1,431 research outputs found

    Caracterización de morteros con cerámica reciclada y su uso en piezas prefabicadas para entrevigado de forjados

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    This study analyses a procedure to manufacture mortars with different percentages of ceramic waste as partial replacement for aggregates. The study also examines the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the new mortars, analysing substitution ratios that range from 10% to 50%. Prior to this, all the materials used in the production of the mortar were characterised using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and fluorescence (XRF). The objective was to determine the similarity between different types of ceramic waste, as well as the differences in the minerology and chemical composition with the aggregate. The results of the study show that it is possible to obtain mortars with lower densities compared to the same product with no recycled content. The product’s characteristics make it ideal for the manufacture of prefabricated components for structural floors for rehabilitation works. Finally, the pieces are used in a real rehabilitation case study, highlightining the structural advantages.Este trabajo analiza morteros con diferentes porcentajes de cerámica reciclada como sustituto parcial de la arena. Además el estudio examina las propiedades físicas, químicas y mecánicas de los nuevos morteros, empleando diferentes porcentajes de sustitución (10% - 50%). Con anterioridad, se caracterizaron todos los materiales empleados en este trabajo mediante difracción y fluorescencia de rayos-X. El objetivo fue determinar las diferencias y similitudes en la composición química y mineralógica de los distintos tipos de residuos cerámicos y del resto de áridos utilizados. Los resultados muestran que es posible obtener morteros con menor densidad frente a las muestras sin contenido reciclado. Sus características los hacen idóneos para la creación de piezas prefabricadas de entrevigado para rehabilitación de forjados. Finalmente. Las piezas se usaron en un caso de estudio real, destacando las ventajas estructurales que conlleva su uso

    Análisis sobre la influencia de la densidad en la termografía de infrarrojos y el alcance de esta técnica en la detección de defectos internos en la madera

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    This paper shows the results of a laboratory phase for the determination of the 1limits of infrared thermography in detecting internal defects in wood and, furthermore, it analyses how the density of this material can influence the surface temperature displayed in a thermogram. To this end, experimental work is carried out whereby a series of work and environmental parameters are monitored (such as environmental temperature, relative humidity, distance to target), and the process is systematized by using pieces of different wood species (different densities) and by devising a set of samples for which various possible cases are analysed in terms of size and internal position of the damage. Similarly, using these samples, a study has been conducted on the effect on the thermal image produced by an increase of humidity inside the defect phenomena normally associated with wood decay.En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados obtenidos en una fase de laboratorio al tratar de determinar el alcance de la termografía de infrarrojos en la detección de defectos internos en la madera y, por otro lado, cómo interviene la densidad de este material sobre la temperatura superficial mostrada en un termograma. Para ello se ha desarrollado un trabajo experimental donde se han controlado una serie de parámetros ambientales y de trabajo (temperatura ambiente, humedad relativa, distancia al objetivo…), y se ha sistematizado el proceso utilizando piezas de distintas especies de madera (distintas densidades) y diseñando una serie de probetas donde se han analizado varias casuísticas posibles en cuanto a tamaño y posición interna de los daños. Análogamente, sobre estas probetas se ha estudiado el efecto que produce sobre la imagen termográfica un incremento de humedad interna en el defecto asociada normalmente a los fenómenos de pudrición de la madera

    Análisis sobre la influencia de la densidad en la termografía de infrarrojos y el alcance de esta técnica en la detección de defectos internos en la madera

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    This paper shows the results of a laboratory phase for the determination of the 1limits of infrared thermography in detecting internal defects in wood and, furthermore, it analyses how the density of this material can influence the surface temperature displayed in a thermogram. To this end, experimental work is carried out whereby a series of work and environmental parameters are monitored (such as environmental temperature, relative humidity, distance to target), and the process is systematized by using pieces of different wood species (different densities) and by devising a set of samples for which various possible cases are analysed in terms of size and internal position of the damage. Similarly, using these samples, a study has been conducted on the effect on the thermal image produced by an increase of humidity inside the defect phenomena normally associated with wood decay.<br><br>En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados obtenidos en una fase de laboratorio al tratar de determinar el alcance de la termografía de infrarrojos en la detección de defectos internos en la madera y, por otro lado, cómo interviene la densidad de este material sobre la temperatura superficial mostrada en un termograma. Para ello se ha desarrollado un trabajo experimental donde se han controlado una serie de parámetros ambientales y de trabajo (temperatura ambiente, humedad relativa, distancia al objetivo…), y se ha sistematizado el proceso utilizando piezas de distintas especies de madera (distintas densidades) y diseñando una serie de probetas donde se han analizado varias casuísticas posibles en cuanto a tamaño y posición interna de los daños. Análogamente, sobre estas probetas se ha estudiado el efecto que produce sobre la imagen termográfica un incremento de humedad interna en el defecto asociada normalmente a los fenómenos de pudrición de la madera

