12 research outputs found

    Review about mites (Acari) of rubber trees (Hevea spp., Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil

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    Efeitos da queima seguida de pastejo ou diferimento sobre o resĂ­duo, temperatura do solo e mesofauna de uma pastagem natural Effects of burning followed by grazing or deferring on residual dry matter, soil temperature and mesofauna of a natural pasture

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    Foi realizado um experimento no Departamento de Zootecnia da UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, com o objetivo de estimar os efeitos do fogo associado ao pastejo, com ou sem período de diferimento após a queima, sobre o resíduo e mesofauna edáfica de uma pastagem natural. Foi observada, também, o efeito do fogo sobre a variação da temperatura do solo. O experimento foi instalado no inverno de 1992 e os dados foram coletados no período de maio de 1993 a junho de 1994. Os tratamentos foram: queimado em 17/09/92 e Rastejado; queimado em 17/09/92, diferido, requeimado em 05/09/93 e pastejado; não queimado e pastejado em 1992, queimado em 22/06/93 e diferido. Foi constatado que o fogo diminui o resíduo da pastagem e essa redução é maior ainda quando há pastejo. Não foram observadas alterações significativas na temperatura do solo, devido à intensidade do fogo ter sido baixa. A queima e o pastejo não apresentaram efeitos significativos sobre a população de colêmbolos e ácaros do solo.<br>This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of burning associated with grazing and burning with deferring periods, on residual dry matter, soil temperature and mesofauna composition of a natural pasture. The experiment was conducted at the Animal Science Departament, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. The trial was initiated in the Winter of 1992 and data were collected from May, 1993 to June, 1994. Treatments consisted of: burned in 9/17/92 and grazed: burned in 9/17/92 and deferred, reburned in 9/5/93 and grazed; not burned in 1992 and grazed, burned in 6/22/93 and deferred. Burning reduced dry matter residue and the reduction was more pronounced when burning was followed by grazing. Soil temperature was not affected by burning mainly because its intensity was low. Soil mesofauna was not significantiy affected by the diffèrent treatments tested

    A synonymic catalogue of the Acari from Antarctica, the sub-Antarctic Islands and the Southern Ocean

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    The records, taxonomy and geographical distribution of 528 species of Acari collected from the Antarctic, sub-Antarctic islands and the Southern Ocean are collated. Included are free-living and phoretic mites, parasites and nidicoles associated with a variety of birds, seals and other introduced mammals, from terrestrial aquatic, seashore and benthic marine habitats. A number of these Acari have been introduced by humans, to and around research stations and disused whaling stations. A full alphabetical index to all current higher taxa, as well as current/redundant generic and specific names, is provided