15,409 research outputs found

    The Construction of Urban Single Career Woman in Indonesian Chick Lit, Jodoh Monica

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    The text of urban single career women in Jodoh Monica is constructed to be negative and unfavorable as opposed to the text of married women, which is positive and favorable. The construction of both texts is based on a patriarchal ideology that is deeply rooted in every aspect of Indonesian family and social lives that Monica, the protagonist in Jodoh Monica, takes a subject position in this the patriarchal discourse of gender role. The text of urban single career woman in Jodoh Monica seeks to conform rather than challenge the patriarchal ideology

    Living in Limbo: the Buddha of Suburbia and the Final Passage

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    Karim and Leila live between two cultures that are considered to be in two polar opposites, the cultures of the white and the black. Because of their parentage, they belong to both cultures and yet they do not belong to either one. The white British regards Karim as "the other", but he also regards an India born Indian to be "the other". Whereas Leila, is also regarded as "the other" in the Caribbean village where she grew up and yet, when she has immigrated to London, she regards the other Caribbean immigrant as "the other". This means that both of them have shifted their position from "the other" to "the self" in their attempt to find a place where they belong. The feeling of not belonged, puts them in a state of limbo; a state that is loaded with anxieties, questions and conflicts as they are unable to find an anchor that they can grip on

    Getting the Right Mix: Developing a primary - secondary health provider IT interface in the Waikato District Health Board

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    The article presents a study on the electronic health record systems (EHR) developed by Waikato District Health Board (DHB) in New Zealand. The DHB develop EHR with the intention of integrating primary, secondary and tertiary provider information. The findings shows key issues like stability of a sound secondary health provider information technology (IT) infrastructure and basis of patient data on health industry standards

    Offset Active Galactic Nuclei as Tracers of Galaxy Mergers and Supermassive Black Hole Growth

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    Offset active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are AGNs that are in ongoing galaxy mergers, which produce kinematic offsets in the AGNs relative to their host galaxies. Offset AGNs are also close relatives of dual AGNs. We conduct a systematic search for offset AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, by selecting AGN emission lines that exhibit statistically significant line-of-sight velocity offsets relative to systemic. From a parent sample of 18314 Type 2 AGNs at z<0.21, we identify 351 offset AGN candidates with velocity offsets of 50 km/s < |v| < 410 km/s. When we account for projection effects in the observed velocities, we estimate that 4% - 8% of AGNs are offset AGNs. We designed our selection criteria to bypass velocity offsets produced by rotating gas disks, AGN outflows, and gravitational recoil of supermassive black holes, but follow-up observations are still required to confirm our candidates as offset AGNs. We find that the fraction of AGNs that are offset candidates increases with AGN bolometric luminosity, from 0.7% to 6% over the luminosity range 43 < log(L_bol) [erg/s] < 46. If these candidates are shown to be bona fide offset AGNs, then this would be direct observational evidence that galaxy mergers preferentially trigger high-luminosity AGNs. Finally, we find that the fraction of AGNs that are offset AGN candidates increases from 1.9% at z=0.1 to 32% at z=0.7, in step with the growth in the galaxy merger fraction over the same redshift range.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Hypermasculine and Ubersexual Men in the Harlequin Novels of the 1980s and 2000s

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    Harlequin novels are so popular that Harlequin romance emerges as a genre. Unlike on the heroines, there are scarcely any studies or works on the heroes, thus, I want to focus my study on the heroes of Harlequin Romance. By analyzing using the Male Sex Role in the 1980s and themes of masculinity in the 2000s, I will prove that there are four types of ideal men in the 1980s Harlequin novels whose characteristics originated from the ideal men in the society at that time, the Hypermasculine men with extreme masculinity and avoidance of any feminine sides. I will also prove that there are three types of ideal men in the 2000s Harlequin novels whose characteristics are in accordance with the Ubersexual men\u27s, the ideal men in the society in 2000s having positive characteristics of traditional manliness with some “feminine“ characteristics. The reason behind these changes is because of the changes in the heroines and the characteristics of men in the society in time and these push for the changes in the heroes. As a publisher, Harlequin\u27s goal is the highest selling rate, thus, they adjust to the market\u27s demand

    ASEAN Rules of Origin: Lessons and Recommendations for Best Practice

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    Rules of Origin (ROO) set the criteria in determining the nationality of a product and where a product was made. The importance of ROO has increased in the past years as more countries engage in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and begun treating goods differently according to where the product was made, along with trade-specific preferences or restrictions to the imported good once its origin is determined. This study is done to cull the lessons from ASEAN's experience in determining and implementing the Rules of Origin. It draws the important lessons and makes recommendations for best practice that would contribute to the cooperation and integration efforts in the region. The paper examines the various design and implementation practice in ROO regimes, focusing on RTAs where the ASEAN is involved. The paper presents findings from recent studies on the cost of ROO compliance and the FTA utilization rates. It concludes with recommendations on simplification of ROO and some reforms on administrative procedures, bringing in the development country dimension, and some general guidelines to follow to improve ROOs.Rules of Origin, Free Trade Agreements, ASEAN.

    Masculinity in Question in TIME of Unemployment in Wendy Holden's the Full Monty

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    Men see masculinity as a form of identity as an individual as well as a group. This identity is usually attached to the jobs men have because of the traditional gender work division where men is put in a role as a breadwinner of their families. When they are out of work, they also lose their sense of identity, hence, their sense of worth as they think that they are on the brink of losing their masculinity. This is the condition that befalls the three male characters, Gaz, Dave and Gerald, in The Full Monty. They feel that they have lost their masculinity when they lose their works thus, they hold on to ways that they think can preserve their sense of worth

    Evaluation of the Outpatients consultation in East Kent

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    CHSS undertook to support Kent and Medway Commissioning Support (KMCS: acting on behalf of East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Canterbury and Coastal Clinical Commissioning Group) in undertaking an independent analysis of a consultation on Outpatient services in East Kent. The aim of the consultation was to gain opinions from the public of a proposed Outpatient Clinical Strategy that intends to improve local access to, and facilities for, Outpatient services, and to offer a wider range of services on each site. CHSS advised on the survey, evaluated the consultation process, ran focus groups and carried out quantitative and qualitative analysis of the responses gathered during the consultation period (9th December 2013 to 17th March, 2014 - originally 9th March but period was extended). Ethical approval was not required for a consultation process, but ethical principles have been adhered to regarding data confidentiality and informed consent for the focus groups

    Feminist Perspective of Cross-gender Power Relation in Caryl Churchill's Top Girls

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    Top Girls, one of Caryl Churchill's most popular plays, describes the lives of six female characters coming from different centuries. Each of them has their own story to tell, as they have all been victimized by the patriarchal system in the century when they live and have resisted the system with different strategies. They either employ roles that are traditionally reserved for men or they adopt the archetypically feminine qualities. Despite their resistance and success, they find themselves unhappy and unsatisfied over their achievements. Thus this raises the question of the effectiveness of the feminist movement
