315 research outputs found

    Cold-water corals and deep-sea sponges by-catch mitigation: Dealing with groundfish survey data in the management of the northwest Atlantic Ocean high seas fisheries

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    The integration of survey data in the processes of the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations is a key step for conservation of deep-sea ecosystems and sustainable exploitation of deep-sea fisheries resources, including the mitigation of by-catch and discards of cold-water corals and deep-sea sponges, both considered by FAO as vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) indicator species. Information on corals and sponges from annual bottom trawl groundfish surveys in areas beyond national jurisdictions has been integrated into the “ecosystem management cycle” of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). Survey data have improved our knowledge on VMEs identification, distribution and extent, and has led to the proposal and implementation of conservation and management measures. These data have particular relevance to delineate and refine the boundaries of areas closed to commercial bottom fishing (14 closures), in order to prevent significant adverse impacts on VMEs, according to the mandate of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 61/105. Considering the European groundfish surveys in the NAFO Regulatory Area (high seas) as a case study, the paper presents an overview of how invertebrate catch data have been integrated into the fisheries management process as a basis to the implementation of VMEs closed areas. Fishing closures are considered effective spatial management measures to avoid by-catch and discards of cold-water corals and deep-sea sponges in commercial bottom fishing, mitigating the adverse impacts on deep-sea ecosystemsVersión del editor1,86

    A theoretical exercise of Marine Spatial Planning in the Flemish Cap and Flemish Pass (NAFO Divs. 3LM): implications for fisheries management in the high seas

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    A theoretical exercise of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is currently being conducted within the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), using the MESMA framework to assess whether the existing science base is sufficient to support a potential spatially managed area. The case study is located in the high seas within the Flemish Cap – Flemish Pass area. It includes cold-water coral and deep-sea sponge vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs), bottom fishing closed areas, and different blue economy activities, such as high seas fisheries and offshore oil and gas. The paper summarizes the context setting for MSP, in a theoretical scenario to accommodate an emergent offshore hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation, minimizing impacts on VMEs and existing high seas fisheries. Biophysical and socio-economic components of the ecosystem are mapped, including the spatial overlapping between new and traditional uses of the marine space, focused on potential conflicts user-user (e.g. hydrocarbon industry and deep-sea fisheries) or userenvironment (e.g. hydrocarbon industry and VMEs) and considering transboundary conflicts (e.g. recent oil spills). Current and potential management measures are described. This is followed by a discussion on the role and challenges of MSP in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, as lessons learned from the present exercise. Finally, the future work is briefly outlined

    Seabed litter distribution in the high seas of the Flemish Pass area (NW Atlantic)

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    Seabed litter of the Flemish Pass area (NW Atlantic Ocean) was analysed and described using data from the EU-Spain groundfish survey (2006-2017 period). This study presents baseline information on seabed litter in this area. The Flemish Pass is located in areas beyond national jurisdiction within the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Regulatory Area Division 3L. A total of 1169 valid bottom trawl hauls were analysed (104-1478 m depth). Litter was found in 8.3% of the hauls, with mean densities of 1.4±0.2 items km–2 and 10.6±5.2 kg km–2. An increasing pattern with depth was found, the highest densities of seabed litter being identified in the deepest areas located in the Flemish Pass channel and down the northeastern flank of the Grand Bank. Fishing was found to be the main source of marine litter, and 61.9% of the hauls with litter presence showed litter included in the fisheries-related litter category. Whereas in most cases the litter was composed of small fragments of rope, in other cases it was composed of entire fishing gears such as traps. Plastics, metal and other anthropogenic litter were the next most abundant categories, accounting for 18.6%, 16.5% and 12.4% of the total, respectively.Versión del editor1,00

    Relationship between internal medicine journals’ activity on social networks and the citations they receive

