29 research outputs found


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    Perancangan aplikasi data mining dengan menggunakan analisis regresi ini bertujuan untuk membantu memrediksi beberapa variabel yang berhubungan dengan permintaan customer dan membuat suatu pengambilan keputusan yang tepat. Aplikasi data mining dapat membantu mengoptimalkan proses analisa, evaluasi, dan pada akhirnya proses pengambilan keputusan itu sendiri. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh adanya peluang untuk melakukan analisa terhadap prediksi nilai di masa yang akan datang. Aplikasi data mining untuk kegiatan sewa menyewa mobil pada PT. Indorent Car dapat membantu mengoptimalkan proses analisa, evaluasi, dan pada akhirnya proses pengambilan keputusan itu sendiri. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh adanya peluang untuk melakukan analisa terhadap prediksi nilai di masa yang akan datang. Sistem yang ada saat ini tidak memungkinkan untuk hal ini. Untuk mengembangkan aplikasi data mining dibutuhkan data warehouse atau database tersendiri yang memenuhi syarat dan mampu menyediakan data yang relevan dengan kebutuhan data mining. Langkah-langkah untuk melakukan analisa perancangan berdasarkan teori yang terdiri dari analisa permasalahan, analisa database untuk kebutuhan data mining dan analisa data mining dapat diterapkan. Analisa tersebut dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan hal-hal yang diperlukan jika suatu saat nanti konsep data mining akan diterapkan untuk kegiatan sewa menyewa mobil. Uji coba pada SPSS dengan menggunakan analisa regresi dan membandingkan hasil dari ketiga model regresi menunjukkan bahwa hasil dari ketiga model regresi tersebut hampir sama, namun untuk memperoleh hasil prediksi yang terbaik dapat dilihat dari rata-rata error terkecil yang dihasilkan dari masing-masing ketiga model regresi tersebut. Hasil rata-rata error setiap jenis mobil berdasarkan uji coba dalam kurun waktu 5 bulan.

    Genetic Algorithm & Fuzzy Logic Based PEM Fuel Cells Power Conversion System for AC Integration

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    In the scientific environment, the leading variables such as voltage, current, power, heat from cooling system, membrane temperature and hydrogen pressure are uses as steady state and transient behaviors of Fuel Cells (FC). In the reproducing process of Fuel Cells (FC) variations, DC-DC converters are connected transversely its terminals, the efficiency, stability and durability are considered as operational problems for steady state. Since the Proton Exchange Fuel Cell is a non-linear process and its parameters change when it is delivering energy to the grid. The conventional controllers can’t content the control objectives. In this paper, an intelligent DC-AC power optimization is proposed for Fuel Cell (FC) control system to produce energy in the grid stations and to improve the power quality when FC is supplying load to grid. Furthermore, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based reactive power optimization for voltage profile improvement and real power minimization in DC-AC system. A fuzzy logic controller is also used to control active power of PEM fuel cell system. Fuzzy logic controller will modify the hydrogen flow feedback from the terminal load. At the end, we will simulate DC-AC converter for checking its efficiency, stability and durability on the basis of the genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic controller to control power generation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh self efficacy terhadap job performance guru pada SMK Muhammadiyah Parung, untuk mengetahui pengaruh self efficacy terhadap job satisfaction pada SMK Muhammadiyah Parung, untuk mengetahui pengaruh job satisfaction terhadap job performance pada SMK Muhammadiyah Parung, untuk mengetahui  pengaruh self efficacy dengan  job performance dimediasi job satisfaction. Penelitian kuantitatif merupakan penelitian terstruktur dan mengkuantifikasikan data untuk dapat digeneralisasikan. Penyebaran kuesioner melalui google form kepada guru – guru SMK Muhammadiyah Parung. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang Pada penelitian ini menggunakan jenis sampel jenuh dalam pengambilan sampel-nya, di mana semua bagian populasi anggota populasi digunakan menjadi sampelnya. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square dengan software SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Job satisfaction berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap job performance. Self Efficacy berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap Job Performance. Self Efficacy berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Job Satisfaction. Self Efficacy melalui Job satisfaction berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap job performance


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    Background & Objective : Hepatitis B immunization in Indonesia generally observes early age group (infant) and still rarely observed in adolescence. Teenagers become very important because they will soon be married and have children. The purpose of this study was to determine hepatitis based on HBsAg by using Rapid test Material and Method: Analytical observational with cross sectional approach is done at Center for Health Studies Pondok Pesantren Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya. The sample size was 54 adolescents using accidental sampling technique, with age between 19-20 years old. HbsAg examination using manual rapid test monotest. Result: The result of the research shows that the most respondents are female, 94.44% and male 5.56%. A manual rapid test monotest will show strips one for negative results and two for HbsAg positive results. Rapid test HBsAg Monotest showed negative results against 54 people. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study can be concluded that not found positive adolescent hepatitis based on HBsAg examinatio

