217 research outputs found

    Bose-Einstein condensation in dark power-law laser traps

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    We investigate theoretically an original route to achieve Bose-Einstein condensation using dark power-law laser traps. We propose to create such traps with two crossing blue-detuned Laguerre-Gaussian optical beams. Controlling their azimuthal order â„“\ell allows for the exploration of a multitude of power-law trapping situations in one, two and three dimensions, ranging from the usual harmonic trap to an almost square-well potential, in which a quasi-homogeneous Bose gas can be formed. The usual cigar-shaped and disk-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates obtained in a 1D or 2D harmonic trap take the generic form of a "finger" or of a "hockey puck" in such Laguerre-Gaussian traps. In addition, for a fixed atom number, higher transition temperatures are obtained in such configurations when compared with a harmonic trap of same volume. This effect, which results in a substantial acceleration of the condensation dynamics, requires a better but still reasonable focusing of the Laguerre-Gaussian beams

    Genomics and transcriptomics of Xanthomonas campestris species challenge the concept of core type III effectome

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    The bacterial species Xanthomonas campestris infects a wide range of Brassicaceae. Specific pathovars of this species cause black rot (pv. campestris), bacterial blight of stock (pv. incanae) or bacterial leaf spot (pv. raphani). In this study, we extended the genomic coverage of the species by sequencing and annotating the genomes of strains from pathovar incanae (CFBP 1606R and CFBP 2527R), pathovar raphani (CFBP 5828R) and a pathovar formerly named barbareae (CFBP 5825R). While comparative analyses identified a large core ORFeome at the species level, the core type III effectome was limited to only three putative type III effectors (XopP, XopF1 and XopAL1). In Xanthomonas, these effector proteins are injected inside the plant cells by the type III secretion system and contribute collectively to virulence. A deep and strand-specific RNA sequencing strategy was adopted in order to experimentally refine genome annotation for strain CFBP 5828R. This approach also allowed the experimental definition of novel ORFs and non-coding RNA transcripts. Using a constitutively active allele of hrpG, a master regulator of the type III secretion system, a HrpG-dependent regulon of 141 genes co-regulated with the type III secretion system was identified. Importantly, all these genes but seven are positively regulated by HrpG and 56 of those encode components of the Hrp type III secretion system and putative effector proteins. This dataset is an important resource to mine for novel type III effector proteins as well as for bacterial genes which could contribute to pathogenicity of X. campestris

    Polymorphisms of Pyrimidine Pathway Enzymes Encoding Genes and HLA-B*40∶01 Carriage in Stavudine-Associated Lipodystrophy in HIV-Infected Patients

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    Altres ajuts: Fundación para la Investigación y Prevención del SIDA en España (FIPSE 36610, 36572/06); Red de Investigación en SIDA (RIS RD12/0017/0005, RD12/0017/0014).To assess in a cohort of Caucasian patients exposed to stavudine (d4T) the association of polymorphisms in pyrimidine pathway enzymes and HLA-B*40∶01 carriage with HIV/Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-associated lipodystrophy syndrome (HALS). Three-hundred and thirty-six patients, 187 with HALS and 149 without HALS, and 72 uninfected subjects were recruited. The diagnosis of HALS was performed following the criteria of the Lipodystrophy Severity Grading Scale. Polymorphisms in the thymidylate synthase (TS) and methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) genes were determined by direct sequencing, HLA-B genotyping by PCR-SSOr Luminex Technology, and intracellular levels of stavudine triphosphate (d4T-TP) by a LC-MS/MS assay method. HALS was associated with the presence of a low expression TS genotype polymorphism (64.7% vs. 42.9%, OR = 2.43; 95%CI: 1.53-3.88, P<0.0001). MTHFR gene polymorphisms and HLA-B*40∶01 carriage were not associated with HALS or d4T-TP intracellular levels. Low and high expression TS polymorphisms had different d4T-TP intracellular levels (25.60 vs. 13.60 fmol/10 6 cells, P<0.0001). Independent factors associated with HALS were(OR [95%CI]: (a) Combined TS and MTHFR genotypes (p = 0.006, reference category (ref.): 'A+A'; OR for 'A+B' vs. ref.: 1.39 [0.69-2.80]; OR for 'B+A' vs. ref.: 2.16 [1.22-3.83]; OR for 'B+B' vs. ref.: 3.13, 95%CI: 1.54-6.35), (b) maximum viral load ≥5 log10 (OR: 2.55, 95%CI: 1.56-4.14, P = 0.001), (c) use of EFV (1.10 [1.00-1.21], P = 0.008, per year of use). HALS is associated with combined low-expression TS and MTHFR associated with high activity polymorphisms but not with HLA-B*40∶01 carriage in Caucasian patients with long-term exposure to stavudine

