295 research outputs found

    Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Developing a Culture of Assessment

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    The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Initiative at Hostos Community College focuses on melding assessment and faculty development through a scholastic approach. In order to facilitate a campus-wide engagement in assessment, particularly related to the effectiveness of classroom instruction, the focus remains on individual expectations and talents, professional responsibilities, and using formative and summative assessment to improve student success and recidivism. This was initiated through open dialogue on the critical need for inquiry-based instruction, targeted presentations, and a sustainable network of support

    High-gamma oscillations precede visual steady-state responses : a human electrocorticography study

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    The robust steady-state cortical activation elicited by flickering visual stimulation has been exploited by a wide range of scientific studies. As the fundamental neural response inherits the spectral properties of the gazed flickering, the paradigm has been used to chart cortical characteristics and their relation to pathologies. However, despite its widespread adoption, the underlying neural mechanisms are not well understood. Here, we show that the fundamental response is preceded by high-gamma (55-125 Hz) oscillations which are also synchronised to the gazed frequency. Using a subdural recording of the primary and associative visual cortices of one human subject, we demonstrate that the latencies of the high-gamma and fundamental components are highly correlated on a single-trial basis albeit that the latter is consistently delayed by approximately 55 ms. These results corroborate previous reports that top-down feedback projections are involved in the generation of the fundamental response, but, in addition, we show that trial-to-trial variability in fundamental latency is paralleled by a highly similar variability in high-gamma latency. Pathology- or paradigm-induced alterations in steady-state responses could thus originate either from deviating visual gamma responses or from aberrations in the neural feedback mechanism. Experiments designed to tease apart the two processes are expected to provide deeper insights into the studied paradigm

    A new insight into sentence comprehension : the impact of word associations in sentence processing as shown by invasive EEG recording

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    The effect of word association on sentence processing is still a matter of debate. Some studies observe no effect while others found a dependency on sentence congruity or an independent effect. In an attempt to separate the effects of sentence congruity and word association in the spatio-temporal domain, we jointly recorded scalp- and invasive-EEG (iEEG). The latter provides highly localized spatial (unlike scalp-EEG) and high temporal (unlike fMRI) resolutions. We recorded scalp- and iEEG in three patients with refractory epilepsy. The stimuli consisted of 280 sentences with crossed factors of sentence congruity and within sentence word-association. We mapped semantic retrieval processes involved in sentence comprehension onto the left temporal cortex and both hippocampi, and showed for the first time that certain localized regions participate in the processing of word association in sentence context. Furthermore, simultaneous recording of scalp- and iEEG gave us a direct overview of signal change due to its propagation across the head tissues

    Decoding steady-state visual evoked potentials from electrocorticography

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    We report on a unique electrocorticography (ECoG) experiment in which Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEPs) to frequency-and phase-tagged stimuli were recorded from a large subdural grid covering the entire right occipital cortex of a human subject. The paradigm is popular in EEG-based Brain Computer Interfacing where selectable targets are encoded by different frequency-and/or phase-tagged stimuli. We compare the performance of two state-of-the-art SSVEP decoders on both ECoG-and scalp-recorded EEG signals, and show that ECoG-based decoding is more accurate for very short stimulation lengths (i.e., less than 1 s). Furthermore, whereas the accuracy of scalp-EEG decoding bene fi ts from a multi-electrode approach, to address interfering EEG responses and noise, ECoG decoding enjoys only a marginal improvement as even a single electrode, placed over the posterior part of the primary visual cortex, seems to suf fi ce. This study shows, for the fi rst time, that EEG-based SSVEP decoders can in principle be applied to ECoG, and can be expected to yield faster decoding speeds using less electrodes

    Localization of deep brain activity with scalp and subdural EEG

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    To what extent electrocorticography (ECoG) and electroencephalography (scalp EEG) differ in their capability to locate sources of deep brain activity is far from evident. Compared to EEG, the spatial resolution and signal- to-noise ratio of ECoG is superior but its spatial coverage is more restricted, as is arguably the volume of tissue activity effectively measured from. Moreover, scalp EEG studies are providing evidence of locating activity from deep sources such as the hippocampus using high-density setups during quiet wakefulness. To address this question, we recorded a multimodal dataset from 4 patients with refractory epilepsy during quiet wakefulness. This data comprises simultaneous scalp, subdural and depth EEG electrode recordings. The latter was located in the hippocampus or insula and provided us with our "ground truth" for source localization of deep activity. We ap- plied independent component analysis (ICA) for the purpose of separating the independent sources in theta, alpha and beta frequency band activity. In all patients subdural- and scalp EEG components were observed which had a significant zero-lag correlation with one or more contacts of the depth electrodes. Subsequent dipole modeling of the correlating components revealed dipole locations that were significantly closer to the depth electrodes compared to the dipole location of non-correlating components. These findings support the idea that components found in both recording modalities originate from neural activity in close proximity to the depth electrodes. Sources localized with subdural electrodes were similar to 70% closer to the depth electrode than sources localized with EEG with an absolute improvement of around similar to 2cm. In our opinion, this is not a considerable improvement in source localization accuracy given that, for clinical purposes, ECoG electrodes were implanted in close proximity to the depth electrodes. Furthermore, the ECoG grid attenuates the scalp EEG, due to the electrically isolating silastic sheets in which the ECoG electrodes are embedded. Our results on dipole modeling show that the deep source localization accuracy of scalp EEG is comparable to that of ECoG. Significance Statement Deep and subcortical regions play an important role in brain function. However, as joint recordings at multiple spatial scales to study brain function in humans are still scarce, it is still unresolved to what extent ECoG and EEG differ in their capability to locate sources of deep brain activity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study presenting a dataset of simultaneously recorded EEG, ECoG and depth electrodes in the hippocampus or insula, with a focus on non-epileptiform activity (quiet wakefulness). Furthermore, we are the first study to provide experimental findings on the comparison of source localization of deep cortical structures between invasive and non-invasive brain activity measured from the cortical surface

