1,449 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of the GALEX spectroscopic stellar sample

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    The GALEX General Data Release 4/5 includes 174 spectroscopic tiles, obtained from slitless grism observations, for a total of more than 60,000 ultraviolet spectra. We have determined statistical properties of the sample of GALEX stars. We have defined a suitable system of spectroscopic indices, which measure the main mid-UV features at the GALEX low spectral resolution and we have employed it to determine the atmospheric parameters of of stars in the range 4500<Teff<9000 K. Our preliminary results indicate that the sample is formed by a majority of main sequence F- and G-type stars, with metallicity [M/H]>-1 dex.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science, UV universe special issu

    Probing the Nature of the Weakest Intergalactic Magnetic Fields with the High Energy Emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We investigate the delayed, secondary GeV-TeV emission of gamma-ray bursts and its potential to probe the nature of intergalactic magnetic fields. Geometrical effects are properly taken into account for the time delay between primary high energy photons and secondary inverse Compton photons from electron-positron pairs, which are produced in γ\gamma-γ\gamma interactions with background radiation fields and deflected by intervening magnetic fields. The time-dependent spectra of the delayed emission are evaluated for a wide range of magnetic field strengths and redshifts. The typical flux and delay time of secondary photons from bursts at z1z \sim 1 are respectively 108\sim 10^{-8} GeV cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} and 104\sim 10^4 s if the field strengths are 1018\sim 10^{-18} G, as might be the case in intergalactic void regions. We find crucial differences between the cases of coherent and tangled magnetic fields, as well as dependences on the field coherence length.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, formulation revised, accepted for publication in Ap

    Handling and Transport of Oversized Accelerator Components and Physics Detectors

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    For cost, planning and organisational reasons, it is often decided to install large pre-built accelerators components and physics detectors. As a result surface exceptional transports are required from the construction to the installation sites. Such heavy transports have been numerous during the LHC installation phase. This paper will describe the different types of transport techniques used to fit the particularities of accelerators and detectors components (weight, height, acceleration, planarity) as well as the measurement techniques for monitoring and the logistical aspects (organisation with the police, obstacles on the roads, etc). As far as oversized equipment is concerned, the lowering into the pit is challenging, as well as the transport in tunnel galleries in a very scare space and without handling means attached to the structure like overhead travelling cranes. From the PS accelerator to the LHC, handling systems have been developed at CERN to fit with these particular working conditions. This paper will expose the operating conditions of the main transport equipments used at CERN in PS, SPS and LHC tunnels

    The WIMP Forest: Indirect Detection of a Chiral Square

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    The spectrum of photons arising from WIMP annihilation carries a detailed imprint of the structure of the dark sector. In particular, loop-level annihilations into a photon and another boson can in principle lead to a series of lines (a WIMP forest) at energies up to the WIMP mass. A specific model which illustrates this feature nicely is a theory of two universal extra dimensions compactified on a chiral square. Aside from the continuum emission, which is a generic prediction of most dark matter candidates, we find a "forest" of prominent annihilation lines that, after convolution with the angular resolution of current experiments, leads to a distinctive (2-bump plus continuum) spectrum, which may be visible in the near future with the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope (formerly known as GLAST).Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Systematic uncertainties in the determination of the local dark matter density

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    A precise determination of the local dark matter density and an accurate control over the corresponding uncertainties are of paramount importance for Dark Matter (DM) searches. Using very recent high-resolution numerical simulations of a Milky Way like object, we study the systematic uncertainties that affect the determination of the local dark matter density based on dynamical measurements in the Galaxy. In particular, extracting from the simulation with baryons the orientation of the Galactic stellar disk with respect to the DM distribution, we study the DM density for an observer located at \sim8 kpc from the Galactic center {\it on the stellar disk}, ρ0\rho_0. This quantity is found to be always larger than the average density in a spherical shell of same radius ρˉ0\bar{\rho}_0, which is the quantity inferred from dynamical measurements in the Galaxy, and to vary in the range ρ0/ρˉ0=1.011.41\rho_0/\bar{\rho}_0=1.01-1.41. This suggests that the actual dark matter density in the solar neighbourhood is on average 21\% larger than the value inferred from most dynamical measurements, and that the associated systematic errors are larger than the statistical errors recently discussed in the literature.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, matches published versio

    The Abundance of New Kind of Dark Matter Structures

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    A new kind of dark matter structures, ultracompact minihalos (UCMHs) was proposed recently. They would be formed during the radiation dominated epoch if the large density perturbations are existent. Moreover, if the dark matter is made up of weakly interacting massive particles, the UCMHs can have effect on cosmological evolution because of the high density and dark matter annihilation within them. In this paper, one new parameter is introduced to consider the contributions of UCMHs due to the dark matter annihilation to the evolution of cosmology, and we use the current and future CMB observations to obtain the constraint on the new parameter and then the abundance of UCMHs. The final results are applicable for a wider range of dark matter parametersComment: 4 pages, 1 tabl

    The moment of truth for WIMP Dark Matter

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    We know that dark matter constitutes 85% of all the matter in the Universe, but we do not know of what it is made. Amongst the many Dark Matter candidates proposed, WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) occupy a special place, as they arise naturally from well motivated extensions of the standard model of particle physics. With the advent of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, and a new generation of astroparticle experiments, the moment of truth has come for WIMPs: either we will discover them in the next five to ten years, or we will witness the inevitable decline of WIMP paradigm.Comment: To appear in Nature (Nov 18, 2010

    Kaon oscillations in the Standard Model and Beyond using Nf=2 dynamical quarks

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    We compute non-perturbatively the B-parameters of the complete basis of four-fermion operators needed to study the Kaon oscillations in the SM and in its supersymmetric extension. We perform numerical simulations with two dynamical maximally twisted sea quarks at three values of the lattice spacing on configurations generated by the ETMC. Unwanted operator mixings and O(a) discretization effects are removed by discretizing the valence quarks with a suitable Osterwalder-Seiler variant of the Twisted Mass action. Operators are renormalized non-perturbatively in the RI/MOM scheme. Our preliminary result for BK(RGI) is 0.73(3)(3).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, proceedings of the XXVII Int'l Symposyum on Lattice Field Theory (LAT2009), July 26-31 2009, Peking University, Beijing (China