770 research outputs found

    La industria forestal en España. Aspectos productivos, organizativos y medioambientales

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    In spite of the importance of the forest ecosystems in Spain, this circumstance has not redounded in a wood-based industry powerful and well structured. Usually, these industries are not integrated with other components of the value chain of the forest products. Besides, current information about these industries is incomplete and not very present. This article seeks to deepen in the knowledge of the industries included in the value chain of the wood in Spain (wood industry, paper industry and furniture industry) analyzing several aspects of its production structure (age, size, etc.), as questions relative to the innovation, environmental management or quality systems of. In order to achieve this objective, a survey has been distributed to more than 2,800 companies. The results show an accused heterogeneity among the three sectors, as well as the scarce diffusion of some environmental issues, like forest certification. Finally, the statistical analysis carried out to certain results of this survey has shown several functional relationships between some structural variables and other characteristics studied.A pesar de la importancia superficial de los ecosistemas forestales en España, esta circunstancia no ha redundado en una estructura empresarial poderosa y bien estructurada. Más bien se ha desarrollado un núcleo empresarial generalmente fragmentado, que no suele estar integrado con otros eslabones de la cadena de valor de los productos forestales, y sobre el que se posee una información generalmente incompleta y poco actual. Este trabajo pretende profundizar en el conocimiento de las empresas que componen la cadena de la madera en España (industrias de la madera, del papel y del mueble), centrándonos en aspectos tanto generales de las empresas (antigüedad, tamaño, forma de sociedad, etc.), como en cuestiones relativas a la producción, la innovación, la gestión ambiental o los sistemas de calidad. Para ello se ha distribuido una encuesta a más de 2.800 empresas, obteniendo un número de cuestionarios válidos igual a 351, lo que supone un porcentaje de respuesta del 12,18%. Los resultados muestran una acusada heterogeneidad entre los tres sectores anteriormente definidos, así como la escasa penetración de algunos requisitos ambientales, como puede ser la certificación forestal. Por último, el análisis estadístico realizado a ciertos resultados de esta encuesta ha mostrado una serie de relaciones funcionales entre ciertas variables estructurales y las características ambientales y de innovación estudiadas

    Las aves como elemento estético de reflexión en la transición hacia sociedades sostenibles

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    Las aves son quizá el elemento de la naturaleza con el que más fácilmente nos resulta empatizar a nivel estético. Unos seres que vuelan, cantan, bailan y poseen espectaculares colores en sus plumajes. Es sencillo ver el paralelismo entre los elementos que motivan parte de nuestra experiencia estética y su apariencia, pero, yendo un poco más allá, recientes estudios neurológicos demuestran que compartimos algo más: la capacidad de aprender a cantar; y puesto que disponen de esa capacidad Âżqué les impide cantar o bailar tal como lo hacemos nosotros, por puro placer? Teniendo en cuenta todos estos elementos propicios para la empatía entre seres humanos y aves, planteamos un recorrido por diferentes momentos de las sociedades del pasado siglo y su uso de los recursos tomando como síntoma su relación con las aves, para desembocar en la música interespecies como muestra de una actitud empática propia de las sociedades en transición hacia lo respetuoso

    Co-composting process of (Sugarbeet) vinasse and grape marc

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    4 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla, 9 referencias.-- European Commission International Symposium.Beet vinasse, a high density liquid waste from the sugar industry, and grape marc, a primary by-product of wine production, could be recycled as fertilizers due to their high OM and nutrient contents. The direct incorporation of grape marc into agricultural land, a common practice, has become a serious problem because degradation products inhibiting root growth are released (Inbar et al., 1991). Furthermore, the direct aplication of vinasse has also several shortcomings because of its high salinity (EC 250–300 dS m–1), low P content (P2O5 0.012%) and liquid dense character (1.3 g cm–3). An alternative to overcome these disadvantages is the co-composting of vinasse with grape marc.Peer reviewe

    Insights into the fecal microbiota of captive Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)

