21,353 research outputs found

    Comparative Monte Carlo Efficiency by Monte Carlo Analysis

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    We propose a modified power method for computing the subdominant eigenvalue λ2\lambda_2 of a matrix or continuous operator. Here we focus on defining simple Monte Carlo methods for its application. The methods presented use random walkers of mixed signs to represent the subdominant eigenfuction. Accordingly, the methods must cancel these signs properly in order to sample this eigenfunction faithfully. We present a simple procedure to solve this sign problem and then test our Monte Carlo methods by computing the λ2\lambda_2 of various Markov chain transition matrices. We first computed λ2{\lambda_2} for several one and two dimensional Ising models, which have a discrete phase space, and compared the relative efficiencies of the Metropolis and heat-bath algorithms as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field. Next, we computed λ2\lambda_2 for a model of an interacting gas trapped by a harmonic potential, which has a mutidimensional continuous phase space, and studied the efficiency of the Metropolis algorithm as a function of temperature and the maximum allowable step size Δ\Delta. Based on the λ2\lambda_2 criterion, we found for the Ising models that small lattices appear to give an adequate picture of comparative efficiency and that the heat-bath algorithm is more efficient than the Metropolis algorithm only at low temperatures where both algorithms are inefficient. For the harmonic trap problem, we found that the traditional rule-of-thumb of adjusting Δ\Delta so the Metropolis acceptance rate is around 50% range is often sub-optimal. In general, as a function of temperature or Δ\Delta, λ2\lambda_2 for this model displayed trends defining optimal efficiency that the acceptance ratio does not. The cases studied also suggested that Monte Carlo simulations for a continuum model are likely more efficient than those for a discretized version of the model.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Phase Diagrams For The Blue Phases Of Highly Chiral Liquid Crystals

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    Polarizing microscopy and optical-activity measurements are used to determine the phase diagram for the blue phases of chiral-racemic mixtures of terephthaloyloxy-bis-4-(2\u27-methylbutyl) benzoate. Contrary to an earlier report, it is the second blue phase (BP II) rather than the first blue phase (BP 1) that is not stable relative to the other blue phases at high chirality. With this development, all phase diagrams for the blue phases reported to date have the same topology. Using similar data for two other highly chiral systems, it is found that a simple scaling of the temperature and chiral-fraction axes produces phase diagrams in quantitative agreement with the present results. Thus, in spite of differences in molecular structure, the number of chiral centers, and phase-transition temperatures, these three systems possess remarkably similar phase diagrams and lend evidence for a universal phase diagram for the blue phases

    Rovibrational Resonance Effects In Collision-Induced Electronic Energy Transfer: I2(E,v=0-2)+CF4

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    Collisions of I-2 in the E(0(g)(+)) electronic state with CF4 molecules induce electronic energy transfer to the nearby D, beta, and D-\u27 ion-pair states. Simulations of dispersed fluorescence spectra reveal collision-induced electronic energy transfer rate constants and final vibrational state distributions within each final electronic state. In comparison with earlier reports on I-2(upsilon(E)=0-2) collisions with He or Ar atoms, we find markedly different dynamics when I-2, excited to the same rovibronic states, collides with CF4. Final vibrational state distributions agree with the associated Franck-Condon factors with the initially prepared state to a greater degree than those found with He or Ar collision partners and suggest that internal degrees of freedom in the CF4 molecule represent a substantial means for accepting the accompanying loss of I-2 vibronic energy. Comparison of the E -\u3e D transfer of I-2 excited to the J=23 and J=55 levels of the upsilon(E)=0 state reveals the onset of specific, nonstatistical dynamics as the available energy is increased above the threshold for excitation of the low frequency nu(2) bending mode of CF4. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Fundamental properties and applications of quasi-local black hole horizons

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    The traditional description of black holes in terms of event horizons is inadequate for many physical applications, especially when studying black holes in non-stationary spacetimes. In these cases, it is often more useful to use the quasi-local notions of trapped and marginally trapped surfaces, which lead naturally to the framework of trapping, isolated, and dynamical horizons. This framework allows us to analyze diverse facets of black holes in a unified manner and to significantly generalize several results in black hole physics. It also leads to a number of applications in mathematical general relativity, numerical relativity, astrophysics, and quantum gravity. In this review, I will discuss the basic ideas and recent developments in this framework, and summarize some of its applications with an emphasis on numerical relativity.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Based on a talk presented at the 18th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, 8-13 July 2007, Sydney, Australi

    Insulin resistance for glucose metabolism in disused soleus muscle of mice

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    Results of this study on mice provide the first direct evidence of insulin resistance for glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle that has undergone a previous period of reduced muscle usage. This lack of responsiveness to insulin developed in one day and in the presence of hypoinsulinemia. Future studies will utilize the model of hindlimb immobilization to determine the causes of these changes

    Randomised positive control trial of NSAID and antimicrobial treatment for calf fever caused by pneumonia

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    One hundred and fifty-four preweaning calves were followed between May and October 2015. Calves were fitted with continuous monitoring temperature probes (TempVerified FeverTag), programmed so a flashing light emitting diode (LED) light was triggered following six hours of a sustained ear canal temperature of ≥39.7°C. A total of 83 calves (61.9 per cent) developed undifferentiated fever, with a presumptive diagnosis of pneumonia through exclusion of other calf diseases. Once fever was detected, calves were randomly allocated to treatment groups. Calves in group 1 (NSAID) received 2 mg/kg flunixin meglumine (Allevinix, Merial) for three consecutive days and group 2 (antimicrobial) received 6 mg/kg gamithromycin (Zactran, Merial). If fever persisted for 72 hours after the initial treatment, calves were given further treatment (group 1 received antimicrobial and group 2 received NSAID). Calves in group 1 (NSAID) were five times more likely (P=0.002) to require a second treatment (the antimicrobial) after 72 hours to resolve the fever compared with the need to give group 2 (antimicrobial) calves a second treatment (NSAID). This demonstrates the importance of ongoing monitoring and follow-up of calves with respiratory disease. However, of calves with fever in group 1 (NSAID), 25.7 per cent showed resolution following NSAID-only treatment with no detrimental effect on the development of repeated fever or daily live weight gain. This suggests that NSAID alone may be a useful first-line treatment, provided adequate attention is given to ongoing monitoring to identify those cases that require additional antimicrobial treatment

    Union membership and charitable giving in the United States

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    Using U.S. panel data from 2001-2011, the authors examine general differences in charitable giving between union members, free-riders, and the nonunionized. Results indicate that union members are more likely to give and to give more to charity relative to the nonunionized, whereas free-riders are the least generous. Similar effects are found when examining the question of who joins a union or who becomes a free-rider: joining a union positively affects charitable giving, while becoming a free-rider makes individuals' behavior less charitable. Evidence also suggests that the positive effect of union membership on giving does not diminish over time. Taken together, these results provide new evidence that union membership generates civic engagement in the form of charitable behavior; results also suggest the need to further investigate the civic behavior of free-riders

    Laser-Doppler gas-velocity instrument

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    Three-D instrument using a laser light source measures both turbulence and mean velocity of subsonic and supersonic gas flows. This instrument is based on the measurement of the Doppler frequency shift of light waves scattered by moving particles in the gas stream
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