265 research outputs found

    Diversidad y Multiculturalidad

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    Esta ponencia se enmarca en la línea de anteriores trabajos nuestros, en los que se ha intentado ofrecer el panorama general de la investigación llevada a cabo en el campo de la diferenciación educativa, y, más en concreto de la educación intercultural. En «Diseños y metodologías de investigación desde la perspectiva de la educación intercultural » (Bartolomé, 1992), tras una breve clarificación de términos asociados a la educación multicultural, analizábamos los principales métodos de investigación y campos de estudio que se habían desarrollado a lo largo de este siglo en el ámbito mundial. En «Modelos de investigación en la intervención educativa diferencial» (Bartolomé, Cabrera, F., Espín, J., Marín, M.A., Del Rincón, D. y Rodríguez, M., 1993) nos centrábamos en un marco más amplio, intentando abordar el estado de la investigación en ese momento en cada una de las áreas temáticas, al tiempo que profundizábamos en los principales problemas metodológicos hallados

    Importación de espárragos verdes frescos de Perú a España

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    El presente proyecto es la conclusión del XIV Máster en Comercio Internacional, impartido por la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Su objetivo es servir de guía a la realización de operaciones de importación de espárragos frescos verdes de origen y procedencia Perú a España. La parte de financiación es una de las más sensibles del proyecto, en su elaboración se considero los temas de negociación, contratación, análisis de coste beneficio y gestión financiera de la empresa. La gestión de asuntos financieros es una tarea fundamental para una empresa con fondo propio limitado. Cómo funciona el flujo de tesorería, a cuánto tiempo se amortiza la inversión, son cuestiones que en nuestro caso importan más, a cierto nivel, que el beneficio. Con respecto a la gestión financiera en la operación planteada, la mayor limitación enfrentada es la costumbre en la forma de pago del sector. Por eso en el trabajo se analiza los costes y riesgos, dando soluciones a través de línea de financiación y forma de pago. El análisis financiero del proyecto se basa en datos reales logrados con mucha investigación, para ello se entrevisto con funcionarios de entidades financieras, proveedores y compradores del sector, entre otros

    Insights into the metabolism and microbial biotransformation of dietary flavan-3-ols and the bioactivity of their metabolites.

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    Flavan-3-ols, occurring in monomeric, as well as in oligomeric and polymeric forms (also known as condensed tannins or proanthocyanidins), are among the most abundant and bioactive dietary polyphenols, but their in vivo health effects in humans may be limited because of their recognition as xenobiotics. Bioavailability of flavan-3-ols is largely influenced by their degree of polymerization; while monomers are readily absorbed in the small intestine, oligomers and polymers need to be biotransformed by the colonic microbiota before absorption. Therefore, phenolic metabolites, rather than the original high molecular weight compounds found in foods, may be responsible for the health effects derived from flavan-3-ol consumption. Flavan-3-ol phenolic metabolites differ in structure, amount and excretion site. Phase II or tissular metabolites derived from the small intestine and hepatic metabolism are presented as conjugated derivatives (glucuronic acid or sulfate esters, methyl ether, or their combined forms) of monomeric flavan-3-ols and are preferentially eliminated in the bile, whereas microbial metabolites are rather simple conjugated lactones and phenolic acids that are largely excreted in urine. Although the colon is seen as an important organ for the metabolism of flavan-3-ols, the microbial catabolic pathways of these compounds are still under consideration, partly due to the lack of identification of bacteria with such capacity. Studies performed with synthesized or isolated phase II conjugated metabolites have revealed that they could have an effect beyond their antioxidant properties, by interacting with signalling pathways implicated in important processes involved in the development of diseases, among other bioactivities. However, the biological properties of microbe-derived metabolites in their actual conjugated forms remain largely unknown. Currently, there is an increasing interest in their effects on intestinal infections, inflammatory intestinal diseases and overall gut health. The present review will give an insight into the metabolism and microbial biotransformation of flavan-3-ols, including tentative catabolic pathways and aspects related to the identification of bacteria with the ability to catabolize these kinds of polyphenols. Also, the in vitro bioactivities of phase II and microbial phenolic metabolites will be covered in detail

    El impacto de la obesidad sobre el lipidoma cardíaco y sus consecuencias en el daño cardíaco en ratas obesas

