1,644 research outputs found

    The Expansionist View of Systematic Testimonial Injustice: South Asian Context

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    In this paper, I offer an expansionist view of the Frickerian central case of testimonial injustice, citing examples from the South Asian context. To defend this expansionist position, I provide an argument in three parts. First, I argue that credibility deficit and credibility excess are entangled with each other in such a way that often, one produces the other. Secondly, I contend that we should not say that systematic testimonial injustice is a consequence of credibility deficit only because of the entanglement between them. I also contend that for being the central case of testimonial injustice, identity prejudice should not be necessarily negative; it can be positive as well. Propounding a twofold condition of the status of a knower, the last part claims that testimonial injustice occurs when one of the two conditions remains unmet

    The Motivation Problem, Future Generations, and the Idea of “Leaving the Earth No Worse”

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    The author examines the problem of motivation about future generations. He argues that though many philosophers think that direct motivations are problematic for future generations only, they are not unproblematic for the current generations too, and that the motivation problem can be solved if we consider the idea of “leaving the earth no worse.” He also shows why such an idea should be promoted and can motivate us to work in the best interests of current and future generations. The author also contends that prioritizing the idea of “leaving the earth no worse” is not exclusively anthropocentric

    Sector-wise dividend payment by all listed companies in Dhaka stock exchange : an empirical analysis

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    Purpose: The purpose of this article is to examine the sectorwise dividend payment of all the listed companies in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). This paper also indicates the highest and lowest percentage of dividend paid by companies in each sector, as well as illustrates the reason for distributing such amount of dividend. Design/methodology/approach: The empirical analysis was done by using the last fifteen years (i.e., 2004-2018) of dividend payment by all listed firms in DSE. Data was collected from the secondary sources to perform the analysis. On collected data, average dividend amount was calculated for each listed company by adding the percentage of cash and stock dividend paid by those companies. Trend analysis was performed on the average dividend to see which company among all listed companies is distributing a high or low percentage of dividend to their shareholders' over the years. Findings: The results from this article show that companies in the declining industry fail to meet their shareholders’ expectations in terms of dividend payment. On the other hand, companies in booming industries are consistently disbursing dividend for their shareholders’. Besides, companies are in the growth stage, and the multinational companies are distributing a considerable percentage of dividend. Practical implications: The results of this article will be helpful for the fund managers’, investment analysts’ and investors’ who makes decisions to invest in the capital market because the paper presented the historical average dividend payment by listed companies. Originality/value: This article presents the average dividend payment by companies listed in stock exchange in an emerging economy, also finds out sector-wise dividend payment and suggests some remedial for companies.peer-reviewe

    The Perception on Food Quality among Urban People

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    Contaminated and unhygienic food intake is a major problem in the urban cities of Bangladesh. This raises a serious concern for health of the urban citizens. The research investigates into the attitude of the urban educated people on their awareness of food safety. The findings of the study suggest a high degree of awareness amongst respondents of the attitudinal survey. People with higher educational background show higher degree of awareness of how the quality of food should be maintained. A lack of confidence on the functions of government regulatory agency in testing the food standard is also reflected in the study.

    Micro-credit, Trust, and Social Solidarity in Bangladesh: A Socio-philosophical Analysis

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    Drèze and Sen are not entirely right in their apparent glorification of the roles of nongovernmental organizations in Bangladesh in An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions because they leave out and/or de-emphasize some important issues, especially those that are related to the problematic trusting relationship between nongovernmental organizations in Bangladesh and rural poor women. Nongovernmental organizations’ use of trust disturbs social solidarity in rural Bangladesh mainly because of their massive supervision mechanism that they undertake to sustain the so-called trusting relationship between them and their debtors. The massive supervision mechanism damages social solidarity also because it creates a tension between local norms and nongovernmental organizations’ neoliberalist values of “discipline, efficiency and competitiveness,” which nongovernmental organizations try to inject into villagers by their numerous social engineering programs, which are state’s responsibility. Nongovernmental organization monitoring has some psychological impacts on their clients that also contribute to shaking social solidarity. The absence of a proper trusting relationship between nongovernmental organizations and rural poor women reduces the capabilities of the latter as a result of which Drèze and Sen’s glorification of Bangladeshi nongovernmental organizations and Sen’s capabilities approach are in tension. However, there are strategies that Bangladeshi nongovernmental organizations should employ to address the issues raised due to their massive supervision mechanism

    Good Extractive Governance Sebuah Gagasan Untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Wilayah Pertambangan Di Indonesia

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    Persoalan pertambangan selama ini menjadi ironi tersendiri bagi masyarakat, alih-alih memperoleh kesejahteraan dari dampak ekonomi yang ditimbulkan dari USAha pertambangan tersebut, justru melahirkan berbagai persoalan baru hingga konflik di tengah masyarakat. Tujuan utama kajian ini untuk mengembangkan gagasan good extractive governance untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di wilayah pertambangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan observasi di lapangan. Adapun hasil temuan dari tulisan ini antara lain, keberadaan sumber daya alam berupa migas selama ini lebih banyak memunculkan musibah seperti konflik, bencana lingkungan hingga kesenjangan ekonomi di masyarakat. Untuk memaksimalkan potensi sumber daya yang ada, perlu adanya komitmen yang kuat dari berbagai pihak untuk membentuk sebuah tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik di wilayah industri ekstraktif (Good Extractive Governance). Hal ini bisa dimulai dengan komitmen pemerintah dalam hal kedaulatan migas dan industri ekstraktif yang lain

    Does Corruption Lead to Welfare Loss? An Empirical Evidence From Real Estate Sector of Bangladesh

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    Regulation may give rise to corrupt practices thereby resulting in welfare loss in an economy. This research aims at measuring the impact of corruption on the real estate sector of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh. It makes an attempt to measure the welfare loss resulting from corrupt practices exercised mainly by government regulatory agencies. Bribe and extortion fee are the two main indicators whereby welfare loss is measured. Evidence from the study reveals that around 8 floors are lost due to payment of bribe and other such payments

    Factors Affecting Oral Participation in Lecturing Process in Prospective Accounting Teacher Students

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    The research aims to know a friendly environmental governance system. One sector of economic governance can certainly be initiated through green consumption. The focus of the problem was the green consumption education. This research was conducted by using qualitative approach in order to reveal how the process of conservation education in the Faculty of Economics in fostering behaviors that tend to conserve the consumption behavior in this case the green consumption attitude. The collecting data of research used observation, documentation and interview. This research uncovers how the conservation education is able to shape and build the green consumption attitudes that exist among the students from planning process, implementation, and evaluation of conservation education on the aspects of green consumption. Internalization of conservation value performed by the educators (in this case the lecturers at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang) runs well enough
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