27,493 research outputs found

    The lone parent pilots after 12 to 24 months: an impact assessment of in-work credit, work search premium, extended schools childcare, quarterly work focused interviews and new deal plus for lone parents

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    From April 2004, a set of Government policies designed to help lone parents into work have been piloted in various combinations in a number of Jobcentre Plus districts in Great Britain. The five policies are: In Work Credit (IWC), Work Search Premium (WSP), Extended Schools Childcare (ESC) and Childcare Tasters, Quarterly Work Focused Interviews (QWFIs) for lone parents whose youngest child is aged 12 or over in Local Education Authorities (LEAs) in which an ESC pilot is operating (ESQWFI), and New Deal Plus for Lone Parents (ND+fLP), hereafter collectively referred to as 'the lone parent pilots' (LPPs or 'the pilots'). The pilots were rolled out in four Phases, the first three of which are analysed in this report. This report estimates the impact of the LPPs on lone parents who have received Income Support (IS) or Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) for at least 12 months. It uses a difference-in-differences (DiD) estimator, and makes use of lone parents in districts not operating a pilot as a comparison group. The data covers the first 12 months (Phase 3 districts) to the first 24 months (Phase 1 districts) of the pilots' operation, and so should be seen as giving the early impacts. Impacts were estimated separately for the stock of lone parents who had been on benefit for at least 12 months when the pilots began, and the flow sample of lone parents whose claim of IS/JSA reached 12 months after the pilots began

    The Parasitoid Complex of Forest Tent Caterpillar, \u3ci\u3eMalacosoma Disstria\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), in Eastern Wyoming Shelterbelts

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    A parasitoid complex affecting the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria, was investigated during 1978-79 in shelterbelts in eastern Wyoming. Egg parasitoids included five species: Ablerus clisiocampae, Ooencyrtus clisiocampae, Telenomus clisiocampae, Tetrastichus sp. 1 and Telenomus sp. Thirteen hymenopterous species and five dipterous species were reared from larvae and pupae of the forest tent caterpillar. The most common 5th-instar larval parasitoids were the tachinid flies, Lespesia archippivora and Archytas lateralis. Of the pupal parasitoids reared, 640/0 were Diptera and 36% were Hymenoptera. Four previously unrecorded parasitoids of M. disstria were reared: Cotesia alalantae, Macrocentrus irridescens, Pimpla sanguinipes erythropus, and Lespesia flavifrons.

    Full-vector analysis of a realistic photonic crystal fiber

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    We analyze the guiding problem in a realistic photonic crystal fiber using a novel full-vector modal technique, a biorthogonal modal method based on the nonselfadjoint character of the electromagnetic propagation in a fiber. Dispersion curves of guided modes for different fiber structural parameters are calculated along with the 2D transverse intensity distribution of the fundamental mode. Our results match those achieved in recent experiments, where the feasibility of this type of fiber was shown.Comment: 3 figures, submitted to Optics Letter

    The Impact of an Innovative Human Resource Function on Firm Performance: the Moderating Role of Financing Strategy

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    The current study examined the impact of the human resource function and financing strategyon the financial performance of 104 UK manufacturing firms. Hypotheses are drawn from aresource-based perspective on human resource management and a financial theoryperspective on capital structure. Results show that an innovative HR function is significantlyrelated to economic performance. However, the relationship between an innovative HRfunction and economic performance was moderated by the firm¿s financing strategy. Firmsobtained higher returns from an innovative HR function when pursuing a low leveraging(debt) financing strategy, a finding consistent with modern finance theory notions that firmspecificstrategic assets provide greatest value when financed primarily through equity asopposed to debt.human resource function, manufacturing, firm performance, asset characteristics

