312 research outputs found

    Hybrid Palm Oil Mills Maintenance System

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    This paper proposes a technique that enhances snapshot model for cause of failure and decision analysis in order to easily assist maintenance engineers during identification and definition of the actual maintenance problem. The technique is a hybrid of failure mode, effect and criticality analysis, information technology and decision analysis into the snapshot model. A tool that automates the hybrid of snapshot modelling for cause of failure and decision analysis is also developed. This tool aims to ensure maintenance engineers can conduct snapshot modelling with little or without the help of operation research experts to facilitate in the cause of failure and decision analysis process

    Effects of Salts Concentration on Emergence and Growth of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) in Tropical Areas

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    Irrigation water quality could have a significant impact on the growth and yield and hence the productivity of crops. All irrigation water contains some dissolves salts, but the concentration and composition of the salts vary with the source of the irrigation water. Water saving in irrigation was identified as a major subject in northern Nigeria. Therefore, the use of treated municipal wastewater and saline water as a complementary source for water irrigation has been encouraged to increase the efficient use of water irrigation in crop production. Thus, the present study was carried out to examine the effect of two salts (NaCl and KCl) in irrigation water at varying concentrations on the emergence and growth of tomato in a semi-arid environment. Potassium chloride was found to be more detrimental on the sustainable production of tomato, NaCl concentration up to 1.5 g/l however was be safely used to boost tomato production. The results show that the treated wastewater, brackish and saline waters and other unconventional sources of water can be safely used in improving agricultural programs under arid and semiarid regions

    Empirical algorithm to estimate the average cosine of underwater light field at 490 nm

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    The average cosine of the underwater light field μ(λ), where λ is the wavelength, is an apparent optical property (AOP) that describes the angular distribution of radiance at a given point in water. Here, we present a simple algorithm to determine the average cosine at 490 nm, μ(490), which was developed using the measured optical parameters from the eastern Arabian Sea and coastal waters off Goa. The algorithm is validated using measured optical parameters. This algorithm, based on a single optical parameter, performed better compared with other empirical algorithms in determining the average cosine of underwater light field. The absorption coefficient at 490 nm, derived as an application of μ(490), compared well with the synthetic optical data and optical data measured from other regions

    Dynamic mechanical properties and morphology characteristics of rubber-toughened poly(lactic acid)

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    This study investigates the effect of natural rubber (NR), epoxidised natural rubber (ENR), and core-shell rubber (CSR) as toughening agents for poly(lactic acid) (PLA). PLA/rubber blends were prepared by using melt blending method in a twin-screw extruder, with the content of rubbers was fixed at 5 wt. %. All PLA/rubber blends exhibited lower storage modulus compared to neat PLA. Two-stage storage modulus (E’) was also observed, where the first stage occurred at lower temperature corresponded to the glass transition temperature (Tg) of rubber components, whereas the second E’ corresponded to the Tg of PLA. The impact fracture surface of PLA/rubber blends also exhibited phase- separated morphology where the spherical-shaped rubber particles were clearly present in the PLA matrix

    Melastoma malabathricum (L.) Smith Ethnomedicinal Uses, Chemical Constituents, and Pharmacological Properties: A Review

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    Melastoma malabathricum L. (Melastomataceae) is one of the 22 species found in the Southeast Asian region, including Malaysia. Considered as native to tropical and temperate Asia and the Pacific Islands, this commonly found small shrub has gained herbal status in the Malay folklore belief as well as the Indian, Chinese, and Indonesian folk medicines. Ethnopharmacologically, the leaves, shoots, barks, seeds, and roots of M. malabathricum have been used to treat diarrhoea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, cuts and wounds, toothache, and stomachache. Scientific findings also revealed the wide pharmacological actions of various parts of M. malabthricum, such as antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antidiarrheal, cytotoxic, and antioxidant activities. Various types of phytochemical constituents have also been isolated and identifed from different parts of M. malabathricum. Thus, the aim of the present review is to present comprehensive information on ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemical constituents, and pharmacological activities of M. malabathricum

    Physicochemical properties and thermal behavior of binary blends of Madhuca longifolia seed fat and palm oil as a lard substitute

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    Fat extracted from pork is prohibited under halal and kosher food regulations. A study was carried out on Madhuca longifolia seed fat and palm oil to compare their physicochemical, solidification and melting characteristics to formulate halal alternative lipid substitutes. Various blends of Madhuca longifolia (ML) and palm oil (PO) was formulated in order to become similar to lard (LD). A total of three binary blends were prepared: ML:PO (97:3; w/w), ML:PO (95:5), ML:PO (93:7), and identified by the mass ratio of ML to PO. The fat blends were compared with LD in terms of the fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions using gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography, respectively. In addition, the fat blends also being studied for thermal properties using differential scanning calorimetry and solid fat content using p-nuclear magnetic resonance. Although there were considerable differences between LD and the fat blends with regard to fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions, some similarities were seen regarding to thermal properties and solid fat content profiles. The blend of ML:PO (97:3) displayed closer similarity to LD with respect to melting transition at -3.59°C and its solid fat content profile showed the least difference to that of LD throughout the temperature range measured

