193 research outputs found

    Resource-aware Approach in the Design of Complex Information Systems as a Problem of Multicriteria Optimization

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    One of the modern information society tasksis the design of complex multiprocessor information systems, taking into account the rational use of system resources. It includes the development of a new resourceaware approach for the design of next generation information systems, such as smart home systems, autonomous transport, cyber-physical systems, etc. The paper has an educational character and is intended for novice researchers with the aim of introducing them to the subject area. It considers a demonstrative explanation of the problem of resource allocation in the design of complex information systems. It describes the basics of the problem of complex assessments of the technical solutions and the formal approach for solving this problem, including the methods from the theory of Data Mining and Operation Research. It also considers the problem of finding a trade-off between system parameters when looking for new solutions. Approaches to the comparative assessment of multiprocessor systems are demonstrated using simple examples. The ranking of the multiprocessor systems is performed in accordance with a complex criterion. Due to the specifics of technical solutions the formation of such a complex criterion is a rather difficult task, therefore many criteria (parameters) are used to make the assessment. The problem of finding the optimal variant of a multiprocessor system is presented as a problem of multicriteria optimization. The use of multicriteria optimization makes it possible to search for a trade-off between several alternatives or to find the non-dominant solutions, where none of them is better than the other in all the considered parameters and therefore have the same importance. In this case, many solutions are allowed, each of which is acceptable in the absence of preliminary information about the importance of the criteria. From the set of several non-dominated solutions obtained as a result of multicriteria optimization, it is possible to choose one that is most preferable for a specific applied problem

    Magnetic properties of carbon-coated permalloy films

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    This work is supported by the German-Russian Interdisciplinary Science Center (G-RISC) funded by the German Federal Foreign Office via the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

    Anti-Inflammatory Effects of IKK Inhibitor XII, Thymulin, and Fat-Soluble Antioxidants in LPS-Treated Mice

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    The present study was designed to compare the anti-inflammatory effects of several agents applied in vivo, namely, a synthetic inhibitor of the NF-κB cascade, fat-soluble antioxidants, and the thymic peptide thymulin. Cytokine response in LPS-treated mice was analysed in tandem with the following parameters: the synthesis of inducible forms of the heat shock proteins HSP72 and HSP90α; activity of the NF-κB and SAPK/JNK signalling pathways; and TLR4 expression. Inflammation-bearing Balb/c male mice were pretreated with an inhibitor of IKK-α/β kinases (IKK Inhibitor XII); with thymulin; with dietary coenzyme Q9, α-tocopherol, and β-carotene; or with combinations of the inhibitor and peptide or antioxidants. Comparable anti-inflammatory effects were observed in inflammation-bearing mice treated separately with thymulin or with dietary antioxidants administered daily for two weeks before LPS treatment. When LPS-injected mice were treated with the inhibitor and antioxidants together, neither plasma cytokines, signal proteins, nor heat shock proteins recovered more efficiently than when mice were treated with these agents separately. In contrast to antioxidant diet, the thymulin was shown to increase the effect of IKK Inhibitor XII in preventing IKK activation in LPS-treated mice

    Formation Regularities of Silicon-Polysaccaride-Containing Polyolate Hydrogels

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    This work was carried out in the framework of the state assignment of FASO of Russia (theme № AAAAA18-118020290116-5)

    Effect of vitamin D deficiency on colds of students of USMU

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    This article presents the results of a monographic study to study the effect of deficiency in the production of vitamin D on the frequency of colds in students of USMU in connection with living in the Northern regions and polluted atmosphere.В данной статье представлены результаты исследования на предмет изучения влияния дефицита выработки витамина D на периодичность простудных заболеваний у студентов УГМУ в связи с проживанием в северных районах и загрязненной атмосферой

    Biomimetic sol-gel mineralization of polysaccharides by silicon and titanium polyolates

