431 research outputs found

    Impact of Sever Plasmodium falciparum infection on Platelets Parameters among Sudanese children Living in Al-Jazira State

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    Background: Falciparum malaria remains one of the most global infection among children particularly in communities with poor resources. Falciparum malaria associated with several hematological changes that affect the major blood cell lines such as platelets lead to platelets parameters (platelets count and indices) abnormalities. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of falciparum malaria on platelets parameters (platelets count and indices) among Sudanese children. In addition to study relationships and correlation between platelets parameters and malaria parasitemia and parasite count. Materials and Methods: A case control study was conducted in Wad Medani Pediatric Hospital in collaboration with Faculty of Medical laboratory Sciences, University of Gezira, Sudan among 100 children with severe falciparum malaria (mean age 8.63 ± 3.40 years; 61% males), 100 children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria (mean age 8.83 ± 4.20 years; 45% males) and 100 children with normal healthy children controls (mean age 10.08 ± 3.58 years; 50% males). Parasitemia and parasite count (%) was determined directly from thick and thin blood films respectively. The platelets parameters (platelets count and indices) measured by using Sysmex XP 300 N automated analyzer, and platelets count was confirmed and assessed using stained thin blood film. SPSS software (V 20.0) and Stat disk software (V 13.0) were used for data analysis. Results: 72 % of severe falciparum malaria (SM) have hyperparasitemia, while 18 % among uncomplicated falciparum malaria (UM). The thrombocytopenia account for 43 % (SM: 30.5 %; UM: 12.5 %), low PCT account for 35.5 % (SM: 27 %; UM: 8.5 %) and high PDW account for 46.5 % (SM: 23.5 %; UM: 23 %) in falciparum malaria cases. The mean PLTs count and PDW were statistically significantly differences between falciparum malaria cases and normal healthy control (P value 0.000 and 0.008 respectively). The mean PLTs count and PCT in severe falciparum malaria cases were lower than uncomplicated falciparum malaria cases (P value 0.005 and 0.000 respectively). The PLTs count and PCT had significant negative correlation within malaria parasitemia (P value 0.000; r -0.286; P value 0.004; r -0.205 respectively) and malaria parasite count (P value 0.000; r -0.450; P value 0.000; r -0.270 respectively). Conclusion: The study concluded that thrombocytopenia, low PCT and high PDW were observed as most platelets parameters changes in falciparum malaria. PLTs count along with PCT to be recommended as hematological diagnostic markers and prognostic tool to assess the disease severity and to improve the management of falciparum malaria among patients

    Impact of Sever Plasmodium falciparum infection on Platelets Parameters among Sudanese children Living in Al-Jazira State

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    Background: Falciparum malaria remains one of the most global infection among children particularly in communities with poor resources. Falciparum malaria associated with several hematological changes that affect the major blood cell lines such as platelets lead to platelets parameters (platelets count and indices) abnormalities. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of falciparum malaria on platelets parameters (platelets count and indices) among Sudanese children. In addition to study relationships and correlation between platelets parameters and malaria parasitemia and parasite count. Materials and Methods: A case control study was conducted in Wad Medani Pediatric Hospital in collaboration with Faculty of Medical laboratory Sciences, University of Gezira, Sudan among 100 children with severe falciparum malaria (mean age 8.63 ± 3.40 years; 61% males), 100 children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria (mean age 8.83 ± 4.20 years; 45% males) and 100 children with normal healthy children controls (mean age 10.08 ± 3.58 years; 50% males). Parasitemia and parasite count (%) was determined directly from thick and thin blood films respectively. The platelets parameters (platelets count and indices) measured by using Sysmex XP 300 N automated analyzer, and platelets count was confirmed and assessed using stained thin blood film. SPSS software (V 20.0) and Stat disk software (V 13.0) were used for data analysis. Results: 72 % of severe falciparum malaria (SM) have hyperparasitemia, while 18 % among uncomplicated falciparum malaria (UM). The thrombocytopenia account for 43 % (SM: 30.5 %; UM: 12.5 %), low PCT account for 35.5 % (SM: 27 %; UM: 8.5 %) and high PDW account for 46.5 % (SM: 23.5 %; UM: 23 %) in falciparum malaria cases. The mean PLTs count and PDW were statistically significantly differences between falciparum malaria cases and normal healthy control (P value 0.000 and 0.008 respectively). The mean PLTs count and PCT in severe falciparum malaria cases were lower than uncomplicated falciparum malaria cases (P value 0.005 and 0.000 respectively). The PLTs count and PCT had significant negative correlation within malaria parasitemia (P value 0.000; r -0.286; P value 0.004; r -0.205 respectively) and malaria parasite count (P value 0.000; r -0.450; P value 0.000; r -0.270 respectively). Conclusion: The study concluded that thrombocytopenia, low PCT and high PDW were observed as most platelets parameters changes in falciparum malaria. PLTs count along with PCT to be recommended as hematological diagnostic markers and prognostic tool to assess the disease severity and to improve the management of falciparum malaria among patients

