148 research outputs found

    Light-enhanced electron-phonon coupling from nonlinear electron-phonon coupling

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    We investigate an exact nonequilibrium solution of a two-site electron-phonon model, where an infrared-active phonon that is nonlinearly coupled to the electrons is driven by a laser field. The time-resolved electronic spectrum shows coherence-incoherence spectral weight transfer, a clear signature of light-enhanced electron-phonon coupling. The present study is motivated by recent evidence for enhanced electron-phonon coupling in pump-probe terahertz and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in bilayer graphene when driven near resonance with an infrared-active phonon mode [E. Pomarico et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 024304 (2017)], and by a theoretical study suggesting that transient electronic attraction arises from nonlinear electron-phonon coupling [D. M. Kennes et al., Nat. Phys. 13, 479 (2017)]. We show that a linear scaling of light-enhanced electron-phonon coupling with the pump field intensity emerges, in accordance with a time-nonlocal self-energy based on a mean-field decoupling using quasiclassical phonon coherent states. Finally, we demonstrate that this leads to enhanced double occupancies in accordance with an effective electron-electron attraction. Our results suggest that materials with strong phonon nonlinearities provide an ideal playground to achieve light-enhanced electron-phonon coupling and possibly light-induced superconductivity

    Theory of subcycle time-resolved photoemission: Application to terahertz photodressing in graphene

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    Motivated by recent experimental progress we revisit the theory of pump–probe time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (trARPES), which is one of the most powerful techniques to trace transient pump-driven modifications of the electronic properties. The pump-induced dynamics can be described in different gauges for the light–matter interaction. Standard minimal coupling leads to the velocity gauge, defined by linear coupling to the vector potential. In the context of tight-binding (TB) models, the Peierls substitution is the commonly employed scheme for single-band models. Multi-orbital extensions – including the coupling of the dipole moments to the electric field – have been introduced and tested recently. In this work, we derive the theory of time-resolved photoemission within both gauges from the perspective of nonequilibrium Green’s functions. This approach naturally incorporates the photoelectron continuum, which allows for a direct calculation of the observable photocurrent. Following this route we introduce gauge-invariant expressions for the time-resolved photoemission signal. The theory is applied to graphene pumped with short terahertz pulses, which we treat within a first-principles TB model. We investigate the gauge invariance and discuss typical effects observed in subcycle time-resolved photoemission. Our formalism is an ideal starting point for realistic trARPES simulations including scattering effects

    Theory of light-enhanced phonon-mediated superconductivity

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    We investigate the dynamics of a phonon-mediated superconductor driven out of equilibrium. The electronic hopping amplitude is ramped down in time, resulting in an increased electronic density of states. The dynamics of the coupled electron-phonon model is investigated by solving Migdal-Eliashberg equations for the double-time Keldysh Green's functions. The increase of the density of states near the Fermi level leads to an enhancement of superconductivity when the system thermalizes to the new state at the same temperature. We provide a time- and momentum-resolved view on this thermalization process, and show that it involves fast processes associated with single-particle scattering and much slower dynamics associated with the superconducting order parameter. The importance of electron-phonon coupling for the rapid enhancement and the efficient thermalization of superconductivity is demonstrated, and the results are compared to a BCS time-dependent mean-field approximation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum walk versus classical wave: Distinguishing ground states of quantum magnets by spacetime dynamics

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    We investigate wave packet spreading after a single spin flip in prototypical two-dimensional ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic quantum spin systems. We find characteristic spatial magnon density profiles: While the ferromagnet shows a square-shaped pattern reflecting the underlying lattice structure, as exhibited by quantum walkers, the antiferromagnet shows a circular-shaped pattern which hides the lattice structure and instead resembles a classical wave pattern. We trace these fundamentally different behaviors back to the distinctly different magnon energy-momentum dispersion relations and also provide a real-space interpretation. Our findings point to opportunities for real-time, real-space imaging of quantum magnets both in materials science and in quantum simulators

    Ultrafast materials design with classical and quantum light

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    Electron Traversal Times in Disordered Graphene Nanoribbons

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    Using the partition-free time-dependent Landauer–Büttiker formalism for transient current correlations, we study the traversal times taken for electrons to cross graphene nanoribbon (GNR) molecular junctions. We demonstrate electron traversal signatures that vary with disorder and orientation of the GNR. These findings can be related to operational frequencies of GNR-based devices and their consequent rational design

    Transient charge and energy flow in the wide-band limit

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    The wide-band limit is a commonly used approximation to analyze transport through nanoscale devices. In this work we investigate its applicability to the study of charge and heat transport through molecular break junctions exposed to voltage biases and temperature gradients. We find that while this approximation faithfully describes the long-time charge and heat transport, it fails to characterize the short-time behavior of the junction. In particular, we find that the charge current flowing through the device shows a discontinuity when a temperature gradient is applied, while the energy flow is discontinuous when a voltage bias is switched on and even diverges when the junction is exposed to both a temperature gradient and a voltage bias. We provide an explanation for this pathological behavior and propose two possible solutions to this problem.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Cavity quantum materials

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    The emergent field of cavity quantum materials bridges collective many-body phenomena in solid state platforms with strong light–matter coupling in cavity quantum electrodynamics. This brief review provides an overview of the state of the art of cavity platforms and highlights recent theoretical proposals and first experimental demonstrations of cavity control of collective phenomena in quantum materials. This encompasses light–matter coupling between electrons and cavity modes, cavity superconductivity, cavity phononics and ferroelectricity, correlated systems in a cavity, light–magnon coupling, cavity topology and the quantum Hall effect, as well as super-radiance. An outlook of potential future developments is given
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