635 research outputs found

    Synthesis of new simplified hemiasterlin derivatives with α,β-unsaturated carbonyl moiety.

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    International audienceIn this Letter, we report a convenient and efficient method for the synthesis of new simplified derivatives of hemiasterlin in which the α,α-dimethylbenzylic moiety A is replaced by α,β-unsaturated aryl groups as Michael acceptor. Most of these derivatives have a strong cytotoxic activity on three human tumor cell lines (KB, Hep-G2 and MCF7). Analogs 17b and 17f showed a high cytotoxicity against KB and Hep-G2 cancer cell lines comparable to paclitaxel and ellipticine

    Algorithm and program for earthquake prediction based on the geological, geophysical, geomorphological and seismic data

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    By applying an improved  method of the Earth's crust classification, we develop an algorithm and build an earthquake prediction program using a combination of geological, geophysical, geomorphological and seismic data.This program includes a system of multiple windows with different functions, which can divide fault zones into the different segments by the maximum magnitude values Mmax. Using the constructed program, we carried out an earthquake prediction test for the Northwest Vietnam by a combination of geological, geophysical, geomorphological and seismic data. According to the received results, zoning maps of maximum earthquake prediction for the researched region has been established. The results show that the   areas, capable of generating earthquakes with Mmax = 6.5 - 6.8  are primarily concentrated along some major fault zones such as Lai Chau-Dien Bien, Son La, Song Ma, Song Da, Tuan Giao or near the intersection of these fault zones. The received results show a good accordance with the actual seismotectonic characteristics of the researched region.References Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Cong Thang, Nguyen Van Vuong, Pham Dinh Nguyen, 2013. The magnitude of the largest possible earthquake in the Muong La - Bac Yen fault zone. Journal of Sciences of the Earth 35, 53-49.Cao Dinh Trieu, 1999. Probable approach for long-term earthquake prediction in Vietnam based on the regulation of epicentral distribution. Journal of Geology, Series A (251), 14-21, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Cao Dinh Trieu, Nguyen Huu Tuyen, Thai Anh Tuan, 2006. The correlation between the structure of the Earth’s crust and seismic activities in the Northwest region of Vietnam”. Journal of Sciences of the Earth, 28, 155-164, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Cao Dinh Trieu, Ngo Thi Lu, Cao Xuan Bach et al., 2007. Prediction of maximum earthquake occurrence in Vietnam on the basis of crustal characteristics”. Proceedings of the 5th Vietnam’s Scientific Conference on Geophysics, 159-171, Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Dang Thanh Hai, Nguyen Duc Vinh, Cao Dinh Trieu, 2002. Long-term earthquake prediction in Lai Chau-Dien Bien region on the basis of time - magnitude model. Journal of Science and Technology, 40(4), 45-53, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Dang Thanh Hai, 2003. Study on deep structures of the Earth’s crust and seismotectonic zoning in Northern Vietnam. Physics Ph.D. Thesis, 170p, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Grishin A.P., 2001. The statistical model for predicting the occurrence time and magnitude of the earthquake”. Journal of Volcanology and Seismology (4), 60-65, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (in Russian).Grishin A.P., N.V. Kondoskaya, L.E. Levin, L.N. Solodinov, A.L. Petrov, O.M. Petrov, 2001. “Experiment of statistical prediction in Kaspi region (occurrence time, epicenter coordinate and magnitude value of the earthquake). 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Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Along the Southeastern Coast of Vietnam, Natural Hazards 24, 53-74.Nguyen Hong Phuong, Pham The Truyen, 2014. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the South Central Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 36, 451-461.Nguyen Dinh Xuyen (Project manager), Nguyen Ngoc Thuy et al., 1996. Database of earthquake mitigation measures in Vietnam. The final report of state-level independent project, Code KT-DL 92-07, 3 volumes, Institute of Geophysics, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Nguyen Dinh Xuyen, 2002. Earthquake and earthquake hazard level. Internal document, Institute of Geophysics, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Nguyen Dinh Xuyen, Pham Dinh Nguyen, Pham Quang Hung, Nguyen Anh Duong, 2003. Experiment of long-term earthquake prediction based on the mechanism of foreshock activities. 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Characteristic classification of the Earth’s crust and the modern geological process. Publishing House of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 210p (in Russian).Reisner G.I., L.I. Ioganson, 1996. The Extraregional Seismotectonic Method for the Assessment of Seismic Potential. Natural Hazards 14, 3-10 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, printed in the Netherlands).Tran Thi My Thanh, 2002. Assessment of seismic hazard in Vietnam and adjacent regions. Physics Ph.D. Thesis, 161 pages, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).Vu Thi Hoan, Ngo Thi Lu, M.V. Rodkin, Tran Viet Phuong, 2014. Application of the generalized extreme value distribution to study the seismicity of the Southeast Asian. Journal of Geology. Series A, 341-345. Hanoi. 

