18 research outputs found

    A generic problem with purely metric formulations of MOND

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    We give a simple argument to show that no purely metric-based, relativistic formulation of Milgrom's Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) whose energy functional is stable (in the sense of being quadratic in perturbations) can be consistent with the observed amount of gravitational lensing from galaxies. An important part of the argument is the fact that reproducing the MOND force law requires any completely stable, metric-based theory of gravity to become conformally invariant in the weak field limit. We discuss the prospects for a formulation with a very weak instability.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, no figure

    A Note on Energy-Momentum Conservation in Palatini Formulation of L(R) Gravity

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    By establishing that Palatini formulation of L(R)L(R) gravity is equivalent to ω=3/2\omega=-3/2 Brans-Dicke theory, we show that energy-momentum tensor is covariantly conserved in this type of modified gravity theory.Comment: 7 page

    Nonperturbative late time asymptotics for heat kernel in gravity theory

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    Recently proposed nonlocal and nonperturbative late time behavior of the heat kernel is generalized to curved spacetimes. Heat kernel trace asymptotics is dominated by two terms one of which represents a trivial covariantization of the flat-space result and another one is given by the Gibbons-Hawking integral over asymptotically-flat infinity. Nonlocal terms of the effective action generated by this asymptotics might underly long- distance modifications of the Einstein theory motivated by the cosmological constant problem. New mechanisms of the cosmological constant induced by infrared effects of matter and graviton loops are briefly discussed.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, final version, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Ghost Condensation and a Consistent Infrared Modification of Gravity

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    We propose a theoretically consistent modification of gravity in the infrared, which is compatible with all current experimental observations. This is an analog of Higgs mechanism in general relativity, and can be thought of as arising from ghost condensation--a background where a scalar field \phi has a constant velocity, = M^2. The ghost condensate is a new kind of fluid that can fill the universe, which has the same equation of state, \rho = -p, as a cosmological constant, and can hence drive de Sitter expansion of the universe. However, unlike a cosmological constant, it is a physical fluid with a physical scalar excitation, which can be described by a systematic effective field theory at low energies. The excitation has an unusual low-energy dispersion relation \omega^2 \sim k^4 / M^2. If coupled to matter directly, it gives rise to small Lorentz-violating effects and a new long-range 1/r^2 spin dependent force. In the ghost condensate, the energy that gravitates is not the same as the particle physics energy, leading to the possibility of both sources that can gravitate and antigravitate. The Newtonian potential is modified with an oscillatory behavior starting at the distance scale M_{Pl}/M^2 and the time scale M_{Pl}^2/M^3. This theory opens up a number of new avenues for attacking cosmological problems, including inflation, dark matter and dark energy.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX 2

    The Volume of the Past Light-Cone and the Paneitz Operator

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    We study a conjecture involving the invariant volume of the past light-cone from an arbitrary observation point back to a fixed initial value surface. The conjecture is that a 4th order differential operator which occurs in the theory of conformal anomalies gives 8π8\pi when acted upon the invariant volume of the past light-cone. We show that an extended version of the conjecture is valid for an arbitrary homogeneous and isotropic geometry. First order perturbation theory about flat spacetime reveals a violation of the conjecture which, however, vanishes for any vacuum solution of the Einstein equation. These results may be significant for constructing quantum gravitational observables, for quantifying the back-reaction on spacetime expansion and for alternate gravity models which feature a timelike vector field.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, 5 tables. Version 2 substantially extended to cover nonzero spatial curvature, and with simplified derivation

    Modified gravity without dark matter

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    On an empirical level, the most successful alternative to dark matter in bound gravitational systems is the modified Newtonian dynamics, or MOND, proposed by Milgrom. Here I discuss the attempts to formulate MOND as a modification of General Relativity. I begin with a summary of the phenomenological successes of MOND and then discuss the various covariant theories that have been proposed as a basis for the idea. I show why these proposals have led inevitably to a multi-field theory. I describe in some detail TeVeS, the tensor-vector-scalar theory proposed by Bekenstein, and discuss its successes and shortcomings. This lecture is primarily pedagogical and directed to those with some, but not a deep, background in General RelativityComment: 28 pages, 10 figures, lecture given at Third Aegean Summer School, The Invisible Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy, minor errors corrected, references update

