426 research outputs found

    A Neural Circuit Arbitrates between Persistence and Withdrawal in Hungry Drosophila

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    In pursuit of food, hungry animals mobilize significant energy resources and overcome exhaustion and fear. How need and motivation control the decision to continue or change behavior is not understood. Using a single fly treadmill, we show that hungry flies persistently track a food odor and increase their effort over repeated trials in the absence of reward suggesting that need dominates negative experience. We further show that odor tracking is regulated by two mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) connecting the MB to the lateral horn. These MBONs, together with dopaminergic neurons and Dop1R2 signaling, control behavioral persistence. Conversely, an octopaminergic neuron, VPM4, which directly innervates one of the MBONs, acts as a brake on odor tracking by connecting feeding and olfaction. Together, our data suggest a function for the MB in internal state-dependent expression of behavior that can be suppressed by external inputs conveying a competing behavioral drive

    Evolved bacterial resistance against fluoropyrimidines can lower chemotherapy impact in the Caenorhabditis elegans host

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    Metabolism of host-targeted drugs by the microbiome can substantially impact host treatment success. However, since many host-targeted drugs inadvertently hamper microbiome growth, repeated drug administration can lead to microbiome evolutionary adaptation. We tested if evolved bacterial resistance against host-targeted drugs alters their drug metabolism and impacts host treatment success. We used a model system of Caenorhabditis elegans, its bacterial diet, and two fluoropyrimidine chemotherapies. Genetic screens revealed that most of loss-of-function resistance mutations in Escherichia coli also reduced drug toxicity in the host. We found that resistance rapidly emerged in E. coli under natural selection and converged to a handful of resistance mechanisms. Surprisingly, we discovered that nutrient availability during bacterial evolution dictated the dietary effect on the host - only bacteria evolving in nutrient-poor media reduced host drug toxicity. Our work suggests that bacteria can rapidly adapt to host-targeted drugs and by doing so may also impact the host

    Comparison of microsac and VCO diesel injector nozzles in terms of internal nozzle flow characteristics

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    A computational study focused on the inner nozzle flow and cavitation phenomena has been reported in this paper in order to investigate the two most common types of diesel injector nozzles at the present: microsac and valve covered orifice (VCO). The geometrical differences among both types of nozzles are mainly located at the needle seat, upstream of the discharge orifices. In the case of microsac nozzles there is a small volume upstream of the discharge orifices which is not present in VCO nozzles. Due to these geometrical differences among both type of nozzles, differences in the inner flow and the cavitation development have been found and analysed in this research. For the study, two cylindrical nozzles with six orifices and the same outlet diameter have been experimentally characterized in terms of mass flow rate. These measurements have been used to validate the CFD results obtained with the code OpenFOAM used for the analysis of the internal nozzle flow. For the simulations, two meshes that reproduce the microsac and VCO nozzles seat geometry while keeping the same geometry at the orifices have been built. The simulations have been carried out with a code previously validated and able to simulate cavitation phenomena using a homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) and with RANS approach for the turbulence modelling (RNG k-epsilon). For the computational study, three injection pressures and different geometries simulating different needle lifts have been used. The comparison among nozzles has been made in terms of mass flow, momentum flux and effective velocity and in terms of other non-dimensional parameters which are useful for describing the inner nozzle flow: discharge coefficient (C-d), area coefficient (C-alpha) and velocity coefficient (C-v). The analysis performed by studying and comparing the particularities of the flow in each nozzle has been useful in order to explain the experimental differences found in terms of mass flow rate and critical cavitation conditions. One of the main conclusions of this study is the higher influence of the needle on the mass flow, momentum and injection velocity results for the VCO nozzle as compared to the microsac one. Hence, whereas in the first one these variables scale with the needle lift value, in the second one there is an intermediate needle lift from which they stop being influenced by the presence of the needle. Furthermore, the study has also revealed important differences in the proneness to produce cavitation and its morphology. For the VCO nozzle, cavitation phenomenon occurs only in the upper part of the orifice inlet. However, for the microsac nozzle cavitation appears both at the upper and the lower part of the nozzle orifice entrance.This work was partly sponsored by "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the frame of the project "Comprension de la influencia de combustibles no convencionales en el proceso de inyeccion y combustion tipo diesel", Reference TRA2012-36932. This support is gratefully acknowledged by the authors.Salvador Rubio, FJ.; Carreres Talens, M.; Jaramillo Císcar, D.; Martínez López, J. (2015). Comparison of microsac and VCO diesel injector nozzles in terms of internal nozzle flow characteristics. Energy Conversion and Management. 103:284-299. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2015.05.062S28429910