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    Antecedentes y objetivo Las redes sociales son medios de divulgación de información científica. Se han generado métricas alternativas que evalúan el impacto de publicaciones científicas en redes sociales. Este estudio busca evaluar si existe correlación entre la actividad de las revistas de medicina interna en las redes sociales y las métricas tradicionales basadas en citaciones. Métodos Se identificaron las revistas de medicina interna a partir de la base de datos SCImago. Se extrajo información de las métricas tradicionales y alternativas de actividad de las revistas en Facebook, Twitter, YouTube e Instagram. Se evaluó correlación mediante el coeficiente de Spearman. Resultados De un total de 134 revistas de medicina interna, 17 contaban con presencia en las redes sociales evaluadas. El índice SJR fue más alto en revistas con red social vs. sin red social (59 vs. 18, p<0,0001), y la correlación global entre el índice SJR y el número de seguidores/año en Facebook fue muy fuerte (coeficiente de Spearman 0,95, p<0,05) y fuerte para el número de seguidores/año en Twitter (coeficiente de Spearman 0,54, p <0,05). Conclusiones Nuestro estudio sugiere que existe una correlación muy fuerte entre las métricas de actividad de las redes sociales, comparado con las métricas tradicionales basadas en el número de citaciones en revistas de medicina interna.Q3Background and objectives Social networks are a means for disseminating scientific information. Alternative metrics assessing the impact of scientific publications on social networks have been created. Our study aims to assess the correlation between the activity of internal medicine journals on social networks and traditional metrics based on citations. Methods Internal medicine journals were identified in the SCImago-Scopus database and information on traditional impact metrics was extracted. In addition, alternative metrics of activity were determined for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. The correlation was assessed through Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results Of 134 Internal Medicine journals, 17 had a presence on the social networks evaluated. The SJR index was higher in journals with a presence on social networks vs. those without (59 vs. 18, p <.0001). The overall correlation between the SJR index and the number of followers/year was very strong for Facebook (Spearman's correlation coefficient 0.95, p <.05) and strong for Twitter (Spearman's correlation coefficient 0.54 p <.05). Conclusions Our study suggests that there is a very strong correlation between social network activity metrics (mainly Facebook and Twitter) compared to traditional metrics based on the number of citations of internal medicine journals.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Superficial radiotherapy as haemostatic treatment in breast cancer

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    Poster Session [EP-1661] Purpose or Objective Breast cancer is a common pathology in which o = 25% in tumor size and absence of bleeding was observed. Conclusion Surface radiotherapy is a treatment modality that should be taken into account in patients with breast cancer who present bleeding as a consequence of local tumor growth, given that this is a treatment comfortable for the patient, non invasive and increases the quality of patient’s life

    Sentinels of Seabed (SoS) indicator: Assessing benthic habitats condition using typical and sensitive species

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    Indicators are key tools used to assess the ecological status of the environment for ecosystem based management. Anthropogenic disturbances produce changes to habitat condition, which include modifications in species composition and their functions. Monitoring a group of sentinel species (from a taxonomic and functional point of view) provides useful insights into benthic habitat condition. Here, a new indicator, Sentinels of the Seabed (SoS) is proposed to assess state of benthic habitats using “sentinel” species (species which are characteristic of a habitat and sensitive to a given pressure). The selection of these sentinel species has two stages. First, a ‘typical species set’ is computed using intra-habitat similarity and frequency under reference conditions. Second, the ‘sentinel species set’ is generated by selecting the most sensitive species from the typical species set. This selection is made using specific indexes able to assess species sensitivity to a particular pressure. The SoS indicator method was tested on six case studies and two different pressure types (trawling disturbance and pollution), using data from otter trawl, box-corer and Remote Operate Vehicle images. In each scenario, the SoS indicator was compared to the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Margalef index and total biomass, being the only metric, which showed the expected significant negative response to pressure in all cases. Our results shows that SoS was highly effective in assessing benthic habitats status under both physical and chemical pressures, regardless of the sampling gear, the habitat, or the case study, showing a great potential to be a useful tool in the management of marine ecosystems.Versión del editor2,69