    Selection of Depression Measures for Use among Vietnamese Populations in Primary Care Settings: A Scoping Review

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    Depression is an important and growing contributor to the burden of disease around the world and evidence suggests the experience of depression varies cross-culturally. Efforts to improve the integration of services for depression in primary care are increasing globally, meaning that culturally valid measures that are acceptable for use in primary care settings are needed. We conducted a scoping review of 27 studies that validated or used 10 measures of depression in Vietnamese populations. We reviewed the validity of the instruments as reported in the studies and qualitatively assessed cultural validity and acceptability for use in primary care. We found much variation in the methods used to validate the measures, with an emphasis on criterion validity and reliability. Enhanced evaluation of content and construct validity is needed to ensure validity within diverse cultural contexts such as Vietnam. For effective use in primary care, measures must be further evaluated for their brevity and ease of use. To identify appropriate measures for use in primary care in diverse populations, assessment must balance standard validity testing with enhanced testing for appropriateness in terms of culture, language, and gender and for acceptability for use in primary care

    Интеллектуальная радиосеть с нечеткой конфигурацией

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    В статье обсуждаются возможности применения одноранговой радиосети стандарта IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) диапазона 2,4 ГГц для работы системы, состоящей из группы малогабаритных мобильных роботов и одного командного пункта. Основная задача группы роботов – проведение разведки во время спасательных операций после техногенных и природных катастроф и аварий. Для сохранения управляемости отдельными роботами и системой в целом предлагается повысить «интеллект» системы связи за счет гибкой маршрутизации каналов между командным пунктом и конкретным мобильным роботом с тем, чтобы иметь систему с автоматическим, интеллектуальным восстановлением канала обмена данных.У статті обговорюються можливості застосування однорангової радіомережі стандарту ІЕЕ 802.15.4 (ZigBee) діапазону 2,4 Ггу для роботи системи, що складається з групи малогабаритних мобільних роботів та одного командного пункту. Основна задача групи роботів – проведення розвідки під час рятувальних операцій після техногенних та природних катастроф і аварій. Для збереження керованості окремими ротами та системою в цілому пропонується підвищити інтелект системи зв’язку за рахунок гнучкої маршрутитизації каналів між командним пунктом та конкретним мобільним роботом з тим, щоб мати систему з автоматичним, інтелектуальним відновлюванням каналу обміну даних.In the article the possibilities of application peer-to-peer radio networks of standard IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) a range of 2,4 GHz for work of the system consisting of small-sized mobile robots group and one command point are discussed. The primary goal of group of robots – is carrying out of investigation during rescue operations after technogenic and natural accidents and failures. For controllability preservation by separate robots and system as a whole, it is offered to raise “intelligence” of a communication system at the expense of flexible routeing of channels between command point and the concrete mobile robot to have system with automatic, intellectual restoration of the channel of data exchange

    Flexural-strengthening efficiency of cfrp sheets for unbonded post-tensioned concrete T-beams

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    There has been a limited number of studies about the flexural behavior of unbonded post-tensioned concrete (UPC) beams strengthened with carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) and these studies have not systematically examined the effect of CFRP sheets on the tendon strain as well as the strengthening efficiency. Moreover, current design guides for the FRP strengthening techniques have not provided any design procedure for UPC structures. This study, thus, investigates the influence of CFRP sheet ratio on the flexural behavior of CFRP-strengthened UPC T-beams and quantifies its effect upon tendon behavior in this kind of UPC beams. The testing program consisted of nine large-scale UPC T-beams strengthened by different layers of CFRP sheets with or without CFRP U-wrapped anchors. The experimental results have shown that the use of CFRP sheets and CFRP U-wrapped anchors significantly affected the tendon strain. The FRP reinforcement ratio governed the flexural capacity, the crack width, the mid-span displacement, and the ductility of the beams in which the strengthening efficiency reduces with the increased number of CFRP layers. The configuration of the CFRP U-wrapped anchors affected the strain of the CFRP sheets, the failure mode and thus the beam behavior. In addition, semi-empirical equations were proposed to estimate the actual strain of unbonded tendons in which the effect of the CFRP sheets and CFRP U-wrapped anchors have been taken into consideration. The proposed equations, which are simple to use, yield reliable predictions with a small variation

    Targeted sequencing from cerebrospinal fluid for rapid identification of drug-resistant tuberculous meningitis

