994 research outputs found

    Chemical Analysis of Igneous Rocks and Variation Diagrams of Petrographic Provinces of Montana

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    A total of 179 chemical analyses of igneous rocks are avail­able for the state of Montana, but these analyses do not cover the entire state in a satisfactory manner. There has been an emphasis on the central part of the state, and an almost complete lack of interest in the southern portion of Montana

    The Federal Constitution and the Choice of Law

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    To what extent may the Constitution of the United States serve as final referent for the problem: Which state law shall govern cases in which the facts in controversy concern more than one state? This question has already evoked analyses primarily as a question concerning the conflict of laws ; and in those analyses will be found able and extensive delineation of the general aspect of its problems which will not be repeated here. A simple statement will serve to distinguish the viewpoint adopted in the present discussion. Constitutional law arises solely from express dictates of a written document. It follows that any such question as, Has the Conflict of Laws become a branch of Constitutional Law? poses a false problem if taken literally. In the case stated at the opening of this discussion, the Supreme Court could not say, We find that the conflict of laws rule makes New York\u27s statute the properly governing law, and therefore Georgia\u27s failure to apply it violates the full faith and credit clause. \u27 The Constitution must furnish the tests for ascertaining the properly applicable law as well as the requirement that it be applied when ascertained. Thus the question may correctly be put: to what extent do the constitutional rules governing choice of law supersede or overlap the conflict of laws rules on the same subject, and what are they

    The Groundwater of the Area North of Flathead Lake, Montana

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    The purpose of this investigation is to determine the reasons for the ground water variations in the area north of Flathead Lake, Montana. Several methods were used in pursuing this investigation. Hydrographs were made of the various wells showing the season to season change as well as the year to year variation

    Release of K-, Cl- und S-Species during Co-Combustion of Coal and Straw

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    Straw as a renewable energy source can either be used alone or be used in existing coal-fired power plants (co-combustion). The objective of the present work was to investigate the influence of fuel composition and interactions between various types of straw and coal on the release of K, Cl, and S species during co-combustion of coal and straw at temperatures between 800 and 1100 degrees C. The amount of HCl released during co-combustion was higher than expected on the basis of the combustion results of the pure fuels because of the reaction of the straw KCl with the coal silica. However, the amount of potassium released in gaseous form is only slightly lower than expected. The relative amount of sulfur released during co-combustion in comparison to the expected amount depends upon the temperature and the biomass share of the blends. At higher temperatures or lower straw share, the release is increased because of the reaction of the straw K2SO4 with the coal clay minerals. At lower temperatures and high straw share, available straw potassium and calcium capture some coal sulfur

    Use of Peptide Libraries for Identification and Optimization of Novel Antimicrobial Peptides.

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    The increasing rates of resistance among bacteria and to a lesser extent fungi have resulted in an urgent need to find new molecules that hold therapeutic promise against multidrug-resistant strains. Antimicrobial peptides have proven very effective against a variety of multidrug-resistant bacteria. Additionally, the low levels of resistance reported towards these molecules are an attractive feature for antimicrobial drug development. Here we summarise information on diverse peptide libraries used to discover or to optimize antimicrobial peptides. Chemical synthesized peptide libraries, for example split and mix method, tea bag method, multi-pin method and cellulose spot method are discussed. In addition biological peptide library screening methods are summarized, like phage display, bacterial display, mRNA-display and ribosomal display. A few examples are given for small peptide libraries, which almost exclusively follow a rational design of peptides of interest rather than a combinatorial approach

    Proline-Rich Peptides with Improved Antimicrobial Activity against E. coli, K. Pneumoniae, and A. Baumannii.

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    Proline-rich antimicrobial peptides (PrAMPs) are promising agents to combat multi-drug resistant pathogens due to a high antimicrobial activity, yet low cytotoxicity. A library of derivatives of the PrAMP Bac5(1-17) was synthesized and screened to identify which residues are relevant for its activity. In this way, we discovered that two central motifs -PIRXP- cannot be modified, while residues at N- and C- termini tolerated some variations. We found five Bac5(1-17) derivatives bearing 1-5 substitutions, with an increased number of arginine and/or tryptophan residues, exhibiting improved antimicrobial activity and broader spectrum of activity while retaining low cytotoxicity toward eukaryotic cells. Transcription/translation and bacterial membrane permeabilization assays showed that these new derivatives still retained the ability to strongly inhibit bacterial protein synthesis, but also acquired permeabilizing activity to different degrees. These new Bac5(1-17) derivatives therefore show a dual mode of action which could hinder the selection of bacterial resistance against these molecules

    The dolphin proline-rich antimicrobial peptide Tur1A inhibits protein synthesis by targeting the bacterial ribosome