    Comparación entre dos tipos de gastrostomías quirúrgicas, abierta y laparoscópica, en nutrición enteral domiciliaria

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    Objetivo: Exponer las complicaciones de las gastrostomías quirúrgicas utilizadas como vía de soporte nutricional enteral domiciliario (SNED) y detectar si existen diferencias entre las dos técnicas usadas en nuestro medio: Cirugía abierta vs laparoscópica. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de carácter retrospectivo de las gastrostomías quirúrgicas realizadas entre los años 1994 y 2009 seguidas por nuestra unidad. Se han analizado las complicaciones detectadas en consulta durante el seguimiento de pacientes con SNED a través de gastrostomía quirúrgica realizada con técnica laparotómica abierta vs laparoscópica, valorando: fuga del contenido gástrico al exterior, irritación de la pared abdominal, presencia de exudado, presencia de exudado con cultivo positivo que requirió tratamiento antibiótico, quemadura o pérdida de sustancia de la zona periostomía, rotura de balón, úlcera de decúbito por la sonda y formación de granuloma. Resultados: Durante los años 1994-2009 se realizaron 57 gastrostomías quirúrgicas: 47 por técnica laparótomica (abierta) convencional y 10 por vía laparoscópica. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 57,51 ± 17,29 años. La causa más frecuente que motivó la realización de la gastrostomía quirúrgica fue el cáncer de esófago (38,6%) seguido de alteraciones neurológicas (26,3%) y tumores de cabeza y cuello (26,3%). El 97,9% de los pacientes a los que se realizó una gastrostomía quirúrgica abierta presentaron al menos una complicación, es decir que solo el 2,1% estuvieron libres de complicaciones; mientras que el 50% de los que se sometieron a una gastrostomía laparoscópica no tuvo ninguna. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron la presencia de fuga del contenido gástrico y la irritación de la pared abdominal que se presentaron en el 89,4% y 83% respectivamente de las gastrostomías laparotómicas frente a la aparición de solo el 30% de ambas complicaciones en las gastrostomías laparoscópicas siendo la diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p Aim: Exposing the complications of surgical gastrostomies used as way of home enteral nutritional support (HEN) and detecting the differences between the two techniques used in our environment: Open Surgery vs Laparoscopic Surgery. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive observational study of the surgical gastrostomies performed between 1994 and 2009 followed up by our unit. Have been analyzed the complications detected in our practice during the follow-up of patients with HEN performed via open laparotomy vs. laparoscopic tecniques, assessing: leaks of gastric fluid to the exterior, abdominal wall irritation, presence of exudate, presence of exudate with positive culture that required antibiotical treatment, burning or loss of substance of the periostomic zone, breach of balloon, decubitus ulcer caused by the tube and formation of granuloma. Results: Between 1994 and 2009, 57 surgical gastrostomies were performed: 47 using the conventional laparotomic (open) tecnique and 10 laparoscopies. The average age of the patients was 57.51 ± 17.29 years old. The most common cause for the performance of surgical gastrostomy was esophageal cancer (38.6%) followed by neurologic alterations (26.3%) and head and neck tumors (26.3%). 97.9% of the patients who underwent to surgical gastrostomy presented at least one complication, meaning that only 2.1% were free of complications; meanwhile, 50% of the patients were laparoscopic gastrostomy was performed had none of these complications. The most common complications were the presence of leaks of gastric fluid and abdominal wall irritation that appeared on 89.4% and 83% respectively of the laparotomic gastrostomies versus the presence of only 30% of both complications in laparoscopic gastrostomies being the difference statistically significant (p < 0.01). Conclusions: After the introduction of the laparoscopic technique in the performance of surgical gastrostomies has been observed a decrease of the complications occured during the home enteral nutritional support related to surgical gastrostomies

    Deep Eyedentification: Biometric Identification using Micro-Movements of the Eye

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    We study involuntary micro-movements of the eye for biometric identification. While prior studies extract lower-frequency macro-movements from the output of video-based eye-tracking systems and engineer explicit features of these macro-movements, we develop a deep convolutional architecture that processes the raw eye-tracking signal. Compared to prior work, the network attains a lower error rate by one order of magnitude and is faster by two orders of magnitude: it identifies users accurately within seconds

    Update of Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias (International Endohernia Society (IEHS)) : Part B