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    In this work, we have demonstrated that in addition to silicon tetraglycerolate, a new water-soluble biocompatible polyolate precursors – silicon tetrapolyethylene glycolate Si[O(CH2CH2O)nH]4 [5, 6] and titanium tetrapolyethylene glycolate Ti[O(CH2CH2O)nH]4 [5] – can be successfully utilized in biomimetical mineralization of polysaccharides of various nature. By the example of chitosan (cationic), xanthan gum (anionic), and hydroxyethyl cellulose (uncharged) polysaccharides, an accelerating effect has been demonstrated on the gelation process and a stabilizing effect has been revealed on the hydrogels formed as transparent monoliths showing resistance to syneresis. Thus formed silicon- and titanium-containing 3D-network of gels is found to be polymeric and appears to have ordered amorphous morphostructure, which can be explained as caused by the influence from the polysaccharides serving as templates. The presence of polyolate bridges between silicon or titanium atoms in the polymeric network is characteristic of polyolate precursors only and is determined mainly by the nature of the precursor and by the contents of polyol and water in the system. The formation of polyolate bridges is facilitated by the low reactivity of the precursor, by low water content, and also by polyol excess in the system. The sol-gel process utilized to obtain the silicon- and titanium-polysaccharide-containing hydrogels proceeds under the mild conditions at room temperature, with no catalyst or any organic solved to be used, and thus can be regarded as belonging to the green chemistry methods that show promise for biomedical materials applications.This work was carried out in the framework of the Russian State Assignment (theme № АААА-А19-119011790134-1)

    6-minute walk test and KCCQ questionnaire for diagnosis of patients with reduced exercise tolerance

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    This article presents the results of using the 6-minute walk test (6MTX) and the KCCQ questionnaire in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).В данной статье представлены результаты возможности применения теста 6 –минутной ходьбы (6МТХ) и опросника KCCQ у пациентов с хронической сердечной недостаточностью (ХСН)

    The ratio of oncogenic and anti-oncogenic potencies of neutrophils in the development of cancer. The role of neutrophils in metastasis, prognosis and possible points for therapeutic interventions

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    This review examines the complex role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of cancer. Neutrophils make an ambiguous contribution to the development of the tumor process: on the one hand, they promote tumor growth, metastasis and invasion, support tumor angiogenesis, promoting the spread of the disease, however, on the other hand, neutrophils restrain and limit tumor growth due to expressed tumor necrosis factors, reactive oxygen species and induction of various chemokines and cytokines.В данном обзоре рассмотрена сложная роль нейтрофилов в патогенезе раковых заболеваний. Нейтрофилы вносят неоднозначный вклад в развитие опухолевого процесса — с одной стороны, они способствуют росту опухоли, ее метастазированию и инвазии, поддерживают опухолевый ангиогенез, содействуя распространению заболевания, однако, с другой стороны, нейтрофилы сдерживают и ограничивают рост опухоли за счет экспрессируемых факторов некроза опухоли, активных форм кислорода и индукцией различных хемокинов и цитокинов

    Thermodynamics, solubility and the separation of uranium from cerium in molten In/3LiCl-2KCl system

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    The purpose of this work is to study the electrochemical behavior of uranium and cerium in fused In/3LiCl-2KCl system in the temperature range of 723-823 K by open-circuit potentiometry. The apparent electrode potential of Ce3+/Ce (U4+/U) couples and apparent standard potential of Ce-In (U-In) alloys vs AgCl/Ag reference electrode were established. The principal thermodynamic properties, activity and solubility of cerium and uranium were determined. The separation factor of uranium/cerium couple on liquid indium electrode was calculated. The experimental results have been shown that a lower temperature should be more effective for the separation uranium from cerium. © 2020 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS")

    The role of neutrophils in cancer prognosis and possible points for therapeutic interventions

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    This review examines the complex role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of cancer. Neutrophil extracellular traps and the ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes may indicate the degree of malignancy of the tumor and have great prognostic value. Neutrophils, as well as the impact on their metabolic pathways, are a promising direction in cancer immunotherapy.В обзоре рассмотрена сложная роль нейтрофилов в патогенезе раковых заболеваний. Нейтрофильные внеклеточные ловушки и соотношение нейтрофилов к лимфоцитам может указывать на степень злокачественности опухоли и иметь большое прогностическое значение. Нейтрофилы, а также воздействие на их метаболические пути являются перспективным направлением в иммунотерапии рака