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    Mortality from tuberculous meningitis (TBM) remains around 30%, with most deaths occurring within 2 months of starting treatment. Mortality from drug-resistant strains is higher still, making early detection of drug resistance (DR) essential. Targeted next-generation sequencing (tNGS) produces high read depths, allowing the detection of DR-associated alleles with low frequencies. We applied Deeplex Myc-TB-a tNGS assay-to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from 72 adults with microbiologically confirmed TBM and compared its genomic drug susceptibility predictions to a composite reference standard of phenotypic susceptibility testing (pDST) and whole genome sequencing, as well as to clinical outcomes. Deeplex detected Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA in 24/72 (33.3%) CSF samples and generated full DR reports for 22/24 (91.7%). The read depth generated by Deeplex correlated with semi-quantitative results from MTB/RIF Xpert. Alleles with <20% frequency were seen at canonical loci associated with first-line DR. Disregarding these low-frequency alleles, Deeplex had 100% concordance with the composite reference standard for all drugs except pyrazinamide and streptomycin. Three patients had positive CSF cultures after 30 days of treatment; reference tests and Deeplex identified isoniazid resistance in two, and Deeplex alone identified low-frequency rifampin resistance alleles in one. Five patients died, of whom one had pDST-identified pyrazinamide resistance. tNGS on CSF can rapidly and accurately detect drug-resistant TBM, but its application is limited to those with higher bacterial loads. In those with lower bacterial burdens, alternative approaches need to be developed for both diagnosis and resistance detection

    Rifampicin resistant 'Mycobacterium tuberculosis' in Vietnam, 2020–2022

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    Objective: We conducted a descriptive analysis of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in Vietnam’s two largest cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. Methods: All patients with rifampicin resistant tuberculosis were recruited from Hanoi and surrounding provinces between 2020 and 2022. Additional patients were recruited from Ho Chi Minh city over the same time period. Demographic data were recorded from all patients, and samples collected, cultured, whole genome sequenced and analysed for drug resistance mutations. Genomic susceptibility predictions were made on the basis of the World Health Organization’s catalogue of mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis associated with drug resistance, version 2. Comparisons were made against phenotypic drug susceptibility test results where these were available. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess risk factors for previous episodes of tuberculosis. Results: 233/265 sequenced isolates were of sufficient quality for analysis, 146 (63 %) from Ho Chi Minh City and 87 (37 %) from Hanoi. 198 (85 %) were lineage 2, 20 (9 %) were lineage 4, and 15 (6 %) were lineage 1. 17/211 (8 %) for whom HIV status was known were infected, and 109/214 (51 %) patients had had a previous episode of tuberculosis. The main risk factor for a previous episode was HIV infection (odds ratio 5.1 (95 % confidence interval 1.3–20.0); p = 0.021). Sensitivity for predicting first-line drug resistance from whole genome sequencing data was over 90 %, with the exception of pyrazinamide (85 %). For moxifloxacin and amikacin it was 50 % or less. Among rifampicin-resistant isolates, prevalence of resistance to each non-first-line drug was < 20 %. Conclusions: Drug resistance among most MDR-TB strains in Vietnam’s two largest cities is confined largely to first-line drugs. Living with HIV is the main risk factor among patients with MDR-TB for having had a previous episode of tuberculosis

    Real-time imaging of the bacillithiol redox potential in the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus using a genetically encoded bacilliredoxin-fused redox biosensor

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    Aims: Bacillithiol (BSH) is utilized as major thiol-redox buffer in the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Under oxidative stress, BSH forms mixed disulfides with proteins, termed as S-bacillithiolation which can be reversed by bacilliredoxins (Brx). In eukaryotes, glutaredoxin-fused roGFP2 biosensors have been applied for dynamic live-imaging of the glutathione redox potential. Here, we have constructed a genetically encoded bacilliredoxin-fused redox biosensor (Brx-roGFP2) to monitor dynamic changes in the BSH redox potential in S. aureus. Results: The Brx-roGFP2 biosensor showed a specific and rapid response to low levels bacillithiol disulphide (BSSB) in vitro which required the active-site Cys of Brx. Dynamic live-imaging in two methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) USA300 and COL strains revealed fast and dynamic responses of the Brx-roGFP2 biosensor under hypochlorite and H2O2 stress and constitutive oxidation of the probe in different BSH-deficient mutants. Furthermore, we found that the Brx-roGFP2 expression level and the dynamic range is higher in S. aureus COL compared to the USA300 strain. In phagocytosis assays with THP-1 macrophages, the biosensor was 87 % oxidized in S. aureus COL. However, no changes in the BSH redox potential were measured after treatment with different antibiotics classes indicating that antibiotics do not cause oxidative stress in S. aureus. Conclusion and Innovation: This Brx-roGFP2 biosensor catalyzes specific equilibration between the BSH and roGFP2 redox couples and can be applied for dynamic live imaging of redox changes in S. aureus and other BSH-producing Firmicutes