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    To explore the impact of obesity on the cardiac lipid profile in rats with diet-induced obesity, as well as to evaluate whether or not the specific changes in lipid species are associated with cardiac fibrosis. Methods: Male Wistar rats were fed either a high-fat diet (HFD, 35% fat) or standard diet (3.5% fat) for 6 weeks. Cardiac lipids were analyzed using by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: HFD rats showed cardiac fibrosis and enhanced levels of cardiac superoxide anion (O 2 ), HOMA index, adiposity, and plasma leptin, as well as a reduction in those of cardiac glucose transporter (GLUT 4), compared with control animals. Cardiac lipid profile analysis showed a significant increase in triglycerides, especially those enriched with palmitic, stearic, and arachidonic acid. An increase in levels of diacylglycerol (DAG) was also observed. No changes in cardiac levels of diacyl phosphatidylcholine, or even a reduction in total levels of diacyl phosphatidylethanolamine, diacyl phosphatidylinositol, and sphingomyelins (SM) was observed in HFD, as compared with control animals. After adjustment for other variables (oxidative stress, HOMA, cardiac hypertrophy), total levels of DAG were independent predictors of cardiac fibrosis while the levels of total SM were independent predictors of the cardiac levels of GLUT 4. Conclusions: These data suggest that obesity has a significant impact on cardiac lipid composition, although it does not modulate the different species in a similar manner. Nonetheless, these changes are likely to participate in the cardiac damage in the context of obesity, since total DAG levels can facilitate the development of cardiac fibrosis, and SM levels predict GLUT4 levelsThis work was supported by funds from the Sociedad Española de Arteriosclerosis (Basic Research Award 2015), from Plan Estatal I+D+I 2013-2016: PI15/01060 and SAF2016-81063. The study was cofunded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), a way to build Europ

    Drawing induced texture and the evolution of superconductive properties with heat treatment time in powder-in-tube in-situ processed MgB2 strands

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    Monocore powder-in-tube MgB2 strands were cold-drawn and heat-treated at 600C and 700C for times of up to 71 hours and structure-property relationships examined. Drawing-induced elongation of the Mg particles led, after HT, to a textured macrostructure consisting of elongated polycrystalline MgB2 fibers separated by elongated pores. The superconducting Tc, Jc and Fp were correlated with the macrostructure and grain size. Grain size increased with HT time at both 600C and 700C. Jc and hence Fp decreased monotonically but not linearly with grain size. Overall, it was observed that at 700C, the MgB2 reaction was more or less complete after as little as 30 min; at 600C, full reaction completion did not occur until 71 h. into the HT. Transport, Jct(B) was measured in a perpendicular applied field, and the magnetic critical current densities, Jcm\bot(B) and Jcm{\phi}(B), were measured in perpendicular and parallel (axial) applied fields, respectively. Particularly noticeable was the premature dropoff of Jcm\bot(B) at fields well below the irreversibility field of Jct(B). This effect is attributed to the fibrous macrostructure and its accompanying anisotropic connectivity. Magnetic measurements with the field directed along the strand axis yielded a critical density, Jcm\bot(B), for current flowing transversely to the strand axis that was less than and dropped off more rapidly than Jct(B). In the conventional magnetic measurement, the loop currents that support the magnetization are restricted by the lower of Jct(B) and Jcm{\phi} (B). In the present case the latter, leading to the premature dropoff of the measured Jcm(B) compared to Jct(B) with increasing field. This result is supported by Kramer plots of the Jcm{\phi} (B) and Jct(B) data which lead to an irreversibility field for transverse current that is very much less than the usual transport-measured longitudinal one, Birr,t.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figure

    Programas, intervenciones y redes informales en salud. Necesidad de convergencia entre los programas

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    Hacerse cargo del cuidado de un familiar dependiente puede afectar negativamente a la salud del cuidador/a en su vida afectiva y laboral. Las repercusiones del cuidado informal preocupan a las diferentes administraciones y también a los profesionales sanitarios, quienes se proponen ofrecer el soporte más adecuado a los cuidadores familiares, para que puedan seguir desempeñando las actividades derivadas del cuidado y a su vez minimicen el cansancio y la carga que supone cuidar. Desde hace una década se ha venido acrecentando el interés por planificar y desarrollar programas de soporte, desde la iniciativa pública y privada, dirigidos a cuidadores familiares. Los contenidos de estos programas son de diversa índole, y ofrecen asesoramiento e información, apoyo emocional, ayuda económica o descargas temporales del cuidado de las personas dependientes. La literatura científica revisada coincide en la importancia y la necesidad de coordinación y complementariedad que debe darse entre las redes informales y formales en el soporte a los cuidadores de las personas dependientes

    Hybrid organic-inorganic mononuclear lanthanoid single ion magnets

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    The first family of hybrid mononuclear organic-inorganic lanthanoid complexes is reported, based on [PW11O39]7− and 1,10-phenanthroline ligands. This hybrid approach causes a dramatic improvement of the relaxation time (×1000) with a decrease of the optimal field while maintaining the Ueff of the inorganic analogues

