48 research outputs found

    Capital adequacy guidelines and interest rate swaps

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    The paper investigates the empirical implications of the capital adequacy guidelines on interest rate swaps. First, it provides stylized estimates of the likely rates of return on equity that can be achieved on interest rate swap transactions under different assumptions of intermediation fees, risk weights and swap maturities. Second, using data of daily swap spreads we explore the potential profitability of various trading strategies in interest rate swap interbank market. Implications for swap intermediaries and corporate users are discussed.arbitrage banking hedging

    New Perspectives on Burnout: A Controlled Study on Movement Analysis of Burnout Patients

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    Introduction: Despite extensive research on burnout, there has been to date no systematic movement analysis of burnout patients, although it is well known that psychiatric diseases express themselves through movements, such as psychomotor retardation or agitation. Since the movement expression of burnout patients has not been systematically investigated so far, the aim of this study is to close this knowledge gap in order to obtain a new perspective on burnout.Methods: Hospitalized burnout patients (n = 22; age 47.2 卤 9.1 years) and health controls (n = 20; age 41.5 卤 15.0 years) participated in a standardized movement sequence with verbal instructions. The objective Burnout Inventory Scale and diagnostics by psychiatrists were used for diagnosis. Two certified movement-analysts independently rated each participant via video by using the Effort System of Laban Movement Analysis as an instrument of dance therapy and behavior observation. Cohen鈥檚 Kappa was used to test the inter-rater reliability of the movement analysts and non-parametric Mann鈥揥hitney U tests were undertaken to assess the differences between the two groups.Results: The rater-agreement Kappa ranges from 0.66 to 0.92 (p < 0.001) with the Confidence Interval (95%) from 0.46 to 1.1. Results of the Mann鈥揥hitney U tests indicate that burnout patients show significantly less frequent movements for the following Effort elements: Bound U(n1 = 22, n2 = 20) = 112.5, p = 0.001; Indirect U(n1 = 22, n2 = 20) = 114.5, p = 0.001; Light U(n1 = 22, n2 = 20) = 115, p = 0.001 and Sustained U(n1 = 22, n2 = 20) = 130, p = 0.01.Discussion: Burnout patients have significant deficits in all four Effort elements of the Laban Movement Analysis (Flow, Space, Time, Weight) and therefore have deficits regarding their body movement. The findings presented here provide an additional perspective on burnout

    Poliglikolowa p艂uczka wiertnicza do przewiercania ska艂 ilastych

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    Drilling a wellbore in formations containing water-sensitive shales can cause many serious technical problems. Especially mud which enable safe drilling in shales and clays formations must be characterized not only by features of standard modern mud, but also has to reduce water adsorption and thus hydration of clays and shales. This paper was prepared so as to present the results of laboratory investigation in which a glycol and ion - polymer fluid based on potassium salt was made. Obtained mud is characterized by high-temperature resistance, good rheological properties, low water loss and resistance to salt ions.Wiercenie w formacjach zawieraj膮cych i艂y i 艂upki mo偶e powodowa膰 wiele technicznych problem贸w, dlatego p艂uczka przeznaczona do wiercenia w takich ska艂ach musi spe艂nia膰 nie tylko podstawowe funkcje p艂uczki wiertniczej, ale tak偶e dodatkowo redukowa膰 adsorpcj臋 wody, a tym samym hydratacj臋 艂upk贸w. Artyku艂 prezentuje wyniki bada艅 laboratoryjnych, podczas kt贸rych opracowana zosta艂a p艂uczka glikolowo-potasowa zawieraj膮ca r贸wnie偶 polimery. P艂uczka ta charakteryzuje si臋 odporno艣ci膮 na wysok膮 temperatur臋, nisk膮 filtracj膮, odporno艣ci膮 na jony oraz dobrymi w艂a艣ciwo艣ciami reologicznymi

    Table_1_New Perspectives on Burnout: A Controlled Study on Movement Analysis of Burnout Patients.xlsx

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    <p>Introduction: Despite extensive research on burnout, there has been to date no systematic movement analysis of burnout patients, although it is well known that psychiatric diseases express themselves through movements, such as psychomotor retardation or agitation. Since the movement expression of burnout patients has not been systematically investigated so far, the aim of this study is to close this knowledge gap in order to obtain a new perspective on burnout.</p><p>Methods: Hospitalized burnout patients (n = 22; age 47.2 卤 9.1 years) and health controls (n = 20; age 41.5 卤 15.0 years) participated in a standardized movement sequence with verbal instructions. The objective Burnout Inventory Scale and diagnostics by psychiatrists were used for diagnosis. Two certified movement-analysts independently rated each participant via video by using the Effort System of Laban Movement Analysis as an instrument of dance therapy and behavior observation. Cohen鈥檚 Kappa was used to test the inter-rater reliability of the movement analysts and non-parametric Mann鈥揥hitney U tests were undertaken to assess the differences between the two groups.</p><p>Results: The rater-agreement Kappa ranges from 0.66 to 0.92 (p < 0.001) with the Confidence Interval (95%) from 0.46 to 1.1. Results of the Mann鈥揥hitney U tests indicate that burnout patients show significantly less frequent movements for the following Effort elements: Bound U(n<sub>1</sub> = 22, n<sub>2</sub> = 20) = 112.5, p = 0.001; Indirect U(n<sub>1</sub> = 22, n<sub>2</sub> = 20) = 114.5, p = 0.001; Light U(n<sub>1</sub> = 22, n<sub>2</sub> = 20) = 115, p = 0.001 and Sustained U(n<sub>1</sub> = 22, n<sub>2</sub> = 20) = 130, p = 0.01.</p><p>Discussion: Burnout patients have significant deficits in all four Effort elements of the Laban Movement Analysis (Flow, Space, Time, Weight) and therefore have deficits regarding their body movement. The findings presented here provide an additional perspective on burnout.</p