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    We present a theoretical study of the quantum corrections to the revival time due to finite tunneling in the collapse and revival of matter wave interference after a quantum quench. We study hard-core bosons in a superlattice potential and the Bose-Hubbard model by means of exact numerical approaches and mean-field theory. We consider systems without and with a trapping potential present. We show that the quantum corrections to the revival time can be used to accurately determine the value of the hopping parameter in experiments with ultracold bosons in optical lattices.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, typos in section 3A correcte

    The Performance of MLEM for Dynamic Imaging From Simulated Few-View, Multi-Pinhole SPECT

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    Stationary small-animal SPECT systems are being developed for rapid dynamic imaging from limited angular views. This work quantified, through simulations, the performance of Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization (MLEM) for reconstructing a time-activity curve (TAC) with uptake duration of a few seconds from a stationary, three-camera multi-pinhole SPECT system. The study also quantified the benefits of a heuristic method of initializing the reconstruction with a prior image reconstructed from a conventional number of views, for example from data acquired during the late-study portion of the dynamic TAC. We refer to MLEM reconstruction initialized by a prior-image initial guess (IG) as MLEMig. The effect of the prior-image initial guess on the depiction of contrast between two regions of a static phantom was quantified over a range of angular sampling schemes. A TAC was modeled from the experimentally measured uptake of 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (HMPAO) in the rat lung. The resulting time series of simulated images was quantitatively analyzed with respect to the accuracy of the estimated exponential washin and washout parameters. In both static and dynamic phantom studies, the prior-image initial guess improved the spatial depiction of the phantom, for example improved definition of the cylinder boundaries and more accurate quantification of relative contrast between cylinders. For example in the dynamic study, there was ~ 50% error in relative contrast for MLEM reconstructions compared to ~ 25-30% error for MLEMig. In the static phantom study, the benefits of the initial guess decreased as the number of views increased. The prior-image initial guess introduced an additive offset in the reconstructed dynamic images, likely due to biases introduced by the prior image. MLEM initialized with a uniform initial guess yielded images that faithfully reproduced the time dependence of the simulated TAC; there were no s- atistically significant differences in the mean exponential washin/washout parameters estimated from MLEM reconstructions compared to the true values. Washout parameters estimated from MLEMig reconstructions did not differ significantly from the true values, however the estimated washin parameter differed significantly from the true value in some cases. Overall, MLEM reconstruction from few views and a uniform initial guess accurately quantified the time dependance of the TAC while introducing errors in the spatial depiction of the object. Initializing the reconstruction with a late-study initial guess improved spatial accuracy while decreasing temporal accuracy in some cases

    Pairwise disjoint perfect matchings in rr-edge-connected rr-regular graphs

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    Thomassen [Problem 1 in Factorizing regular graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 141 (2020), 343-351] asked whether every rr-edge-connected rr-regular graph of even order has r−2r-2 pairwise disjoint perfect matchings. We show that this is not the case if r≡2 mod 4r \equiv 2 \text{ mod } 4. Together with a recent result of Mattiolo and Steffen [Highly edge-connected regular graphs without large factorizable subgraphs, J. Graph Theory, 99 (2022), 107-116] this solves Thomassen's problem for all even rr. It turns out that our methods are limited to the even case of Thomassen's problem. We then prove some equivalences of statements on pairwise disjoint perfect matchings in highly edge-connected regular graphs, where the perfect matchings contain or avoid fixed sets of edges. Based on these results we relate statements on pairwise disjoint perfect matchings of 5-edge-connected 5-regular graphs to well-known conjectures for cubic graphs, such as the Fan-Raspaud Conjecture, the Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture and the 55-Cycle Double Cover Conjecture.Comment: 24 page

    Renormalization group approach to multiparticle density fluctuations

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    An iterative procedure is developed with the aim of constructing homogeneity rules for the distribution P(rho,delta) of the particle density rho at resolution scale delta. A single iteration step consists of a change in the normalization point of P(rho,delta) followed by a rescaling. Similar transformation rule is introduced for density fluctuations contaminated by Poisson noise. Application of the iterative procedure is given for the Ginzburg-Landau description of phase-transition from the quark-gluon plasma and for random cascading models.Comment: 11 pages REVTeX, 1 figure include

    Squeezed States and Helmholtz Spectra

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    The 'classical interpretation' of the wave function psi(x) reveals an interesting operational aspect of the Helmholtz spectra. It is shown that the traditional Sturm-Liouville problem contains the simplest key to predict the squeezing effect for charged particle states.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 3 gzip-compressed figures in figh.tar.g