    Complete analysis of the B-cell response to a protein antigen, from in vivo germinal centre formation to 3-D modelling of affinity maturation

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    Somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin variable region genes occurs within germinal centres (GCs) and is the process responsible for affinity maturation of antibodies during an immune response. Previous studies have focused almost exclusively on the immune response to haptens, which may be unrepresentative of epitopes on protein antigens. In this study, we have exploited a model system that uses transgenic B and CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells specific for hen egg lysozyme (HEL) and a chicken ovalbumin peptide, respectively, to investigate a tightly synchronized immune response to protein antigens of widely differing affinities, thus allowing us to track many facets of the development of an antibody response at the antigen-specific B cell level in an integrated system <i>in</i> <i>vivo</i>. Somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin variable genes was analysed in clones of transgenic B cells proliferating in individual GCs in response to HEL or the cross-reactive low-affinity antigen, duck egg lysozyme (DEL). Molecular modelling of the antibody–antigen interface demonstrates that recurring mutations in the antigen-binding site, selected in GCs, enhance interactions of the antibody with DEL. The effects of these mutations on affinity maturation are demonstrated by a shift of transgenic serum antibodies towards higher affinity for DEL in DEL-cOVA immunized mice. The results show that B cells with high affinity antigen receptors can revise their specificity by somatic hypermutation and antigen selection in response to a low-affinity, cross-reactive antigen. These observations shed further light on the nature of the immune response to pathogens and autoimmunity and demonstrate the utility of this novel model for studies of the mechanisms of somatic hypermutation

    On the development of extragonadal and gonadal human germ cells

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    Human germ cells originate in an extragonadal location and have to migrate to colonize the gonadal primordia at around seven weeks of gestation (W7, or five weeks post conception). Many germ cells are lost along the way and should enter apoptosis, but some escape and can give rise to extragonadal germ cell tumors. Due to the common somatic origin of gonads and adrenal cortex, we investigated whether ectopic germ cells were present in the human adrenals. Germ cells expressing DDX4 and/or POU5F1 were present in male and female human adrenals in the first and second trimester. However, in contrast to what has been described in mice, where 'adrenal' and 'ovarian' germ cells seem to enter meiosis in synchrony, we were unable to observe meiotic entry in human 'adrenal' germ cells until W22. By contrast, 'ovarian' germ cells at W22 showed a pronounced asynchronous meiotic entry. Interestingly, we observed that immature POU5F1+ germ cells in both first and second trimester ovaries still expressed the neural crest marker TUBB3, reminiscent of their migratory phase. Our findings highlight species- specific differences in early gametogenesis between mice and humans. We report the presence of a population of ectopic germ cells in the human adrenals during development

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.21, no.3

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    Freshmen – Please Note, page 2 Hospital Research, Ann Koebel, page 3 Orchids to Pat, page 4 The Army Eats Well, Mary I. Barber, page 5 Making Things Grow, Betty Ann Iverson, page 6 Look Before You Snap, Kathryn Monson, page 7 Major Departments on Review, Elizabeth Murfield, page 8 Patriotic Sally, Patricia Hayes, page 10 What’s New in Home Economics, Dorothy Olson, page 12 Summer Job Holders Reap Experience, page 14 A List of Don’ts, Costume Design Class, page 15 We Salute Campus Leaders, Margaret Kirchner, page 16 Home Economics Looks to Future, M. L. Morton, page 17 Behind Bright Jackets, Julie Wendel, page 18 Alums in the News, Mary Elizabeth Sather, page 20 Nutrition for Defense, Dorothy Ann Roost, page 22 That Personal Touch, Margaret Ann Clarke, page 23 Journalistic Spindles, Elizabeth Hanson, page 2

    Development of the follicular basement membrane during human gametogenesis and early folliculogenesis

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    Background: In society, there is a clear need to improve the success rate of techniques to restore fertility. Therefore a deeper knowledge of the dynamics of the complex molecular environment that regulates human gametogenesis and (early) folliculogenesis in vivo is necessary. Here, we have studied these processes focusing on the formation of the follicular basement membrane (BM) in vivo. Results: The distribution of the main components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) collagen IV, laminin and fibronectin by week 10 of gestation (W10) in the ovarian cortex revealed the existence of ovarian cords and of a distinct mesenchymal compartment, resembling the organization in the male gonads. By W17, the first primordial follicles were assembled individually in that (cortical) mesenchymal compartment and were already encapsulated by a BM of collagen IV and laminin, but not fibronectin. In adults, in the primary and secondary follicles, collagen IV, laminin and to a lesser extent fibronectin were prominent in the follicular BM. Conclusions: The ECM-molecular niche compartimentalizes the female gonads from the time of germ cell colonization until adulthood. This knowledge may contribute to improve methods to recreate the environment needed for successful folliculogenesis in vitro and that would benefit a large number of infertility patients
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