86 research outputs found

    Utility and validity of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) as a transdiagnostic scale

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    The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) was originally conceived to assess psychopathology in several psychiatric disorders, making it an appropriate candidate to be used as a transdiagnostic instrument. We analyzed the utility and validity of the BPRS in a diagnostically heterogeneous sample of 600 psychiatric inpatients. As a comparator, we chose the mini-ICF-APP, a scale used to measure functioning and impairment across the diagnostic spectrum. Both scales had good internal consistency. The BPRS and the mini-ICF-APP showed a moderate correlation, with good levels of agreement. We were able to identify general symptoms present across the diagnostic spectrum, influencing severity and a cluster of symptoms specific for each diagnosis. Our results show the utility and validity of the BPRS as a transdiagnostic assessment tool that could easily be introduced in routine clinical work

    Association of prolactin, oxytocin, and homocysteine with the clinical and cognitive features of a first episode of psychosis over a 1-year follow-up

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    Background: The clinical debut of schizophrenia is frequently a first episode of psychosis (FEP). As such, there is considerable interest in identifying associations between biological markers and clinical or cognitive characteristics that help predict the progression and outcome of FEP patients. Previous studies showed that high prolactin, low oxytocin, and high homocysteine are factors associated with FEP 6 months after diagnosis, at which point plasma levels were correlated with some clinical and cognitive characteristics. Methods: We reexamined 75 patients at 12 months after diagnosis to measure the evolution of these molecules and assess their association with clinical features. Results: At follow-up, FEP patients had lower prolactin levels than at baseline, and patients treated with risperidone or paliperidone had higher prolactin levels than patients who received other antipsychotic agents. By contrast, no changes in oxytocin and homocysteine plasma levels were observed between the baseline and follow-up. In terms of clinical features, we found that plasma prolactin and homocysteine levels were correlated with the severity of the psychotic symptoms in male FEP patients, suggesting that they might be factors associated with psychotic symptomatology but only in men. Together with oxytocin, these molecules may also be related to sustained attention, verbal ability, and working memory cognitive domains in FEP patients. Conclusion: This study suggests that focusing on prolactin, oxytocin, and homocysteine at a FEP may help select adequate pharmacological treatments and develop new tools to improve the outcome of these patients, where sex should also be borne in mind

    Tobacco and cognitive performance in schizophrenia patients: the design of the COGNICO study

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    Las personas con esquizofrenia constituyen una parte sustancial de las personas que todavía fuman. La hipótesis de la automedicación en relación al rendimiento cognitivo mantiene que los pacientes fuman para mejorar su déficit cognitivo basándose en los efectos estimulantes de la nicotina. El objetivo de este artículo es describir la metodología del estudio COGNICO. Estudio cuasiexperimental, observacional, prospectivo, multicéntrico y con seguimiento a 3, 6, 12 y 18 meses. Fue llevado a cabo en tres ciudades del norte de España (Oviedo, Ourense y Santiago de Compostela). Se reclutaron 81pacientes con esquizofrenia fumadores (edad media de 43,35 años (DT=8,83). 72,8% varones). Se asignaron a 3 grupos: a) control: pacientes fumadores; b) pacientes que dejan de fumar mediante parches de nicotina; c)pacientes que dejan de fumar mediante vareniclina. Como medida primaria se aplicó la batería neuropsicológica MATRICS. Además, se llevó a cabo una evaluación comprehensiva de los pacientes, que incluía el número de cigarrillos por día, la dependencia física y psicológica a la nicotina y el CO expirado. También se realizó una evaluación clínica general (PANSS, HDRS, ICG, C-SSRS) así como un seguimiento de las medidas antropométricas y los signos vitales. Se pretende identificar la relación entre el patrón de consumo de tabaco y el rendimiento cognitivo mediante la comparación de las puntuaciones en la batería neuropsicológica MATRICS durante los períodos de seguimiento.People with schizophrenia constitute a substantial part of the people who still smoke. Regarding cognitive performance, the self-medication hypothesis states that patients smoke to improve their cognitive deficits based on the stimulating effects of nicotine. The aim of this paper is to describe in detail the methodology used in the COGNICO study. A quasi-experimental, observational, prospective, multicenter study with follow-ups over 18 months was conducted in three cities in northern Spain (Oviedo, Ourense and Santiago de Compostela). A total of 81 outpatient smokers with schizophrenia were recruited with a mean age 43.35 years (SD = 8.83), 72.8% of them male. They were assigned to 3 groups: a) control group (smokers); b) patients who quit smoking using nicotine patches; c) patients who quit smoking with Varenicline. The MATRICS neuropsychological battery was applied as a primary measure. In addition, a comprehensive assessment of patients was performed, including the number of cigarettes per day, physical and psychological dependence on nicotine and CO expired. Clinical evaluation (PANSS, HDRS, CGI, C-SSRS), anthropometric measurements and vital signs assessment was also performed. The aim is to identify the relationship between the pattern of tobacco use and cognitive performance by comparing scores on the neuropsychological battery MATRICS during the follow-up periods (3, 6, 12 and 18months). The importance of this study lies in addressing a topical issue often ignored by clinicians: the unacceptably high rates of tobacco use in patients with severe mental disorder