    Dynamics with Infinitely Many Derivatives: The Initial Value Problem

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    Differential equations of infinite order are an increasingly important class of equations in theoretical physics. Such equations are ubiquitous in string field theory and have recently attracted considerable interest also from cosmologists. Though these equations have been studied in the classical mathematical literature, it appears that the physics community is largely unaware of the relevant formalism. Of particular importance is the fate of the initial value problem. Under what circumstances do infinite order differential equations possess a well-defined initial value problem and how many initial data are required? In this paper we study the initial value problem for infinite order differential equations in the mathematical framework of the formal operator calculus, with analytic initial data. This formalism allows us to handle simultaneously a wide array of different nonlocal equations within a single framework and also admits a transparent physical interpretation. We show that differential equations of infinite order do not generically admit infinitely many initial data. Rather, each pole of the propagator contributes two initial data to the final solution. Though it is possible to find differential equations of infinite order which admit well-defined initial value problem with only two initial data, neither the dynamical equations of p-adic string theory nor string field theory seem to belong to this class. However, both theories can be rendered ghost-free by suitable definition of the action of the formal pseudo-differential operator. This prescription restricts the theory to frequencies within some contour in the complex plane and hence may be thought of as a sort of ultra-violet cut-off.Comment: 40 pages, no figures. Added comments concerning fractional operators and the implications of restricting the contour of integration. Typos correcte

    On Higher Order Gravities, Their Analogy to GR, and Dimensional Dependent Version of Duff's Trace Anomaly Relation

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    An almost brief, though lengthy, review introduction about the long history of higher order gravities and their applications, as employed in the literature, is provided. We review the analogous procedure between higher order gravities and GR, as described in our previous works, in order to highlight its important achievements. Amongst which are presentation of an easy classification of higher order Lagrangians and its employment as a \emph{criteria} in order to distinguish correct metric theories of gravity. For example, it does not permit the inclusion of only one of the second order Lagrangians in \emph{isolation}. But, it does allow the inclusion of the cosmological term. We also discuss on the compatibility of our procedure and the Mach idea. We derive a dimensional dependent version of Duff's trace anomaly relation, which in \emph{four}-dimension is the same as the usual Duff relation. The Lanczos Lagrangian satisfies this new constraint in \emph{any} dimension. The square of the Weyl tensor identically satisfies it independent of dimension, however, this Lagrangian satisfies the previous relation only in three and four dimensions.Comment: 30 pages, added reference

    Non linear equation of state and effective phantom divide in brane models

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    Here, DGP model of brane-gravity is analyzed and compared with the standard general relativity and Randall-Sundrum cases using non-linear equation of state. Phantom fluid is known to violate the weak energy condition. In this paper, it is found that this characteristic of phantom energy is affected drastically by the negative brane-tension λ\lambda of the RS-II model. It is found that in DGP model strong energy condition(SEC) is always violated and the universe accelerates only where as in RS-II model even SEC is not violated for 1<ρ/λ<21 < \rho/\lambda < 2 and the universe decelerates

    Gravitational Coupling and Dynamical Reduction of The Cosmological Constant

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    We introduce a dynamical model to reduce a large cosmological constant to a sufficiently small value. The basic ingredient in this model is a distinction which has been made between the two unit systems used in cosmology and particle physics. We have used a conformal invariant gravitational model to define a particular conformal frame in terms of large scale properties of the universe. It is then argued that the contributions of mass scales in particle physics to the vacuum energy density should be considered in a different conformal frame. In this manner, a decaying mechanism is presented in which the conformal factor appears as a dynamical field and plays a key role to relax a large effective cosmological constant. Moreover, we argue that this model also provides a possible explanation for the coincidence problem.Comment: To appear in GR