    Status of the SOLEIL femtosecond X-ray source

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/FEL2012/papers/wepd04.pdfInternational audienceAn electron bunch slicing setup is presently under construction on the SOLEIL storage ring for delivering 100 fs (rms) long photon pulses to two undulator-based beamlines providing soft (TEMPO) and hard X-rays (CRISTAL). Thanks to the non-zero dispersion function present in all straight sections of the storage ring, the sliced bunches can be easily separated from the core bunches. The modulator is a wiggler composed of 20 periods of 164.4 mm. It produces a magnetic field of 1.8 T at a minimum gap of 14.5 mm. To modulate the kinetic energy of the electrons in the wiggler, a Ti:Sa laser will be used, which produces 50 fs pulses at 800 nm with a repetition rate of 2.5 kHz. The laser beam is splitted into two branches in order to provide 2 mJ to the modulator and 0.5 mJ as pump pulse for the CRISTAL and TEMPO end stations. Focusing optics and beam path, from the laser hutch to the inside of the storage ring tunnel are presently under finalization. In this paper, we will report on the specificities of the SOLEIL setup, the status of its installation and the expected performances

    MTN-001: Randomized Pharmacokinetic Cross-Over Study Comparing Tenofovir Vaginal Gel and Oral Tablets in Vaginal Tissue and Other Compartments

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    Background: Oral and vaginal preparations of tenofovir as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection have demonstrated variable efficacy in men and women prompting assessment of variation in drug concentration as an explanation. Knowledge of tenofovir concentration and its active form, tenofovir diphosphate, at the putative vaginal and rectal site of action and its relationship to concentrations at multiple other anatomic locations may provide key information for both interpreting PrEP study outcomes and planning future PrEP drug development. Objective: MTN-001 was designed to directly compare oral to vaginal steady-state tenofovir pharmacokinetics in blood, vaginal tissue, and vaginal and rectal fluid in a paired cross-over design. Methods and Findings: We enrolled 144 HIV-uninfected women at 4 US and 3 African clinical research sites in an open label, 3-period crossover study of three different daily tenofovir regimens, each for 6 weeks (oral 300 mg tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, vaginal 1% tenofovir gel [40 mg], or both). Serum concentrations after vaginal dosing were 56-fold lower than after oral dosing (p<0.001). Vaginal tissue tenofovir diphosphate was quantifiable in ≥90% of women with vaginal dosing and only 19% of women with oral dosing. Vaginal tissue tenofovir diphosphate was ≥130-fold higher with vaginal compared to oral dosing (p<0.001). Rectal fluid tenofovir concentrations in vaginal dosing periods were higher than concentrations measured in the oral only dosing period (p<0.03). Conclusions: Compared to oral dosing, vaginal dosing achieved much lower serum concentrations and much higher vaginal tissue concentrations. Even allowing for 100-fold concentration differences due to poor adherence or less frequent prescribed dosing, vaginal dosing of tenofovir should provide higher active site concentrations and theoretically greater PrEP efficacy than oral dosing; randomized topical dosing PrEP trials to the contrary indicates that factors beyond tenofovir's antiviral effect substantially influence PrEP efficacy. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00592124

    Origin and History of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages in Domestic Horses