    Forensic Analysis of Gel Pen Inks using Hyperspectral Imaging coupled with Chemometric Procedures

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    Abstract Forensic examination of inks on questioned documents has become an important practice and the law enforcement agencies rely heavily on these techniques during criminal investigations. Although nowadays there are a variety of methodologies focused on the analysis of inks, the combination of non-destructive nature of Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) coupled with the multivariate chemometric technique has received little attention. In this study, forty-five (n = 45) gel pen inks of three different colours i.e. blue, red and black of five different brands were analysed using HSI with the idea of classifying them according to the brand. In terms of discriminating similar coloured components between samples, this was achievable only on the basis of the % reflectance spectra. However, arguably, there was sufficient evidence to suggest that it may be possible to discriminate the samples using chemometric of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). A 2-D score plot from PCA analysis was enough to characterise the samples into five clusters. The synergy of complementary information provided by PCA narrows matching possibilities (in terms of classification) for forensic investigations involving ink analysis

    Estimation of stature from hand and handprint measurements in Iban population in Sarawak, Malaysia and its applications in forensic investigation

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    Handprints and dismembered hands are commonly found during crime scene investigations and disaster victim identifications, respectively. It has been indicated that the accuracy of handprint and hand measurements for estimating stature maybe population specific. Since Iban is the largest ethnic population in Sarawak, Malaysia and because the application of anthropometry of hand and handprint within this population as well as other populations within the Southeast Asian countries remain unreported, this present study that investigated the reliability and accuracy of these two anthropometric aspects acquires forensic significance. Upon measuring the height, 21 measurements were recorded on each hand and the corresponding handprint of 50 male and 52 female consented adult Iban subjects. Using univariate statistics as well as simple and multiple regression analyses, interpretation of the measurements examined here was attempted. Results revealed that lengths of hand and handprint are the more reliable traits for estimating stature in both the male and female Iban subjects (p < 0.05) with correlation strength ranging from 0.60 to 0.76. Comparable to the established skeletal standards for hand, the stature prediction accuracy using hand and handprint measurements investigated in this research ranged between 4.29 and 5.78 cm. Hence, this research provided the first forensic standard for estimation of stature among the Iban population in Sarawak that may prove useful for crime scene investigations and disaster victim identifications in Malaysia

    Targeting double genes in multiplex PCR for discriminating bovine, buffalo and porcine materials in food chain

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    Beef, buffalo and pork are the major meat of economic, religious and health concern. Current methods to authenticate these materials in food chain are based on mainly single gene targets which are susceptible to break down by food processing treatments. We, for the first time, described here a double gene targeting short-amplicon length multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay for discriminating bovine, buffalo and porcine materials in a single assay platform. The advantage of the assay is evidenced in terms of fidelity, cost and time since it is highly unlikely that two different targets would be missing even in a decomposed specimen. Detection of multiple targets in a single assay definitely saves analytical cost and time. Mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) and ND5 genes were targeted and six different targets (length: 90–146 bp), two for each of cow (120 and 106bp), buffalo (90 and 138bp) and pig (73 and 146bp), were amplified from raw, boiled, autoclaved and microwaved cooked meat under pure and mixed matrices. The detection limit was 0.02 ng DNA under pure states and 0.1% meat in binary mixtures and meatball products. Screening of Malaysian meatball products revealed all beef products were buffalo positive in which 35% were totally replaced. In contrast, all pork products were found uncontaminated from beef and buffalo

    Seroprevalence of leptospiral antibodies among market workers and food handlers in the central state of Malaysia

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    Objective:The high prevalence of leptospirosis in humans is of great public health concern, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of leptospiral antibodies and distribution of serovars, and to assess the usefulness of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as a screening method for leptospiral antibodies in a high-risk healthy community. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 231 market workers and food handlers in wet markets and food premises from two localities in central Malaysia. Respondents' background information was obtained using a questionnaire. Serum samples were tested for leptospiral antibodies using ELISA and microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Results: Seroprevalence of leptospirosis among healthy workers was 46.3%. Detection of seropositivity was higher by MAT (46%) than ELISA (15%). We observed high seropositivity among local workers (49%), food handlers (49.5%), females (60.8%) and those aged 34 years and older (46.3%). Local strain LEP175 was the predominant serovar, followed by WHO strain Patoc. Conclusion: Overall seroprevalence among healthy food handlers and market workers was high in this study. The workplace places susceptible individuals at risk of leptospirosis