    Gender differences in addiction severity

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    Gender has been associated with substance use disorders (SUD). However, there are few studies that have evaluated gender differences in a global and a standardized way, and with a large sample of patients with SUD. Our goal is to analyze the role of gender in addiction severity throughout multiple life domains, using the Addiction Severity Index-6 (ASI-6). A naturalistic, multicenter and prospective study was conducted. A total of 221 patients with SUD (80.1% men) were interviewed with the ASI-6. Our results indicate that the Recent Summary Scores (RSSs) of men and women are similar, with the exception of Psychiatric and Partner- Problems, where women showed higher severity (p = .017 and p = .013, respectively). Statistically significant gender differences were found in certain aspects of the ASI-6 domains: men have more problems of physical health, legal issues, and alcohol and other substance use; and woman score higher in problems of mental health, social network, subjective evaluations of SUD consequences, and treatment needs. These results should be taken into account to improve the identification, prevention, and treatment of SUD.Se ha descrito que el género es un factor que condiciona los trastornos por uso de sustancias (TUS). Sin embargo, hay pocos estudios que hayan evaluado esas diferencias de género de manera global, estandarizada y en una muestra amplia de pacientes con TUS. Nuestro objetivo es analizar el rol del género en la gravedad de la adicción a través de los diversos dominios de vida mediante el Addiction Severity Index-6 (ASI-6). Se llevó a cabo un estudio naturalístico, multicéntrico y prospectivo con una muestra compuesta por 221 pacientes con TUS (80,1% hombres). Los participantes fueron entrevistados con el ASI-6. Los resultados han mostrado que las Puntuaciones Sumarias Recientes (PSRs) son similares entre hombres y mujeres a excepción de las correspondientes a Salud mental y Pareja- Problemas, donde las mujeres presentan mayor gravedad (p = 0,017 y p = 0,013, respectivamente). Por otra parte, se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas e diversos aspectos concretos de las áreas contempladas por el ASI-6, que indican que los hombres presentan más problemas en cuanto a salud física, cuestiones legales y uso de alcohol y drogas, y la mujeres en salud mental, red social y la valoración subjetiva sobre las consecuencias del TUS y la necesidad de tratamiento. Estos resultados deben tenerse en cuenta a la hora de implementar una mejora en la identificación, prevención y tratamiento de los TUS

    The effect of early life events on glucose levels in first-episode psychosis

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    First episode of psychosis (FEP) patients display a wide variety of metabolic disturbances at onset, which might underlie these patients' increased morbidity and early mortality. Glycemic abnormalities have been previously related to pharmacological agents; however, recent research highlights the impact of early life events. Birth weight (BW), an indirect marker of the fetal environment, has been related to glucose abnormalities in the general population over time. We aim to evaluate if BW correlates with glucose values in a sample of FEP patients treated with different antipsychotics. Two hundred and thirty-six patients were included and evaluated for clinical and metabolic variables at baseline and at 2, 6, 12, and 24 months of follow-up. Pearson correlations and linear mixed model analysis were conducted to analyze the data. Antipsychotic treatment was grouped due to its metabolic risk profile. In our sample of FEP patients, BW was negatively correlated with glucose values at 24 months of follow-up [r=-0.167, p=0.037]. BW showed a trend towards significance in the association with glucose values over the 24-month period (F=3.22; p=0.073) despite other confounders such as age, time, sex, body mass index, antipsychotic type, and chlorpromazine dosage. This finding suggests that BW is involved in the evolution of glucose values over time in a cohort of patients with an FEP, independently of the type of pharmacological agent used in treatment. Our results highlight the importance of early life events in the later metabolic outcome of patients

