15 research outputs found

    The behaviour of excited plane jets

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    A plane subsonic jet can be excited to entrain more fluid from its surroundings by subjecting it to antisymmetric periodic disturbances. The essential feature in this phenomenon is the rolling-up motion of an initially flapping jet to form large vortices which are responsible for greater entrainment. Several methods developed to impart oscillations to the flow at the nozzle, such as the acoustic pressure oscillator, the vibration of a single vane in the potential core region, the reciprocating lip system and the twin vane exciter, are described in this article. A minimum threshold in amplitude is necessary for exciting the flow. However, the frequency of oscillation is much less than that predicted by stability considerations

    An experimental study of reverse transition in two-dimensional channel flow

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    An experimental investigation on reverse transition from turbulent to laminar flow in a two-dimensional channel was carried out. The reverse transition occurred when Reynolds number of an initially turbulent flow was reduced below a certain value by widening the duct in the lateral direction. The experiments were conducted at Reynolds numbers of 625, 865, 980 and 1250 based on half the height of the channel and the average of the mean velocity. At all these Reynolds numbers the initially turbulent mean velocity profiles tend to become parabolic. The longitudinal and vertical velocity fluctuations (u2\overline{u^{\prime 2}} and v2\overline{v^{\prime 2}}) averaged over the height of the channel decrease exponentially with distance downstream, but uv\overline{u^{\prime}v^{\prime}} tends to become zero at a reasonably well-defined point. During reverse transition uv/u2v2\overline{u^{\prime}}\overline{v^{\prime}}/\sqrt{\overline{u^{\prime 2}}}\sqrt{\overline{v^{\prime 2}}} also decreases as the flow moves downstream and Lissajous figures taken with u’ and v’ signals confirm this trend. There is approximate similarly between u2\overline{u^{\prime 2}} profiles if the value of umax2\overline{u^{\prime 2}_{\max}} and the distance from the wall at which it occurs are taken as the reference scales. The spectrum of u2\overline{u^{\prime 2}} is almost similar at all stations and the non-dimensional spectrum is exponential in wave-number. All the turbulent quantities, when plotted in appropriate co-ordinates, indicate that there is a definite critical Reynolds number of 1400±50 for reverse transition

    On the criteria for reverse transition in a two-dimensional boundary layer flow

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    Experiments on reverse transition were conducted in two-dimensional accelerated incompressible turbulent boundary layers. Mean velocity profiles, longitudinal velocity fluctuations u~(=(u2)12)\tilde{u}^{\prime}(=(\overline{u^{\prime 2}})^{\frac{1}{2}}) and the wall-shearing stress (TW) were measured. The mean velocity profiles show that the wall region adjusts itself to laminar conditions earlier than the outer region. During the reverse transition process, increases in the shape parameter (H) are accompanied by a decrease in the skin friction coefficient (Cf). Profiles of turbulent intensity (u’2) exhibit near similarity in the turbulence decay region. The breakdown of the law of the wall is characterized by the parameter Δp(=ν[dP/dx]/ρU3)=0.02, \Delta_p (=\nu[dP/dx]/\rho U^{*3}) = - 0.02, where U* is the friction velocity. Downstream of this region the decay of u~\tilde{u}^{\prime} fluctuations occurred when the momentum thickness Reynolds number (R) decreased roughly below 400

    Wall Shear Fluctuations in a Turbulent Boundary Layer

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    IN the last two decades, the instantaneous structure of a turbulent boundary layer has been examined by many in an effort to understand the dynamics of the flow. Distinct and well-defined flow patterns that seem to have great relevance to the turbulence production mechanism have been observed in the wall region.1'2 The flow near the wall is intermittent with periodic eruptions of the fluid, a phenomenon generally termed "bursting process." Earlier investigations in this field were limited to liquid flows at low speeds and the entire flowpattern was observed using flow visualization techniques.Study was later extended to boundary-layer flows in windtunnels at higher speeds and Reynolds numbers using hot-wiresignals for the analysis of the bursting phenomenon

    Wall Shear Fluctuations in a Turbulent Boundary Layer

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    IN the last two decades, the instantaneous structure of a turbulent boundary layer has been examined by many in an effort to understand the dynamics of the flow. Distinct and well-defined flow patterns that seem to have great relevance to the turbulence production mechanism have been observed in the wall region.1'2 The flow near the wall is intermittent with periodic eruptions of the fluid, a phenomenon generally termed "bursting process." Earlier investigations in this field were limited to liquid flows at low speeds and the entire flowpattern was observed using flow visualization techniques.Study was later extended to boundary-layer flows in windtunnels at higher speeds and Reynolds numbers using hot-wiresignals for the analysis of the bursting phenomenon

    The ‘bursting’ phenomenon in a turbulent boundary layer

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    Using a hot wire in a turbulent boundary layer in air, an experimental study has been made of the frequent periods of activity (to be called ‘bursts’) noticed in a turbulent signal that has been passed through a narrow band-pass filter. Although definitive identification of bursts presents difficulties, it is found that a reasonable characteristic value for the mean interval between such bursts is consistent, at the same Reynolds number, with the mean burst periods measured by Kline et al. (1967), using hydrogen-bubble techniques in water. However, data over the wider Reynolds number range covered here show that, even in the wall or inner layer, the mean burst period scales with outer rather than inner variables; and that the intervals are distributed according to the log normal law. It is suggested that these ‘bursts’ are to be identified with the ‘spottiness’ of Landau & Kolmogorov, and the high-frequency intermittency observed by Batchelor & Townsend. It is also concluded that the dynamics of the energy balance in a turbulent boundary layer can be understood only on the basis of a coupling between the inner and outer layers

    Transitional intermittency in boundary layers subjected to pressure gradient

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    Results are reported from an extensive series of experiments on boundary layers in which the location of pressure gradient and transition onset could be varied almost independently, by judicious use of tunnel wall liners and transition-fixing devices. The experiments show that the transition zone is sensitive to the pressure gradient especially near onset, and can be significantly asymmetric; no universal similarity appears valid in general. Observed intermittency distributions cannot be explained on the basis of the hypothesis, often made, that the spot propagates at speeds proportional to the local free-stream velocity but is otherwise unaffected by the pressure gradient