7,779 research outputs found

    Transport in tunnelling recombination junctions: a combined computer simulation study

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    The implementation of trap-assisted tunneling of charge carriers into numerical simulators ASPIN and D-AMPS is briefly described. Important modeling details are highlighted and compared. In spite of the considerable differences in both approaches, the problems encountered and their solutions are surprisingly similar. Simulation results obtained for several tunneling recombination junctions made of amorphous silicon (a-Si), amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC), or microcrystalline silicon (µc-Si) are analyzed. Identical conclusions can be drawn using either of the simulators. Realistic performances of a-Si/a-Si tandem solar cells can be reproduced with simulation programs by assuming that extended-state mobility increases exponentially with the electric field. The same field-enhanced mobilities are needed in single tunneling recombination junctions in order to achieve measured current levels. Temperature dependence of the current-voltage characteristics indicates that the activation energy of enhanced mobilities should be determined. Apparent discrepancies between simulation results and measurements are explained and eliminated making use of Gill’s law. For application in tandem and triple solar cell structures, tunneling recombination junctions made of (µc-Si) are the most promising of all examined structures.Fil: Vukadinovic, M.. University of Ljubljana; EsloveniaFil: Smole, F.. University of Ljubljana; EsloveniaFil: Topič, M.. University of Ljubljana; EsloveniaFil: Schropp, R. E. .. Utrecht University; Países BajosFil: Rubinelli, Francisco Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química; Argentin

    Structural influence on atomic hopping and electronic states of Pd-based bulk metallic glasses

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    Atomic motion and electronic structures of Pd–Ni–Cu–P bulk metallic glasses were investigated using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance. The hopping rate of P atoms was determined by the stimulated echo technique. Significant hopping was observed in all alloys well below the glass transition temperature. Increasing the Cu content to above 25 at. % increases P hopping significantly, consistent with the previous finding that the openness of the structure increases with Cu content. In contrast, P hopping is not influenced by changes of local electronic states at P sites, induced by the substitution of Ni by Cu

    Recoiling Supermassive Black Hole Escape Velocities from Dark Matter Halos

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    We simulate recoiling black hole trajectories from z=20z=20 to z=0z=0 in dark matter halos, quantifying how parameter choices affect escape velocities. These choices include the strength of dynamical friction, the presence of stars and gas, the accelerating expansion of the universe (Hubble acceleration), host halo accretion and motion, and seed black hole mass. Λ\LambdaCDM halo accretion increases escape velocities by up to 0.6 dex and significantly shortens return timescales compared to non-accreting cases. Other parameters change orbit damping rates but have subdominant effects on escape velocities; dynamical friction is weak at halo escape velocities, even for extreme parameter values. We present formulae for black hole escape velocities as a function of host halo mass and redshift. Finally, we discuss how these findings affect black hole mass assembly as well as minimum stellar and halo masses necessary to retain supermassive black holes.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figures. Updated to correct a typo (sign error) in fit to escape velocity, for return by z=0 (eq. 19

    Utjecaj uvjeta ispitivanja na žilavost kompozita

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    Zbog svojih dobrih mehaničkih i fizikalnih svojstava kompoziti imaju vrlo raširenu primjenu. Kako konačna svojstva ovise o velikom broju utjecaja, u radu je ispitivan utjecaj uvjeta priprave kompozita. U tu svrhu je pripravljen polimerni kompozit na osnovi poliesterske smole ojačan staklenim vlaknima otvrdnjavan pri različitim uvjetima. Utjecaj tih uvjeta određen je ispitivanjem žilavosti