    Neuro-Behçet: a clinical exercise

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    Behçet disease is a recurrent systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology, that involves vessels of nearly all sizes and types. Because of this, disease manifestations can occur at many sites throughout the body. Central nervous system (CNS) involvement may be parenchymal or nonparenchymal and has a global prevalence that ranges from 3% to 10%. Main signs of CNS involvement are pyramidal and those resulting from brain stem lesions. Aseptic meningitis, mental changes, sphincter disturbances, pseudobulbar syndrome, and deep sensory abnormalities may be seen. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and brain angiography offer assistance in the diagnosis. The course of disease can be primary progressive, secondary progressive or have a relapsing-remitting profile. Boluses of methylprednisolone for three days followed by cyclophosphamide are the treatment of choice. This papers discusses these aspects of neuro-Behcet on the basis of complex clinical cas

    Mitochondrial alterations in children with chronic liver disease

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    Background: Over recent years it has become apparent that the hepatocyte mitochondrion functions both as a cause and as a target of liver injury. Resultant dysfunction of mitochondria yields deficient oxidative phosphorylation, increased generation of reactive oxygen species, impairment of other metabolic pathways and activation of both necrotic and apoptotic pathways of cellular death.Methods: This study was conducted on 26 children and adolescents with chronic liver disease who presented to or were following up in the Pediatric Hepatology Clinic, Children’s Hospital, Ain-Shams University. They were divided into three groups according to the aetiology of liver disease (GI=patients with Wilson’s disease (WD), GII=patients with chronic hepatitis C, GIII=patients with chronic liver disease other thanWilson’s and chronic hepatitis C).Ultrasound-guided gun liver biopsies were performed, under local anaesthesia for all the 26 patients, using a modified 18-gauge truecut needle. Two liver biopsy cores were taken from each patient. One for light and electron microscopic examinations and the other was immediately immersed in liquid nitrogen to be frozen and used forstudying mitochondrial DNA deletions by PCR.Results: Liver steatosis was higher in the group of patients with Wilson’s disease and other liver disease. Electron microscopic examination of the mitochondria revealed significant mitochondrial pleomorphism in patients with Wilson’s disease and patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. Enlarged mitochondria were found to bemore prevalent among patients with chronic  hepatitis infection.Three of our patients (11.53%) had mitochondrial DNA deletions. We developed scoring system for mitochondrial affection in our patients, 7 patients (32%) were considered to have mild mitochondrial affection,9 patients (41%) had moderate mitochondrial affection, while 6 patients (27%) had severe mitochondrial affection. Four of the studied patients had no mitochondrial affection.Conclusion: Mitochondria affection is common in chronic liver disease. This mitochondrial affection might be responsible for some of the chronic liver disease manifestation such as easy fatiguability and steatosis

    Quality of life in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients prior to and after pancreas and kidney transplantation in relation to organ function

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    Improvement of the quality of life in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients with severe late complications is one of the main goals of pancreas and/or kidney grafting. To assess the influences of these treatment modalities on the different aspects of the quality of life a cross-sectional study in 157 patients was conducted. They were categorized into patients pre-transplant without dialysis (n=29; Group A), pre-transplant under dialysis (n=44; Group B), post-transplant with pancreas and kidney functioning (n=31; Group C), post-transplant with functioning kidney, but insulin therapy (n=29; Group D), post-transplant under dialysis and insulin therapy again (n=15; Group E) and patients after single pancreas transplantation and rejection, with good renal function, but insulin therapy (n=9; Group F). All patients answered a mailed, self-administered questionnaire (217 questions) consisting of a broad spectrum of rehabilitation criteria. The results indicate a better quality of life in Groups C and D as compared to the other groups. In general the scores are highest in C, but without any significant difference to D. Impressive significant differences between C or D and the other groups were found especially in their satisfaction with physical capacity, leisure-time activities or the overall quality of life. The satisfaction with the latter is highest in C (mean±SEM: 4.0±0.2 on a 1 to 5-rating scale; significantly different from A: 3.1±0.1, B: 2.7±0.2 and E: 2.6±0.3; p<0.01), followed by D (3.8±0.2; significantly different from B and E; p<0.01). Group F shows a mean of 3.1±0.4, which is not significantly different from C. The percentages of patients in each group, who are not working: A: 38 %, B: 64 %, C: 74 %, D: 66 %, E: 87 % and F: 78 % indicate that there is no marked improvement in the vocational situation after successful grafting

    Acute scrotum as a complication of Thiersch operation for rectal prolapse in a child

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    BACKGROUND: We report a case of acute scrotal condition that presented in a four year old male child one year after being treated for an idiopathic rectal prolapse utilizing Thiersch wire. CASE PRESENTATION: The acute scrotum had resulted from spreading perianal infection due to erosion of the circlage wire. The condition was treated with antibiotics and removal of the wire. The child made an uneventful recovery. CONCLUSION: This case highlights that patients with Thiersch wire should be followed until the wire is removed. Awareness of anal lesions as a cause of acute scrotal conditions, and history and physical examination are emphasized

