24 research outputs found

    Vegetacija makije somine – Pistacio lentisci-Juniperetum phoeniceae Trinajstić 1987 (Oleo-Ceratonion) na otoku Murteru i okolnim otočićima

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    Through plant geography research into the evergreen macchia vegetation on the island of Murter done in the last ten years, two clearly differentiated alliances inside the class Quercetea ilicis Br.-Bl. 1947 – Quercion ilicis Br.-Bl. (1931) 1936 and Oleo-Ceratonion Br.-Bl. 1936 have been determined. In the alliance Quercion ilicis are the following associations: Myrto-Quercetum ilicis Trinajstić (1976) 1985; Fraxino orni-Quercetum ilicis H-ić (1956) 1958; Ostryo-Quercetum ilicis Trinajstić (1965) 1974 and in the alliance Oleo-Ceratonion the associations of the xerothermal Phoenician juniper macchia – Pistacio lentisci-Juniperetum phoeniceae Trinajstić 1987 and Querco ilicis-Pinetum halepensis Loisel 1971. Xerothermal Phoenician juniper macchia constitutes a stage of the progression towards the development of evergreen forest vegetation after the termination of anthropogenic impact. It develops in the neglected olive-groves, vineyards, garrigues and rocky pasture lands on the island and the surrounding small islands. A total of 27 phytocenological relevés were made. Relevés were made and analyzed using the classical Braun-Blanquet method.Tijekom zadnjih desetak godina fitogeografskih istraživanja vazdazelene vegetacije makije otoka Murtera utvr|ene su dvije jasno izdiferencirane sveze unutar razreda Quercetea ilicis Br.-Bl. 1947 – Quercion ilicis Br.-Bl. (1931) 1936 i Oleo-Ceratonion Br.-Bl. 1936. Unutar sveze Quercion ilicis su asocijacije: Myrto-Quercetum ilicis Trinajstić (1976) 1985; Fraxino orni-Quercetum ilicis H-ić (1956) 1958; Ostryo-Quercetum ilicis Trinajstić (1965) 1974 i unutar sveze Oleo-Ceratonion asocijacije kserotermne makije somine Pistacio lentisci-Juniperetum phoeniceae Trinajsti} 1987 i Querco ilicis-Pinetum halepensis Loisel 1971 (PANDŽA 1998). Kserotermna makija somine predstavlja progresijski stadij po prestanku antropogenog djelovanja u razvoju vazdazelene šumske vegetacije. Razvija se po zapuštenim maslinicima, vinogradima, bušicima i na kamenjarskim pašnjacima otoka i okolnih otočića. Ukupno je napravljeno 27 fitocenolo{kih snimaka. Snimke su ra|ene i analizirane po klasi~noj metodi Braun-Blanquet-a (1964)

    Flora of the island of Žirje and the small islands around it (eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia)

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    The existence of 469 vascular plants (433 species, 31 subspecies, four varieties and one form within 296 genera and 77 families), of which 465 taxa have been registered for the first time, were determined on the island of @irje and on the small islands around it during 1997–2001. Seventy four cultivated species were registered, too. According to plant geography analysis, plants of the Mediterranean floral element (241 species, 51.39%) were determined in the greatest abundance, following by plants of the South European floral elements (92 species, 19.61%) and the widespread plants (80 species, 17.05%). An analysis of life forms showed the domination of therophytes (234 species, 49.89%), followed by hemicryptophytes (119 species, 25.37%), geophytes (39 species, 8.32%), phanerophytes (37 species, 7.89%), chamaephytes (37 species, 7.89%) and hydrophytes (3 species, 0.64%)