    Enhanced microbial bile acid deconjugation and impaired ileal uptake in pregnancy repress intestinal regulation of bile acid synthesis

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    Pregnancy is associated with progressive hypercholanemia, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia, which can result in metabolic disease in susceptible women. Gut signals modify hepatic homeostatic pathways, linking intestinal content to metabolic activity. We sought to identify whether enteric endocrine signals contribute to raised serum bile acids observed in human and murine pregnancies, by measuring fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 19/15 protein and mRNA levels, and 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one. Terminal ileal farnesoid X receptor (FXR)-mediated gene expression and apical sodium bile acid transporter (ASBT) protein concentration were measured by qPCR and western blotting. Shotgun whole-genome sequencing and ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry were used to determine the cecal microbiome and metabonome. Targeted and untargeted pathway analyses were performed to predict the systemic effects of the altered metagenome and metabolite profiles. Dietary CA supplementation was used to determine whether the observed alterations could be overcome by intestinal bile acids functioning as FXR agonists. Human and murine pregnancy were associated with reduced intestinal FXR signaling, with lower FGF19/15 and resultant increased hepatic bile acid synthesis. Terminal ileal ASBT protein was reduced in murine pregnancy. Cecal bile acid conjugation was reduced in pregnancy because of elevated bile salt hydrolase-producing Bacteroidetes. CA supplementation induced intestinal FXR signaling, which was not abrogated by pregnancy, with strikingly similar changes to the microbiota and metabonome as identified in pregnancy. Conclusion: The altered intestinal microbiota of pregnancy enhance bile acid deconjugation, reducing ileal bile acid uptake and lowering FXR induction in enterocytes. This exacerbates the effects mediated by reduced bile acid uptake transporters in pregnancy. Thus, in pregnant women and mice, there is reduced FGF19/15-mediated hepatic repression of hepatic bile acid synthesis, resulting in hypercholanemia

    Loss of Nrf2 abrogates the protective effect of Keap1 down regulation in a preclinical model of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

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    Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (cSCC) are the most common and highly mutated human malignancies, challenging identification of driver mutations and targeted therapies. Transcription factor NF-E2 p45-related factor 2 (Nrf2) orchestrates a cytoprotective inducible program, which counteracts the damaging effects of solar UV radiation, the main etiological factor in cSCC development. Downregulation of Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1), a Cullin-3/Rbx1 ubiquitin ligase substrate adaptor protein, which mediates the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of Nrf2, has a strong protective effect in a preclinical model of cSCC. However, in addition to Nrf2, Keap1 affects ubiquitination of other proteins in the carcinogenesis process, including proteins involved in inflammation and DNA damage repair. Here, we generated Keap1(flox/flox) SKH-1 hairless mice in which Nrf2 is disrupted (Keap1(flox/flox)/Nrf2(−/−)) and subjected them chronically to solar-simulated UV radiation. We found that the incidence, multiplicity and burden of cSCC that form in Keap1(flox/flox)/Nrf2(−/−) mice are much greater than in their Keap1(flox/flox)/Nrf2(+/+) counterparts, establishing Nrf2 activation as the protection mediator. Our findings further imply that inhibition of Nrf2 globally, a strategy proposed for cancer treatment, is unlikely to be beneficial

    Retinal vessel diameters and reactivity in diabetes mellitus and/or cardiovascular disease