    Mesolimbic Dopamine Function Is Related to Salience Network Connectivity: An Integrative Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Study

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    BACKGROUND: A wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders, from schizophrenia to drug addiction, involve abnormalities in both the mesolimbic dopamine system and the cortical salience network. Both systems play a key role in the detection of behaviorally relevant environmental stimuli. Although anatomical overlap exists, the functional relationship between these systems remains unknown. Preclinical research has suggested that the firing of mesolimbic dopamine neurons may activate nodes of the salience network, but in vivo human research is required given the species-specific nature of this network. METHODS: We employed positron emission tomography to measure both dopamine release capacity (using the D2/3 receptor ligand 11C-PHNO, n = 23) and dopamine synthesis capacity (using 18F-DOPA, n = 21) within the ventral striatum. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging was also undertaken in the same individuals to investigate salience network functional connectivity. A graph theoretical approach was used to characterize the relationship between dopamine measures and network connectivity. RESULTS: Dopamine synthesis capacity was associated with greater salience network connectivity, and this relationship was particularly apparent for brain regions that act as information-processing hubs. In contrast, dopamine release capacity was associated with weaker salience network connectivity. There was no relationship between dopamine measures and visual and sensorimotor networks, indicating specificity of the findings. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate a close relationship between the salience network and mesolimbic dopamine system, and they are relevant to neuropsychiatric illnesses in which aberrant functioning of both systems has been observed

    Repeated Mechanical Endovascular Thrombectomy for Recurrent Large Vessel Occlusion: A Multicenter Experience

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is now the standard of care for large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke. However, little is known about the frequency and outcomes of repeat MT (rMT) for patients with recurrent LVO. METHODS: This is a retrospective multicenter cohort of patients who underwent rMT at 6 tertiary institutions in the United States between March 2016 and March 2020. Procedural, imaging, and outcome data were evaluated. Outcome at discharge was evaluated using the modified Rankin Scale. RESULTS: Of 3059 patients treated with MT during the study period, 56 (1.8%) underwent at least 1 rMT. Fifty-four (96%) patients were analyzed; median age was 64 years. The median time interval between index MT and rMT was 2 days; 35 of 54 patients (65%) experienced recurrent LVO during the index hospitalization. The mechanism of stroke was cardioembolism in 30 patients (56%), intracranial atherosclerosis in 4 patients (7%), extracranial atherosclerosis in 2 patients (4%), and other causes in 18 patients (33%). A final TICI recanalization score of 2b or 3 was achieved in all 54 patients during index MT (100%) and in 51 of 54 patients (94%) during rMT. Thirty-two of 54 patients (59%) experienced recurrent LVO of a previously treated artery, mostly the pretreated left MCA (23 patients, 73%). Fifty of the 54 patients (93%) had a documented discharge modified Rankin Scale after rMT: 15 (30%) had minimal or no disability (modified Rankin Scale score ≀2), 25 (50%) had moderate to severe disability (modified Rankin Scale score 3-5), and 10 (20%) died. CONCLUSIONS: Almost 2% of patients treated with MT experience recurrent LVO, usually of a previously treated artery during the same hospitalization. Repeat MT seems to be safe and effective for attaining vessel recanalization, and good outcome can be expected in 30% of patients

    Predictors and outcomes of patient safety culture in hospitals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Developing a patient safety culture was one of the recommendations made by the Institute of Medicine to assist hospitals in improving patient safety. In recent years, a multitude of evidence, mostly originating from developed countries, has been published on patient safety culture. One of the first efforts to assess the culture of safety in the Eastern Mediterranean Region was by El-Jardali et al. (2010) in Lebanon. The study entitled "The Current State of Patient Safety Culture: a study at baseline" assessed the culture of safety in Lebanese hospitals. Based on study findings, the objective of this paper is to explore the association between patient safety culture predictors and outcomes, taking into consideration respondent and hospital characteristics. In addition, it will examine the correlation between patient safety culture composites.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty-eight hospitals and 6,807 respondents participated in the study. The study which adopted a cross sectional research design utilized an Arabic-translated version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC). The HSOPSC measures 12 patient safety composites. Two of the composites, in addition to a patient safety grade and the number of events reported, represented the four outcome variables. Bivariate and mixed model regression analyses were used to examine the association between the patient safety culture predictors and outcomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Significant correlations were observed among all patient safety culture composites but with differences in the strength of the correlation. Generalized Estimating Equations for the patient safety composite scores and respondent and hospital characteristics against the patient safety grade and the number of events reported revealed significant correlations. Significant correlations were also observed by linear mixed models of the same variables against the frequency of events reported and the overall perception of safety.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Event reporting, communication, patient safety leadership and management, staffing, and accreditation were identified as major patient safety culture predictors. Investing in practices that tackle these issues and prioritizing patient safety is essential in Lebanese hospitals in order to improve patient safety. In addition, further research is needed to understand the association between patient safety culture and clinical outcomes.</p
