21 research outputs found

    Spectral functions of isoscalar scalar and isovector electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon at two-loop order

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    We calculate the imaginary parts of the isoscalar scalar and isovector electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon up to two-loop order in chiral perturbation theory. Particular attention is paid on the correct behavior of Im σN(t)\sigma_N(t) and Im GE,MV(t)G_{E,M}^V(t) at the two-pion threshold t0=4mπ2t_0=4 m_\pi^2 in connection with the non-relativistic 1/M-expansion. We recover the well-known strong enhancement near threshold originating from the nearby anomalous singularity at tc=4mπ2mπ4/M2=3.98mπ2t_c = 4m_\pi^2-m_\pi^4/M^2 = 3.98 m_\pi^2. In the case of the scalar spectral function Im σN(t)\sigma_N(t) one finds a significant improvement in comparison to the lowest order one-loop result. Higher order ππ\pi\pi-rescattering effects are however still necessary to close a remaining 20%-gap to the empirical scalar spectral function. The isovector electric and magnetic spectral functions Im GE,MV(t)G_{E,M}^V(t) get additionally enhanced near threshold by the two-pion-loop contributions. After supplementing their two-loop results by a phenomenological ρ\rho-meson exchange term one can reproduce the empirical isovector electric and magnetic spectral functions fairly well.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Spin asymmetry A_1^d and the spin-dependent structure function g_1^d of the deuteron at low values of x and Q^2

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    We present a precise measurement of the deuteron longitudinal spin asymmetry A_1^d and of the deuteron spin-dependent structure function g_1^d at Q^2 < 1 GeV^2 and 4*10^-5 < x < 2.5*10^-2 based on the data collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN during the years 2002 and 2003. The statistical precision is tenfold better than that of the previous measurement in this region. The measured A_1^d and g_1^d are found to be consistent with zero in the whole range of x.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Gluon polarization in the nucleon from quasi-real photoproduction of high-pT hadron pairs

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    We present a determination of the gluon polarization Delta G/G in the nucleon, based on the helicity asymmetry of quasi-real photoproduction events, Q^2<1(GeV/c)^2, with a pair of large transverse-momentum hadrons in the final state. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV polarized muon beam scattered on a polarized 6-LiD target. The helicity asymmetry for the selected events is = 0.002 +- 0.019(stat.) +- 0.003(syst.). From this value, we obtain in a leading-order QCD analysis Delta G/G=0.024 +- 0.089(stat.) +- 0.057(syst.) at x_g = 0.095 and mu^2 =~ 3 (GeV}/c)^2.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    The Deuteron Spin-dependent Structure Function g1d and its First Moment

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    We present a measurement of the deuteron spin-dependent structure function g1d based on the data collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN during the years 2002-2004. The data provide an accurate evaluation for Gamma_1^d, the first moment of g1d(x), and for the matrix element of the singlet axial current, a0. The results of QCD fits in the next to leading order (NLO) on all g1 deep inelastic scattering data are also presented. They provide two solutions with the gluon spin distribution function Delta G positive or negative, which describe the data equally well. In both cases, at Q^2 = 3 (GeV/c)^2 the first moment of Delta G is found to be of the order of 0.2 - 0.3 in absolute value.Comment: fits redone using MRST2004 instead of MRSV1998 for G(x), correlation matrix adde

    A new measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on a transversely polarised deuteron target

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    New high precision measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries of charged hadrons produced in deep-inelastic scattering of muons on a transversely polarised 6LiD target are presented. The data were taken in 2003 and 2004 with the COMPASS spectrometer using the muon beam of the CERN SPS at 160 GeV/c. Both the Collins and Sivers asymmetries turn out to be compatible with zero, within the present statistical errors, which are more than a factor of 2 smaller than those of the published COMPASS results from the 2002 data. The final results from the 2002, 2003 and 2004 runs are compared with naive expectations and with existing model calculations.Comment: 40 pages, 28 figure

    Measurement of the Spin Structure of the Deuteron in the DIS Region

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    We present a new measurement of the longitudinal spin asymmetry A_1^d and the spin-dependent structure function g_1^d of the deuteron in the range 1 GeV^2 < Q^2 < 100 GeV^2 and 0.004< x <0.7. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV polarised muon beam and a large polarised 6-LiD target. The results are in agreement with those from previous experiments and improve considerably the statistical accuracy in the region 0.004 < x < 0.03.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, subm. to PLB, revised: author list, Fig. 4, details adde

    Search for the Phi(1860) Pentaquark at COMPASS

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    Narrow Xi-pi+- and Xi-bar+pi+- resonances produced by quasi-real photons have been searched for by the COMPASS experiment at CERN. The study was stimulated by the recent observation of an exotic baryonic state decaying into Xi-pi-, at a mass of 1862 MeV, interpreted as a pentaquark. While the ordinary hyperon states Xi(1530)^0 and Xi-bar(1530)^0 are clearly seen, no exotic baryon is observed in the data taken in 2002 and 2003.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries for pions and kaons in muon-deuteron DIS

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    The measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries of identified hadrons produced in deep-inelastic scattering of 160 GeV/c muons on a transversely polarised 6LiD target at COMPASS are presented. The results for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons correspond to all data available, which were collected from 2002 to 2004. For all final state particles both the Collins and Sivers asymmetries turn out to be small, compatible with zero within the statistical errors, in line with the previously published results for not identified charged hadrons, and with the expected cancellation between the u- and d-quark contributions.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, added author Efremov, calculated pure kaon asymmetries instead of those for experimental kaon/pion mixture (mainly error affected

    Double spin asymmetry in exclusive rho^0 muoproduction at COMPASS

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    The longitudinal double spin asymmetry A_1^rho for exclusive leptoproduction of rho^0 mesons, mu + N -> mu + N + rho, is studied using the COMPASS 2002 and 2003 data. The measured reaction is incoherent exclusive rho^0 production on polarised deuterons. The Q^2 and x dependence of A_1^rho is presented in a wide kinematical range: 3x10^-3 < Q^2 < 7 (GeV/c)^2 and 5x10^-5 < x < 0.05. The presented results are the first measurements of A_1^rho at small Q2 (Q2 < 0.1 (GeV/c)^2) and small x (x < 3x10^-3). The asymmetry is in general compatible with zero in the whole kinematical range.Comment: 6 Figures, 15 pages, version 2 with updated author list, technical latex problem fixe