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    The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is an endangered species restricted to several areas of Spain and Portugal. Its low genetic diversity likely provokes immune depression and high susceptibility to infectious diseases. The intestinal microbiota is closely related to host health and nutrition. In order to contribute to the knowledge of the Iberian lynx intestinal microbiota, fecal microbiota of captive specimens from two breeding centers (“La Olivilla” and “El Acebuche”), located in Southern Spain, were studied by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). Results grouped microbiota in two main clusters (I and III) which included DGGE patterns of 19 out of 36 specimens, cluster I being the most frequent in “La Olivilla” (50%) and cluster III in “El Acebuche” (55.55 %) specimens. Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria phyla were identified. Segregation of clusters I and III was attributed to different microorganism presence (Pseudomonas koreensis, Pseudomonas migulae, Carnobacterium sp., Arthrobacter, Robinsoniella peorensis and Ornithinibacillus sp.) and ability to use different carbon sources. Biolog EcoPlates® results indicate high functional diversity of fecal microbiota, it being higher in cluster III. The great impact of intestinal microbiota on host health supports the importance of its microbial composition understanding. This study is the first report of captive Iberian lynx fecal microbiota composition. [Int Microbiol 20(1): 31-41 (2017)]Keywords: Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) · fecal microbiota · biodiversit

    Building Urban Resilience: A Dynamic Process Composition Approach

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    Urban resilience (also referred to as city resilience) has become a strategic goal of city administrators. Given the diversity of threats and city contexts, managing urban resilience is a complex task that has been conceptualized as a process by the so-called urban resilience frameworks proposed during the last decade. But conceptualization is not enough: an urban resilience building process may last for months, even years, and needs to coordinate many different actors using different tools. Therefore, some type of tool support is required for process control. In this paper, we introduce a proposal for the operationalization of urban resilience processes based on the notion of process family. The notion of family allows to deal with the natural diversity of urban resilience, and its transformation into a process specification allows the enactment, monitoring and measuring of the process. We have applied our approach to the well-known Smart Mature Resilience framework

    Synthesis of Poly[(3-(6-(9-anthracenylmethoxy)hexyl)thiophene)-co-(3-(6-bromohexyl)thiophene)] Postfunctionalized from Poly(3-(6-bromohexyl)thiophene): A Comparative Study of the Base Polymer with Its Chlorinated Analogous

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    A synthetic method based on the postfunctionalization of a reactive homopolymer precursor, which allows for the preparation of different copolymers derived from poly(3-alkylthiophene), was studied. Although these groups decrease the solubility of the resultant material, they enable controlling the degree of substitution to obtain a material with improved spectroscopic (absorption and emission) properties making them useful for the fabrication of electronic devices, for example, solar cells and light-emitting diodes. Furthermore, a comparative study of two halogenated (Cl and Br) reactive poly(3-ω-haloalkyl)thiophenes was carried out

    NGC 6705 a young α\alpha-enhanced Open Cluster from OCCASO data

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    The stellar [α\alpha/Fe] abundance is sometimes used as a proxy for stellar age, following standard chemical evolution models for the Galaxy, as seen by different observational results. In this work we show that the Open Cluster NGC6705/M11 has a significant α\alpha-enhancement [α\alpha/Fe]>0.1>0.1 dex, despite its young age (∌\sim300 Myr), challenging the current paradigm. We use high resolution (R>65,000>65,000) high signal-to-noise (∌\sim70) spectra of 8 Red Clump stars, acquired within the OCCASO survey. We determine very accurate chemical abundances of several α\alpha elements, using an equivalent width methodology (Si, Ca and Ti), and spectral synthesis fits (Mg and O). We obtain [Si/Fe]=0.13±0.050.13\pm0.05, [Mg/Fe]=0.14±0.070.14\pm0.07, [O/Fe]=0.17±0.070.17\pm0.07, [Ca/Fe]=0.06±0.050.06\pm0.05 and [Ti/Fe]=0.03±0.030.03\pm0.03. Our results place these cluster within the group of young [α\alpha/Fe]-enhanced field stars recently found by several authors in the literature. The ages of our stars have an uncertainty of around 50 Myr, much more precise than for field stars. By integrating the cluster's orbit in several non-axisymmetric Galactic potentials, we establish the M11's most likely birth radius to lie between 6.8-7.5 kpc from the Galactic center, not far from its current position. With the robust Open Cluster age scale, our results prove that a moderate [α\alpha/Fe]-enhancement is no guarantee for a star to be old, and that not all α\alpha-enhanced stars can be explained with an evolved blue straggler scenario. Based on our orbit calculations, we further argue against a Galactic bar origin of M11.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&
