589 research outputs found

    Efficiency of Continuous Double Auctions under Individual Evolutionary Learning with Full or Limited Information

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    In this paper we explore how specific aspects of market transparency and agents' behavior affect the efficiency of the market outcome. In particular, we are interested whether learning behavior with and without information about actions of other participants improves market efficiency. We consider a simple market for a homogeneous good populated by buyers and sellers. The valuations of the buyers and the costs of the sellers are given exogenously. Agents are involved in consecutive trading sessions, which are organized as a continuous double auction with electronic book. Using Individual Evolutionary Learning agents submit price bids and offers, trying to learn the most profitable strategy by looking at their realized and counterfactual or "foregone" payoffs. We find that learning outcomes heavily depend on information treatments. Under full information about actions of others, agents' orders tend to be similar, while under limited information agents tend to submit their valuations/costs. This behavioral outcome results in higher price volatility for the latter treatment. We also find that learning improves allocative efficiency when compared with to outcomes with Zero-Intelligent traders.

    The marginally stable Bethe lattice spin glass revisited

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    Bethe lattice spins glasses are supposed to be marginally stable, i.e. their equilibrium probability distribution changes discontinuously when we add an external perturbation. So far the problem of a spin glass on a Bethe lattice has been studied only using an approximation where marginally stability is not present, which is wrong in the spin glass phase. Because of some technical difficulties, attempts at deriving a marginally stable solution have been confined to some perturbative regimes, high connectivity lattices or temperature close to the critical temperature. Using the cavity method, we propose a general non-perturbative approach to the Bethe lattice spin glass problem using approximations that should be hopeful consistent with marginal stability.Comment: 23 pages Revised version, hopefully clearer that the first one: six pages longe

    Thermodynamics and Universality for Mean Field Quantum Spin Glasses

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    We study aspects of the thermodynamics of quantum versions of spin glasses. By means of the Lie-Trotter formula for exponential sums of operators, we adapt methods used to analyze classical spin glass models to answer analogous questions about quantum models.Comment: 17 page

    Refining multiple sequence alignments with conserved core regions

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    Accurate multiple sequence alignments of proteins are very important to several areas of computational biology and provide an understanding of phylogenetic history of domain families, their identification and classification. This article presents a new algorithm, REFINER, that refines a multiple sequence alignment by iterative realignment of its individual sequences with the predetermined conserved core (block) model of a protein family. Realignment of each sequence can correct misalignments between a given sequence and the rest of the profile and at the same time preserves the family's overall block model. Large-scale benchmarking studies showed a noticeable improvement of alignment after refinement. This can be inferred from the increased alignment score and enhanced sensitivity for database searching using the sequence profiles derived from refined alignments compared with the original alignments. A standalone version of the program is available by ftp distribution () and will be incorporated into the next release of the Cn3D structure/alignment viewer

    Wildfire smoke in the Siberian Arctic in summer: source characterization and plume evolution from airborne measurements

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    We present airborne measurements of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O<sub>3</sub>), equivalent black carbon (EBC) and ultra fine particles over North-Eastern Siberia in July 2008 performed during the YAK-AEROSIB/POLARCAT experiment. During a "golden day" (11 July 2008) a number of biomass burning plumes were encountered with CO mixing ratio enhancements of up to 500 ppb relative to a background of 90 ppb. Number concentrations of aerosols in the size range 3.5–200 nm peaked at 4000 cm<sup>−3</sup> and the EBC content reached 1.4 μg m<sup>−3</sup>. These high concentrations were caused by forest fires in the vicinity of the landing airport in Yakutsk where measurements in fresh smoke could be made during the descent. We estimate a combustion efficiency of 90 ± 3% based on CO and CO<sub>2</sub> measurements and a CO emission factor of 65.5 ± 10.8 g CO per kilogram of dry matter burned. This suggests a potential increase in the average northern hemispheric CO mixing ratio of 3.0–7.2 ppb per million hectares of Siberian forest burned. For BC, we estimate an emission factor of 0.52 ± 0.07 g BC kg<sup>−1</sup>, comparable to values reported in the literature. The emission ratio of ultra-fine particles (3.5–200 nm) was 26 cm<sup>−3</sup> (ppb CO)<sup>−1</sup>, consistent with other airborne studies. <br><br> The transport of identified biomass burning plumes was investigated using the FLEXPART Lagrangian model. Based on sampling of wildfire plumes from the same source but with different atmospheric ages derived from FLEXPART, we estimate that the e-folding lifetimes of EBC and ultra fine particles (between 3.5 and 200 nm in size) against removal and growth processes are 5.1 and 5.5 days respectively, supporting lifetime estimates used in various modelling studies

    Stability of Circular Orbits in General Relativity: A Phase Space Analysis

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    Phase space method provides a novel way for deducing qualitative features of nonlinear differential equations without actually solving them. The method is applied here for analyzing stability of circular orbits of test particles in various physically interesting environments. The approach is shown to work in a revealing way in Schwarzschild spacetime. All relevant conclusions about circular orbits in the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime are shown to be remarkably encoded in a single parameter. The analysis in the rotating Kerr black hole readily exposes information as to how stability depends on the ratio of source rotation to particle angular momentum. As a wider application, it is exemplified how the analysis reveals useful information when applied to motion in a refractive medium, for instance, that of optical black holes.Comment: 20 pages. Accepted for publication in Int. J. theor. Phy

    Analysis of data on sources of official statistics, development strategy of the Kurgan region

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    In this article, the author considers various strategies for the development of the Kurgan region. However, in order to follow the presented strategies, the region needs the support of the state. The results of the study allow us to assess the real level of development of the Kurgan region and choose a suitable vector for improving the economic condition. © 2021 Author(s)

    On the freezing of variables in random constraint satisfaction problems

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    The set of solutions of random constraint satisfaction problems (zero energy groundstates of mean-field diluted spin glasses) undergoes several structural phase transitions as the amount of constraints is increased. This set first breaks down into a large number of well separated clusters. At the freezing transition, which is in general distinct from the clustering one, some variables (spins) take the same value in all solutions of a given cluster. In this paper we study the critical behavior around the freezing transition, which appears in the unfrozen phase as the divergence of the sizes of the rearrangements induced in response to the modification of a variable. The formalism is developed on generic constraint satisfaction problems and applied in particular to the random satisfiability of boolean formulas and to the coloring of random graphs. The computation is first performed in random tree ensembles, for which we underline a connection with percolation models and with the reconstruction problem of information theory. The validity of these results for the original random ensembles is then discussed in the framework of the cavity method.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Building data warehouses in the era of big data: an approach for scalable and flexible big data warehouses

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    During the last few years, the concept of Big Data Warehousing gained significant attention from the scientific community, highlighting the need to make design changes to the traditional Data Warehouse (DW) due to its limitations, in order to achieve new characteristics relevant in Big Data contexts (e.g., scalability on commodity hardware, real-time performance, and flexible storage). The state-of-the-art in Big Data Warehousing reflects the young age of the concept, as well as ambiguity and the lack of common approaches to build Big Data Warehouses (BDWs). Consequently, an approach to design and implement these complex systems is of major relevance to business analytics researchers and practitioners. In this tutorial, the design and implementation of BDWs is targeted, in order to present a general approach that researchers and practitioners can follow in their Big Data Warehousing projects, exploring several demonstration cases focusing on system design and data modelling examples in areas like smart cities, retail, finance, manufacturing, among others