60 research outputs found

    Role of N-terminal tau domain integrity on the survival of cerebellar granule neurons

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    Although the role of the microtubule-binding domain of the tau protein in the modulation of microtubule assembly is widely established, other possible functions of this protein have been poorly investigated. We have analyzed the effect of adenovirally mediated expression of two fragments of the N-terminal portion - free of microtubule-binding domain - of the tau protein in cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs). We found that while the expression of the tau (1-230) fragment, as well as of full-length tau, inhibits the onset of apoptosis, the tau (1-44) fragment exerts a powerful toxic action on the same neurons. The antiapoptotic action of tau (1-230) is exerted at the level of Akt-mediated activation of the caspase cascade. On the other hand, the toxic action of the (1-44) fragment is not prevented by inhibitors of CGN apoptosis, but is fully inhibited by NMDA receptor antagonists. These findings point to a novel, physiological role of the N-terminal domain of tau, but also underlay that its possible proteolytic truncation mediated by apoptotic proteases may generate a highly toxic fragment that could contribute to neuronal death

    Roles of glial cells in synapse development

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    Brain function relies on communication among neurons via highly specialized contacts, the synapses, and synaptic dysfunction lies at the heart of age-, disease-, and injury-induced defects of the nervous system. For these reasons, the formation—and repair—of synaptic connections is a major focus of neuroscience research. In this review, I summarize recent evidence that synapse development is not a cell-autonomous process and that its distinct phases depend on assistance from the so-called glial cells. The results supporting this view concern synapses in the central nervous system as well as neuromuscular junctions and originate from experimental models ranging from cell cultures to living flies, worms, and mice. Peeking at the future, I will highlight recent technical advances that are likely to revolutionize our views on synapse–glia interactions in the developing, adult and diseased brain

    Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Couples Localised Calcium Influx to Activation of Akt in Central Nerve Terminals

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    The efficient retrieval of synaptic vesicle membrane and cargo in central nerve terminals is dependent on the efficient recruitment of a series of endocytosis modes by different patterns of neuronal activity. During intense neuronal activity the dominant endocytosis mode is activity-dependent endocytosis (ADBE). Triggering of ADBE is linked to calcineurin-mediated dynamin I dephosphorylation since the same stimulation intensities trigger both. Dynamin I dephosphorylation is maximised by a simultaneous inhibition of its kinase glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) by the protein kinase Akt, however it is unknown how increased neuronal activity is transduced into Akt activation. To address this question we determined how the activity-dependent increases in intracellular free calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) control activation of Akt. This was achieved using either trains of high frequency action potentials to evoke localised [Ca(2+)](i) increases at active zones, or a calcium ionophore to raise [Ca(2+)](i) uniformly across the nerve terminal. Through the use of either non-specific calcium channel antagonists or intracellular calcium chelators we found that Akt phosphorylation (and subsequent GSK3 phosphorylation) was dependent on localised [Ca(2+)](i) increases at the active zone. In an attempt to determine mechanism, we antagonised either phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) or calmodulin. Activity-dependent phosphorylation of both Akt and GSK3 was arrested on inhibition of PI3K, but not calmodulin. Thus localised calcium influx in central nerve terminals activates PI3K via an unknown calcium sensor to trigger the activity-dependent phosphorylation of Akt and GSK3

    Insight of brain degenerative protein modifications in the pathology of neurodegeneration and dementia by proteomic profiling

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    Bioinorganic Chemistry of Alzheimer’s Disease

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