1,711 research outputs found

    Microwave spectroscopy of a carbon nanotube charge qubit

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    Carbon nanotube quantum dots allow accurate control of electron charge, spin and valley degrees of freedom in a material which is atomically perfect and can be grown isotopically pure. These properties underlie the unique potential of carbon nanotubes for quantum information processing, but developing nanotube charge, spin, or spin-valley qubits requires efficient readout techniques as well as understanding and extending quantum coherence in these devices. Here, we report on microwave spectroscopy of a carbon nanotube charge qubit in which quantum information is encoded in the spatial position of an electron. We combine radio-frequency reflectometry measurements of the quantum capacitance of the device with microwave manipulation to drive transitions between the qubit states. This approach simplifies charge-state readout and allows us to operate the device at an optimal point where the qubit is first-order insensitive to charge noise. From these measurements, we are able to quantify the degree of charge noise experienced by the qubit and obtain an inhomogeneous charge coherence of 5 ns. We use a chopped microwave signal whose duty-cycle period is varied to measure the decay of the qubit states, yielding a charge relaxation time of 48 ns

    A Large Cross-Sectional Community-Based Study of Newborn Care Practices in Southern Tanzania

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    Despite recent improvements in child survival in sub-Saharan Africa, neonatal mortality rates remain largely unchanged. This study aimed to determine the frequency of delivery and newborn-care practices in southern Tanzania, where neonatal mortality is higher than the national average. All households in five districts of Southern Tanzania were approached to participate. Of 213,220 female residents aged 13-49 years, 92% participated. Cross-sectional, retrospective data on childbirth and newborn care practices were collected from 22,243 female respondents who had delivered a live baby in the preceding year. Health facility deliveries accounted for 41% of births, with nearly all non-facility deliveries occurring at home (57% of deliveries). Skilled attendants assisted 40% of births. Over half of women reported drying the baby and over a third reported wrapping the baby within 5 minutes of delivery. The majority of mothers delivering at home reported that they had made preparations for delivery, including buying soap (84%) and preparing a cloth for drying the child (85%). Although 95% of these women reported that the cord was cut with a clean razor blade, only half reported that it was tied with a clean thread. Furthermore, out of all respondents 10% reported that their baby was dipped in cold water immediately after delivery, around two-thirds reported bathing their babies within 6 hours of delivery, and 28% reported putting something on the cord to help it dry. Skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby after delivery was rarely practiced. Although 83% of women breastfed within 24 hours of delivery, only 18% did so within an hour. Fewer than half of women exclusively breastfed in the three days after delivery. The findings suggest a need to promote and facilitate health facility deliveries, hygienic delivery practices for home births, delayed bathing and immediate and exclusive breastfeeding in Southern Tanzania to improve newborn health

    Folic acid in pregnancy and mortality from cancer and cardiovascular disease : further follow-up of the Aberdeen folic acid supplementation trial

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    Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to http://group.bmj.com/group/rights-licensing/permissions. Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge Professor Marion Hall, who set up the original randomised trial of folic acid supplementation. The authors also thank Ms Katie Wilde and the Data Management Team, University of Aberdeen, for their help with the extraction and linking of data and the data analysts from ISD Scotland.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Branch-recombinant Gaussian processes for analysis of perturbations in biological time series.

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    MOTIVATION: A common class of behaviour encountered in the biological sciences involves branching and recombination. During branching, a statistical process bifurcates resulting in two or more potentially correlated processes that may undergo further branching; the contrary is true during recombination, where two or more statistical processes converge. A key objective is to identify the time of this bifurcation (branch or recombination time) from time series measurements, e.g. by comparing a control time series with perturbed time series. Gaussian processes (GPs) represent an ideal framework for such analysis, allowing for nonlinear regression that includes a rigorous treatment of uncertainty. Currently, however, GP models only exist for two-branch systems. Here, we highlight how arbitrarily complex branching processes can be built using the correct composition of covariance functions within a GP framework, thus outlining a general framework for the treatment of branching and recombination in the form of branch-recombinant Gaussian processes (B-RGPs). RESULTS: We first benchmark the performance of B-RGPs compared to a variety of existing regression approaches, and demonstrate robustness to model misspecification. B-RGPs are then used to investigate the branching patterns of Arabidopsis thaliana gene expression following inoculation with the hemibotrophic bacteria, Pseudomonas syringae DC3000, and a disarmed mutant strain, hrpA. By grouping genes according to the number of branches, we could naturally separate out genes involved in basal immune response from those subverted by the virulent strain, and show enrichment for targets of pathogen protein effectors. Finally, we identify two early branching genes WRKY11 and WRKY17, and show that genes that branched at similar times to WRKY11/17 were enriched for W-box binding motifs, and overrepresented for genes differentially expressed in WRKY11/17 knockouts, suggesting that branch time could be used for identifying direct and indirect binding targets of key transcription factors. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: https://github.com/cap76/BranchingGPs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    What are the key elements of educational interventions for lay carers of patients with advanced disease? A systematic literature search and narrative review of structural components, processes and modes of delivery