    Evolutionary Analysis of DELLA-Associated Transcriptional Networks

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    [EN] DELLA proteins are transcriptional regulators present in all land plants which have been shown to modulate the activity of over 100 transcription factors in Arabidopsis, involved in multiple physiological and developmental processes. It has been proposed that DELLAs transduce environmental information to pre-wired transcriptional circuits because their stability is regulated by gibberellins (GAs), whose homeostasis largely depends on environmental signals. The ability of GAs to promote DELLA degradation coincides with the origin of vascular plants, but the presence of DELLAs in other land plants poses at least two questions: what regulatory properties have DELLAs provided to the behavior of transcriptional networks in land plants, and how has the recruitment of DELLAs by GA signaling affected this regulation. To address these issues, we have constructed gene co-expression networks of four different organisms within the green lineage with different properties regarding DELLAs: Arabidopsis thaliana and Solanum lycopersicum (both with GA- regulated DELLA proteins), Physcomitrella patens (with GA- independent DELLA proteins) and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (a green alga without DELLA), and we have examined the relative evolution of the subnetworks containing the potential DELLA-dependent transcriptomes. Network analysis indicates a relative increase in parameters associated with the degree of interconnectivity in the DELLA-associated subnetworks of land plants, with a stronger effect in species with GA- regulated DELLA proteins. These results suggest that DELLAs may have played a role in the coordination of multiple transcriptional programs along evolution, and the function of DELLAs as regulatory 'hubs' became further consolidated after their recruitment by GA signaling in higher plants.Work in the laboratories was funded by grants BFU2016-80621-P and BIO2014-52425-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014-644435 of the European Union. AB-M and JH-G hold Fellowships of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport FPU14/01941 and FPU15/01756, respectively.Briones-Moreno, A.; Hernández-García, J.; Vargas-Chávez, C.; Romero-Campero FJ; Romero, J.; Valverde, F.; Blazquez Rodriguez, MA. (2017). Evolutionary Analysis of DELLA-Associated Transcriptional Networks. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8(626):1-11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.00626S111862

    Magnetic Slow Relaxation in a Metal–Organic Framework Made of Chains of Ferromagnetically Coupled Single-Molecule Magnets

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    International audienceWe report the study of a Dy-based metal-organic framework (MOF) with unprecedented magnetic properties. The compound is made of nine-coordinated Dy-III magnetic building blocks (MBBs) with poor intrinsic single-molecule magnet behavior. However, the MOF architecture constrains the MBBs in a one-dimensional structure that induces a ferromagnetic coupling between them. Overall, the material shows a magnetic slow relaxation in absence of external static field and a hysteretic behavior at 0.5K. Low-temperature magnetic studies, diamagnetic doping, and ab initio calculations highlight the crucial role played by the Dy-Dy ferromagnetic interaction. Overall, we report an original magnetic object at the frontier between single-chain magnets and single-molecule magnets that host intrachain couplings that cancel quantum tunneling between the MBBs. This compound is evidence that a bottom-up approach through MOF design can induce spontaneous organization of MBBs able to produce remarkable molecular magnetic materials

    Foodborne norovirus outbreak: the role of an asymptomatic food handler

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    Background: In July 2005 an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis occurred on a residential summer camp in the province of Barcelona (northeast of Spain). Forty-four people were affected among residents and employees. All of them had in common a meal at lunch time on 13 July (paella, round of beef and fruit). The aim of this study was to investigate a foodborne norovirus outbreak that occurred in the residential summer camp and in which the implication of a food handler was demonstrated by laboratory tests. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was designed. Personal or telephone interview was carried out to collect demographic, clinical and microbiological data of the exposed people, as well as food consumption in the suspected lunch. Food handlers of the mentioned summer camp were interviewed. Ten stool samples were requested from symptomatic exposed residents and the three food handlers that prepared the suspected food. Stools were tested for bacteries and noroviruses. Norovirus was detected using RT-PCR and sequence analysis. Attack rate, relative risks (RR) and its 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated to assess the association between food consumption and disease. Results: The global attack rate of the outbreak was 55%. The main symptoms were abdominal pain (90%), nausea (85%), vomiting (70%) and diarrhoea (42.5%). The disease remitted in 24-48 hours. Norovirus was detected in seven faecal samples, one of them was from an asymptomatic food handler who had not eaten the suspected food (round of beef), but cooked and served the lunch. Analysis of the two suspected foods isolated no pathogenic bacteria and detected no viruses. Molecular analysis showed that the viral strain was the same in ill patients and in the asymptomatic food handler (genotype GII.2 Melksham-like). Conclusions: In outbreaks of foodborne disease, the search for viruses in affected patients and all food handlers, even in those that are asymptomatic, is essential. Health education of food handlers with respect to hand washing should be promoted