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    Background: Retinal vessel calibre and vascular dilation/constriction in response to flicker light provocation may provide a measure distinguishing patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and/or cardiovascular disease. Methods: One hundred and sixteen age and sex matched patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), cardiovascular disease (CVD) and both DM and CVD (DM+CVD) underwent systemic and intraocular pressure measurements. Retinal vessel calibres were assessed using a validated computer-based program to compute central retinal artery and vein equivalents (CRVE) from monochromatic retinal images. Vessel dilation and constriction responses to flicker light provocation were assessed by continuous retinal vessel diameter recordings. Plasma endothelial markers von Willebrand factor (vWf) and soluble E selectin (sEsel) were measured by ELISA. Results: Retinal vessel calibres were comparable across groups but CRVE correlated significantly with disease duration in DM patients (r=0.57, p<0.001). Patients suffering DM only exhibited reduced arterial vasomotion at rest and reduced arterial constriction following flicker light induced vessel dilation compared to patients with CVD and those suffering both CVD+DM (p=0.030). Patients suffering from CVD+DM exhibited significant differences between each flicker cycle in regards to arterial maximum constriction (p=0.006) and time needed to reach arterial maximum dilation (p=0.004), whereas the other two groups did not show such inconsistencies between individual flicker cycles. vWf was raised in CVD+DM compared to the other two groups (p≤0.02), whilst sEsel was raised in CVD+DM compared to DM alone (p=0.044). Conclusions: Dynamic retinal vascular calibres as obtained by continuous diameter measurements using flicker light provocation can reveal subtle differences between groups suffering from CVD with and without DM. This difference in reaction pattern and lack of arterial constriction in DM may provide a suitable marker to monitor progression

    Computational investigation of diesel nozzle internal flow during the complete injection event

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    [EN] Currently, diesel engines are calibrated using more and more complex multiple injection strategies. Under these conditions, the characteristics of the flow exiting the fuel injector are strongly affected by the transient interaction between the needle, the sac volume and the orifices, which are not yet clear. In the current paper, a methodology combining a 1D injector model and 3D-CFD simulations is proposed. First, the characteristics of the nozzle flow have been experimentally assessed in transient conditions by means of injection rate and momentum flux measurements. Later, the 3D-CFD modeling approach has been validated at steady-state fixed lift conditions. Finally, a previously developed 1D injector model has been used to extract the needle lift profiles and transient pressure boundary conditions used for the full-transient 3D-CFD simulations, using adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) strategies to be able to simulate the complete injection rate starting from 1 mu m lift.This work was partly sponsored by "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad'', of the Spanish Government, in the frame of the Project "Estudio de la interaccion chorro-pared en condiciones realistas de motor'', Reference TRA2015-67679-c2-1-R. The authors would like also to thank the computer resources, technical expertise and assistance provided by Universidad de Valencia in the use of the supercomputer "Tirant''. Mr. Jaramillo's Thesis is funded by "Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esports'' of Generalitat Valenciana in the frame of the program "Programa VALI + D para investigadores en formacion, Reference ACIF/2015/040.Salvador, FJ.; De La Morena, J.; Bracho Leon, G.; Jaramillo-Císcar, D. (2018). Computational investigation of diesel nozzle internal flow during the complete injection event. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 40(3):153-167. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-018-1074-zS153167403Hall CAS, Lambert JG, Balogh SB (2014) EROI of different fuels and the implications for society. Energy Policy 64:141–152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2013.05.049Lujan JM, Tormos B, Salvador FJ, Gargar K (2009) Comparative analysis of a DI diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel blends during the European MVEG-A cycle: preliminary study (I). 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At Sprays 25:47–80Moon S, Gao Y, Park S et al (2015) Effect of the number and position of nozzle holes on in- and near-nozzle dynamic characteristics of diesel injection. Fuel 150:112–122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2015.01.097Payri R, Salvador FJ, Carreres M, De la Morena J (2016) Fuel temperature influence on the performance of a last generation common-rail diesel ballistic injector. Part II: 1D model development, validation and analysis. Energy Convers Manag 114:376–391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.02.043Plamondon E, Seers P (2014) Development of a simplified dynamic model for a piezoelectric injector using multiple injection strategies with biodiesel/diesel-fuel blends. Appl Energy 131:411–424. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.06.039Postrioti L, Malaguti S, Bosi M et al (2014) Experimental and numerical characterization of a direct solenoid actuation injector for diesel engine applications. 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    Assessment of perinatal outcome after sustained tocolysis in early labour (APOSTEL-II trial)