    Flora murterskih otočića

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    For the flora of 34 small islands of Murter, on the basis of my own research (1994–2001) and the data available in the literature, 409 taxa of vascular plants have been determined (391 species, 17 subspecies and one form within 273 genera and 74 families) out of which 402 taxa have been reported for these islands for the first time while seven species have been known from earlier. In the crops, 18 taxa have been registered which have not been included in the analyses. A taxonomical analysis was made, as well as an analysis of life forms and floral elements.Za floru 34 murterska otočića na osnovi vlastitih istraživanja (1994–2001) i literaturnih podataka utvrđeno je 409 taksona vaskularnih biljaka (391 vrsta, 17 podvrsta i 1 forma u okviru 273 roda i 74 porodice) od kojih je 402 zabilježeno za ove otočiće prvi put, a sedam vrsta ranije. U kulturi je zabilježeno 18 taksona koji nisu uključeni u analize. Izvršena je taksonomska analiza te analiza životnih oblika i flornih elemenata

    Flora of the island of Žirje and the small islands around it (eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia)

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    The existence of 469 vascular plants (433 species, 31 subspecies, four varieties and one form within 296 genera and 77 families), of which 465 taxa have been registered for the first time, were determined on the island of @irje and on the small islands around it during 1997–2001. Seventy four cultivated species were registered, too. According to plant geography analysis, plants of the Mediterranean floral element (241 species, 51.39%) were determined in the greatest abundance, following by plants of the South European floral elements (92 species, 19.61%) and the widespread plants (80 species, 17.05%). An analysis of life forms showed the domination of therophytes (234 species, 49.89%), followed by hemicryptophytes (119 species, 25.37%), geophytes (39 species, 8.32%), phanerophytes (37 species, 7.89%), chamaephytes (37 species, 7.89%) and hydrophytes (3 species, 0.64%)

    Nova nalazišta vrste Convolvulus cneorum L. (Convolvulaceae) u Hrvatskoj

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    In this report all the so far known and new habitats of the endemic and relict Illyro-Apennine species Convolvulus cneorum L. in Croatia are given. The new habitats are on the island of Murter and on the nearby small islands of Tužbina, Prišnjak, Mali and Veliki Dražemanski, then on the Kornati islands of Smokvica, Babina guzica, Gornja Sikica, Pelinjak and Samograd, as well as on the small island of Kamenica (near Tijat island).U ovom priopćenju navode se sva dosada poznata i nova nalazišta endemične i reliktne ilirsko-apeninske vrste Convolvulus cneorum L. u Hrvatskoj. Nova nalazišta su na otoku Murteru i murterskim otočićima Tužbini, Prišnjaku, Malom i Velikom Dražemanskom, na Kornatskim otocima Smokvici, Babinoj Guzici, Gornjoj Sikici, Pelinjaku i Samogradu te na otočiću Kamenici (uz otok Tijat)

    Flora nekih nenaseljenih šibenskih otoka (Dalmacija, Hrvatska)

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    In 2001, floristic research into 10 uninhabited islands of the Šibenik archipelago was carried out. A total of 278 taxa was registered (242 species, 35 subspecies and 1 variety), belonging to 202 genera and 60 families. The richest with species are the families Fabaceae (35 species, 12.59%) and Poaceae (27 species, 9.71 %). Of the total number of taxa registered on the islands investigated, 168 taxa (60.43 %) belong to the Mediterranean floral element while in the life form spectrum therophytes are dominant with 113 taxa (40.65 %). Results of analysis show that the flora of all the islands investigated has the Mediterranean character.Tijekom 2001. godine obavljen je niz florističkih istraživanja na 10 nenaseljenih šibenskih otoka. Zabilježeno je ukupno 278 taksona (242 vrste, 35 podvrsta i 1 varijetet) u okviru 202 roda i 60 porodica. Vrstama su najbogatije porodice Fabaceae (35 vrsta, 12.59 %) i Poaceae (27 vrsta, 9.71 %). Od ukupnog broja taksona, 168 (60.43 %) pripada mediteranskom flornom elementu, dok su u spektru životnih oblika dominantni terofiti sa 113 svojti (40.65 %). Rezultati analize pokazuju mediteranski karakter flore svih istraživanih otoka

    Drugi prilog flori Kornatskih otoka (Hrvatska)