    Alien Macroalgal Rearrangement in the Soft Substrata of the Venice Lagoon (Italy): Impacts, Threats, Time and Future Trends

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    Non-native species are a concern for aquatic environments both for the ecosystem biodiversity and from the economical point of view. The Venice Lagoon is a Mediterranean hotspot of alien introductions and macroalgae are probably the most represented systematic category. For this reason, alien macroalgal distribution and variation were monitored in late spring-autumn surveys, carried out in 2011, 2014, 2018 and 2021 in the soft bottoms of the entire lagoon (87 common stations). Overall, 21 taxa were recorded; three of them (i.e., Acanthosiphonia echinata, Caulacanthus okamurae, Osmundea oederi) are well-established recent introductions for the lagoon, which has increased the total number of non-native species to 33. Ulva australis, previously reported as Ulva laetevirens, is the most abundant species and it is replacing Ulva rigida, especially in the less eutrophic areas. The invasive Gracilariopsis vermiculophylla, an engineering species colonizing the eutrophic choked areas especially in the central lagoon, is instead decreasing. Other abundant established taxa are now dominant components of the lagoon biomass, whereas many others are rare or have small sizes that make their biomass negligible. Overall, these species do not represent serious threats to the environment, but they rather increase biodiversity, with some of them having positive effects on ecosystem services

    'Dressage Is Full of Queens!' Masculinity, Sexuality and Equestrian Sport

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    Attitudes towards sexuality are changing and levels of cultural homophobia decreasing, yet there remain very few openly gay men within sport. As a proving ground for heteromasculinity, sport has traditionally been a hostile environment for gay men. This article is based on an ethnographic study within a sporting subworld in which gay men do appear to be accepted: equestrian sport. Drawing on inclusive masculinity theory, equestrian sport is shown to offer an unusually tolerant environment for gay men in which heterosexual men of all ages demonstrate low levels of homophobia. Inclusive masculinity theory is a useful framework for exploring the changing nature of masculinities and this study demonstrates that gay men are becoming increasingly visible and accepted within once unreceptive locales, such as sport and rural communities. However, this more tolerant attitude is purchased at the expense of a subordinated feminine Other, perpetuating the dominance of men within competitive sport. © The Author(s) 2012

    An improved optimization technique for estimation of solar photovoltaic parameters

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    The nonlinear current vs voltage (I-V) characteristics of solar PV make its modelling difficult. Optimization techniques are the best tool for identifying the parameters of nonlinear models. Even though, there are different optimization techniques used for parameter estimation of solar PV, still the best optimized results are not achieved to date. In this paper, Wind Driven Optimization (WDO) technique is proposed as the new method for identifying the parameters of solar PV. The accuracy and convergence time of the proposed method is compared with results of Pattern Search (PS), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Simulated Annealing (SA) for single diode and double diode models of solar PV. Furthermore, for performance validation, the parameters obtained through WDO are compared with hybrid Bee Pollinator Flower Pollination Algorithm (BPFPA), Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), Generalized Oppositional Teaching Learning Based Optimization (GOTLBO), Artificial Bee Swarm Optimization (ABSO), and Harmony Search (HS). The obtained results clearly reveal that WDO algorithm can provide accurate optimized values with less number of iterations at different environmental conditions. Therefore, the WDO can be recommended as the best optimization algorithm for parameter estimation of solar PV

    Remarks on the naturality of quantization

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    Hamiltonian quantization of an integral compact symplectic manifold M depends on a choice of compatible almost complex structure J. For open sets U in the set of compatible almost complex structures and small enough values of Planck's constant, the Hilbert spaces of the quantization form a bundle over U with a natural connection. In this paper we examine the dependence of the Hilbert spaces on the choice of J, by computing the semi-classical limit of the curvature of this connection. We also show that parallel transport provides a link between the action of the group Symp(M) of symplectomorphisms of M and the Schrodinger equation.Comment: 20 page

    Field-test of a robust, portable, frequency-stable laser

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    We operate a frequency-stable laser in a non-laboratory environment where the test platform is a passenger vehicle. We measure the acceleration experienced by the laser and actively correct for it to achieve a system acceleration sensitivity of Δf/f\Delta f / f = 11(2)×10−1211(2) \times 10^{-12}/g, 6(2)×10−126(2) \times 10^{-12}/g, and 4(1)×10−124(1) \times 10^{-12}/g for accelerations in three orthogonal directions at 1 Hz. The acceleration spectrum and laser performance are evaluated with the vehicle both stationary and moving. The laser linewidth in the stationary vehicle with engine idling is 1.7(1) Hz
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