660 research outputs found

    Circular local likelihood

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    We introduce a class of local likelihood circular density estimators, which includes the kernel density estimator as a special case. The idea lies in optimizing a spatially weighted version of the log-likelihood function, where the logarithm of the density is locally approximated by a periodic polynomial. The use of von Mises density functions as weights reduces the computational burden. Also, we propose closed-form estimators which could form the basis of counterparts in the multidimensional Euclidean setting. Simulation results and a real data case study are used to evaluate the performance and illustrate the results

    A note on nonparametric estimation of circular conditional densities

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    The conditional density offers the most informative summary of the relationship between explanatory and response variables. We need to estimate it in place of the simple conditional mean when its shape is not well-behaved. A motivation for estimating conditional densities, specific to the circular setting, lies in the fact that a natural alternative of it, like quantile regression, could be considered problematic because circular quantiles are not rotationally equivariant. We treat conditional density estimation as a local polynomial fitting problem as proposed by \cite{Fan et al.:1996} in the euclidean setting, and discuss a class of estimators in the cases when the conditioning variable is either circular or linear. Asymptotic properties for some members of the proposed class are derived. The effectiveness of the methods for finite sample sizes is illustrated by simulation experiments and an example using real data

    Magnetoelectrochemistry and asymmetric electrochemical reactions

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    Magnetoelectrochemistry is a branch of electrochemistry where magnetic fields play a vital role in the oxidation and reduction process of the molecules. When it comes to spin-dependent electrochemistry (SDE), becomes a new paradigm. This work presents electrochemical response during the “chiral imprinting” on working electrodes and the effects of potentiostatic and galvanostatic methods. We explore the use of the SDE concept, which is implemented for chiral-ferromagnetic (CFM) hybrid working electrodes, and we compare various electrochemical parameters affecting the quality of deposition. We electrochemically co-deposited nickel (Ni) with a chiral compound (tartaric acid) in its enantiopure forms (L and D), which allows us to obtain a chiral co-deposited nickel-tartaric acid (Ni-LTA or Ni-DTA) working electrode

    Nonparametric estimating equations for circular probability density functions and their derivatives

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    We propose estimating equations whose unknown parameters are the values taken by a circular density and its derivatives at a point. Specifically, we solve equations which relate local versions of population trigonometric moments with their sample counterparts. Major advantages of our approach are: higher order bias without asymptotic variance inflation, closed form for the estimators, and absence of numerical tasks. We also investigate situations where the observed data are dependent. Theoretical results along with simulation experiments are provided

    Temperature effect on the sensitivity of the copepod Eucyclops serrulatus (Crustacea, Copepoda, Cyclopoida) to agricultural pollutants in the hyporheic zone

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    Abstract The sensitivity of freshwater invertebrates to agricultural pollutants is supposed to increase with rising temperature due to global warming. The aim of this study was to measure the effect of temperature on the lethal toxicity of ammonia-N, the herbicide Imazamox and the mixture of the two chemicals, in the adults and the juveniles of a population of the copepod Eucyclops serrulatus. This is a widely distributed species found in surface waters, in transitional habitats between surface water and groundwater, and in genuine groundwater environments. We tested the sensitivity by short-term bioassays (96 h) at 15°C and 18°C, respectively. Our results highlighted the following: (1) increasing temperature affected the sensitivity of the adults to ammonia-N and of the juveniles to the mixture, all of which were more sensitive to its detrimental effects at 18°C; (2) the juvenile stages were more sensitive than the adults to all toxicants, and (3) for all combinations of chemicals and temperatures, the effects were synergistic and approximately one order of magnitude greater than those expected according to a concentration addition model when comparing the LC50 for each chemical in the mixture with the LC50s of chemicals individually assayed. Overall, in a context of global change, ammonia-N and mixtures of agricultural pollutants may affect the survival rate of species that spend a part or the whole life-cycle in the hyporheic habitat, with detrimental effects to biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by the hyporheic biota

    Kernel regression for errors-in-variables problems in the circular domain

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    We study the problem of estimating a regression function when the predictor and/or the response are circular random variables in the presence of measurement errors. We propose estimators whose weight functions are deconvolution kernels defined according to the nature of the involved variables. We derive the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators and consider possible generalizations and extensions. We provide some simulation results and a real data case study to illustrate and compare the proposed methods

    Sarcopenia and vitamin d deficiency in patients with crohn’s disease: Pathological conditions that should be linked together

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    Sarcopenia is a prevalent condition in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD), representing an independent predictor factor for the development of major postoperative complications. Thus, a proper assessment of the muscle strength, by using different validated tools, should be deemed an important step of the clinical management of these patients. Patients with CD are frequently malnourished, presenting a high prevalence of different macro-and micro-nutrient deficiencies, including that of vitamin D. The available published studies indicate that vitamin D is involved in the regulation of proliferation, differentiation, and regeneration of muscle cells. The relationship between vitamin D deficiency and sarcopenia has been extensively studied in other populations, with interesting evidence in regards to a potential role of vitamin D supplementation as a means to prevent and treat sarcopenia. The aim of this review was to find studies that linked together these pathological conditions

    Doxorubicin Hydrochloride-Loaded Nonionic Surfactant Vesicles to Treat Metastatic and Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer

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    Doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX) is currently used to treat orthotropic and metastatic breast cancer. Because of its side effects, the use of DOX in cancer patients is sometimes limited; for this reason, several scientists tried designing drug delivery systems which can improve drug therapeutic efficacy and decrease its side effects. In this study, we designed, prepared, and physiochemically characterized nonionic surfactant vesicles (NSVs) which are obtained by self-assembling different combinations of hydrophilic (Tween 20) and hydrophobic (Span 20) surfactants, with cholesterol. DOX was loaded in NSVs using a passive and pH gradient remote loading procedure, which increased drug loading from ∼1 to ∼45%. NSVs were analyzed in terms of size, shape, size distribution, zeta potential, long-term stability, entrapment efficiency, and release kinetics, and nanocarriers having the best physiochemical parameters were selected for further in vitro tests. NSVs with and without DOX were stable and showed a sustained drug release up to 72 h. In vitro studies, with MCF-7 and MDA MB 468 cells, demonstrated that NSVs, containing Span 20, were better internalized in MCF-7 and MDA MB 468 cells than NSVs with Tween 20. NSVs increased the anticancer effect of DOX in MCF-7 and MDA MB 468 cells, and this effect is time and dose dependent. In vitro studies using metastatic and nonmetastatic breast cancer cells also demonstrated that NSVs, containing Span 20, had higher cytotoxicity than NSVs with Tween 20. The resulting data suggested that DOX-loaded NSVs could be a promising nanocarrier for the potential treatment of metastatic breast cancer