    Effects of functional remediation on neurocognitively impaired bipolar patients: enhancement of verbal memory

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    Background: functional remediation is a novel intervention with demonstrated efficacy at improving functional outcome in euthymic bipolar patients. However, in a previous trial no significant changes in neurocognitive measures were detected. The objective of the present analysis was to test the efficacy of this therapy in the enhancement of neuropsychological functions in a subgroup of neurocognitively impaired bipolar patients. Method: a total of 188 out of 239 DSM-IV euthymic bipolar patients performing below two standard deviations from the mean of normative data in any neurocognitive test were included in this subanalysis. Repeated-measures analyses of variance were conducted to assess the impact of the treatment arms [functional remediation, psychoeducation, or treatment as usual (TAU)] on participants' neurocognitive and functional outcomes in the subgroup of neurocognitively impaired patients. Results: patients receiving functional remediation (n = 56) showed an improvement on delayed free recall when compared with the TAU (n = 63) and psychoeducation (n = 69) groups as shown by the group × time interaction at 6-month follow-up [F 2,158 = 3.37, degrees of freedom (df) = 2, p = 0.037]. However, Tukey post-hoc analyses revealed that functional remediation was only superior when compared with TAU (p = 0.04), but not with psychoeducation (p = 0.10). Finally, the patients in the functional remediation group also benefited from the treatment in terms of functional outcome (F 2,158 = 4.26, df = 2, p = 0.016). Conclusions: functional remediation is effective at improving verbal memory and psychosocial functioning in a sample of neurocognitively impaired bipolar patients at 6-month follow-up. Neurocognitive enhancement may be one of the active ingredients of this novel intervention, and, specifically, verbal memory appears to be the most sensitive function that improves with functional remediation

    Potential relation of cardiovascular risk factors to disease activity in patients with axial spondyloarthritis

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    Background: Axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) patients are known to have a higher prevalence of several comorbidities, including, among others, an increased risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the sum of traditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors is related to disease characteristics, such as disease activity, in patients with axSpA. Methods: A cross-sectional study that encompassed 804 patients with axSpA was conducted. Patients were assessed for the presence of five traditional CV risk factors (diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, and smoking status), and disease activity measurements. A multivariable regression analysis was performed to evaluate whether the number of classic CV risk factors was independently associated with specific features of the disease, to include disease activity. Results: A multivariable analysis showed that Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score-C reactive protein (ASDAS-CRP) activity score was significantly higher in patients with 1 [beta coefficient 0.3 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.1-0.5), p = 0.001] and ?2 [beta coefficient 0.5 (95% CI 0.3-0.7), p = 0.000] CV risk factors compared with those without CV risk factors. Similarly, patients with 1 [OR 2.00 (95%CI 0.99-4.02), p = 0.053] and ?2 [OR 3.39 (95%CI 1.82-6.31), p = 0.000] CV risk factors had a higher odds ratio for the presence of high disease activity compared with the zero CV category. The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) activity score was significantly associated with the number of CV risk factors, being higher in patients with more CV risk factors. These relationships showed a CV risk factor-dependent effect being beta coefficients and ORs higher for the effect of ?2 over 1 CV risk factor. Conclusion: Among patients with axSpA, as the number of traditional CV risk factors increased, disease activity similarly increases in an independent manner.Funding: The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/ or publication of this article: This research was funded by a grant to MAG-G from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria grants PI06/0024, PI09/00748, PI12/00060, PI15/00525, PI18/00043) and the ISCIII RETICS programs (RD12/0009 and RD16/0012)

    Prodromal symptoms and the duration of untreated psychosis in first episode of psychosis patients: what differences are there between early vs. adult onset and between schizophrenia vs. bipolar disorder?

