68 research outputs found


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    Purpose. To identify factors influencing compliance with treatment for arterial hypertension (AH) among the aboriginal and nonaboriginal inhabitants of Gornaya Shoria.Materials and methods. We performed a clinical epidemiological study in the population of Gornaya Shoria (with a sample of 453 people). Arterial blood pressure (AP) was measured using a mercury sphygmomanometer after a 10-minute rest in both arms according to the WHO recommendations (1980) and the measurement was repeated after a 5-minute interval. The diagnosis of AH was made irrespective of the AP levels and was based on the use of hypotensive drugs. We applied a questionnaire in those subjects who were willing to fill it in (including data on age, marital status, education, alimentary behaviour, presence of AH, current therapy, presence of a permanent income and previous diseases). The subjects were divided into three age groups including the young group aged 19 to 39 years, the middle group aged 40 to 59 and the older group aged 60 and above. Also, the subjects were classified into those with higher education, those with secondary education and those with primary education.Results. The prevalence of AH in the population of Gornaya Shoria was higher than the average Russian level. The aboriginal inhabitants showed lower levels of awareness than the non-aboriginal and they were less likely to reach target levels of AP. Treatment compliance correlated with social status in both ethnic groups. Old age pensioners were found to be more committed to therapy, irrespective of their ethnicity. In the aboriginal population, those employed were more committed to therapy than the unemployed. The level of education did not influence treatment compliance.Цель. Выявить факторы, влияющие на комплаентность в терапии АГ у шорцев и некоренных жителей Горной Шории.Материалы и методы. Проведено клинико-эпидемиологическое исследование населения Горной Шории (выборка 453 человека). Измерение АД проводилось ртутным сфигмоманометром после десятиминутного отдыха двукратно на обеих руках по методике ВОЗ (1980) с интервалом в пять минут. Диагноз АГ устанавливался независимо от уровня АД на фоне приема гипотензивных препаратов. Проводилось добровольное анкетирование (возраст, семейное положение, образование, пищевое поведение, наличие АГ, принимаемая терапия, наличие постоянного дохода, перенесенные заболевания). Обследуемые были разделены на три возрастные группы: младшая – от 19 до 39 лет, средняя – от 40 до 59 лет и старшая – 60 лет и старше. По уровню образования выделены три категории: лица, получившие высшее образование, среднее специальное образование и начальное образование.Результаты. Распространенность АГ среди населения Горной Шории выше по сравнению со среднероссийскими показателями. У представителей коренной национальности отмечен более низкий уровень осведомленности и меньший процент лиц, достигающих целевых уровней АД, чем у некоренной. В обеих этнических группах комплаентность к лечению АГ кореллировалас социальным статусом. Большая приверженность к терапии отмечена среди пенсионеров, как коренных, так и некоренных. У представителей коренной этнической группы более привержено к терапии АГ работающее население, чем неработающее. Не оказывал влияния на комплаентность уровень образования обследованных

    Formation of high-carbon abrasion-resistant surface layers when high-energy heating by high-frequency currents

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    The paper shows the possibility of carburization of low-carbon steel surface layers using high-frequency currents. The mathematical modeling of carburization using high-energy heating by high-frequency currents (HEH HFC) has been carried out, the temperature fields formed during the given processing have been calculated, as well as the structural changes in the surface layers have been simulated. The features of the structure formation in the surface layers of low-carbon steel after carburizing via HEH HFC have been determined by optical and scanning microscopy, which is confirmed by the computational models. The rational mode of fusion via HEH HFC has also been determined (power density of the source q[s]=(1.5...4.0)•10{8} W m{-2}, (the relative travel speed of parts V[p]=5 ... 100 mm /sec), with forming the compressive retained stresses in the surface layer ([sigma][RS]=-300...-400 MPa)

    Effect of annealing on the corrosion-fatigue strength and hot salt corrosion resistance of fine-grained titanium near-{\alpha} alloy Ti-5Al-2V obtained by Rotary Swaging

