324 research outputs found

    Neighborhood Effects: Accomplishments and Looking Beyond Them

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    The paper addresses the empirical significance of the social context in economic decisions. Decisions of individuals who share spatial and social milieus are likely to be interdependent, and econometric identification of social effects poses intricate data and methodological problems, including dealing with self-selection in spatial and socail groups. It uses a simple empirical framework to introduce social interactions effects at different levels of aggregation, and examines estimation problems into linear models, the impact of self-selection and of non linearities. It also examines neighborhood effects in job matching and proposes a research agenda that offers new techniques and data sources.Neighborhood effects, social interactions, social networks, social effects, self-selection, neighborhood choice, social multiplier, spatial effects

    Motivations for volunteerism, satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion: The moderating effect of volunteers' age

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    This investigation aims to explore the moderating role of volunteers' age in the relation between motivations for volunteering and, respectively, satisfaction with volunteerism and emotional exhaustion. A longitudinal study was conducted with a sample of 241 Spanish healthcare volunteers. Results show that volunteers' age moderates the relations between social motivations and satisfaction, and social motivations and volunteers' emotional exhaustion, and also between growth motivations and satisfaction, and volunteers' emotional exhaustion. The relationships between security motivations and satisfaction and emotional exhaustion are not moderated by age. Our findings underline that, for younger volunteers, satisfaction decreases when social motives are high, rather than low, and, in the opposite, emotional exhaustion increases when growth motives are high, rather than low. For older volunteers, instead, the only significant effect concern satisfaction, which is higher when social motives are high, rather than low

    Synthetic aperture radar imagery using SOCET GXP®

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) provides high resolution images for a multitude of applications. The main purpose of this work is to provide the reader to get accustomed to application oriented SAR data processing and visualization. This goal is achieved using BAE SYSTEMS SOCET GXP® software tool. The obtained results present a solid approach by using the tool for the exploitation of SAR images as a source for geospatial information and data regarding water resource detection, terrain feature extraction, vegetation health assessment among other applications

    Assemblages of carabid beetles (Col. Carabidae) and ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae) in natural and artificial regeneration of pine forests

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    Carabid beetles and spiders are at the top of the hierarchy of general invertebrate predators, which can help to reduce the abundance of harmful forest pests. They are also frequently used as environmental indicators. In this paper we analyzed the abundance, species richness and changes in carabid beetle and spider assemblages in three treatments of pine forest regeneration – natural, natural with soil prepared by ploughing and artificial with seedlings planted in ploughed soil. The most beneficial forest regeneration treatment variant of forest regeneration for carabid beetles and spiders was the natural regeneration of pine stands without any preceding soil preparation. Both taxa responded strongly to soil ploughing. We also noted the replacement of forest species by less sensitive open area species. In carabid assemblages, large changes in the trophic structure were observed, as predatory species were replaced by hemizoophages in the ploughed treatments

    Guidance and Leakage properties of chiral optical fibers

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    The field theory of guided waves in optical fibers with step-index profiles and in which both core and cladding are chiral isotropic media is developed. We show that both surface and semileaky modes can propagate in optically active fibers. To shed light on the guidance and leakage properties of chiral isotropic fibers we present a physical interpretation and several numerical results. The new leakage effect associated with semileaky modes is an important property that cannot be neglected in the analysis of chiral optical fibers but that, nevertheless, has been systematically disregarded in the literature

    The Advantages of Probabilistic Survey Questions

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    In monetary policymaking, central bankers have long pointed out the importance of measuring the expectations of financial market participants, households, and firms —especially with regard to inflation and the central bank’s so-called “reaction function” to changes in the economic outlook. In addition to model- and market-implied measures, there has been a growing interest in and reliance on survey-based measures of subjective expectations. This article describes two major innovative survey initiatives conducted by the New York Fed to measure policy-relevant expectations of households and market participants: the Survey of Consumer Expectations, and the Survey of Primary Dealers and Survey of Market Participants. A key feature of these surveys is its use of a probabilistic question format to elicit the likelihood respondents assign to different future events. We discuss the advantages of using probabilistic questions, illustrate their value in more fully measuring beliefs and uncertainty, and document the pervasiveness and importance of heterogeneity in beliefs among our survey respondents

    Investigando las fortalezas personales para crear vidas y ambientes positivos: una perspectiva internacional