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    Proline-rich antimicrobial peptides (PrAMPs) internalize into susceptible bacteria using specific transporters and interfere with protein synthesis and folding. To date, mammalian PrAMPs have so far only been identified in artiodactyls. Since cetaceans are co-phyletic with artiodactyls, we mined the genome of the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncates, leading to the identification of two PrAMPs, Tur1A and Tur1B. Tur1A, which is orthologous to the bovine PrAMP Bac7, is internalized into E. coli without damaging the membranes using the inner membrane transporters SbmA and YjiL/MdM. Furthermore, like Bac7, Tur1A also inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the ribosome and blocking the transition from the initiation to the elongation phase. By contrast, Tur1B is a poor inhibitor of protein synthesis and may utilize another mechanism of action. An X-ray structure of Tur1A bound within the ribosomal exit tunnel provides a basis to develop these peptides as novel antimicrobial agents

    Metal/Metalloid Levels in Electronic Cigarette Liquids, Aerosols, and Human Biosamples: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have become popular, in part because they are perceived as a safer alternative to tobacco cigarettes. An increasing number of studies, however, have found toxic metals/metalloids in e-cigarette emissions. Results: We identified 24 studies on metals/metalloids in e-liquid, e-cigarette aerosols, and human biosamples of e-cigarette users. Metal/metalloid levels, including aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, selenium, tin, and zinc, were present in e-cigarette samples in the studies reviewed. Twelve studies reported metal/metalloid levels in e-liquids (bottles, cartridges, open wick, and tank), 12 studies reported metal/metalloid levels in e-cigarette aerosols (from cig-a-like and tank devices), and 4 studies reported metal/metalloid levels in human biosamples (urine, saliva, serum, and blood) of e-cigarette users. Metal/metalloid levels showed substantial heterogeneity depending on sample type, source of e-liquid, and device type. Metal/metalloid levels in e-liquid from cartridges or tank/open wicks were higher than those from bottles, possibly due to coil contact. Most metal/metalloid levels found in biosamples of e-cigarette users were similar or higher than levels found in biosamples of conventional cigarette users, and even higher than those found in biosamples of cigar users. Conclusion: E-cigarettes are a potential source of exposure to metals/metalloids. Differences in collection methods and puffing regimes likely contribute to the variability in metal/metalloid levels across studies, making comparison across studies difficult. Standardized protocols for the quantification of metal/metalloid levels from e-cigarette samples are needed.This study was supported by NIEHS/FDA grants R21ES029777 and R01ES030025, NIEHS grant P30ES009089, and a Johns Hopkins University Technology Transfer Seed Award. D. Z. was supported by the China Scholarship Council (201706190116). A. A. was supported by a grant from the MD Cigarette Restitution Fund (grantPHPA-G2034)

    Rational Designed Hybrid Peptides Show up to a 6-Fold Increase in Antimicrobial Activity and Demonstrate Different Ultrastructural Changes as the Parental Peptides Measured by BioSAXS

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a promising class of compounds being developed against multi-drug resistant bacteria. Hybridization has been reported to increase antimicrobial activity. Here, two proline-rich peptides (consP1: VRKPPYLPRPRPRPL-CONH2 and Bac5-v291: RWRRPIRRRPIRPPFWR-CONH2) were combined with two arginine-isoleucine-rich peptides (optP1: KIILRIRWR-CONH2 and optP7: KRRVRWIIW-CONH2). Proline-rich antimicrobial peptides (PrAMPs) are known to inhibit the bacterial ribosome, shown also for Bac5-v291, whereas it is hypothesized a "dirty drug" model for the arginine-isoleucine-rich peptides. That hypothesis was underpinned by transmission electron microscopy and biological small-angle X-ray scattering (BioSAXS). The strength of BioSAXS is the power to detect ultrastructural changes in millions of cells in a short time (seconds) in a high-throughput manner. This information can be used to classify antimicrobial compounds into groups according to the ultrastructural changes they inflict on bacteria and how the bacteria react towards that assault. Based on previous studies, this correlates very well with different modes of action. Due to the novelty of this approach direct identification of the target of the antimicrobial compound is not yet fully established, more research is needed. More research is needed to address this limitation. The hybrid peptides showed a stronger antimicrobial activity compared to the proline-rich peptides, except when compared to Bac5-v291 against E. coli. The increase in activity compared to the arginine-isoleucine-rich peptides was up to 6-fold, however, it was not a general increase but was dependent on the combination of peptides and bacteria. BioSAXS experiments revealed that proline-rich peptides and arginine-isoleucine-rich peptides induce very different ultrastructural changes in E. coli, whereas a hybrid peptide (hyP7B5GK) shows changes, different to both parental peptides and the untreated control. These different ultrastructural changes indicated that the mode of action of the parental peptides might be different from each other as well as from the hybrid peptide hyP7B5GK. All peptides showed very low haemolytic activity, some of them showed a 100-fold or larger therapeutic window, demonstrating the potential for further drug development
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