140 research outputs found

    ABAC GSB Freshmen’s Perceptions on Expected Performance Dimensions and Learning Preferences: Implications to Curriculum, Instruction, and Institution Development

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    This research aims to build comprehensive student profiles to identify perceptions and expectations of the students enrolled in the Master programs of the Graduate School of Business (GSB) at Assumption University of Thailand. The main purpose is to establish curriculum and instructional links between what is offered and what students perceived as relevant learning experiences in the program and contribute towards increased student satisfaction in their master degree education.  Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 379 incoming freshmen MBA students from February to August, 2015. The findings of the study revealed that among the performance dimensions expected by the industry from MBA graduates, the dimensions on English proficiency, ethical behavior, and effective use of IT obtained the highest means. Interestingly, timely achievement and responsibility as well as entrepreneurial spirit scored lowest while based on their profiles, the majority of the freshmen are self-employed. Likewise, the overall students’ preferences on the learning processes, modalities, and learning styles indicated no marked differences of preferences of one or two of these modalities and activities. This indicates that choices are generalized and would imply the need for a variety of teaching strategies to respond to the variety of learning processes and modalities that would require appropriate learning activities. To conclude on the interface of the three areas of the study namely: the demographic profiles, the expected performance dimensions, and preferred learning processes to areas of development in graduate education - curriculum, instruction, and institution development, certain initiatives for development were recommended such as: the inclusion of a module or course on the entrepreneurship as a basic foundational course for all students enrolled at GSB to support the third dimension of the Unique Identities of an ABAC graduate which is entrepreneurial spirit and leadership; the adoption and utilization of a brain-based holistic and integrative model of the experiential learning cycle by all lecturers to provide for the use of a variety of teaching modalities and learning activities in all courses. Further it is concluded that Quality Education at any level must come from the interface of quality curriculum, quality instruction, and quality organization. These three areas are intimately interactive and interrelated to achieve the desired outcomes of higher education and realize the vision of AU in “educating intelligences and active minds to change the world.

    Speech Preservation during Language-dominant, Left Temporal Lobe Seizures: Report of a Rare, Potentially Misleading Finding

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    Purpose: To evaluate the prevalence and mechanism of ictal speech in patients with language-dominant, left temporal lobe seizures. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the video-EEG telemetry records for the presence of ictal speech in 96 patients with surgically proven left temporal lobe epilepsy and studied the seizure-propagation patterns in three patients who required intracranial EEG recordings for seizure localization. Results: Ictal speech preservation was observed in five patients. One patient's seizures demonstrated rapid propagation of the ictal discharges to the contralateral temporal area where the seizure evolved, resembling a nondominant temporal lobe seizure. The other two patients had ictal discharges that remained confined to the inferomesial temporal areas, sparing language cortex. Conclusions: Preservation of speech in complex partial seizures of language-dominant, left temporal lobe origin is rare. Based on intracranial EEG recordings, the likely mechanism underlying this potentially misleading clinical finding is the preservation of language areas due to limited seizure-propagation patterns.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65559/1/j.1528-1167.2006.00606.x.pd

    Estudio fractográfico del clinker por medio del microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM). Resultados preliminares

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    Not availableUsando la técnica de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) se observó un clinker enfriado lentamente. Las muestras observadas consistieron en zonas de fractura reciente de un clinker que se rompió para ese objeto. Se pudo detectar fácilmente las diferentes fases presentes en el clinker, así como también ciertas características básicas que requieren estudios posteriores. La extremada facilidad de preparación de las muestras y la gran rapidez de observación hacen que este método sea llamado a sustituir el de réplica para el estudio de los detalles finos del clinker

    Nemzetközi hallgatói mobilitás a magyar felsőoktatásban

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    A tanulmány célja a Magyarország irányába történő külföldi hallgatói mobilitás folyamatainak áttekintése, különös tekintettel a 2001–2019 közötti időszakban hazánkban tanuló külföldi diákok számának idősoros elemzésére, az adatokból kirajzolódó tendenciákra, a küldő országok tekintetében bekövetkező változásokra és azok feltételezett okaira. A tanulmány az elérhető legfrissebb, 2019/2020-as magyar felsőoktatási statisztikai adatokra támaszkodva elemzi a külföldi hallgatók tudományterületi, képzési szint, felsőoktatási intézmények szerinti megoszlását és a tanulmányaiknak helyet adó egyetemek Magyarországon belüli földrajzi eloszlását. Összhangban a nemzetközi trendekkel Magyarország esetében is megfigyelhető a keletről, Ázsiából, azon belül elsősorban Kínából, Iránból, Törökországból érkező hallgatók számának szignifikáns növekedése, azonban történelmi és nemzetiségi okokból, a szomszédos országokból is sok diák választja hazánkat tanulmányai helyszínének. A hazánkban tanuló külföldi hallgatók kiemelkedően magas, mintegy 30%-os arányban vesznek részt orvosi és egészségtudományi képzésekben, azonban az idegennyelvű képzési kínálat bővülésével előtérbe kerültek a vidéki, komplex universitasok, mára ők rendelkeznek a legtöbb külföldi hallgatóval

