889 research outputs found

    Cefazolin Prophylaxis for Total Joint Arthroplasty: Obese Patients Are Frequently Underdosed and at Increased Risk of Periprosthetic Joint Infection

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    Background One of the most effective prophylactic strategies against periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is administration of perioperative antibiotics. Many orthopedic surgeons are unaware of the weight-based dosing protocol for cefazolin. This study aimed at elucidating what proportion of patients receiving cefazolin prophylaxis are underdosed and whether this increases the risk of PJI. Methods A retrospective study of 17,393 primary total joint arthroplasties receiving cefazolin as perioperative prophylaxis from 2005 to 2017 was performed. Patients were stratified into 2 groups (underdosed and adequately dosed) based on patient weight and antibiotic dosage. Patients who developed PJI within 1 year following index procedure were identified. A bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to control for potential confounders and identify risk factors for PJI. Results The majority of patients weighing greater than 120 kg (95.9%, 944/984) were underdosed. Underdosed patients had a higher rate of PJI at 1 year compared with adequately dosed patients (1.51% vs 0.86%, P = .002). Patients weighing greater than 120 kg had higher 1-year PJI rate than patients weighing less than 120 kg (3.25% vs 0.83%, P < .001). Patients who were underdosed (odds ratio, 1.665; P = .006) with greater comorbidities (odds ratio, 1.259; P < .001) were more likely to develop PJI at 1 year. Conclusion Cefazolin underdosing is common, especially for patients weighing more than 120 kg. Our study reports that underdosed patients were more likely to develop PJI. Orthopedic surgeons should pay attention to the weight-based dosing of antibiotics in the perioperative period to avoid increasing risk of PJI

    Effect of Electrolyte Balance in Low-Protein Diets on Broiler Performance and Tibial Dyschondroplasia Incidence

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    A proper dietary electrolyte balance (DEB) is essential to ensure an optimum acid-base equilibrium and broiler performance. In low-CP diets, this balance can be affected by reduction of soybean meal and inclusion of high levels of synthetic amino acids. Although, some studies have related low-protein diets supplemented with amino acids and DEB, these relations are not well explained, because some research demonstrates confusion about the deficiency and balance of nutrients. The objective of these experiments was to evaluate the DEB effects of diets with low levels of protein supplemented with amino acids on broiler performance and bone development. Results indicated that DEB and CP content influenced broiler chick performance in the starter and growing periods. There was no significant effect due to the interaction between DEB and CP content for tibial dyschondroplasia incidence (TD) or in bone breaking resistance during the growing period of either experiment. The incidence of TD was reduced with 253 mEq/kg DEB in the starter period

    Crescimento micelial in vitro de treze isolados de Corynespora cassiicola submetidos a diferentes temperaturas.

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    Corynespora cassiicola (Berk. & Curt.), fungo que causa a doença conhecida como mancha-alvo na cultura da soja ocorre em todo o Brasil. Considerando que os isolados de C. cassiicola apresentam variações nas características morfológicas, comportando-se de maneira distinta quanto ao crescimento micelial, o estudo do desenvolvimento deste fungo faz-se necessário para facilitar a multiplicação de inóculo em laboratório. Por este motivo, o objetivo foi avaliar o crescimento micelial in vitro de 13 isolados de C. cassiicola submetidos a diferentes temperaturas. Isolados da micoteca da Embrapa soja (307, 310, 311, 312, 313, 317, 318, 322, 605, 629, 646, 649 e 651) foram repicados em placas de Petri contendo BDA e incubados nas temperaturas de 18, 21, 24, 27 e 30 ± 2ºC, sendo a avaliação do crescimento micelial realizada por medições diárias do diâmetro das colônias. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 13 x 5 (isolados x temperaturas) totalizando 65 tratamentos com cinco repetições. Com os dados obtidos calculou-se o índice de velocidade de crescimento micelial (IVCM) que foram submetidos à análise de variância, sendo as médias comparadas por meio do teste de Scott-Knott, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Verificou-se diferença estatística entre o crescimento micelial dos isolados, entre as temperaturas e também na interação isolado x temperatura. A maioria dos isolados apresentou maior IVCM quando incubados em temperaturas superiores a 24ºC, com exceção do isolado 307 que atingiu maior IVCM em temperaturas inferiores a 24ºC. Destaque foi dado ao isolado 307 que obteve o menor IVCM médio, enquanto que os isolados 318 e 646 apresentaram maior IVCM médio (p<0,05). Assim, concluiu-se que houve variabilidade entre os isolados de C. cassiicola para o IVCM em relação à temperatura, devendo ser observado a faixa ótima de crescimento para cada isolado

