143 research outputs found

    Cholesterol sensing by CD81 is important for hepatitis C virus entry

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    CD81 plays a role in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Recent structural analysis of CD81 indicates that it contains an intramembrane cholesterol-binding pocket and that interaction with cholesterol may regulate a conformational switch in the extracellular domain of CD81. Therefore, CD81 possesses a potential cholesterol sensing mechanism; however, its relevance for protein function is thus far unknown. In this study we investigate CD81 cholesterol sensing in the context of its activity as a receptor for hepatitis C virus. Structure-led mutagenesis of the cholesterol-binding pocket reduced CD81-cholesterol association, but had disparate effects on HCV, both reducing and enhancing CD81 receptor activity. We reasoned that this could be explained by alterations in the consequences of cholesterol binding. To investigate this further we performed molecular dynamic simulations of CD81 with and without cholesterol; this identified an allosteric mechanism by which cholesterol binding regulates the conformation of CD81. To test this, we designed further mutations to force CD81 into either the open (cholesterol unbound) or closed (cholesterol bound) conformation. The open mutant of CD81 exhibited reduced receptor activity whereas the closed mutant was enhanced. These data are consistent with cholesterol switching CD81 between a receptor active and inactive state. CD81 interactome analysis also suggests that conformational switching may modulate the assembly of CD81-partner networks. This work furthers our understanding of the molecular mechanism of CD81 cholesterol sensing, how this relates to HCV entry and CD81’s function as a molecular scaffold; these insights are relevant to CD81’s varied roles in health and disease

    Transcriptome and metabolome profiling identify factors potentially involved in pro-vitamin A accumulation in cassava landraces

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    Open Access ArticleCassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a predominant food security crop in several developing countries. Its storage roots, rich in carbohydrate, are deficient in essential micronutrients, including provitamin A carotenoids. Increasing carotenoid content in cassava storage roots is important to reduce the incidence of vitamin A deficiency, a public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. However, cassava improvement advances slowly, mainly due to limited information on the molecular factors influencing β-carotene accumulation in cassava. To address this problem, we performed comparative transcriptomic and untargeted metabolic analyses of roots and leaves of eleven African cassava landraces ranging from white to deep yellow colour, to uncover regulators of carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation with conserved function in yellow cassava roots. Sequence analysis confirmed the presence of a mutation, known to influence β-carotene content, in PSY transcripts of deep yellow but not of pale yellow genotypes. We identified genes and metabolites with expression and accumulation levels significantly associated with β-carotene content. Particularly an increased activity of the abscisic acid catabolism pathway together with a reduced amount of L-carnitine, may be related to the carotenoid pathway flux, higher in yellow than in white storage roots. In fact, NCED_3.1 was specifically expressed at a lower level in all yellow genotypes suggesting that it could be a potential target for increasing carotenoid accumulation in cassava. These results expand the knowledge on metabolite compositions and molecular mechanisms influencing carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation in cassava and provide novel information for biotechnological applications and genetic improvement of cassava with high nutritional values

    Differential Expression of Myrosinase Gene Families

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    Hedonism and the experience machine

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    Money isn’t everything, so what is? Many government leaders, social policy theorists, and members of the general public have a ready answer: happiness. This paper examines an opposing view due to Robert Nozick, which centres on his experience-machine thought experiment. Despite the example's influence among philosophers, the argument behind it is riddled with difficulties. Dropping the example allows us to re-version Nozick's argument in a way that makes it far more forceful - and less dependent on people's often divergent intutions about the experience machine

    Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and encephalomyelitis disseminata/multiple sclerosis show remarkable levels of similarity in phenomenology and neuroimmune characteristics

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    Defining a Novel Role for the Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor in Human Adenovirus Serotype 5 Transduction In Vitro in the Presence of Mouse Serum

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    Human adenoviral serotype 5 (HAdV-5) vectors have predominantly hepatic tropism when delivered intravascularly, resulting in immune activation and toxicity. Coagulation FX binding to HAdV-5 mediates liver transduction and provides protection from virion neutralisation in mice. FX is dispensable for liver transduction in mice lacking IgM antibodies or complement, suggesting alternative transduction pathways exist. To identify novel factor(s) mediating HAdV-5 FX-independent entry, we investigated HAdV-5 transduction in vitro in the presence of serum from immunocompetent C57BL/6 or immunocompromised mice lacking IgM antibodies (Rag 2-/- and NSG). Sera from all three mouse strains enhanced HAdV-5 transduction of A549 cells. While inhibition of HAdV-5:FX interaction with X-bp inhibited transduction in the presence of C57BL/6 serum, it had negligible effect on the enhanced transduction observed in the presence of Rag 2-/- or NSG serum. Rag 2-/- serum also enhanced transduction of the FX-binding deficient AdT*. Interestingly, Rag 2-/- serum enhanced HAdV-5 transduction in a FX-independent manner in CHO-CAR and SKOV3-CAR cells. Additionally, blockade of CAR with soluble HAdV-5 fiber knob inhibited mouse serum-enhanced transduction in A549 cells, suggesting a potential role for CAR. Transduction of HAdV-5 KO1 and HAdV-5/F35 (CAR-binding deficient) in the presence of Rag 2-/- serum was equivalent to that of HAdV-5, indicating that direct interaction between HAdV-5 and CAR is not required. These data suggest that FX may protect HAdV-5 from neutralization but has minimal contribution to HAdV-5 transduction in the presence of immunocompromised mouse serum. Alternatively, transduction occurs via an unidentified mouse serum protein capable of bridging HAdV-5 to CAR