7 research outputs found

    The validation of the Hungarian version of the ID-migraine questionnaire

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    Despite its high prevalence, migraine remains underdiagnosed and undertreated. ID-Migraine is a short, self-administrated questionnaire, originally developed in English by Lipton et al. and later validated in several languages. Our goal was to validate the Hungarian version of the ID-Migraine Questionnaire.Patients visiting two headache specialty services were enrolled. Diagnoses were made by headache specialists according to the ICHD-3beta diagnostic criteria. There were 309 clinically diagnosed migraineurs among the 380 patients. Among the 309 migraineurs, 190 patients had only migraine, and 119 patients had other headache beside migraine, namely: 111 patients had tension type headache, 3 patients had cluster headache, 4 patients had medication overuse headache and one patient had headache associated with sexual activity also. Among the 380 patients, 257 had only a single type headache whereas 123 patients had multiple types of headache. Test-retest reliability of the ID-Migraine Questionnaire was studied in 40 patients.The validity features of the Hungarian version of the ID-Migraine questionnaire were the following: sensitivity 0.95 (95% CI, 0.92-0.97), specificity 0.42 (95% CI, 0.31-0.55), positive predictive value 0.88 (95% CI, 0.84-0.91), negative predictive value 0.65 (95% CI, 0.5-0.78), missclassification error 0.15 (95% CI, 0.12-0.19). The kappa coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.77.The Hungarian version of the ID-Migraine Questionnaire had adequate sensitivity, positive predictive value and misclassification error, but a low specificity and somewhat low negative predictive value

    Poor patient awareness and frequent misdiagnosis of migraine: findings from a large transcontinental cohort

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    Background and purpose: Although migraine is the second most disabling condition worldwide, there is poor awareness of it. The objective was to assess the awareness of migraine and previous diagnostic and therapeutic consultations and treatments in a large international population of migraineurs. Methods: This was a multicentre study conducted in 12 headache centres in seven countries. Each centre recruited up to 100 patients referred for a first visit and diagnosed with migraine. Subjects were given a structured clinical questionnaire-based interview about the perceptions of the type of headache they suffered from, its cause, previous diagnoses, investigations and treatments. Results: In all, 1161 patients completed the study. Twenty-eight per cent of participants were aware that they suffered from migraine. Sixty-four per cent called their migraine ‘headache’; less commonly they used terms such as ‘cervical pain’ (4%), tension headache (3%) and sinusitis (1%). Eight per cent of general practitioners and 35% of specialists (of whom 51% were neurologists and/or headache specialists) consulted for migraine formulated the correct diagnosis. Before participating in the study, 50% of patients had undergone X-ray, computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine and 76% underwent brain and/or cervical spine imaging for migraine. Twenty-eight per cent of patients had received symptomatic migraine-specific medications and 29% at least one migraine preventive medication. Conclusions: Although migraine is a very common disease, poor awareness of it amongst patients and physicians is still an issue in several countries. This highlights the importance of the promotion of migraine awareness to reduce its burden and limit direct and indirect costs and the risk of exposure to useless investigations


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    Introdução: De acordo com a Sociedade Internacional de Cefaleia, a cefaleia é uma dor localizada acima da linha orbitomeatal, classificada como primária e secundária. A cefaleia da diálise consiste em uma dor de cabeça inespecífica que ocorre no período da diálise, podendo persistir após o término da sessão. Apesar de ser um sintoma comum em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise, a cefaleia decorrente da terapia dialítica é pobremente estudada. Não se tem a sua etiologia precisa, porém infere-se que a gênese da cefaleia seja multifatorial. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência da cefaleia em pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise. Além disso, classificar as cefaleias apresentadas pelos pacientes estudados, inclusive as que não são decorrentes da diálise. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo constituído por pacientes submetidos à terapia dialítica em uma clínica, de uma cidade brasileira, no período de maio a agosto de 2014. Este foi composto por 152 pacientes. Resultados: Foram analisados 77 (50,7%) pacientes do sexo masculino e 75 (49,3%) do sexo feminino. Dos 61 pacientes (40,1%) que afirmaram apresentar episódios de cefaleia, os tipos mais prevalentes foram cefaleia do tipo tensional – CTT (41%) e cefaleia da diálise (37,7%), sendo outros tipos menos frequentes. Ou seja, 23 (15,1%) dos 152 pacientes foram diagnosticados com cefaleia da diálise, isolada ou associada a outros tipos de cefaleia. Conclusão: Diante da elevada prevalência de tal condição, elaborar planos de ação para melhoria da qualidade de vida desses pacientes é uma medida relevante

    Cannabinoids in neurology – Brazilian Academy of Neurology

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    The use of cannabidiol in some neurological conditions was allowed by Conselho Regional de Medicina de São Paulo and by Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Specialists on behalf of Academia Brasileira de Neurologia prepared a critical statement about use of cannabidiol and other cannabis derivatives in neurological diseases

    Awareness of migraine in Neo-Latin countries: a study in 12 headache centers over 7 countries

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    Valutare la consapevolezza dell'emicrania (M) e dei precedenti percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici negli emicranici naïf visitati da specialisti della cefalea in diversi paesi neo-latiniTo assess the awareness of migraine (M) and previous diagnostic and therapeutic paths in naïf migraineurs visited by headache specialists in several neo-Latin countrie