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    Context: Educating carers about symptom management may help meet patient and carer needs in relation to distressing symptoms in advanced disease. Reviews of the effectiveness of carer interventions exist, but few have focused on educational interventions and none on the key elements that comprise them but which could inform evidence-based design. Objectives: To identify the key elements (structural components, processes, and delivery modes) of educational interventions for carers of patients with advanced disease. Methods: We systematically searched seven databases, applied inclusion and exclusion criteria, conducted quality appraisal, extracted data, and performed a narrative analysis. Results: We included 62 articles related to 49 interventions. Two main delivery modes were identified: personnel-delivered interventions and stand-alone resources. Personnel-delivered interventions targeted individuals or groups, the former conducted at single or multiple time points, and the latter delivered as series. Just more than half targeted carers rather than patient-carer dyads. Most were developed for cancer; few focused purely on symptom management. Stand-alone resources were rare. Methods to evaluate interventions ranged from postintervention evaluations to fully powered randomized controlled trials but of variable quality. Conclusion: Published evaluations of educational interventions for carers in advanced disease are limited, particularly for non-cancer conditions. Key elements for consideration in developing such interventions were identified; however, lack of reporting of reasons for nonparticipation or dropout from interventions limits understanding of the contribution of these elements to interventions' effectiveness. When developing personnel-delivered interventions for carers in advanced disease, consideration of the disease (and, therefore, caring) trajectory, intervention accessibility (timing, location, and transport), and respite provision may be helpful

    Evidence for a Peierls phase-transition in a three-dimensional multiple charge-density waves solid

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    The effect of dimensionality on materials properties has become strikingly evident with the recent discovery of graphene. Charge ordering phenomena can be induced in one dimension by periodic distortions of a material's crystal structure, termed Peierls ordering transition. Charge-density waves can also be induced in solids by strong Coulomb repulsion between carriers, and at the extreme limit, Wigner predicted that crystallization itself can be induced in an electrons gas in free space close to the absolute zero of temperature. Similar phenomena are observed also in higher dimensions, but the microscopic description of the corresponding phase transition is often controversial, and remains an open field of research for fundamental physics. Here, we photoinduce the melting of the charge ordering in a complex three-dimensional solid and monitor the consequent charge redistribution by probing the optical response over a broad spectral range with ultrashort laser pulses. Although the photoinduced electronic temperature far exceeds the critical value, the charge-density wave is preserved until the lattice is sufficiently distorted to induce the phase transition. Combining this result with it ab initio} electronic structure calculations, we identified the Peierls origin of multiple charge-density waves in a three-dimensional system for the first time.Comment: Accepted for publication in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US

    Ultrafast core-loss spectroscopy in four-dimensional electron microscopy

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    We demonstrate ultrafast core-electron energy-loss spectroscopy in four-dimensional electron microscopy as an element-specific probe of nanoscale dynamics. We apply it to the study of photoexcited graphite with femtosecond and nanosecond resolutions. The transient core-loss spectra, in combination with ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, reveal the elongation of the carbon-carbon bonds, even though the overall behavior is a contraction of the crystal lattice. A prompt energy-gap shrinkage is observed on the picosecond time scale, which is caused by local bond length elongation and the direct renormalization of band energies due to temperature-dependent electron–phonon interactions

    The kinetics of surfactant desorption at the air–solution interface

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    The kinetics of desorption of the anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate at the air–solution interface have been studied using neutron reflectivity (NR). The experimental arrangement incorporates a novel flow cell in which the subphase can be exchanged (diluted) using a laminar flow whilst the surface region remains unaltered. The kinetics of the desorption is relatively slow and occurs over many tens of minutes compared with the dilution timescale of approximately 10–30 minutes. A detailed mathematical model, in which the rate of the desorption is determined by transport through a near-surface diffusion layer into a diluted bulk solution below, is developed and provides a good description of the timedependent adsorption data.\ud \ud A key parameter of the model is the ratio of the depth of the diffusion layer, Hc , to the depth of the fluid, Hf, and we find that this is related to the reduced Péclet number, Pe*, for the system, via Hc/Hf, = C/Pe* 1/ 2 . Although from a highly idealised experimental arrangement, the results provide an important insight into the ‘rinse mechanism’, which is applicable to a wide variety of domestic and industrial circumstances

    Staff experiences of Providing Maternity Services in Rural Southern Tanzania -- A Focus on Equipment, Drug and Supply Issues.

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    The poor maintenance of equipment and inadequate supplies of drugs and other items contribute to the low quality of maternity services often found in rural settings in low- and middle-income countries, and raise the risk of adverse maternal outcomes through delaying care provision. We aim to describe staff experiences of providing maternal care in rural health facilities in Southern Tanzania, focusing on issues related to equipment, drugs and supplies. Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted with different staff cadres from all facility levels in order to explore experiences and views of providing maternity care in the context of poorly maintained equipment, and insufficient drugs and other supplies. A facility survey quantified the availability of relevant items. The facility survey, which found many missing or broken items and frequent stock outs, corroborated staff reports of providing care in the context of missing or broken care items. Staff reported increased workloads, reduced morale, difficulties in providing optimal maternity care, and carrying out procedures that carried potential health risks to themselves as a result. Inadequately stocked and equipped facilities compromise the health system's ability to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity by affecting staff personally and professionally, which hinders the provision of timely and appropriate interventions. Improving stock control and maintaining equipment could benefit mothers and babies, not only through removing restrictions to the availability of care, but also through improving staff working conditions