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    According to the literature sources, 605 taxa of vascular flora have been recorded so far for the Kornati National Park. Floristic investigations during 1994 and 1995 established another 29 new species, and consequently the flora of the Kornati now contains 634 plant taxa. In detailed investigations of five islands of the Kornati archipelago (Arapovac, Kornat, Klobučar, Lavsa and Ravna sika) we discovered new finding sites of plant taxa which belong to the 634 taxa of the flora of the Kornati islands, but were so far unknown for certain islands: 123 of them for Lavsa, 113 for Kornat, 57 for Klobučar, 51 for Ravna sika and 47 for Arapovac.U sastavu flore Nacionalnog parka Kornati prema literaturnim izvorima dosad je zabilježeno 605 svojti vaskularne flore. Florističkim istraživanjima tijekom 1994. i 1995. godine utvr|eno je još 29 novih vrsta, pa flora Kornata sada ukupno broji 634 biljne svojte. Detaljnim istraživanjima pet kornatskih otoka (Arapovac, Kornat, Klobučar, Lavsa i Ravna sika) zabilježena su nova nalazišta biljnih svojti, koje se ubrajaju u ukupni popis od 634 svojti kornatske flore, ali nisu dosad bile poznate za pojedinačne otoke, od čega je 123 novih nalazišta za otok Lavsu, 113 za otok Kornat, 57 za Klobučar, 51 za Ravnu siku i 47 za Arapovac

    Dosadašnje stanje rasprostranjenosti nekih neofita u Hrvatskoj

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    During research into neophyte distribution in Croatia, a total of 332 new localities for 21 neophyte species has been discovered. The most numerous are new localities of Bidens subalternans (52), followed by Impatiens glandulifera (49), Aster squamatus (43), Impatiens balfourii (29), Datura inoxia (25), Euphorbia prostrata (11), Galinsoga parviflora (17), Amaranthus albus (14), Galinsoga quadriradiata (15), Diplotaxis erucoides (11), Xanthium strumarium ssp. italicum (9), Phytolacca americana (12), Artemisia verlotiorum (7), Chamomilla suaveolens (7), Xanthium spinosum (7), Eleusine indica (6), Euphorbia maculata (7), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (5), Paspalum paspalodes (3), Euphorbia nutans (2) and Paspalum dilatatum (1). The majority of the species investigated occur in all localities in a great number, only a few of them occurring individually.Istraživanjem rasprostranjenosti neofita u Hrvatskoj ukupno je otkriveno 332 novih nalazišta za 21 neofitsku vrstu. Najviše novih nalazišta ima vrsta Bidens subalternans (52), zatim slijede Impatiens glandulifera (49), Aster squamatus (43), Impatiens balfourii (29), Datura inoxia (25), Euphorbia prostrata (11), Galinsoga parviflora (17), Amaranthus albus (14), Galinsoga quadriradiata (15), Diplotaxis erucoides (11), Xanthium strumarium ssp. italicum (9), Phytolacca americana (12), Artemisia verlotiorum (7), Chamomilla suaveolens (7), Xanthium spinosum (7), Eleusine indica (6), Euphorbia maculata (7), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (5), Paspalum paspalodes (3), Euphorbia nutans (2) i Paspalum dilatatum (1). Najveći broj istraživanih neofitskih vrsta pojavljuje se u velikoj množini na svim lokalitetima, a vrlo mali broj vrsta pojedinačno

    Systematic research is needed on the potential effects of lifelong technology experience on cognition: a mini-review and recommendations

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    Digital technology now occupies a fundamental space in human life. Increasingly sophisticated access to information and social interactions has enabled a sort of offloading of many aspects of cognition, and for many people, this technology use has been lifelong. While the global development of technologies advances exponentially as part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, researchers have not yet fully characterized the human effects of this technology-centric revolution at the same pace. In this mini-review, we consider three important higher-level cognitive functions: creativity, adaptability, and decision-making, and discuss their potential relationship to lifelong digital technology experience, which here includes both passive exposure and active use of electronic devices. We then articulate the gaps in related literature and knowledge, and outline general considerations, suggestions, and challenges for future research avenues. In general, we found that prior research has investigated uses of specific technology products on lower-level cognition (e.g., how does the use of online search engines affect memory?), but there is a lack of research assessing the overall effects of technology experience on cognitive functioning, particularly complex cognition