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    To assess the role of age (early onset psychosis-EOP < 18 years vs. adult onset psychosis-AOP) and diagnosis (schizophrenia spectrum disorders-SSD vs. bipolar disorders-BD) on the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and prodromal symptoms in a sample of patients with a first episode of psychosis. 331 patients with a first episode of psychosis (7–35 years old) were recruited and 174 (52.6%) diagnosed with SSD or BD at one-year follow-up through a multicenter longitudinal study. The Symptom Onset in Schizophrenia (SOS) inventory, the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV diagnoses were administered. Generalized linear models compared the main effects and group interaction. 273 AOP (25.2 ± 5.1 years; 66.5% male) and 58 EOP patients (15.5 ± 1.8 years; 70.7% male) were included. EOP patients had significantly more prodromal symptoms with a higher frequency of trouble with thinking, avolition and hallucinations than AOP patients, and significantly different median DUP (91 [33–177] vs. 58 [21–140] days; Z = − 2.006, p = 0.045). This was also significantly longer in SSD vs. BD patients (90 [31–155] vs. 30 [7–66] days; Z = − 2.916, p = 0.004) who, moreover had different profiles of prodromal symptoms. When assessing the interaction between age at onset (EOP/AOP) and type of diagnosis (SSD/BD), avolition was significantly higher (Wald statistic = 3.945; p = 0.047), in AOP patients with SSD compared to AOP BD patients (p = 0.004). Awareness of differences in length of DUP and prodromal symptoms in EOP vs. AOP and SSD vs. BD patients could help improve the early detection of psychosis among minors

    Prevalence of high-risk HPV genotypes, categorised by their quadrivalent and nine-valent HPV vaccination coverage, and the genotype association with high-grade lesions

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    BACKGROUND: The new nine-valent vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) includes the four HPV genotypes (6, 11, 16, and 18) that are targeted by the older quadrivalent HPV vaccine, plus five additional oncogenic types (31, 33, 45, 52, and 58) remain significantly associated with high grade lesions. We aimed to determine the prevalence of high-risk HPV genotypes in unvaccinated subjects and the association of these genotypes with the incidence of high-grade lesions. We also assessed which, if either, of these two HPV vaccines could have prevented these cases. METHODS: This cross-sectional study, conducted from 4 January 2010 to 30 December 2011, was composed of 595 women attending the Hospital General Universitario de Elche (Spain) gynaecology department who were positively screened for opportunistic cervical cancer by pap smears and HPV detection during a routine gynaecological health check. The pap smear results were classified using the Bethesda system. HPV genotyping was performed with the Linear Array HPV genotyping test, and viruses were classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer assessment of HPV carcinogenicity. Odds ratios (ORs) with their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were estimated by logistic regression, adjusting for age and immigrant status. The prevented fraction among those exposed (PFe-adjusted) was determined as a measure of impact. RESULTS: At least one of the additional five high-risk HPV genotypes present in the nine-valent HPV vaccine was detected in 20.5% of subjects. After excluding women with genotype 16 and/or 18 co-infection, high-risk genotypes (31, 33, 45, 52, and 58) were associated with a higher risk of intraepithelial lesion or malignancy: adjusted OR?=?3.51 (95% CI, 1.29-9.56), PFe-adjusted?=?0.72 (95% CI, 0.22-0.90). Genotypes that are still non-vaccine-targeted were detected in 17.98% of the women, but these were not significantly associated with high-grade lesions. CONCLUSION: The greater protection of the nine-valent HPV vaccine is likely to have a positive impact because, in the absence of genotype 16 or 18 infection, these five genotypes on their own remained significantly associated with high-grade lesions

    The polygenic basis of relapse after a first episode of schizophrenia

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    Little is known about genetic predisposition to relapse. Previous studies have linked cognitive and psychopathological (mainly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) polygenic risk scores (PRS) with clinical manifestations of the disease. This study aims to explore the potential role of PRS from major mental disorders and cognition on schizophrenia relapse. 114 patients recruited in the 2EPs Project were included (56 patients who had not experienced relapse after 3 years of enrollment and 58 patients who relapsed during the 3-year follow-up). PRS for schizophrenia (PRS-SZ), bipolar disorder (PRS-BD), education attainment (PRS-EA) and cognitive performance (PRS-CP) were used to assess the genetic risk of schizophrenia relapse.Patients with higher PRS-EA, showed both a lower risk (OR=0.29, 95% CI [0.11–0.73]) and a later onset of relapse (30.96± 1.74 vs. 23.12± 1.14 months, p=0.007. Our study provides evidence that the genetic burden of neurocognitive function is a potentially predictors of relapse that could be incorporated into future risk prediction models. Moreover, appropriate treatments for cognitive symptoms appear to be important for improving the long-term clinical outcome of relapse