335 research outputs found


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    Stackelberg games play an extremely important role in such fields as economics, management, politics and behavioral sciences. There exists extensive literature about static optimization problems. However, the studies on dynamic optimization problems are relatively scarce in spite of the importance in explaining and predicting some phenomena rationally. In this paper, new approach of continuous time open loop stackelberg differential game introduced with a min-max game (secure concept) between multiple followers playing dependently (the pareto followers) and others independently (the nash followers), the problem formulation is presented with an example for the solution of the game


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    Stackelberg games play an extremely important role in such fields as economics, management, politics and behavioral sciences. There exists extensive literature about static optimization problems. However, the studies on dynamic optimization problems are relatively scarce in spite of the importance in explaining and predicting some phenomena rationally. In this paper, new approach of continuous time open loop stackelberg differential game introduced with a min-max game (secure concept) between multiple followers playing dependently (the pareto followers) and others independently (the nash followers), the problem formulation is presented with an example for the solution of the game


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    In parametric analysis, which often referrers to parametric optimization or parametric programming, a perturbation parameter is introduction to the optimization problem, which means that the coefficients in the objective function of the problem and On the other hand of the constraints are perturbed. In this paper, we present the qualitative and quantitative analysis of adapted approach of Min-Max differential game of fixed duration with general parameters in the cost functions and constrains between multiple players playing dependently (the Pareto concept) and others independently (the Nash concept), the solvability set and the stability sets of the first and the second kind are defined and algorithms for determining these sets are presented

    Optimization of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) for high technology product producing factory via the modularization of production systems

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    This research is timely because many High Technology Product Producing Factories (HTPPF) are still following the trend of factories that produces the likes of canned food or even cars where all machines are jointed from start to end (Towill, 2010). These HTPPF have not realized that improvements to product must be done everyday to keep market share. And to perform research continuously, buffers in-between production machines is a necessity. The absence of this has caused a number of hard disk manufacturers to close down, especially in Japan and Taiwan (notably Sony, NEC, Matsushita and Trace), which are leaders in joining up production lines from start to end. It is due to this that currently 90% of hard disks are produced by Western Digital and Seagate, with Toshiba having 10% market share

    Interactive Boundary Element Analysis for Engineering Design

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    Structural design of mechanical components is an iterative process that involves multiple stress analysis runs; this can be time consuming and expensive. Significant improvements in the eciency of this process can be made by increasing the level of interactivity. One approach is through real-time re-analysis of models with continuously updating geometry. Three primary areas need to be considered to accelerate the re-solution of boundary element problems. These are re-meshing the model, updating the boundary element system of equations and re-solution of the system. Once the initial model has been constructed and solved, the user may apply geometric perturbations to parts of the model. The re-meshing algorithm must accommodate these changes in geometry whilst retaining as much of the existing mesh as possible. This allows the majority of the previous boundary element system of equations to be re-used for the new analysis. For this problem, a GMRES solver has been shown to provide the fastest convergence rate. Further time savings can be made by preconditioning the updated system with the LU decomposition of the original system. Using these techniques, near real-time analysis can be achieved for 3D simulations; for 2D models such real-time performance has already been demonstrated

    Reproductive biology of greasy grouper, Epinephelus tauvina and coral hind grouper Cephalopholis miniata (Family: Serranidae) in the southern Red Sea, Shalatien, Egypt

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    Groupers are the main component of commercial fisheries in the Red Sea. The reproductive biology of Epinephelus tauvina and Cephalopholis miniata collected at the Shalatien landing site in the southern Egyptian Red Sea were investigated from January to December 2017. A total of 212 specimens of E. tauvina with a total length range of 23.6 to 70.3 cm and 243 specimens of C. miniata with a total length range of 17.4 to 42.1 cm were examined. Females of E. tauvina and C. miniata accounted for 61.7 and 61.9% of the total fish sampled, showing a 1:1.61 and 1:1.63 male-to-female sex ratio, respectively. The monthly distribution of maturity stages and gonadosomatic index values showed that the spawning season for both sexes was extended from April to October for E. tauvina and from April to September for C. miniata. The lengths at first sexual maturity of the males and females of E. tauvina were estimated at 49 and 48.1 cm, respectively, while those for C. miniata were estimated at 23.2 and 22.7 cm, respectively. All our results can help in the proper management of these valuable resources

    Determining Tocotrienol Rich Fraction Effects on Laying, Mortality and Egg Quality Parameters

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    The public interest and awareness in healthier lifestyle has increased the demand of functional food, nutraceuticals and designer foods, which has resulted in the creation of new foods in marketplace, for instance designer and specialty eggs. A feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the laying performance of H&N layer chickens fed diets supplemented with tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF), as well as to quantify tocopherol and tocotrienol accumulation in eggs and their effect on egg quality. A total of 300 H&N laying hens (17-wk old) were randomly allocated to 50 battery cages with 6 birds per cage. The birds were assigned equally to 6 different treatment diets; commercial diet (F1), corn-soy based diet (F2), corn-soy based diet added with 25ppm (F3), 50ppm (F4), 75ppm (F5) and 100ppm (F6) of tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF). Egg production and egg quality measurements were not significantly different (P>0.05) between treatments. Egg yolk from hens fed TRF supplemented diets contained more tocotrienol compared to those fed corn-soy based diet (P0.05). As feeding time progressed, the tocotrienol content tended to accumulate in the egg yolks (P<0.05)

    The proliferation of knowledge-based workforce in knowledge-based economy: Evidence from Malaysian High-Tech Industries

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    The aim of this study is to describe the proliferation of knowledge-based workers in the high-tech industries in Malaysia. A total of 1,000 firms representing production and manufacturing sectors of the country's knowledge-based economy were selected from the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturer's list by using the stratified random sampling technique. Self-administered questionnaires and selfaddressed stamped envelopes were distributed to the respondents using postage mail. 120 questionnaires (12%) were returned and data entry was carried out using a statistical package and descriptive statistics was applied on four variables namely demographic, manpower requirements, technology and IT adoption, and training of the firms. The empirical result indicates the growing importance of knowledge-based workers to the emergence of k-economy sectors in Malaysia. Based on the findings, several recommendations being put forward at the end of the report

    Exact traveling wave solutions for two prolific conformable M-Fractional differential equations via three diverse approaches

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    In this paper, we obtain the exact traveling solutions of the M-fractional generalized reaction Duffing model and density dependent M-fractional diffusion reaction equation by using three fertile, (G′ /G, 1/G), modified ( G′ /G2) and (1/G′ )-expansion methods. These methods contribute a variety of exact traveling wave solutions to the scientific literature. The obtained solutions are also verified for the aforesaid equations through symbolic soft computations. Furthermore, some results are explained through numerical simulations that show the novelty of our work. Moreover, we observe that all the solutions are new and an excellent contribution in the existing literature of solitary wave theory.The publication of this article was funded by the Qatar National Library .Scopu
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