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    Domestic horses represent a genetic paradox: although they have the greatest number of maternal lineages (mtDNA) of all domestic species, their paternal lineages are extremely homogeneous on the Y-chromosome. In order to address their huge mtDNA variation and the origin and history of maternal lineages in domestic horses, we analyzed 1961 partial d-loop sequences from 207 ancient remains and 1754 modern horses. The sample set ranged from Alaska and North East Siberia to the Iberian Peninsula and from the Late Pleistocene to modern times. We found a panmictic Late Pleistocene horse population ranging from Alaska to the Pyrenees. Later, during the Early Holocene and the Copper Age, more or less separated sub-populations are indicated for the Eurasian steppe region and Iberia. Our data suggest multiple domestications and introgressions of females especially during the Iron Age. Although all Eurasian regions contributed to the genetic pedigree of modern breeds, most haplotypes had their roots in Eastern Europe and Siberia. We found 87 ancient haplotypes (Pleistocene to Mediaeval Times); 56 of these haplotypes were also observed in domestic horses, although thus far only 39 haplotypes have been confirmed to survive in modern breeds. Thus, at least seventeen haplotypes of early domestic horses have become extinct during the last 5,500 years. It is concluded that the large diversity of mtDNA lineages is not a product of animal breeding but, in fact, represents ancestral variability

    LUNEX5: A French FEL Test Facility Light Source Proposal

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2012/papers/tuppp005.pdfInternational audienceLUNEX5 is a new Free Electron Laser (FEL) source project aimed at delivering short and coherent X-ray pulses to probe ultrafast phenomena at the femto-second scale, to investigate extremely low density samples as well as to image individual nm scale objects

    Circadian and chemotherapy-related changes in urinary modified nucleosides excretion in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Urinary levels of modified nucleosides reflect nucleic acids turnover and can serve as non-invasive biomarkers for monitoring tumour circadian dynamics, and treatment responses in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. In 39 patients, median overnight urinary excretion of LC-HRMS determinations of pseudouridine, was ~ tenfold as large as those of 1-methylguanosine, 1-methyladenosine, or 4-acetylcytidine, and ~ 100-fold as large as those of adenosine and cytidine. An increase in any nucleoside excretion after chemotherapy anticipated plasma carcinoembryonic antigen progression 1–2 months later and was associated with poor survival. Ten fractionated urines were collected over 2-days in 29 patients. The median value of the rhythm-adjusted mean of urinary nucleoside excretion varied from 64.3 for pseudouridine down to 0.61 for cytidine. The rhythm amplitudes relative to the 24-h mean of 6 nucleoside excretions were associated with rest duration, supporting a tight link between nucleosides turnover and the rest-activity rhythm. Moreover, the amplitude of the 1-methylguanosine rhythm was correlated with the rest-activity dichotomy index, a significant predictor of survival outcome in prior studies. In conclusion, urinary excretion dynamics of modified nucleosides appeared useful for the characterization of the circadian control of cellular proliferation and for tracking early responses to treatments in colorectal cancer patients

    The LUNEX5 project

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/FEL2012/papers/froa03.pdfInternational audienceLUNEX5 (free electron Laser Using a New accelerator for the Exploitation of X-ray radiation of 5th generation) aims at investigating the production of short, intense, and coherent pulses in the soft X-ray region. The project consists of a Free Electron Laser (FEL) line enabling the most advanced seeding configurations: High order Harmonic in Gas (HHG) seeding and Echo Enable Harmonic Generation (EEHG) with in-vacuum (potentially cryogenic) undulators of 15 and 30 mm period. Two accelerator types feed this FEL line : a 400 MeV Conventional Linear Accelerator (CLA) using superconducting cavities compatible with a future upgrade towards high repetition rate, for the investigations of the advanced FEL schemes; and a 0.4 - 1 GeV Laser Wake Field Accelerator (LWFA), to be qualified in view of FEL application, in the single spike or seeded regime. Two pilot user experiments for timeresolved studies of isolated species and solid state matter dynamics will take benefit of LUNEX5 FEL radiation and provide feedback of the performance of the different schemes under real user conditions
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