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Masyarakat Melalui Pembuatan Dendeng Ikan Layang Di Kelurahan Jambula

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    Serving fish is one type of fish that has economic value and is included in the resources of small pelagic fish. In North Maluku, Ternate, scad fish are caught using pajeko and bagang fishing gear, the catches obtained by fishermen are directly sold without any processing. Therefore, the activity of empowering the creative economy of the community through training in making scad fish jerky aims to increase knowledge and skills about processing scad fish into products that are durable and quality is maintained and get products that have different flavors. In this activity, the participants came from Jambula Village, District of South Ternate City, which consisted of 25 people and consisted of 3 business groups. The method of carrying out this activity is by practicing surgery, washing, drying, mixing spices and blanching and drying carried out by participants by utilizing the materials provided. The results obtained from this activity are that the participants can master the technology of processing fish into processed products that have different tastes, and can improve the community's economy


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    Latar Belakang: Carpal tunnel syndrome melibatkan kombinasi trauma mekanik, peningkatan tekanan, dan cedera iskemik pada saraf medianus dalam terowongan karpal, mengompresi serabut saraf sensorik dan motorik dari saraf medianus yang terdistribusi pada tangan. Kompresi serabut saraf menyebabkan selubung mielin rusak. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Nerve Gliding Exercise dan Ultrasound Terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Fungsional Pada Penderita Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan metode narrative review jurnal yang berasal dari 2 database, yaitu Microsoft Academik, Google Schollar. Kriteria inklusi pada penelitian ini adalah artikel free full text tentang ultrasound dan nerve gliding terhadap peningkatan kemampuan fungsional pada carpal tunnel syndrome yang dipublish tahun 2011-2021 berbahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Hasil: dari 5 jurnal ultrsound, 5 jurnal menyatakan ultrasound efektif dalam menangani carpal tunnel syndrome. Sedangkan dari 5 jurnal nerve gliding, 1 jurnal menyatakan efektif dan 4 jurnal menyatakan kurang efektif dalam menangani carpal tunnel syndrome. Kesimpulan: pemberian ultrasound efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan fungsional pada carpal tunnel syndrome. Sedangkan nerve gliding kurang efektif

    Genetic Algorithm & Fuzzy Logic Based PEM Fuel Cells Power Conversion System for AC Integration

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    In the scientific environment, the leading variables such as voltage, current, power, heat from cooling system, membrane temperature and hydrogen pressure are uses as steady state and transient behaviors of Fuel Cells (FC). In the reproducing process of Fuel Cells (FC) variations, DC-DC converters are connected transversely its terminals, the efficiency, stability and durability are considered as operational problems for steady state. Since the Proton Exchange Fuel Cell is a non-linear process and its parameters change when it is delivering energy to the grid. The conventional controllers can’t content the control objectives. In this paper, an intelligent DC-AC power optimization is proposed for Fuel Cell (FC) control system to produce energy in the grid stations and to improve the power quality when FC is supplying load to grid. Furthermore, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based reactive power optimization for voltage profile improvement and real power minimization in DC-AC system. A fuzzy logic controller is also used to control active power of PEM fuel cell system. Fuzzy logic controller will modify the hydrogen flow feedback from the terminal load. At the end, we will simulate DC-AC converter for checking its efficiency, stability and durability on the basis of the genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic controller to control power generation

    An Intelligent Automated Method to Diagnose and Segregate Induction Motor Faults

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    In the last few decades, various methods and alternative techniques have been proposed and implemented to diagnose induction motor faults. In an induction motor, bearing faults account the largest percentage of motor failure. Moreover, the existing techniques related to current and instantaneous power analysis are incompatible to diagnose the distributed bearing faults (race roughness), due to the fact that there does not exist any fault characteristics frequency model for these type of faults. In such a condition to diagnose and segregate the severity of fault is a challenging task. Thus, to overcome existing problem an alternative solution based on artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed. The proposed technique is harmonious because it does not oblige any mathematical models and the distributed faults are diagnosed and classified at incipient stage based on the extracted features from Park vector analysis (PVA). Moreover, the experimental results obtained through features of PVA and statistical evaluation of automated method shows the capability of proposed method that it is not only capable enough to diagnose fault but also can segregate bearing distributed defects

    Kota kuno Palopo dimensi fisik,sosial,dan kosmologi

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    xxvi + 217 hlm.;14,5 x 20 c

    Prinsip - prinsip perumusan kebijaksanaan negara

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