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    The corrosion-fatigue strength in 3% aqueous NaCl solution and the resistance against hot salt corrosion (HSC) of the fine-grained near-a alloy Ti-5Al-2V (Russian analog of Grade 9 titanium alloy with increased aluminum content) has been studied. The properties of the Ti-5Al-2V alloy in the coarse-grained state, in the fine-grained after cold Rotary Swaging (RS), in partly recrystallized state, and in fully recrystallized one have been investigated. The mechanical properties of the alloy were characterized using compression tests and microhardness measurements. The effects of RS and of the annealing temperature and time on the character of corrosion destruction of the surface and on the composition of the products of the HSC were studied. RS was shown to result in an increase in the depth of the intergranular corrosion defects while the recrystallization annealing promotes the increasing of the corrosion resistance of the Ti-5Al-2V titanium alloy. The parameters of the Basquin equation for the corrosion-fatigue curves for the near-a Ti-5Al-2V alloy in the coarse-grained state, in the severely strained one, and after recrystallization annealing were determined for the first time. An effect of nonmonotonous dependencies of the slopes of the corrosion-fatigue curves for the strained near-a Ti-5Al-2V alloy on the recrystallization annealing temperature has been observed.Comment: 46 pages, 1 table, 19 figures, 64 reference

    Multiparametric determination of genes and their point mutations for identification of beta-lactamases

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    Infective and nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis in patients with post-COVID-19 viral-immune myocarditis

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    The possibility of heart inflammation (both myocardial and endocardial) months after a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has not been practically studied, especially since approaches to the treatment of myocarditis in combination with various endocarditis forms have not been developed.Aim. To study the prevalence and mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-associated endocardial injury in patients with morphologically verified post-COVID-19 myocarditis, as well as to develop approaches to comprehensive therapy.Material and methods. The study included 18 patients with severe morphologically verified post-COVID-19 myocarditis (men, 9; 51,1±9,4 years; 35 to 66 years). Patients with prior verified myocarditis/myocardial infarction, rheumatic heart disease, and systemic immune diseases were excluded. The average time after COVID-19 was 6,5 [3.5; 10] months The diagnosis of myocarditis was confirmed by endomyocardial biopsy (including immunohistochemical examination with antibodies to CD3, CD20, CD45, CD68, and to SARS-CoV-2 antigens; polymerase chain reaction for SARS-CoV-2 RNA, DNA of cardiotropic viruses). The blood level of anticardiac antibodies was determined by indirect immunofluorescence. In addition, echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging (n=8), cardiac multislice tomography (n=1), and coronary angiography (n=14) were performed.Results. Biopsy revealed active (n=12) and borderline (n=3) lymphocytic myocarditis, eosinophilic (n=2) and giant cell (n=1) myocarditis. In 4 patients, nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE) with parietal and intravascular thrombosis was diagnosed, and in one patient — infective endocarditis (IE) of the bicuspid aortic valve. Myocardial persistence of SARS-CoV-2 was detected in 72% of cases (in 3 patients — with NBTE; in 1 — with IE; in 9 — without endocarditis). Titers of anticardiac antibodies increased by 3-4 times in 94% of patients. Patients with endocarditis were characterized by larger heart chambers, lower ejection fraction (27,5±6,6 vs 36,0±13,4%), more severe pulmonary hypertension, and valvular regurgitation. Intraventricular thrombosis according to echocardiography/magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac embolism was not observed. Treatment in all patients included methylprednisolone at an average dose of 24 mg a day. In 10 patients, the result was monitored for at least 3 months as follows: the ejection fraction was 46,0±12,7% and 44,3±7,3% in patients with and without endocarditis, respectively.Conclusion. Endocarditis in patients with post-COVID-19 myocarditis was detected in 28% (1 patient — IE; 4 — NBTE). The key mechanisms of post-COVID-19 myocarditis and NBTE are long-term (up to 18 months) myocardial persistence of SARS-Cov-2 and the development of an autoimmune reaction. Endocarditis was diagnosed in more severe patients, including those with giant cell and eosinophilic myocarditis. The effectiveness of steroid therapy in combination with anticoagulants in patients with NBTE requires further study. In case of IE, steroids can also be used in the treatment of myocarditis (in combination with antibiotics and immunoglobulin)


