132 research outputs found

    Stable one-dimensional periodic waves in Kerr-type saturable and quadratic nonlinear media

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    We review the latest progress and properties of the families of bright and dark one-dimensional periodic waves propagating in saturable Kerr-type and quadratic nonlinear media. We show how saturation of the nonlinear response results in appearance of stability (instability) bands in focusing (defocusing) medium, which is in sharp contrast with the properties of periodic waves in Kerr media. One of the key results discovered is the stabilization of multicolor periodic waves in quadratic media. In particular, dark-type waves are shown to be metastable, while bright-type waves are completely stable in a broad range of energy flows and material parameters. This yields the first known example of completely stable periodic wave patterns propagating in conservative uniform media supporting bright solitons. Such results open the way to the experimental observation of the corresponding self-sustained periodic wave patterns.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Multicolor vortex solitons in two-dimensional photonic lattices

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    We report on the existence and stability of multicolor lattice vortex solitons constituted by coupled fundamental frequency and second-harmonic waves in optical lattices in quadratic nonlinear media. It is shown that the solitons are stable almost in the entire domain of their existence, and that the instability domain decreases with the increase of the lattice depth. We also show the generation of the solitons, and the feasibility of the concept of lattice soliton algebra.Comment: 18 pages,6 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Advanced Laboratory Methods for Detecting Yellow Fever Pathogen

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    Yellow fever is an acute infectious disease of viral nature, the causative agent of which is vector-borne –is transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Massive epidemics caused by the yellow fever virus are observed in the countries of Africa, South and Central America annually. Imported cases are also registered in non-endemic territories. The review presents the currently available data on the distribution, structure and classification of the yellow fever virus, the identification of its genetic variants depending on the geographical distribution, as well as modern methods of detection and identification of the pathogen in samples taken from sick and dead people. It considers the possibility of using virological, immunoserological and molecular-genetic methods for the diagnosis of yellow fever in different periods from the onset of the disease and in retrospective studies. The lists of diagnostic drugs of domestic and foreign production for the detection of agent markers (antigen, RNA), as well as specific antibodies of IgM and IgG classes, approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, are provided. The relevance of further development, improvement and introduction into laboratory practice of reagent kits that allow to detect the yellow fever virus in samples from sick people in a short time, with high efficiency and specificity is demonstrated. This will help to establish a diagnosis promptly and conduct timely anti-epidemic measures, as well as to determine the level of the population stratum immune to the pathogen in endemic regions and evaluate the effectiveness of immunization for the vaccinated contingent

    Nonlinear optics and light localization in periodic photonic lattices

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    We review the recent developments in the field of photonic lattices emphasizing their unique properties for controlling linear and nonlinear propagation of light. We draw some important links between optical lattices and photonic crystals pointing towards practical applications in optical communications and computing, beam shaping, and bio-sensing.Comment: to appear in Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials (JNOPM


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    This paper considers the problem of thermal shock in the case of a massive body in different conditions of heating and cooling. The most dangerous mode of heating was identified. The influence of inertial effects on the value of emerging thermal stress was investigated. A new equation of compatibility of stress with the inertial effects, which generalizes the known Beltrami-Mitchell relation for quasi-static cases, was obtained by methods of the tensor algebra. The theory of thermal shock in solids was developed in terms of dynamic problems of thermoelasticity in different forms of heat stress: temperature heating; thermal heating; heating medium. Equations for the calculation the jumps in the front of thermoelastic waves were obtained. The most dangerous mode of thermal shock was identified. The effect of relaxation in thermal problems was described in the context of the investigation of thermal stress state of a massive body. It was shown that an increase in relaxation time, i.e. heating rates of the boundary surface of the body, causes a reduction of thermal stress maxima. Original results of the thermal reaction of a solid to cooling were obtained. It was shown that, in comparison with the heating mode, the cooling mode is more devastating, especially for nearsurface layers of solids. The role of the relaxation temperature in the cooling mode was identified. New functional structures were proposed as analytical solutions to the major dynamic problems of thermomechanics on the basis of the use of the Kar functions, which are relatively new.В работе рассмотрена проблема теплового удара для массивного тела в различных условиях нагрева и охлаждения; выявлен наиболее опасный режим температурного воздействия; исследовано влияние инерционных эффектов на величину возникающих термических напряжений