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    In today’s world, we face a barrage of difficulties in multiple life spheres. While previous times were not without their challenges, these were often restricted to our own personal, geographically localized worlds. Today, news and social media expose us to never-ending reports of traumatic events and interpersonal violence, making us question human nature and our resiliency. Increasing technological advancements have brought forth new challenges, not only in our relationships with technology, but in how we live our daily lives. Financial uncertainty at both the individual and global level raises doubts about our abilities to afford basic necessities. Climate change is wreaking havoc on the environments we call home. Changing interpersonal dynamics present new challenges to personal, social, and group relationships, often resulting in conflict or isolation. Adolescents and young adults are thrust into this confusing world, often lacking the proper resources to understand and cope with these challenges. Adults facing life’s demands also experience extreme stress, with adverse consequences both at the present as well as later life in the form of physical and mental health issues. Furthermore, we have a tendency to direct attention to our individual weaknesses, exacerbating our experience of difficulties. It is, therefore, no wonder that psychology as a discipline, which seeks to understand the human experience, tends to focus on the deficiencies in our lives. However, as stated by Sheldon and King (2001), it is important for psychologists to deviate from this ‘negative bias’, and instead concentrate on positive human qualities and the promotion of what Maslow (1943, 1987) termed growth needs. This focus is the crux of positive psychology.In today’s world, we face a barrage of difficulties in multiple life spheres. While previous times were not without their challenges, these were often restricted to our own personal, geographically localized worlds. Today, news and social media expose us to never-ending reports of traumatic events and interpersonal violence, making us question human nature and our resiliency. Increasing technological advancements have brought forth new challenges, not only in our relationships with technology, but in how we live our daily lives. Financial uncertainty at both the individual and global level raises doubts about our abilities to afford basic necessities. Climate change is wreaking havoc on the environments we call home. Changing interpersonal dynamics present new challenges to personal, social, and group relationships, often resulting in conflict or isolation. Adolescents and young adults are thrust into this confusing world, often lacking the proper resources to understand and cope with these challenges. Adults facing life’s demands also experience extreme stress, with adverse consequences both at the present as well as later life in the form of physical and mental health issues. Furthermore, we have a tendency to direct attention to our individual weaknesses, exacerbating our experience of difficulties. It is, therefore, no wonder that psychology as a discipline, which seeks to understand the human experience, tends to focus on the deficiencies in our lives. However, as stated by Sheldon and King (2001), it is important for psychologists to deviate from this ‘negative bias’, and instead concentrate on positive human qualities and the promotion of what Maslow (1943, 1987) termed growth needs. This focus is the crux of positive psychology

    Endoscopy during the Covid-19 outbreak : experience and recommendations from a single center in a high-incidence scenario

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    A dramatic SARS-Cov-2 outbreak is hitting Italy hard. To face the new scenario all the hospitals have been re-organised in order to reduce all the outpatient services and to devote almost all their personnel and resources to the management of Covid-19 patients. As a matter of fact, all the services have undergone a deep re-organization guided by: the necessity to reduce exams, to create an environment that helps reduce the virus spread, and to preserve the medical personnel from infection. In these days a re-organization of the endoscopic unit, sited in a high-incidence area, has been adopted, with changes to logistics, work organization and patients selection. With the present manuscript, we want to support gastroenterologists and endoscopists in the organization of a \u201cnew\u201d endoscopy unit that responds to the \u201cnew\u201d scenario, while remaining fully aware that resources, availability and local circumstances may extremely vary from unit to unit

    Emerging Issues in Occupational Disease: Mental Health in the Aging Working Population and Cognitive Impairment - A Narrative Review

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    Cognitive impairment has often been reported in scientific literature as a concern derived from chronic exposure to work-related stress. Organizational factors can contribute to the onset of this concern especially in a susceptible population such as elderly workers. The aim of our study was to review the last five years of scientific literature, focusing on experimental and epidemiological studies, possible mechanisms implicated in the onset of cognitive decline due to work-related stress, and the recent organizational strategies to prevent detrimental effects of stress on cognitive processes. A literature search was performed in scientific platforms Medline and Web of Science, by means of specific string search terms, restricting the search to the years of publication 2014–2019. Thirty-three articles were identified and qualitatively evaluated, reporting narratively the main point of interest. At this stage, six articles were excluded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Only a few articles considered the population of the elderly workers, often with a short follow-up period. Strategies to manage stress with organizational procedures are scarce. Mechanisms implicated in the development of cognitive impairment due to stress are not fully explained and seem to include a chronical decrease in the inhibitory process of neurological pathways. Further research that focused on strategies to manage stress in elderly workers, with the aim of preventing cognitive impairment processes, is warranted