    Ex vivo, in situ perfusion protocol for human brain fixation compatible with microscopy, MRI techniques, and anatomical studies

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    We present a method for human brain fixation based on simultaneous perfusion of 4% paraformaldehyde through carotids after a flush with saline. The left carotid cannula is used to perfuse the body with 10% formalin, to allow further use of the body for anatomical research or teaching. The aim of our method is to develop a vascular fixation protocol for the human brain, by adapting protocols that are commonly used in experimental animal studies. We show that a variety of histological procedures can be carried out (cyto- and myeloarchitectonics, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, intracellular cell injection, and electron microscopy). In addition, ex vivo, ex situ high-resolution MRI (9.4T) can be obtained in the same specimens. This procedure resulted in similar morphological features to those obtained by intravascular perfusion in experimental animals, provided that the postmortem interval was under 10 h for several of the techniques used and under 4 h in the case of intracellular injections and electron microscopy. The use of intravascular fixation of the brain inside the skull provides a fixed whole human brain, perfectly fitted to the skull, with negligible deformation compared to conventional techniques. Given this characteristic of ex vivo, in situ fixation, this procedure can probably be considered the most suitable one available for ex vivo MRI scans of the brain. We describe the compatibility of the method proposed for intravascular fixation of the human brain and fixation of the donor’s body for anatomical purposes. Thus, body donor programs can provide human brain tissue, while the remainder of the body can also be fixed for anatomical studies. Therefore, this method of human brain fixation through the carotid system optimizes the procurement of human brain tissue, allowing a greater understanding of human neurological diseases, while benefiting anatomy departments by making the remainder of the body available for teaching purposes.This work was supported in part by the National Institute of Health (Grant R01 AG056014-R01), a UCLM travel grant (to RI), a UCLM research grant to Human Neuroanatomy Laboratory (2020-GRIN-28837), and project EQC2019-006341-P (AEI/FEDER UE)

    Methodological Adaptation to EHEA of the of Instrumental Techniques subject of Pharmacy degree at the University of Barcelona

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    En el plan de estudios del Grado de Farmacia de la Universidad de Barcelona, la asignatura de Técnicas Instrumentales se imparte en el cuarto semestre, después de haber cursado Física, Fisicoquímica y Química Analítica. El equipo docente de la asignatura está integrado por once profesores que mediante trabajo colaborativo y adecuada coordinación organizan la docencia de la misma que se distribuye en clases teóricas y prácticas Con el objetivo de adaptar la asignatura a las necesidades del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, se distribuyó en tres Bloques: I, Técnicas Espectroscópicas; II, Técnicas Electroquímicas y III, Técnicas de Separación. Las actividades teórico-prácticas se han planificado de manera secuencial. Así se inicia el ciclo con las clases teóricas del Bloque I y a continuación de manera paralela se imparten las clases prácticas del Bloque I y las clases teóricas del Bloque II y así sucesivamente, de manera que se termina la docencia con las prácticas del último Bloque. En este proceso adquiere especial relevancia tanto la formación práctica en el laboratorio como el trabajo tutorizado que debe realizar el estudiante. Se realiza un proceso de evaluación continuada teórico/práctico en cada uno de los Bloques. Se da especial relevancia a la adquisición de habilidades y destrezas que permitan una correcta realización de las prácticas de laboratorio, es decir la integración de los contenidos específicos a la aplicación de las diferentes técnicas instrumentales, la resolución de los cálculos numéricos y la interpretación de los resultados.In the new syllabus of the Pharmacy degree at the University of Barcelona, the subject Analytical Techniques is taught at the fourth semester, after the subjects Physics, Physical chemistry and Analytical chemistry. The teaching team of this subject is integrated by eleven teachers that by means of collaborative work and an appropriate coordination, organize the docent activity into practical and theoretical classes. With the aim to adapt this subject to the requirements of the European space for higher education, it has been designed in three blocs: I. Spectroscopic techniques, II. Electrochemical techniques and, III. Separation techniques, by planning the theoretical and practical activities in a sequential manner. Therefore, the cycle begins with the theory of the first bloc followed with the practice corresponding to it together with the theory of the second bloc, and so on. The course ends with the practical part of the third bloc. In this process is of great importance the tutorial work that the student should do. The evaluation of the theory and of the practical part of each bloc is done in a continuous way paying special focus on the acquisition of abilities and handiness that will allow the correct performance in the laboratory. In summary, the integration of the specific contents to the application of the different instrumental techniques, the resolution of the numerical calculations and the interpretation of the results.Este trabajo ha estado subvencionado por los Proyectos: "Adaptació metodològical a l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior del projecte docent del Departament de Fisicoquímica per a la implementaió del nou grau de Farmàcia", nº 2009QMD00207. Programa "Millora de la qualitat docenta les universitats de Catalunya" - MQD2009 de la Generalitat de Catalunya". "Bones pràctiques d0avaluació continuada a la UB". Programa del 2009: Ajuts a projectes dìnnovació docent de la Universitat de Barcelon