    Obtaining and Photocatalytic Properties of Ni-Doped Nanotubular Titanium Oxide

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    Photocatalytic properties of Ni-doped nanotubular titanium oxide(Ni-NTO) obtained by anodizing at 30 V anodizing voltage and duration about 40 minutes was studied. Nickel doping of NTO was carried out by immersion in a solution of 0.1 M nickel nitrate for various times, followed by annealing in air.The authors appreciate the support of this work within the government assignment № AAAA-A19-119110190048-7

    Cobalt Doped Nanotubular Titanium Oxide

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    This paper presents a study Co-doped nanotubular titanium oxide (Co-NTO) obtained by anodizing at 30 V 40 min. Cobalt doping of NTO was carried out by immersion in a solution of 0.1 M cobalt nitrate for various times, followed by annealing in air.The authors appreciate the support of this work within the government assignment № AAAA-A19-119110190048-7

    New Data on the Dissemination of the Nipah Virus (<i>Henipavirus. Paramyxoviridae</i>) and Methods of its Indication and Identification

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    Nipah virus (Nipah virus, NiV) is a representative of the genus Henipavirus of the Paramyxoviridae family, the causative agent of a dangerous infectious disease with a wide range of clinical manifestations – from an asymptomatic (subclinical) form to severe encephalitis with fatal outcome. Despite the fact that the disease caused by this virus is registered only in the countries of Southeast Asia, the possibility of importing the pathogen to non-endemic territories is not excluded. Also, this pathogen is able to infect not only a large number of people, but also animals, causing serious diseases and significant economic damage, posing both, a medical and veterinary problem. This review presents the data available in the modern press on the structure and classification of the Nipah virus, possible cycles of its transmission, spread, methods of indication and identification in clinical and biological material, as well as the effectiveness of their use depending on the timing of the onset of the disease and available commercial diagnostic and preventive drugs

    Prospects For the Use of Loop Isothermal Amplification in the Diagnosis of Particularly Dangerous Infectious Diseases Caused by the Viruses of the Pathogenicity Group I

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    Dangerous viral infectious diseases pose a serious threat to human life and health, as their uncontrolled spread leads to the development of major outbreaks and epidemics. Rapid and accurate detection of the pathogen is an essential component of the fight against infectious diseases. This review is devoted to loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), which is one of the simplest and most reliable methods of molecular-genetic research that meets modern requirements. The simplicity of the analysis and registration of the obtained results, which is necessary under conditions with minimal laboratory capacities, makes it possible to consider this type of diagnostic technology as the most promising, which allows us to identify genetic markers (DNA or RNA) of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases in the shortest possible time. Objective of the review is to summarize and systematize the data available to date on the use of LAMP for detecting RNA of dangerous infectious diseases caused by the Ebola,Marburg and Lassa viruses. The paper discusses the basic principles of the loop isothermal amplification reaction, the components that make up the reaction mixture and are used for the analysis, as well as methods for detecting the results obtained. When studying the information available in the literature sources about the advantages and disadvantages of LAMP, it is shown that in many cases, isothermal amplification is not inferior in sensitivity and specificity to the main molecular-genetic diagnostic methods currently used. Modifications that can be used for accelerated diagnostics of RNA-containing viruses are also considered

    Hantaviruses in Insectivore Populations in Siberia

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    Objective of the study was investigation of hantaviruses in a new natural reservoir - insectivores, their diversity and geographic distribution in the Western and Eastern Siberia. Materials and methods. Sorex shrews (71 specimens) were captured in Altai Republic, Altai, and Krasnoyarsk Territories, and Omsk Region. All samples were analyzed for hantavirus RNA using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction with subsequent sequencing. Results and conclusions. A total of 12 viral RNA isolates from two Sorex species (S. araneus and S. roboratus) were genetically typed. Sequence analysis of the partial L and S segments identified two distinct hantaviruses. Kenkeme (KKMV) virus was detected in a flat-skulled shrew (S. roboratus) in Altai Territory. This virus was previously found in geographically remote sites in the Sakha Republic and China. New foci of Seewis virus circulation among common shrews (S. araneus), were found in the Omsk Region, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories. Previously published and new findings suggest that hantaviruses among shrews are widely distributed over the Russian Federation territory. The widespread circulation of SWSV and KKMV throughout Siberia is an important argument for investigation of their role in human infections