    Increasing the effectiveness of electrical resistivity tomography using γ11n configurations

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    A new array type, i.e., the γ11n arrays, is introduced in this paper, in which the sequence of the current (C) and potential (P) electrodes is CPCP, and the distance between the last two electrodes is n times the distance between the first two ones and that of the second one and the third one. These arrays are called quasinull arrays because they are—according to their array and behaviour—between the traditional and null arrays. It is shown by numerical modelling that, in detecting small-effect inhomogeneity, these configurations may be more effective than the traditional ones, including the optimized Stummer configuration. Certain γ11n configurations—especially the γ112, γ113, and γ114—produced better results both in horizontal and vertical resolution investigations. Based on the numerical studies, the γ11n configurations seem to be very promising in problems where the anomalies are similar to the numerically investigated ones, i.e., they can detect and characterize, e.g., tunnels, caves, cables, tubes, abandoned riverbeds, or discontinuity, in a clay layer with greater efficacy than those of the traditional configurations. γ11n measurements need less data than traditional configurations; therefore, the time demand of electrical resistivity tomography measurements can be shortened by their use

    Familiality of mood repair responses among youth with and without histories of depression

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    Affect regulation skills develop in the context of the family environment, wherein youths are influenced by their parents', and possibly their siblings', regulatory responses and styles. Regulatory responses to sadness (mood repair) that exacerbate or prolong dysphoria (maladaptive mood repair) may represent one way in which depression is transmitted within families. We examined self-reported adaptive and maladaptive mood repair responses across cognitive, social and behavioural domains in Hungarian 11- to 19-year-old youth and their parents. Offspring included 214 probands with a history of childhood-onset depressive disorder, 200 never depressed siblings and 161 control peers. Probands reported the most problematic mood repair responses, with siblings reporting more modest differences from controls. Mood repair responses of parents and their offspring, as well as within sib-pairs, were related, although results differed as a function of the regulatory response domain. Results demonstrate familiality of maladaptive and adaptive mood repair responses in multiple samples. These familial associations suggest that relationships with parents and siblings within families may impact the development of affect regulation in youth

    Comparative Study of in Vitro and in Vivo Inflorescence of Feathered Amaranth

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    This study aimed to compare the inflorescence, florets and pollen formed by the plantlets of feathered amaranth [Celosia argentea var. plumosa (Burvenich) Voss] developed and grown under in vitro conditions with those formed by the plants grown under in vivo conditions. Plantlets were first derived from nodal explants of feathered amaranth cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) semi-solid medium under in vitro aseptic conditions, and then the plantlets produced in vitro inflorescences, florets and pollen. In parallel, inflorescences, florets and pollen of plants raised from feathered amaranth seeds under in vivo conditions were obtained for the comparative purpose. The results revealed that florets from both sources were largely similar except the size. The in vitro florets were mainly smaller than those of the in vivo ones. Also in vivo pollen exhibited a higher germination percentage and average pollen tube length than in vitro pollen when cultured on a pollen germination medium

    Genomic analysis reveals high virulence and antibiotic resistance amongst phage susceptible Acinetobacter baumannii

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    In this study, we examined the association between antimicrobial resistance, CRISPR/Cas systems and virulence with phage susceptibility in Acinetobacter baumannii and investigated draft genomes of phage susceptible multidrug resistant A. baumannii strains from Thailand. We investigated 230 A. baumannii strains using 17 lytic A. baumannii phages and the phage susceptibility was 46.5% (107/230). Phage susceptibility was also associated with resistance to numerous antibiotics (p-value < 0.05). We also found association between biofilm formation and the presence of ompA gene among phage susceptible A. baumannii strains (p-value < 0.05). A. baumannii isolates carrying cas5 or combinations of two or three other cas genes, showed a significant increase in phage resistance. Whole-genome sequences of seven phage susceptible A. baumannii isolates revealed that six groups of antibiotic resistance genes were carried by all seven phage susceptible A. baumannii. All strains carried biofilm associated genes and two strains harbored complete prophages, acquired copper tolerance genes, and CRISPR-associated (cas) genes. In conclusion, our data exhibits an association between virulence determinants and biofilm formation among phage susceptible A. baumannii strains. These data help to understand the bacterial co-evolution with phages