103 research outputs found

    Ligand rigidity steers the selectivity and efficiency of the photosubstitution reaction of strained ruthenium polypyridyl complexes

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    While photosubstitution reactions in metal complexes are usually thought of as dissociative processes poorly dependent on the environment, they are, in fact, very sensitive to solvent effects. Therefore, it is crucial to explicitly consider solvent molecules in theoretical models of these reactions. Here, we experimentally and computationally investigated the selectivity of the photosubstitution of diimine chelates in a series of sterically strained ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes in water and acetonitrile. The complexes differ essentially by the rigidity of the chelates, which strongly influenced the observed selectivity of the photosubstitution. As the ratio between the different photoproducts was also influenced by the solvent, we developed a full density functional theory modeling of the reaction mechanism that included explicit solvent molecules. Three reaction pathways leading to photodissociation were identified on the triplet hypersurface, each characterized by either one or two energy barriers. Photodissociation in water was promoted by a proton transfer in the triplet state, which was facilitated by the dissociated pyridine ring acting as a pendent base. We show that the temperature variation of the photosubstitution quantum yield is an excellent tool to compare theory with experiments. An unusual phenomenon was observed for one of the compounds in acetonitrile, for which an increase in temperature led to a surprising decrease in the photosubstitution reaction rate. We interpret this experimental observation based on complete mapping of the triplet hypersurface of this complex, revealing thermal deactivation to the singlet ground state through intersystem crossing.NWOMetals in Catalysis, Biomimetics & Inorganic MaterialsSolid state NMR/Biophysical Organic Chemistr

    Tomato: a crop species amenable to improvement by cellular and molecular methods

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    Tomato is a crop plant with a relatively small DNA content per haploid genome and a well developed genetics. Plant regeneration from explants and protoplasts is feasable which led to the development of efficient transformation procedures. In view of the current data, the isolation of useful mutants at the cellular level probably will be of limited value in the genetic improvement of tomato. Protoplast fusion may lead to novel combinations of organelle and nuclear DNA (cybrids), whereas this technique also provides a means of introducing genetic information from alien species into tomato. Important developments have come from molecular approaches. Following the construction of an RFLP map, these RFLP markers can be used in tomato to tag quantitative traits bred in from related species. Both RFLP's and transposons are in the process of being used to clone desired genes for which no gene products are known. Cloned genes can be introduced and potentially improve specific properties of tomato especially those controlled by single genes. Recent results suggest that, in principle, phenotypic mutants can be created for cloned and characterized genes and will prove their value in further improving the cultivated tomato.

    Anaerobic granular sludge as a biocatalyst for 1,3-propanediol production from glycerol in continuous bioreactors

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    1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO) was produced from glycerol in three parallel Expanded Granular Sludge Blanket (EGSB) reactors inoculated with granular sludge (control reactor-R1), heat-treated granular sludge (R2) and disrupted granular sludge (R3) at Hydraulic Retention Times (HRT) between 3 and 24 h. Maximum 1,3-PDO yield (0.52 mol mol-1) and productivity (57 g L-1 d-1) were achieved in R1 at HRTs of 12 h and 3 h, respectively. DGGE profiling of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments showed that variations in the HRT had a critical impact in the dominant community of microorganisms. However, no appreciable differences in the bacterial population were observed between R2 and R3 at low HRTs. Production of H2 was observed at the beginning of the operation, but no methane production was observed. This study proves the feasibility of 1,3-PDO production in EGSB reactors and represents a novel strategy to valorise glycerol generated in the biodiesel industry.The financial support given to Roberto Gallardo from Fundacao da Ciencia e da Tecnologia (ref SFRH/BD/42900/2008) is gratefully acknowledged. The authors thank the MIT- Portugal Program for the support given to R. Gallardo and C. Faria

    Diagnosis of biliary tract and ampullary carcinomas

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    Diagnostic methods for biliary tract carcinoma and the efficacy of these methods are discussed. Neither definite methods for early diagnosis nor specific markers are available in this disease. When this disease is suspected on the basis of clinical symptoms and risk factors, hemato-biochemical examination and abdominal ultrasonography are performed and, where appropriate, enhanced computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is carried out. Diagnoses of extrahepatic bile duct cancer and ampullary carcinoma are often made based on the presence of obstructive jaundice. Although rare, abdominal pain and pyrexia, as well as abnormal findings of the hepatobiliary system detected by hemato-biochemical examination, serve as a clue to making a diagnosis of these diseases. On the other hand, the early diagnosis of gallbladder cancer is scarcely possible on the basis of clinical symptoms, so when this cancer is found with the onset of abdominal pain and jaundice, it is already advanced at the time of detection, thus making a cure difficult. When gallbladder cancer is suspected, enhanced CT is carried out. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), in particular — one of the methods of enhanced CT — is useful for decision of surgical criteria, because MDCT shows findings such as localization and extension of the tumor, and the presence or absence of remote metastasis. Procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging, endoscopic ultrasonography, bile duct biopsy, and cholangioscopy should be carried out taking into account indications for these procedures in individual patients. However, direct biliary tract imaging is necessary for making a precise diagnosis of the horizontal extension of bile duct cancer

    Flowcharts for the management of biliary tract and ampullary carcinomas

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    No strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of biliary tract carcinoma have been clearly described. We developed flowcharts for the diagnosis and treatment of biliary tract carcinoma on the basis of the best clinical evidence. Risk factors for bile duct carcinoma are a dilated type of pancreaticobiliary maljunction (PBM) and primary sclerosing cholangitis. A nondilated type of PBM is a risk factor for gallbladder carcinoma. Symptoms that may indicate biliary tract carcinoma are jaundice and pain in the upper right area of the abdomen. The first step of diagnosis is to carry out blood biochemistry tests and ultrasonography (US) of the abdomen. The second step of diagnosis is to find the local extension of the carcinoma by means of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Because resection is the only way to completely cure biliary tract carcinoma, the indications for resection are determined first. In patients with resectable disease, the indications for biliary drainage or portal vein embolization (PVE) are checked. In those with nonresectable disease, biliary stenting, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and/or best supportive care is selected