    De-palmitoylation of tissue factor regulates its activity, phosphorylation and cellular functions

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    In this study, the role of de-palmitoylation of tissue factor (TF) in the decryption of its activity was explored. TF-tGFP constructs were prepared by mutagenesis-substitution at Cys245 to prevent or mimic palmitolyation. Additionally, to reduce TF de-palmitoylation, the expression of palmitoyl-protein thioesterases (PPT) was suppressed. Other TF mutants were prepared with altered flexibility, hydrophobicity or length of the transmembrane domain. The outcome of these alterations on fXa-generation, fVIIa binding, Ser253 phosphorylation and TF-microvesicle release were assessed in endothelial cells, and the influence on endothelial and MCF-7 cell proliferation and apoptosis was analysed. Preventing TF palmitoylation (TFSer245-tGFP), increasing the hydropho-bicity (TFPhe241-tGFP) or lengthening (TFLongTM-tGFP) of the transmembrane domain enhanced fXa-generation in resting cells compared to cells expressing TFWt-tGFP, but fXa-generation was not further increased following PAR2 activation. Extending the available length of the transmembrane domain enhanced the TF-tGFP release within microvesicles and Ser253 phosphorylation and increased cell proliferation. Moreover, prevention of PKCα-mediated Ser253 phosphorylation with Gö6976 did not preclude fXa-generation. Conversely, reducing the hydrophobicity (TFSer242-tGFP), shortening (TFShortTM-tGFP) or reducing the flexibility (TFVal225-tGFP) of the transmembrane domain suppressed fXa-generation, fVIIa-HRP binding and Ser253 phosphorylation following PAR2 activa-tion. PPT knock-down or mimicking palmitoylation (TFPhe245-tGFP) reduced fXa-generation without affecting fVIIa binding. This study has for the first time shown that TF procoagulant activity is regulated through de-palmitoylation, which alters the orientation of its transmembrane domain and is independent of TF phosphorylation. However, Ser253 phosphorylation is facilitated by changes in the orientation of the transmembrane domain and can induce TF-cellular signalling that influences cellular proliferation/apoptosis

    Requirements of Sodium and Chloride by Leghorn Laying Hens

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    Sodium and Cl are low-cost nutrients with great influence on feed conversion ratio (FCR), eggshell quality, and excreta moisture. Actual values of dietary requirements of these minerals for commercial laying hens are not well defined. These requirements were reevaluated in a factorial experiment using corn-soybean meal basal diets. No significant influence of Na and Cl levels was observed on egg production (%), egg weight (g), or feed intake (g/d), but levels of these minerals had variable effects on FCR, eggshell quality, and excreta moisture. The optimum requirement of Na changed according to the variable evaluated and level of Cl used

    Embrapa Pantanal expande a área de produção de mudas.

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    bitstream/item/79993/1/ADM136.pdfFormato eletronico. Disponível também em: AgoraMS, Grupo Cultivar, MS noticias, BBC News, Naviraí Noticias, Juridicobrasil.com.br, Portal do Agronegócio, Zoonews, ABCSEM, Pimentas on-line

    Unidades demonstrativas de plantas medicinais, aromáticas e condimentares da Embrapa Pantanal, em Corumbá, MS.

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    A implantação de Unidades Demonstrativas de plantas medicinais, aromáticas e condimentares da Embrapa Pantanal, em parceria com a Associação de Pais e Mestres dos Excepcionais (APAE) e com a Empresa Brasileira de Infra-estrutura Aeroportuária (Infraero), em Corumbá, é uma das ações do projeto “Plantas condimentares: uma opção para agregação de valor e renda à agricultura familiar”, desenvolvido pelo Escritório de Negócios de Campinas, em parceria com centros de pesquisa da empresa, além de universidades, produtores e empresas privadas de várias regiões do país. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar locais e genótipos de qualidade e adequados à produção de plantas medicinais, condimentares e aromáticas, além de aprimorar a qualificação de técnicos e a implantação de unidades de observação, demonstração, produção e processamento destas plantas, criando novas alternativas de renda para pequenos e médios agricultores.Disponível também em: Cadernos de Agroecologia, V. 5, n.1, 2010