61 research outputs found

    Thymectomy and Radiation-Induced Type 1 Diabetes in Nonlymphopenic BB Rats

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    Spontaneous type 1 diabetes in BB rats is dependent on the RT1(u) MHC haplotype and homozygosity for an allele at the Lyp locus, which is responsible for a peripheral T-lymphopenia. Genetic studies have shown that there are other, as yet unidentified, genetic loci contributing to diabetes susceptibility in this strain. BB rats carrying wild-type Lyp alleles are not lymphopenic and are resistant to spontaneous diabetes (DR). Here we show that thymectomy and exposure to one sublethal dose of gamma-irradiation (TX-R) at 4 weeks of age result in the rapid development of insulitis followed by diabetes in 100% of DR rats. Administration of CD4(+)45RC(-) T-cells from unmanipulated, syngeneic donors immediately after irradiation prevents the disease. Splenic T-cells from TX-R-induced diabetic animals adoptively transfer type 1 diabetes to T-deficient recipients. ACI, WF, WAG, BN, LEW, PVG, and PVG.RT1(u) strains are resistant to TX-R-induced insulitis/diabetes. Genetic analyses revealed linkage between regions on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 16, and TX-R-induced type 1 diabetes in a cohort of nonlymphopenic F(2) (Wistar Furth x BBDP) animals. This novel model of TX-R-induced diabetes in nonlymphopenic BB rats can be used to identify environmental and cellular factors that are responsible for the initiation of antipancreatic autoimmunity.

    Integration of the rat recombination and EST maps in the rat genomic sequence and comparative mapping analysis with the mouse genome.

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    Inbred strains of the laboratory rat are widely used for identifying genetic regions involved in the control of complex quantitative phenotypes of biomedical importance. The draft genomic sequence of the rat now provides essential information for annotating rat quantitative trait locus (QTL) maps. Following the survey of unique rat microsatellite (11,585 including 1648 new markers) and EST (10,067) markers currently available, we have incorporated a selection of 7952 rat EST sequences in an improved version of the integrated linkage-radiation hybrid map of the rat containing 2058 microsatellite markers which provided over 10,000 potential anchor points between rat QTL and the genomic sequence of the rat. A total of 996 genetic positions were resolved (avg. spacing 1.77 cM) in a single large intercross and anchored in the rat genomic sequence (avg. spacing 1.62 Mb). Comparative genome maps between rat and mouse were constructed by successful computational alignment of 6108 mapped rat ESTs in the mouse genome. The integration of rat linkage maps in the draft genomic sequence of the rat and that of other species represents an essential step for translating rat QTL intervals into human chromosomal targets

    Dissection of a quantitative trait locus for genetic hypertension on rat chromosome 10.

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    We have previously identified a locus on rat chromosome 10 as carrying a major hypertension gene, BP/SP-1. The 100:1 odds support interval for this gene extended over a 35-centimorgan (cM) region of the chromosome that included the angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) locus as demonstrated in a cross between the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSPHD) and the normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY-0HD) rat. Here we report on the further characterization of BP/SP-1, using a congenic strain, WKY-1HD. WKY-1HD animals carry a 6-cM chromosomal fragment genotypically identical with SHRSPHD on chromosome 10, 26 cM away from the ACE locus. Higher blood pressures in the WKY-1HD strain compared with the WKY-0HD strain, as well as absence of linkage of the chromosome 10 region to blood pressure in an F2 (WKY-1HD x SHRSPHD) population suggested the existence of a quantitative trait locus, termed BP/SP-1a, that lies within the SHRSP-congenic region in WKY-1HD. Linkage analysis in the F2 (WKY-0HD x SHRSPHD) cross revealed that BP/SP-1a is linked to basal blood pressure, whereas a second locus on chromosome 10, termed BP/SP-1b, that maps closer to the ACE locus cosegregates predominantly with blood pressure after exposure to excess dietary NaCl. Thus, we hypothesize that the previously reported effect of BP/SP-1 represents a composite phenotype that can be dissected into at least two specific components on the basis of linkage data and congenic experimentation. One of the loci identified, BP/SP-1a, represents the most precisely mapped locus affecting blood pressure that has so far been characterized by random-marker genome screening
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