73 research outputs found

    Operational flood management under large-scale extreme conditions, using the example of the Middle Elbe

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    In addition to precautionary or technical flood protection measures, short-term strategies of the operational management, i.e. the initiation and co-ordination of preventive measures during and/or before a flood event are crucially for the reduction of the flood damages. This applies especially for extreme flood events. These events are rare, but may cause a protection measure to be overtopped or even to fail and be destroyed. In such extreme cases, reliable decisions must be made and emergency measures need to be carried out to prevent even larger damages from occurring. <br><br> Based on improved methods for meteorological and hydrological modelling a range of (physically based) extreme flood scenarios can be derived from historical events by modification of air temperature and humidity, shifting of weather fields and recombination of flood relevant event characteristics. By coupling the large scale models with hydraulic and geotechnical models, the whole flood-process-chain can be analysed right down to the local scale. With the developed GIS-based tools for hydraulic modelling <i>FlowGIS</i> and the Dike-Information-System, (IS-dikes) it is possible to quantify the endangering shortly before or even during a flood event, so the decision makers can evaluate possible options for action in operational mode

    Pyramidal cell types drive functionally distinct cortical activity patterns during decision-making

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    Understanding how cortical circuits generate complex behavior requires investigating the cell types that comprise them. Functional differences across pyramidal neuron (PyN) types have been observed within cortical areas, but it is not known whether these local differences extend throughout the cortex, nor whether additional differences emerge when larger-scale dynamics are considered. We used genetic and retrograde labeling to target pyramidal tract, intratelencephalic and corticostriatal projection neurons and measured their cortex-wide activity. Each PyN type drove unique neural dynamics, both at the local and cortex-wide scales. Cortical activity and optogenetic inactivation during an auditory decision task revealed distinct functional roles. All PyNs in parietal cortex were recruited during perception of the auditory stimulus, but, surprisingly, pyramidal tract neurons had the largest causal role. In frontal cortex, all PyNs were required for accurate choices but showed distinct choice tuning. Our results reveal that rich, cell-type-specific cortical dynamics shape perceptual decisions

    Mittelalter im Labor

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    Mit diesem Band präsentiert das Schwerpunktprogramm 1173 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft „Integration und Desintegration der Kulturen im europäischen Mittelalter“ erste Ergebnisse seiner Arbeit. Von Anfang an war ihm die Aufgabe gestellt, das mittelalterliche Europa in transkultureller Perspektive und auf Wegen einer transdisziplinären Wissenschaft zu erforschen und zu begreifen. Immer ging es darum, die disziplinär verfassten Einzelwissenschaften durch transdisziplinäre Arbeit zu ergänzen. Das wissenschaftliche Anliegen des Programms ist es, das europäische Mittelalter von seinen geografischen Rändern und seinen kulturellen Differenzen her zu erforschen und zu beschreiben. Der holistischen Frage nach der Einheit Europas wird die innere Vielfalt als gegenständlicher Ausgangspunkt entgegengesetzt. Europa wird nicht als abgeschlossenes, kohärentes Gebilde verstanden, sondern als ein Kontinent, dessen permanente Austausch- und Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den verschiedenen Regionen und Kulturen überhaupt erst zur Ausbildung seiner charakteristischen Merkmale geführt haben

    Natural Intelligence and Anthropic Reasoning

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    This paper aims to justify the concept of natural intelligence in the biosemiotic context. I will argue that the process of life is (i) a cognitive/semiotic process and (ii) that organisms, from bacteria to animals, are cognitive or semiotic agents. To justify these arguments, the neural-type intelligence represented by the form of reasoning known as anthropic reasoning will be compared and contrasted with types of intelligence explicated by four disciplines of biology – relational biology, evolutionary epistemology, biosemiotics and the systems view of life – not biased towards neural intelligence. The comparison will be achieved by asking questions related to the process of observation and the notion of true observers. To answer the questions I will rely on a range of established concepts including SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence), Fermi’s paradox, bacterial cognition, versions of the panspermia theory, as well as some newly introduced concepts including biocivilisations, cognitive/semiotic universes, and the cognitive/semiotic multiverse. The key point emerging from the answers is that the process of cognition/semiosis – the essence of natural intelligence – is a biological universal.Brunel University Londo

    3D modelling of non-uniform and turbulent flow in vertical slot fishways

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    Global stocks of freshwater fish have been on the decline for decades, driven in part by the obstruction of their migration routes by anthropogenic barriers. To mitigate such impacts, fishways have been developed to facilitate bidirectional fish migration. These structures are affected by the hydrological variability of rivers, which can cause changes in the up and downstream boundary conditions of fishways, leading to non-uniform hydraulic performance. Current methodologies in fishway design and analysis often assume uniform performance, most commonly relying on 1D approximations of the water level distribution. In this study we highlight the necessity of considering non-uniform performance. We provide an in-depth analysis methodology for non-uniform conditions, demonstrating the necessity of 3D models to correctly characterize non-uniformity and leveraging the synergy between 1D and 3D models. For this VOF method together with two turbulence modelling technics, RANS Standard k-ε and LES Smagorinsky models, are analyzed using OpenFOAM CFD platform.acceptedVersio

    Effects of lateral sheet pile walls on vertical slot fishway hydraulics

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    Optogenetically stimulating intact rat corticospinal tract post-stroke restores motor control through regionalized functional circuit formation

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    Existing methods to improve motor function after stroke include non-specific neuromodulatory approaches. Here the authors use an automated method of analysis of reaching behaviour in rodents to show that optogenetic stimulation of intact corticospinal tract fibres leads to restoration of prior motor functions, rather than compensatory acquisition of new movements