387 research outputs found

    Levantamento Epidemiológico dos Usuários de Antidepressivos Tricíclicos em Quatro Drogarias na Cidade de Rubiataba – Go no Período de 2009 A 2011

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    A depressão é um processo patológico que acomete a população em geral, ela consiste em vários sintomas como: melancolia, sono, angústia, desejo suicídio, medo, desesperança, baixa estima entre outros sintomas. Devido a importância desta patologia este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a dispensação dos antidepressivos tricíclicos em quatro drogarias na cidade de RUBIATABA-GO, através do estudo quantitativo de aspecto descritivo. No presente estudo observou-se que Amitriptilina 25mg corresponde a 55% das vendas e o Cloridrato de Nortriptilina a 1%, notou-se também que dos usuários 67% são do gênero feminino e 33% para o gênero masculino, percebe-se que houve um aumento significativo na dispensação destes medicamentos no período de 2009 a 2011.O estudo demostra que a depressão tem aumentado anualmente por diversos fatores..   Palavras chaves: Depressão, Antidepressivos tricíclicos, sintomas e dispensação.Abstract Depression is a disease process that affects the general population, it consists of various symptoms such as: melancholy, sleep, anxiety, suicidal desire, fear, hopelessness, low self-esteem among other symptoms. Given the importance of this disease this study is to evaluate the dispensation of tricyclic antidepressants in four drugstores in the city of  Rubiataba-GO, through quantitative study of descriptive aspect. In the present study it was observed that Amitriptyline 25mg corresponds to 55% of sales and Nortriptyline Hydrochloride 1% was noted also that 67% of users are female and 33% for males, it is perceived that there was a significant increase in the dispensing of these drugs in the period from 2009 to 2011. The study shows that depression has increased annually by several factors. Keywords: Depression, Tricyclic antidepressants, symptoms and dispensatio

    Perfil dos Usuários de Medicamentos das Unidades Básicas de Saúde de Ceres-GO.

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    Foram aplicados 321 questionários aos usuários de medicamentos nas seis unidades básicas de saúde da cidade de Ceres – GO.  Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo software EPI INFO 3.5.2 e Microsoft Office Excel® 2007. O perfil dos entrevistados demonstra que a população estudada é carente de informações quanto ao uso correto de medicamentos, sendo a ausência do farmacêutico uma das principais causas deste problema. Portanto esta pesquisa fornece subsídios importantes para o estabelecimento de estratégias específicas e políticas públicas como a Política Nacional de Medicamentos e a Política Nacional de Assistência Farmacêutica, visando à melhoria da saúde da população. Abstract 321 questionnaires were applied to drug users in the six basic health units in the city of Ceres - GO. Data were statistically analyzed by using EPI INFO 3.5.2 and Microsoft Office Excel ® 2007. The profile of respondents shows that the population is deprived of information concerning the correct use of medicines, and the absence of the pharmacist a major cause of this problem. Therefore this research provides important support for the establishment of specific strategies and policies such as the National Drug Policy and the National Policy for Pharmaceutical Care, aiming to improve the population's health

    Input of sugarcane post-harvest residues into the soil

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) crops provide carbon (C) for soil through straw and root system decomposition. Recently, however, sugarcane producers are considering straw to be removed for electricity or second generation ethanol production. To elucidate the role of straw and root system on the carbon supply into the soil, the biomass inputs from sugarcane straw (tops and dry leaves) and from root system (rhizomes and roots) were quantified, and its contribution to provide C to the soil was estimated. Three trials were carried out in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 2006 to 2009. All sites were cultivated with the variety SP81 3250 under the green sugarcane harvest. Yearly, post-harvest sugarcane residues (tops, dry leaves, roots and rhizomes) were sampled; weighted and dried for the dry mass (DM) production to be estimated. On average, DM root system production was 4.6 Mg ha-1 year-1 (1.5 Mg C ha-1 year-1) and 11.5 Mg ha-1 year-1 (5.1 Mg C ha-1 year-1) of straw. In plant cane, 35 % of the total sugarcane DM was allocated into the root system, declining to 20 % in the third ratoon. The estimate of potential allocation of sugarcane residues to soil organic C was 1.1 t ha-1 year-1; out of which 33 % was from root system and 67 % from straw. The participation of root system should be higher if soil layer is evaluated, a deeper soil layer, if root exudates are accounted and if the period of higher production of roots is considered

    Physiological quality, content and activity of antioxidants in soybean seeds artificially aged.

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    ABSTRACT - The objective of this study was to evaluate physiological quality, content, and activity of antioxidants, in soybean seeds subjected to accelerated aging during different periods. Seeds of cultivars BRS 258, BRS 262 and BRS 268, subjected to accelerated aging during 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours and non-aged seeds were used. After each aging period, the seed were evaluated by tests of: germination; first count and tetrazolium. The total of phenolic compounds, total flavonoides, total of isoflavones, and activity for eliminating ABTS°+ radicals were quantified. There were differences among cultivars according to vigor and viability only after seeds were aged. Cultivars BRS 158 and BRS 268 have shown better seed physiological quality in each aging period; however, not presenting higher amounts of isoflavones and efficiency in removing free radicals. For all cultivars, the values for total of phenolic compounds, as well as total of flavonoids have shown quadratic positive behavior; the values for isoflavones remained constant and the vigor and viability showed contrary trend to activity of antioxidant agents. RESUMO: Qualidade fisiológica, conteúdo e atividade de antioxidantes presentes em sementes de soja envelhecidas artificialmente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade fisiológica, o conteúdo e a atividade de agentes antioxidantes presentes em sementes de soja envelhecidas durante diferentes períodos. Foram utilizadas sementes das cultivares BRS 258, BRS 262 e BRS 268, envelhecidas durante 12, 24, 36 e 48 h e sementes não envelhecidas. Após cada período de envelhecimento, as sementes foram avaliadas pelo testes de: germinação; primeira contagem e tetrazólio. Foram quantificados: compostos fenólicos totais; flavonóides totais; total de isoflavonas e atividade eliminadora do radical ABTS°+. Houve diferença entre as cultivares em relação ao vigor e viabilidade somente quando foram envelhecidas. BRS 158 e BRS 268 apresentaram melhor qualidade fisiológica de sementes em cada período de envelhecimento, porém, não apresentaram maior quantidade de isoflavonas e eficiência no sequestro dos radicais livres. Para todas as cultivares, os valores de compostos fenólicos totais, assim como os flavonóides totais, apresentaram comportamento quadrático positivo; os valores das isoflavonas permaneceram constantes e o vigor e a viabilidade apresentaram tendência contrária à atividade dos agentes antioxidantes