    The identification of economically relevant health and social care services for mental disorders in the PECUNIA project

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    Background: Health economic research is still facing significant problems regarding the standardization and international comparability of health care services. As a result, comparative effectiveness studies and cost-effectiveness analyses are often not comparable. This study is part of the PECUNIA project, which aimed to improve the comparability of economic evaluations by developing instruments for the internationally standardized measurement and valuation of health care services for mental disorders. The aim of this study was to identify internationally relevant services in the health and social care sectors relevant for health economic studies for mental disorders. Methods: A systematic literature review on cost-of-illness studies and economic evaluations was conducted to identify relevant services, complemented by an additional grey literature search and a search of resource use measurement (RUM) questionnaires. A preliminary long-list of identified services was explored and reduced to a short-list by multiple consolidation rounds within the international research team and an external international expert survey in six European countries. Results: After duplicate removal, the systematic search yielded 15,218 hits. From these 295 potential services could be identified. The grey literature search led to 368 and the RUM search to 36 additional potential services. The consolidation process resulted in a preliminary list of 186 health and social care services which underwent an external expert survey. A final consolidation step led to a basic list of 56 services grouped into residential care, daycare, outpatient care, information for care, accessibility to care, and self-help and voluntary care. Conclusions: The initial literature searches led to an extensive number of potential service items for health and social care. Many of these items turned out to be procedures, interventions or providing professionals rather than services and were removed from further analysis. The resulting list was used as a basis for typological coding, the development of RUM questionnaires and corresponding unit costs for international mental health economic studies in the PECUNIA project.</p

    Anisotropic flow of charged hadrons, pions and (anti-)protons measured at high transverse momentum in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=2.76 TeV

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    The elliptic, v2v_2, triangular, v3v_3, and quadrangular, v4v_4, azimuthal anisotropic flow coefficients are measured for unidentified charged particles, pions and (anti-)protons in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Results obtained with the event plane and four-particle cumulant methods are reported for the pseudo-rapidity range η<0.8|\eta|<0.8 at different collision centralities and as a function of transverse momentum, pTp_{\rm T}, out to pT=20p_{\rm T}=20 GeV/cc. The observed non-zero elliptic and triangular flow depends only weakly on transverse momentum for pT>8p_{\rm T}>8 GeV/cc. The small pTp_{\rm T} dependence of the difference between elliptic flow results obtained from the event plane and four-particle cumulant methods suggests a common origin of flow fluctuations up to pT=8p_{\rm T}=8 GeV/cc. The magnitude of the (anti-)proton elliptic and triangular flow is larger than that of pions out to at least pT=8p_{\rm T}=8 GeV/cc indicating that the particle type dependence persists out to high pTp_{\rm T}.Comment: 16 pages, 5 captioned figures, authors from page 11, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/186