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    In 2014 the International Endohernia Society (IEHS) published the first international "Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias". Guidelines reflect the currently best available evidence in diagnostics and therapy and give recommendations to help surgeons to standardize their techniques and to improve their results. However, science is a dynamic field which is continuously developing. Therefore, guidelines require regular updates to keep pace with the evolving literature. Methods For the development of the original guidelines all relevant literature published up to year 2012 was analyzed using the ranking of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based-Medicine. For the present update all of the previous authors were asked to evaluate the literature published during the recent years from 2012 to 2017 and revise their statements and recommendations given in the initial guidelines accordingly. In two Consensus Conferences (October 2017 Beijing, March 2018 Cologne) the updates were presented, discussed, and confirmed. To avoid redundancy, only new statements or recommendations are included in this paper. Therefore, for full understanding both of the guidelines, the original and the current, must be read. In addition, the new developments in repair of abdominal wall hernias like surgical techniques within the abdominal wall, release operations (transversus muscle release, component separation), Botox application, and robot-assisted repair methods were included. Results Due to an increase of the number of patients and further development of surgical techniques, repair of primary and secondary abdominal wall hernias attracts increasing interests of many surgeons. Whereas up to three decades ago hernia-related publications did not exceed 20 per year, currently this number is about 10-fold higher. Recent years are characterized by the advent of new techniques-minimal invasive techniques using robotics and laparoscopy, totally extraperitoneal repairs, novel myofascial release techniques for optimal closure of large defects, and Botox for relaxing the abdominal wall. Furthermore, a concomitant rectus diastasis was recognized as a significant risk factor for recurrence. Despite still insufficient evidence with respect to these new techniques it seemed to us necessary to include them in the update to stimulate surgeons to do research in these fields. Conclusion Guidelines are recommendations based on best available evidence intended to help the surgeon to improve the quality of his daily work. However, science is a continuously evolving process, and as such guidelines should be updated about every 3 years. For a comprehensive reference, however, it is suggested to read both the initially guidelines published in 2014 together with the update. Moreover, the presented update includes also techniques which were not known 3 years before

    Reporting guideline for interventional trials of primary and incisional ventral hernia repair

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    BACKGROUND: Primary and incisional ventral hernia trials collect unstandardized inconsistent data, limiting data interpretation and comparison. This study aimed to create two minimum data sets for primary and incisional ventral hernia interventional trials to standardize data collection and improve trial comparison. To support these data sets, standardized patient-reported outcome measures and trial methodology criteria were created. METHODS: To construct these data sets, nominal group technique methodology was employed, involving 15 internationally recognized abdominal wall surgeons and two patient representatives. Initially a maximum data set was created from previous systematic and panellist reviews. Thereafter, three stages of voting took place: stage 1, selection of the number of variables for data set inclusion; stage 2, selection of variables to be included; and stage 3, selection of variable definitions and detection methods. A steering committee interpreted and analysed the data. RESULTS: The maximum data set contained 245 variables. The three stages of voting commenced in October 2019 and had been completed by July 2020. The final primary ventral hernia data set included 32 variables, the incisional ventral hernia data set included 40 variables, the patient-reported outcome measures tool contained 25 questions, and 40 methodological criteria were chosen. The best known variable definitions were selected for accurate variable description. CT was selected as the optimal preoperative descriptor of hernia morphology. Standardized follow-up at 30 days, 1 year, and 5 years was selected. CONCLUSION: These minimum data sets, patient-reported outcome measures, and methodological criteria have allowed creation of a manual for investigators aiming to undertake primary ventral hernia or incisional ventral hernia interventional trials. Adopting these data sets will improve trial methods and comparisons

    Prolonged survival of patients with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation: the GELTAMO experience

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    Abstract OBJECTIVES: Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AIL) is a rare lymphoma with a poor prognosis and no standard treatment. Here, we report our experiences with 19 patients treated with high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (HDC/ASCT) within the GELTAMO co-operative group between 1992 and 2004. METHODS: The median age at transplantation was 46 yr. Fifteen patients underwent the procedure as front-line therapy and four patients as salvage therapy. Most patients received peripheral stem cells (90%) coupled with BEAM or BEAC as conditioning regimen (79%). RESULTS: A 79% of patients achieved complete response, 5% partial response and 16% failed the procedure. After a median follow-up of 25 months, eight patients died (seven of progressive disease and secondary neoplasia), while actuarial overall survival and progression-free survival at 3 yr was 60% and 55%. Prognostic factors associated with a poor outcome included bone marrow involvement, transplantation in refractory disease state, attributing more than one factor of the age-adjusted-International Prognostic Index, Pretransplant peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) Score or Prognostic Index for PTCL. CONCLUSIONS: More than half of the patients with AIL that display unfavourable prognostic factors at diagnosis or relapse would be expected to be alive and disease-free after 3 yr when treated with HDC/ASCT. Patients who are transplanted in a refractory disease state do not benefit from this procedure