    Hot entanglement in a simple dynamical model

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    How mixed can one component of a bi-partite system be initially and still become entangled through interaction with a thermalized partner? We address this question here. In particular, we consider the question of how mixed a two-level system and a field mode may be such that free entanglement arises in the course of the time evolution according to a Jaynes-Cummings type interaction. We investigate the situation for which the two-level system is initially in mixed state taken from a one-parameter set, whereas the field has been prepared in an arbitrary thermal state. Depending on the particular choice for the initial state and the initial temperature of the quantised field mode, three cases can be distinguished: (i) free entanglement will be created immediately, (ii) free entanglement will be generated, but only at a later time different from zero, (iii) the partial transpose of the joint state remains positive at all times. It will be demonstrated that increasing the initial temperature of the field mode may cause the joint state to become distillable during the time evolution, in contrast to a non-distillable state at lower initial temperatures. We further assess the generated entanglement quantitatively, by evaluating the logarithmic negativity numerically, and by providing an analytical upper bound.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the 'International Conference on Quantum Information', Oviedo, July 13-18, 2002. Discusses sudden changes of entanglement properties in a dynamical quantum mode

    Stem cell mechanobiology

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    Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are capable of proliferation, self-maintenance and differentiation towards specific cell phenotypes. These processes are controlled by a variety of cues including physicochemical factors associated with the specific mechanical environment in which the cells reside. The control of stem cell biology through mechanical factors remains poorly understood and is the focus of the developing field of mechanobiology. This review provides an insight into the current knowledge of the role of mechanical forces in the induction of differentiation of stem cells. While the details associated with individual studies are complex and typically associated with the stem cell type studied and model system adopted, certain key themes emerge. First, the differentiation process affects the mechanical properties of the cells and of specific subcellular components. Secondly, that stem cells are able to detect and respond to alterations in the stiffness of their surrounding microenvironment via induction of lineage-specific differentiation. Finally, the application of external mechanical forces to stem cells, transduced through a variety of mechanisms, can initiate and drive differentiation processes. The coalescence of these three key concepts permit the introduction of a new theory for the maintenance of stem cells and alternatively their differentiation via the concept of a stem cell 'mechano-niche', defined as a specific combination of cell mechanical properties, extracellular matrix stiffness and external mechanical cues conducive to the maintenance of the stem cell population.<br/

    An Economic analysis of the potential for precision farming in UK cereal production

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    The results from alternative spatial nitrogen application studies are analysed in economic terms and compared to the costs of precision farming hardware, software and other services for cereal crops in the UK. At current prices, the benefits of variable rate application of nitrogen exceed the returns from a uniform application by an average of £22 ha−1 The cost of the precision farming systems range from £5 to £18 ha−1 depending upon the system chosen for an area of 250 ha. The benefits outweigh the associated costs for cereal farms in excess of 80 ha for the lowest price system to 200–300 ha for the more sophisticated systems. The scale of benefits obtained depends upon the magnitude of the response to the treatment and the proportion of the field that will respond. To be cost effective, a farmed area of 250 ha of cereals, where 30% of the area will respond to variable treatment, requires an increase in crop yield in the responsive areas of between 0·25 and 1.00 t ha−1 (at £65 t−1) for the basic and most expensive precision farming systems, respectively

    Factors Affecting Farmers’ Utilization of Agricultural Risk Management Tools: The Case of Crop Insurance, Forward Contracting, and Spreading Sales

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    Factors affecting the adoption of crop insurance, forward contracting, and spreading sales are analyzed using multivariate and multinomial probit approaches that account for simultaneous adoption and/or correlation among the three risk management adoption decisions. Our empirical results suggest that the decision to adopt crop insurance, forward contracting, and/or spreading sales are correlated. Richer insights can be drawn from our multivariate and multinomial probit analysis than from separate, single-equation probit estimation that assumes independence of adoption decisions. Some factors significantly affecting the adoption of the risk management tools analyzed are proportion of owned acres, off-farm income, education, age, and level of business risks.adoption decisions, crop insurance, forward contracting, multinomial probit, multivariate probit, risk management, spreading sales, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Risk and Uncertainty, G22, Q12, Q18,