208 research outputs found

    Heat transport of clean spin-ladders coupled to phonons: Umklapp scattering and drag

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    We study the low-temperature heat transport in clean two-leg spin ladder compounds coupled to three-dimensional phonons. We argue that the very large heat conductivities observed in such systems can be traced back to the existence of approximate symmetries and corresponding weakly violated conservation laws of the effective (gapful) low--energy model, namely pseudo-momenta. Depending on the ratios of spin gaps and Debye energy and on the temperature, the magnetic contribution to the heat conductivity can be positive or negative, and exhibit an activated or anti-activated behavior. In most regimes, the magnetic heat conductivity is dominated by the spin-phonon drag: the excitations of the two subsystems have almost the same drift velocity, and this allows for an estimate of the ratio of the magnetic and phononic contributions to the heat conductivity.Comment: revised version, 8 pages, 3 figures, added appendi

    Coulomb Drag for Strongly Localized Electrons: Pumping Mechanism

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    The mutual influence of two layers with strongly loclized electrons is exercised through the random Coulomb shifts of site energies in one layer caused by electron hops in the other layer. We trace how these shifts give rise to a voltage drop in the passive layer, when a current is passed through the active layer. We find that the microscopic origin of drag lies in the time correlations of the occupation numbers of the sites involved in a hop. These correlations are neglected within the conventional Miller-Abrahams scheme for calculating the hopping resistance.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetothermal transport in the spin-1/2 chains of copper pyrazine dinitrate

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    We present experiments on the thermal transport in the spin-1/2 chain compound copper pyrazine dinitrate Cu(C_4 H_4 N_2)(NO_3)_2. The heat conductivity shows a surprisingly strong dependence on the applied magnetic field B, characterized at low temperatures by two main features. The first one appearing at low B is a characteristic dip located at mu_B B ~ k_B T, that may arise from Umklapp scattering. The second one is a plateau-like feature in the quantum critical regime, mu_B |B-B_c| < k_B T, where B_c is the saturation field at T=0. The latter feature clearly points towards a momentum and field independent mean free path of the spin excitations, contrary to theoretical expectations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Effective Drag Between Strongly Inhomogeneous Layers: Exact Results and Applications

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    We generalize Dykhne's calculation of the effective resistance of a 2D two-component medium to the case of frictional drag between the two parallel two-component layers. The resulting exact expression for the effective transresistance, ρeffD\rho^D_{eff}, is analyzed in the limits when the resistances and transresistances of the constituting components are strongly different - situation generic for the vicinity of the {\em classical} (percolative) metal-insulator transition (MIT). On the basis of this analysis we conclude that the evolution of ρeffD\rho^D_{eff} across the MIT is determined by the type of correlation between the components, constituting the 2D layers. Depending on this correlation, in the case of two electron layers, ρeffD\rho^D_{eff} changes either monotonically or exhibits a sharp maximum. For electron-hole layers ρeffD\rho^D_{eff} is negative and ρeffD|\rho^D_{eff}| exhibits a sharp minimum at the MIT.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Mesoscopic superconductors under irradiation: Microwave spectroscopy of Andreev states

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    We show that irradiation of a voltage-biased superconducting quantum point contact at frequencies of the order of the gap energy can remove the suppression of subgap dc transport through Andreev levels. Quantum interference among resonant scattering events involving photon absorption is furthermore shown to make microwave spectroscopy of the Andreev levels feasible. We also discuss how the same interference effect can be applied for detecting weak electromagnetic signals up to the gap frequency, and how it is affected by dephasing and relaxation.Comment: Submitted to a special volume of "Superlattices and Microstructures" on Mesoscopic Superconductivit

    The Quantized Hall Insulator: A New Insulator in Two-Dimensions

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    Quite generally, an insulator is theoretically defined by a vanishing conductivity tensor at the absolute zero of temperature. In classical insulators, such as band insulators, vanishing conductivities lead to diverging resistivities. In other insulators, in particular when a high magnetic field (B) is added, it is possible that while the magneto-resistance diverges, the Hall resistance remains finite, which is known as a Hall insulator. In this letter we demonstrate experimentally the existence of another, more exotic, insulator. This insulator, which terminates the quantum Hall effect series in a two-dimensional electron system, is characterized by a Hall resistance which is approximately quantized in the quantum unit of resistance h/e^2. This insulator is termed a quantized Hall insulator. In addition we show that for the same sample, the insulating state preceding the QHE series, at low-B, is of the HI kind.Comment: 4 page

    The Role of Vortices in the Mutual Coupling of Superconducting and Normal-Metal Films

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    I propose a possible explanation to a recently observed ``cross-talk'' effect in metal-insulator-metal trilayers, indicating a sharp peak near a superconducting transition in one of the metal films. Coulomb interactions are excluded as a dominant coupling mechanism, and an alternative is suggested, based on the local fluctuating electric field induced by mobile vortices in the superconducting layer. This scenario is compatible with the magnitude of the peak signal and its shape; most importantly, it addresses the {\it non-reciprocity} of the effect in exchanging the roles of the films.Comment: 13 pages, RevTe

    Transport Through Quantum Melts

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    We discuss superconductor to insulator and quantum Hall transitions which are first order in the clean limit. Disorder creates a nearly percolating network of the minority phase. Electrical transport is dominated by tunneling or activation through the saddle point junctions, whose typical resistance is calculated as a function of magnetic field. In the Boltzmann regime, this approach yields resistivity laws which agree with recent experiments in both classes of systems. We discuss the origin of dissipation at zero temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Coulomb-driven broken-symmetry states in doubly gated suspended bilayer graphene

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    The non-interacting energy spectrum of graphene and its bilayer counterpart consists of multiple degeneracies owing to the inherent spin, valley and layer symmetries. Interactions among charge carriers are expected to spontaneously break these symmetries, leading to gapped ordered states. In the quantum Hall regime these states are predicted to be ferromagnetic in nature whereby the system becomes spin polarized, layer polarized or both. In bilayer graphene, due to its parabolic dispersion, interaction-induced symmetry breaking is already expected at zero magnetic field. In this work, the underlying order of the various broken-symmetry states is investigated in bilayer graphene that is suspended between top and bottom gate electrodes. By controllably breaking the spin and sublattice symmetries we are able to deduce the order parameter of the various quantum Hall ferromagnetic states. At small carrier densities, we identify for the first time three distinct broken symmetry states, one of which is consistent with either spontaneously broken time-reversal symmetry or spontaneously broken rotational symmetry