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    ORIGINALNI ZNANSTVENI RAD Krvavica, M., V. Milak Hlapivi spojevi arome dalmatinske pancete proizvedene u različitim tehnološkim uvjetima.........400 ORIGINALNI ZNANSTVENI RAD M. Lušnic Polak, N. Pavlovič Optimizacija teksturalnih parametara pašteta od svinjetine uz dodatak različitih vrsta škroba i tipova brašna.............................................................. ...............................................................................418 ORIGINALNI ZNANSTVENI RAD Poljanec, I., N. Vahčić, G. Krešić, S. Kolarić Kravar, N. Kudumija, J. Pleadin Alergeni u mesnim proizvodima s hrvatskog tržišta.............................................................................420 PREGLEDNI RAD Sterniša M., J. Mraz, S. Smole Možina Šaran - još neiskorišteni potencijal...... ....................................................................................................433 ORIGINALNI ZNANSTVENI RAD Senčić, Đ., D. Samac, Z. Antunović, D. Galović Proizvodnost kokoši i kvaliteta jaja iz ekološkoga i konvencionalnoga (podnog) sustava držanja.............434ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER Krvavica, M., V. Milak Volatile flavour compounds of dalmatian dry-cured bacon manufactured in different technological conditions............. ......................................................................................................................................411 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER M. Lušnic Polak, N. Pavlovič Optimization of textural parameters of pork spread coagulates with addition of various starches and flour types........................................... ................................................................................................414 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER Poljanec, I., N. Vahčić, G. Krešić, S. Kolarić Kravar, N. Kudumija, J. Pleadin Allergens in meat products from the Croatian market............... ...........................................................426 REVIEW Sterniša M., J. Mraz, S. Smole Možina Common carp – yet unexploited to its real potential.................... ........................................................428 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER Senčić, Đ., D. Samac, Z. Antunović, D. Galović Productivity of hens and egg quality in ecological and conventional (floor) housing system.........436ORIGINAL VORBERICHT Krvavica, M., V. Milak Flüchtige aromatische Verbindungen beim Dalmatinischen Bauchspeck, der in unterschiedlichen technologischen bedingungen Hergestellt wurde.. ...............................................................................412 ORIGINAL VORBERICHT M. Lušnic Polak, N. Pavlovič Optimierung der Texturparameter der Schweineleberwurst durch Zugabe von diversen Stärke- und Mehlsorten..................................................................................................................................................418 ORIGINAL VORBERICHT Poljanec, I., N. Vahčić, G. Krešić, S. Kolarić Kravar, N. Kudumija, J. Pleadin Allergene in Fleischprodukten vom kroatischen Markt ...................................... ..................................426 UBERSICHTARBEIT Sterniša M., J. Mraz, S. Smole Možina Karpfen – vernachlässigte hochwertige Nährstoffquelle....................................................... ..............433 ORIGINAL VORBERICHT Senčić, Đ., D. Samac, Z. Antunović, D. Galović Produktivität von Hühner und qualität von Eiern aus der ökologischen und konventionellen Haltung (Bodenhaltung).................................................................................................................................437LAVOR SCIENTIFICO ORIGINALE Krvavica, M., V. Milak Composti volatili dell’aroma della pancetta dalmata prodotta in differenti condizioni tecnologiche............ .................................... ....413 LAVOR SCIENTIFICO ORIGINALE M. Lušnic Polak, N. Pavlovič Ottimizzazione dei parametri di texture del pâté di carne suina con l’aggiunta di differenti tipi di amido e farina...... ........................... .....419 LAVOR SCIENTIFICO ORIGINALE Poljanec, I., N. Vahčić, G. Krešić, S. Kolarić Kravar, N. Kudumija, J. Pleadin Allergeni presenti nei prodotti di carne provenienti dal mercato croato.............................. .................................427 RASSEGNA Sterniša M., J. Mraz, S. Smole Možina La carpa - potenziale ancora non sfruttate........................ ............................... ....433 LAVOR SCIENTIFICO ORIGINALE Senčić, Đ., D. Samac, Z. Antunović, D. Galović Produttività delle galline e qualità delle uova nei sistemi d’allevamento biologico e convenzionale (a terra)....... ....................... ....437ARTÍCULO CIENTIFICO ORIGINIAL Krvavica, M., V. Milak Componentes volátiles del tocino de Dalmacia producido en diferentes condiciones tecnológicas.............. ............................ ...........412 ARTÍCULO CIENTIFICO ORIGINIAL M. Lušnic Polak, N. Pavlovič Optimización de los parámetros de textura del paté de cerdo con addición de varios tipos de amildón y tipos de harina................ .... ..........419 ARTÍCULO CIENTIFICO ORIGINIAL Poljanec, I., N. Vahčić, G. Krešić, S. Kolarić Kravar, N. Kudumija, J. Pleadin Los alérgenos en los productos cárnicos del mercado croata............... ........................ ........427 ARTÍCULO TEORICO Sterniša M., J. Mraz, S. Smole Možina La carpa - todavia potencial aún sin explotar.......... .......................................... ........433 ARTÍCULO CIENTIFICO ORIGINAL Senčić, Đ., D. Samac, Z. Antunović, D. Galović Productividad de gallinas ponedoras y calidad de huevos en los sistemas de cría ecológicos y convencionales (en suelo)...... ................. .......43

    "Dissent and Discipline in Ben Gurion's Labor Party: 1930-32"

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    This paper describes a small opposition group that functioned during 1930-33 on the left fringes of Ben Gurion's Mapai party in Palestine. Mapai dominated Jewish Palestine's politics, and later the politics of the young State of Israel; it lives on today in Israel's Labor Party. The opposition group, probably no more than a dozen active individuals at the outset, was comprised mostly of young adults, recently arrived from the Soviet Union or Poland. They put out a series of pamphlets, Reshimot Sozialistiyot (Socialist Notes), apparently held some public meetings and sought some minor party offices as well. These activities, and especially the pamphlets troubled Ben Gurion and the other party leaders. The leadership discussed the opposition group on 10 separate occasions at their private official meetings during 1932. They invited the opposition for an extensive clarification of views, and then insisted that the members cease functioning as an organized group. When that insistence failed to stop the publications, the leadership published a decree (written by party ideologue, B. Katznelson) expelling each of them from Mapai by name. The opposition's critique of Mapai revolved around the balance of internationalism inherent in socialism and nationalism inherent in Zionism. The party reaction showed 1) specific features of ideology that were unacceptable even to this eclectic party; 2) the leadership's concern for control and for disciplined followers; and 3) the nature of leadership discussion and behavior in regard to expulsion.