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    Contains fulltext : 80242.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Preterm labour is the main cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality in the Western world. At present, there is evidence that tocolysis for 48 hours is useful in women with threatened preterm labour at least before 32 weeks. This allows transfer of the patient to a perinatal centre, and maximizes the effect of corticosteroids for improved neonatal survival. It is questionable whether treatment with tocolytics should be maintained after 48 hours. METHODS/DESIGN: The APOSTEL II trial is a multicentre placebo-controlled study. Pregnant women admitted for threatened preterm labour who have been treated with 48 hours corticosteroids and tocolysis will be eligible to participate in the trial between 26+0 and 32+2 weeks gestational age. They will be randomly allocated to nifedipine (intervention) or placebo (control) for twelve days or until delivery, whatever comes first.Primary outcome is a composite of perinatal death, and severe neonatal morbidity up to evaluation at 6 months after birth. Secondary outcomes are gestational age at delivery, number of days in neonatal intensive care and total days of the first 6 months out of hospital. In addition a cost-effectiveness analysis will be performed. Analysis will be by intention to treat. The power calculation is based on an expected 11% difference in adverse neonatal outcome. This implies that 406 women have to be randomised (two sided test, beta 0.2 at alpha 0.05). DISCUSSION: This trial will provide evidence as to whether maintenance tocolysis reduces severe perinatal morbidity and mortality in women with threatened preterm labour before 32 weeks. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical trial registration: http://www.trialregister.nl, NTR 1336, date of registration: June 3rd 2008

    Why Are Outcomes Different for Registry Patients Enrolled Prospectively and Retrospectively? Insights from the Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF).

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    Background: Retrospective and prospective observational studies are designed to reflect real-world evidence on clinical practice, but can yield conflicting results. The GARFIELD-AF Registry includes both methods of enrolment and allows analysis of differences in patient characteristics and outcomes that may result. Methods and Results: Patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and ≥1 risk factor for stroke at diagnosis of AF were recruited either retrospectively (n = 5069) or prospectively (n = 5501) from 19 countries and then followed prospectively. The retrospectively enrolled cohort comprised patients with established AF (for a least 6, and up to 24 months before enrolment), who were identified retrospectively (and baseline and partial follow-up data were collected from the emedical records) and then followed prospectively between 0-18 months (such that the total time of follow-up was 24 months; data collection Dec-2009 and Oct-2010). In the prospectively enrolled cohort, patients with newly diagnosed AF (≤6 weeks after diagnosis) were recruited between Mar-2010 and Oct-2011 and were followed for 24 months after enrolment. Differences between the cohorts were observed in clinical characteristics, including type of AF, stroke prevention strategies, and event rates. More patients in the retrospectively identified cohort received vitamin K antagonists (62.1% vs. 53.2%) and fewer received non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (1.8% vs . 4.2%). All-cause mortality rates per 100 person-years during the prospective follow-up (starting the first study visit up to 1 year) were significantly lower in the retrospective than prospectively identified cohort (3.04 [95% CI 2.51 to 3.67] vs . 4.05 [95% CI 3.53 to 4.63]; p = 0.016). Conclusions: Interpretations of data from registries that aim to evaluate the characteristics and outcomes of patients with AF must take account of differences in registry design and the impact of recall bias and survivorship bias that is incurred with retrospective enrolment. Clinical Trial Registration: - URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov . Unique identifier for GARFIELD-AF (NCT01090362)