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    Study objectives: examine the frequency of genotypes and alleles of I/D polymorphism of gene ADRA2B of native people living in Mountain Shoria (the Shors), as well as their association with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.Material and methods. Overall 221 native people of Shoria were examined. The average age is51.07 ± 1.46 among males, 52.93 ± 0.96 among females (p = 0.286). Anthropometric characteristics, lipid levels of blood and I/D polymorphism of ADRA2B were studied.Results. DD genotype of the gene ADRA2B in the native population of the Shor people is associated with adiposis and high index of "waist/hip", hypertriglyceridemia. The average values of Quetelet index is higher in carriers of this genotype compared with carriers of genotype ID. Average waist indications in homozygous insertions were lower than those in homozygous deletions and heterozygotes. Patients with genotype DD have higher average levels of triglycerides, atherogenic index, cholesterol, very low density lipoproteins.Conclusion. DD allele ADRA2B genotype is responsible for adiposis and high levels of TG among native population of Shoria.Научно-исследовательский институт комплексных проблем сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний Сибирского отделения РАН, Кемерово; Новокузнецкий государственный институт усовершенствования врачей, НовокузнецкЦель исследования – изучить частоты генотипов и аллелей I/D полиморфизма гена ADRA2B в популяции коренных жителей Горной Шории (шорцев), а также их ассоциацию с факторами риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.Материал и методы. Проведено клинико-эпидемиологическое исследование коренного населения труднодоступных районов Горной Шории. Сплошным методом обследован 221 человек, выборка состояла из взрослого населения (лица в возрасте 18 лет и старше). Средний возраст обследуемых составил (51,07 ± 1,46) лет у мужчин, (52,93 ± 0,96) лет у женщин (p = 0,286). Изучены антропометрические данные, показатели липидного спектра крови, I/D полиморфизм гена ADRA2B.Результаты. Генотип DD гена ADRA2B в популяции шорцев ассоциируется с ожирением и повышенным индексом «талия/бедро», гипертриглицеридемией. Средние значения индекса Кетле выше у носителей данного генотипа по сравнению с носителями генотипа ID. У гомозигот по инсерции средние показатели окружности талии оказались меньше, чем у гомозигот по делеции и у гетерозигот. Средние уровни триглицеридов, индекса атерогенности, холестерина липопротеинов очень низкой плотности были выше у лиц с генотипом DD.Заключение. В популяции шорцев маркером генетической предрасположенности к ожирению, нарушению распределения жировой ткани и гипертриглицеридемии является аллель D гена а2В-адренорецептора

    Different Effect of Proteasome Inhibition on Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Poliovirus Replication

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    Proteasome activity is an important part of viral replication. In this study, we examined the effect of proteasome inhibitors on the replication of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and poliovirus. We found that the proteasome inhibitors significantly suppressed VSV protein synthesis, virus accumulation, and protected infected cells from toxic effect of VSV replication. In contrast, poliovirus replication was delayed, but not diminished in the presence of the proteasome inhibitors MG132 and Bortezomib. We also found that inhibition of proteasomes stimulated stress-related processes, such as accumulation of chaperone hsp70, phosphorylation of eIF2α, and overall inhibition of translation. VSV replication was sensitive to this stress with significant decline in replication process. Poliovirus growth was less sensitive with only delay in replication. Inhibition of proteasome activity suppressed cellular and VSV protein synthesis, but did not reduce poliovirus protein synthesis. Protein kinase GCN2 supported the ability of proteasome inhibitors to attenuate general translation and to suppress VSV replication. We propose that different mechanisms of translational initiation by VSV and poliovirus determine their sensitivity to stress induced by the inhibition of proteasomes. To our knowledge, this is the first study that connects the effect of stress induced by proteasome inhibition with the efficiency of viral infection

    Модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном

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    Objective: to develop a model of a biomedical cell product that is consistent with the «homologous drug» strategy  based on protocols for preparing the cell component and scaffold carrier for preclinical studies on a large laboratory  animal (pig). Materials and methods. Biomedical cell products and skin equivalents (SE), were formed using  plasma cryoprecipitate prepared from blood plasma of healthy donors and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of  human adipose tissue. Cryoprecipitate from pig blood plasma and human adipose tissue-derived MSCs were used   to form model skin equivalents (mSE). Bright-field microscopy, phase-contrast microscopy (Leica DMI 3000B)  and fluorescence microscopy (Cytation 5 imager; BioTek, USA) were used to monitor the state of cells in the  culture and in the composition of the equivalents. Scaffolds for equivalents were tested for cytotoxicity (MTT test,  direct contact method). The cell distribution density was characterized by author’s method (Patent No. 2675376  of the Russian Federation). Results. An mSE was developed for preclinical studies on a large laboratory animal  (pig). In the mSE, components that change from halogen to xenogenic conditions during transplantation to the  animal were replaced. A comprehensive approach to preparing mSE was presented. It includes sampling of primary  pig biomaterial, extraction and characterization of adipose tissue-derived MSCs, preparation of a scaffold  carrier for the corresponding «homologous drug» strategy. Cytotoxicity of the mSE scaffold was evaluated. It  was shown that mSE provides mechanical support (similar to SE) to cells, as well as comparable development of  cellular events during cultivation. Conclusion. A model of a biomedical cell product was developed. This model  is consistent with the «homologous drug» strategy for preclinical studies on a large laboratory animal (pig). The  paper presented a comprehensive approach to developing a model equivalent based on protocols for preparation  and testing of the cellular component, the scaffold carrier and the ready-to-use model equivalent.Цель: разработать модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта, согласующуюся со стратегией «гомологичный препарат» на основе протоколов подготовки клеточной составляющей и скаффолда-носителя для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). Материалы и методы. Биомедицинские клеточные продукты – эквиваленты кожи (ЭК) формировали с использованием криопреципитата плазмы крови здоровых доноров и мезенхимальных стволовых клеток (MSCs) жировой ткани человека. Для формирования модельных эквивалентов кожи (мЭК) использовали криопреципитат плазмы крови свиней и MSCs жировой ткани свиней. Наблюдение за состоянием клеток в культуре и в составе эквивалентов проводили с использованием методов светлого поля, фазового контраста (Leica DMI 3000B) и флуоресцентной микроскопии (имиджер Cytation 5; BioTek, USA). Скаффолды эквивалентов тестировали на цитотоксичность (МТТ-тест, метод прямого контакта). Характеристику плотности распределения клеток проводили авторским способом (Пат. № 2675376 РФ). Результаты. Разработан модельный эквивалент кожи (мЭК) для проведения доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). В мЭК замещены компоненты, переходящие из алогенных условий в ксеногенные при трансплантации животному. Представлен комплексный подход для подготовки мЭК, включающий забор первичного биоматериала свиньи, выделение и характеристику MSCs жировой ткани, подготовку скаффолда-носителя, соответствующего стратегии «гомологичный препарат». Проведена оценка цитотоксичности скаффолда мЭК. Показано, что мЭК обеспечивает аналогичную эквиваленту кожи (ЭК) механическую поддержку клеток и сопоставимое развитие клеточных событий при культивировании. Вывод. Разработана модель биомедицинского клеточного продукта, согласующаяся со стратегией «гомологичный препарат» для доклинических исследований на крупном лабораторном животном (свинье). Представлен комплексный подход, для разработки модельного эквивалента основанный на протоколах подготовки и тестирования клеточной составляющей, скаффолда-носителя и готового модельного эквивалента

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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